Prince William and Kate Middleton Eaten by Zombies at Royal Wedding in Binary Space's Game, Class 3 Outbreak
Westminster Abbey, United Kingdom. Binary Space have just released their spin on the Royal Wedding using their game, Class 3 Outbreak to simulate a zombie outbreak during the wedding ceremony. William and Kate are shown standing outside the Abbey, surrounded by onlookers, and appear to be unaware of the oncoming zombie hordes. - April 27, 2011
Class 3 Zombie Outbreak Infects Google Maps(R)
Australian indie game developer, Binary Space releases "Class 3 Outbreak" (C3O), a real time strategy zombie game running on Google Maps(R). C3O gives players the impossible task of holding back waves of zombies with a hopelessly outnumbered police force. Stamp out infections as they... - April 06, 2010
Zombies Infect Google MapsⓇ
Flash game developer, Binary Space releases "Zombie Outbreak Simulator" (ZOS), a sandbox application running on Google MapsⓇ. ZOS allows players to unleash waves of zombies on the unsuspecting people of Washington DC. - November 22, 2009