Visual Records Develops Android Mobile Application for Health Diary Tracking
Visual Records develops an Android mobile application to track health progress and status called VR Health Diary. - July 15, 2010
Visual Records Develops Android Mobile Application for Personal Athletic Event Tracking
Visual Records has developed an Android application called VR Athlete Tracker, which tracks various details of their personal athletic events such as date, player, sport, description and game details. - June 23, 2010
Visual Records Develops Android Mobile Application for Mileage Tracking
Visual Records, known for developing custom software products, has now started to develop mobile applications using the Android OS (Operating System). Their first mobile application is called VR Mileage Tracker, which tracks mileage information. - May 22, 2010
Visual Records' Enterprise Reporting Module Helps Kaiser Permanente Managers Manage Global and Regional Productivity
Visual Records is working with Kaiser Permanente to develop enterprise reports through their Enterprise Reporting Module to track global and regional productivity, manage monthly trends and allocation of resources. The module is an add-on to their Release of Information (ROI) software product, MedCorr, which Kaiser facilities have been using for several years. - February 08, 2010