Free Webinar on E-Books for E-Commerce Marketing: March 9th 1:00PM EST to 2:00PM EST
Electronic books or e-books are extremely versatile marketing tools that can be used in a variety of ways to market and promote an online business or service. They can be used to provide visitors with more information about a business; attract traffic; build e-commerce credibility as an expert; gain additional readership through e-readers; and help sell product or services. This free webinar through Intuit on e-books is offered March 9th at 1:00pm EST. - February 18, 2010
New Book Highlights 199 Niches for Successful Online Businesses: Tips on How to Start an Internet Business
"199 Internet-Based Businesses You Can Start with Less Than One Thousand Dollars: Secrets, Techniques, and Strategies" by Sharon L. Cohen is available. Provides all info on a successful online business plus niche ideas galore. 20 Case Studies. - February 10, 2010
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