Strattoos Guitar Tattoos - Renaming Success
Strattoos Guitar Tattoos™ announces that it will likely be changing its company's name in the near future. The company does not expect the change to have a negative impact on business. Chicago-based Strattoos Guitar Tattoos has been gaining quite a bit of traction within the guitar community... - February 06, 2012
Transform Your Guitar Into a Work of Art
Strattoos Guitar Tattoos is creating a lot of buzz amongst the guitar community with a new product that is not only turning heads but also turning sales. Since the company launched the new product in May of 2010, several dealers across the country are now carrying the full-line of fully removable, non-adhesives tattoos. - December 01, 2010
Strattoos Guitar Tattoos Capitalizes on America's Craze for Tattoos with a New Product That Allows Guitar Players to Tattoo Their Guitar Without Damaging the Finish
Thirty-six percent of those ages 18 to 25, and forty percent of those ages 26 to 40, have at least one tattoo, according to a survey by the Pew Research Center. With the increasing prominence of tattoos, especially amongst musicians, Strattoos Guitar Tattoos unveils it's own line of fully-removable tattoos made exclusively for both acoustic and electric guitars. - July 10, 2010