Who is Ready to Cancel the Holidays? A Practical Planner Will Help Burdened Moms Find Their Reason for the Holiday Season.

A new book makes it easy for people, especially over-extended moms, to find and remember their joy of the season whether they are celebrating Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Diwali, Eid al-Adha, Dia de los Muertos or just family sharing. The GUIDED Holiday Plan™ is an organizer to help busy parents stay on top of the festivities and save money in the process. - November 04, 2012

Guided Business Plan Launches Entre Series: Network, Plan & Take Action in Response to New Federal Legislation to Fund Small Businesses

Entrepreneurs will congregate on October 19, 2010 at the Doubletree Hotel in Orange, CA to strategize and prepare their business to take advantage of the Small Business Jobs Act recently passed by the Obama administration. Entrepreneur-education firm Guided Business Plan is sponsoring Entre Series to encourage the entrepreneurial community to create action plans in the areas of product launch, corporate procurement and export financing. - October 14, 2010

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