Massive Fraud of Christopher Columbus Legend Exposed by Doctoral Investigation

Massive Fraud of Christopher Columbus Legend Exposed by Doctoral Investigation

Lecture Scheduled to present evidence of fraud after a landmark investigation into the history of Christopher Columbus. The important findings were revealed in Dr. Manuel Rosa's doctoral dissertation and point to the falsity of the established stories about the navigator's Genoese origins, as well as the latest attempt to implement a false theory that Columbus was a Sephardic Jew. - March 25, 2025

Claims of Fraud and Forgeries May Debunk 500 Years of Christopher Columbus History

Claims of Fraud and Forgeries May Debunk 500 Years of Christopher Columbus History

With Columbus Day just around the corner, Italians may wish to reconsider their annual street parades. The Italian Christopher Columbus may have been debunked and dethroned in a new doctoral dissertation titled "COLUMBUS versus COLÓN: The weaver from Italy was not the navigator from Spain," being released this October 10, 2024. - October 01, 2024

New Research Doubts Columbus’ Italian Citizenship

New Research Doubts Columbus’ Italian Citizenship

Newly published research aims to validate Columbus as a blue-blood descendant of Slavic Royalty, not Italian. - November 22, 2019

Who Was Christopher Columbus? Experts Near Astonishing Consensus

Who Was Christopher Columbus? Experts Near Astonishing Consensus

Twenty specialists from Europe and America will gather in Lisbon this week. They believe it's time to conclusively validate their decades of research into the origins and the role of history's most famous navigator. Though important questions remain unanswered, the wide-ranging body of facts and inferences that's been assembled appears sufficient to demolish a long-established mythology surrounding Columbus. - March 06, 2018

Researcher Again Puts in Question Christopher Columbus History

Researcher Again Puts in Question Christopher Columbus History

A specialist on the life of Christopher Columbus is again casting doubt on the traditional account of the great navigator’s life and deeds by unveiling a painting of Fort Navidad - the first settlement in the New World - at Potomac State College of West Virginia University. - October 06, 2017

The Enigmatic "Christopher Columbus" Now Conclusively Identified, Finds Association Cristovao Colon

The Enigmatic "Christopher Columbus" Now Conclusively Identified, Finds Association Cristovao Colon

Recently established facts about his origins and accomplishments prove that truth can indeed be stranger than fiction. - May 16, 2016

Christopher Columbus History is a Monumental Fraud, According to New Evidence by Historian

Christopher Columbus History is a Monumental Fraud, According to New Evidence by Historian

As Columbus Day nears, millions of school children around the world will be told the timeless story of Christopher Columbus as a fearless Italian explorer who discovered America. According to one researcher, what they, and many others do not know, is that they are being fed a huge lie. - October 05, 2015

Christopher Columbus Was Not Italian Claims Association Cristovao Colon

Christopher Columbus Was Not Italian Claims Association Cristovao Colon

Italians have long claimed Christopher Columbus as one of their own, but the discoverer's origins were always shrouded in mystery and censorship, now we may have discovered why all the secrecy: Columbus was the secret son of a king in hiding. - October 07, 2014

Historian Manuel Rosa Claims Haitian Shipwreck is Not Columbus’s Santa Maria

Historian Manuel Rosa Claims Haitian Shipwreck is Not Columbus’s Santa Maria

New claims that the shipwreck found off the Northern coast of Haiti is Columbus’s famous Santa Maria flagship are allegedly not accurate according to the documentation. - June 08, 2014

Christopher Columbus's Controversial Identity Revealed Columbus Day in New York City

Christopher Columbus's Controversial Identity Revealed Columbus Day in New York City

Upcoming Columbus Day lecture at New York's Kosciuszko Foundation claims to expose "censorship, invention and mysteries" in the long contentious history of Christopher Columbus. Was Christopher Columbus the secret Portuguese son of an exiled Polish King? - September 26, 2013

Historian to Reveal Columbus Identity at Chicago’s Copernicus Center

Historian to Reveal Columbus Identity at Chicago’s Copernicus Center

History of America's Discovery turned upside-down by new research: Columbus was not Italian and didn't discover America. Columbus's voyage was a political plot planned by Portugal and meant to deceive the Spanish Queen Isabel, sworn enemy of King John II of Portugal, whom she had tried to assassinate in 1484, as exposed in a new Polish language book, KOLUMB. Historia Nieznana, (COLUMBUS. Unknown History). - November 09, 2012

Christopher Columbus' Secret Identity Allegedly Uncovered by Historian

Christopher Columbus' Secret Identity Allegedly Uncovered by Historian

Historian presents new documents about Columbus that for 500 years had been overlooked by historians all over the world - September 05, 2012

Academics Now Claim Columbus Was "Portuguese-Born" Polish Prince

Academics Now Claim Columbus Was "Portuguese-Born" Polish Prince

First Christopher Columbus was an Italian wool-weaver. Then some claimed Christopher Columbus was a Jew. Now the Christopher Columbus controversy reached its tipping point with the publication of "Kolumb. Historia nieznana" in Poland. - May 30, 2012

Christopher Columbus Book Becomes Overnight Sensation in Poland

Christopher Columbus Book Becomes Overnight Sensation in Poland

"Kolumb. Historia nieznana" (Columbus. Unknown History) published by REBIS in Poland is Manuel Rosa’s fourth biography book on Christopher Columbus and it is taking Poland by storm, it is all the buzz on the Polish internet discussions. - May 15, 2012

Christopher Columbus History Turned Upside-Down by New Polish Biography

Christopher Columbus History Turned Upside-Down by New Polish Biography

Book claims that a conspiracy to hide the royal origins of Christopher Columbus and to protect the identity of his father was agreed to by several European courts of the 15th Century. - April 20, 2012

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