FIGS Market Voted Best Vegetarian Restaurant
Cary Magazine’s Maggy Awards Recognizes FIGS Market For Vegetarian Cuisine. - February 08, 2006
FIGS Market Receives Award For Best Signature Sandwich
Cary Magazine’s Maggy Awards recognizes FIGS Market for Best Signature Sandwich. - January 18, 2006
FIGS Market Hosts Tapas Style Wine Dinner
Gourmet Food Market to hold festive event January 15. - January 13, 2006
FIGS Market Voted “Best Kept Secret”
Cary Magazine’s Maggy Awards recognizes FIGS Market as “Best Kept Secret.” - December 28, 2005
FIGS Market Voted Best New Restaurant
Cary Magazine’s Maggy Awards Recognizes FIGS Market As Best New Restaurant. - December 07, 2005
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