Why do Only 8% of People Keep New Year's Resolutions? Free Interactive Event by Comedian Wali Collins Shows You How to Stick to Your Resolutions
Do you achieve your New Year's resolutions? 92% of people never do. How do the successful 8% do it? Learn how in a free, online interactive event "How To Make Resolutions That Stick" with author and comedian Wali Collins. Jan 8, 2014 at 8:30PM EST at http://shindig.com/event/resolutions. - January 08, 2014
Lost at the Mall? Talk to Children About What to do if They Get Separated While Holiday Shopping.
If a young child gets lost at the shopping mall, would he or she know what to do? Children’s book author and illustrator Chris Marsh addresses the subject in his new picture book “Zips Goes Wandering” from Booktrope now available for iPad at the Apple iBookstore. - December 10, 2013
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