Pharma Anti- Counterfeiting 2012 by Virtue Insight Ltd on 18th October 2012, UK
Virtue Insight Ltd is pleased to announce “Pharma Anti- Counterfeiting 2012 – Competences to Combat Counterfeits in EU & USA” on 18th October 2012 at Marriott Marble Arch Hotel, London, UK. Visit: This... - September 21, 2012
The Wimax 2010
Virtue Insight, proudly presents one of the most talked of rising technologies of the recent times, the WiMAX. - April 16, 2010
Conference on Wimax 2010 by Virtue Insight
The one day conference will have the top decision makers from the industry collaborating to assess the Strategies, Business Model Re-engineering and Opportunities for WiMAX development. The WiMAX 2010 serves as a catalyst and an eye-opener for creating and setting directions to the future of the technology. - March 20, 2010
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