EntreWiki Launched, a New Web 2.0 Directory of Business Ideas
The EntreWiki is a new Web 2.0 Directory of Business Ideas where entrepreneurs and companies can advertise their businesses such as a franchise, business plan, start-up business, or any business that can help someone to start a new business. - November 25, 2007
One Buck Wiki Goes Buck Wild with Internet Real Estate Since Its Launch One Month Ago
Zedomax Network, a Web2.0 company based out of San Francisco, has launched the One Buck Wiki on October 12th, 2007. The One Buck Wiki seems to have exploded the internet market, with some users buying up a whole category of words such as continents. A total of 1407 pages have been bought since its launch. - November 13, 2007
One Buck Wiki Sells Over 1000 Web Pages in Just 11 Days Since Its Launch
Zedomax Network, a San Francisco-based Web2.0 company, has launched a new website called OneBuckWiki.com on October 12th. Users can buy a web page for only ten dollars guaranteed for at least 15 years. There is a strong buzz among bloggers and eBay users that the One Buck Wiki might be the next... - October 26, 2007