BCS Overland Park/Leawood Kansas Says That (STEM) Related Jobs Now Account for More Than 10% of All Jobs in the U.S.
According to BCS, "No matter how qualified you are, finding the right job is still a challenge. STEM job applicants know what they are capable of but typically are not good at marketing their skills and sometimes take longer to land than they should." - February 05, 2016
BCS Overland Park Says That the Kansas City Job Market Continues to See a Steady Increase
Some of the most active hiring came from industries such as health care, financial services and information technology. Approximately three quarters of the positions were obtained through small and medium size companies based on statistics from the Overland Park office. - February 02, 2016
BCS Overland Park Discusses Effective Networking Techniques
BCS Overland Park says that job hunters who are networking should remember several key things in order to bring their search to a successful conclusion. Successful job seekers measure their effectiveness by the number of meetings they are getting with key level decision makers. They should focus... - September 19, 2015
BCS Overland Park Discusses Job Hunting in Today's Economy
BCS Overland Park says that job hunting in a changing economy is a continuous process and requires job seekers to always be aware of market conditions both in and outside of the current industry employed in. Transferable skills and accomplishments need to be identified in order to penetrate... - September 19, 2015
BCS Overland Park, KS Says There Are Several Things Job Seekers Can Do to Ease the Stress
BCS Overland Park, KS says there are several things job seekers can do to ease the stress of the job search while speeding the process along. One rule of thumb says that it will take one month of job searching for every $10,000 of salary that you were earning; if you were making $70,000 it will... - August 14, 2015
BCS Overland Park Announces That Web Portfolios Are Now Available
BCS Overland Park announces that Web Portfolios are now available to work across all mobile platforms including smart phones and tablets. - July 25, 2015