"Change is Easy Once You Really Want It" Article Released by Author Frances Lewis for Your Best Weight Loss Site
In this short, uplifting article the author examines change and how it can impact a person's health. She discusses how to easily exchange unhealthy habits for healthier ones. Worth the read if a change your lifestyle, diet, or weight is in order. - February 28, 2008
"Could an Overweight Candidate be Elected President?" Article Released by Author Frances Lewis for Your Best Weight Loss Site
This short article examines the link between image and perception versus reality and message in the race for the White House. The author poses the question of whether or not an obese person could become President and how the American public might respond to it. - February 23, 2008
"The Fatal Three – Salt, Body Mass Index, and High Blood Pressure" Article Released by Author Frances Lewis for Your Best Weight Loss Site
The link between obesity and Hypertension is discussed in this article found on Your Best Weight Loss Site, an educational blog about health and weight loss. The statistics show that one in three American adults have high blood pressure and about 30% are not aware of it. - February 22, 2008
"How Many Overweight People Do You See in Commercials" Article Released by Author Frances Lewis for Your Best Weight Loss Site
This short article examines the subliminal message portrayed on TV of thin versus overweight people. It also outlines strategies to help change old diet habits into new healthy ones. The author looks at weight loss, exercise, and nutrition. - February 22, 2008
"The Link Between Obesity and Diabetes" Article Released by Author Frances Lewis for Your Best Weight Loss Site
The link between obesity and Diabetes is discussed in this article found on Your Best Weight Loss Site, an educational blog about health and weight loss. The statistics show that one out of every three persons born in the United States is at risk for developing this disease. - February 21, 2008
"Lose Your Weight or Lose Your Life" Article Released
Frances Lewis is a 30+-year veteran of the health services business. Frances has always had a passion for teaching and education. She helps others to gain control of their health and their weight. Her article, "Lose Your Weight Or Lose Your Life" is now available. - February 16, 2008