ASI Extreme Loading for Structures Software and Services Gain Department of Homeland Security SAFETY Act Designation
Applied Science International’s Extreme Loading for Structures (ELS) technology and consulting services have just been assigned the Department of Homeland Security’s SAFETY Act Designation for Anti-Terrorism. - July 31, 2008
Criss Angel Mindfreak: Building Implosion Escape
“Extreme Loading® technology used to predict the collapse of Spyglass Resort in a Criss Angel Mindfreak episode.” - July 25, 2008
ASI’s Extreme Loading® Technology Allays Implosion Concerns
Extreme Loading® Technology was used to predict the collapse of St. Francis Hospital scheduled for demolition in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania last weekend. The building’s demise was historic to that locale, but for Applied Science International (ASI), the hallmark event is about the technology that showed the public what would happen beforehand – a new structural analysis technology now available to practicing engineers internationally. - March 27, 2008