Reduce Overcrowding in Emergency Rooms with ED Simulation
The latest release of ED Simulation - the premier Emergency Department Workflow Simulation application - features a new user interface and added functionality including physician efficiency & scheduling, effects of overcrowding on EMS availability, and loss of revenue due to diversion or patient LWBS. - December 09, 2008
New and Easier Simulation Software Reduces Call Center Complexity and Cost
The latest release of SimzCC features a new user interface and added functionality allowing quicker and easier analysis of staffing, routing and prioritization decisions. SimzCC supports multiple media types such as inbound and outbound calls, emails, instant messages, voicemail, and automated callbacks. - December 08, 2008
New Simulation Software Application Targets Emergency Department Waiting Times
Emergency Departments, globally, are overcrowded. SimZ Simplified introduces ED Simulation,, a desktop application designed specifically for quickly predicting the effects of changes in MD staffing, arrivals, bed availability, and disposition type on patient waiting times. - April 07, 2008