Author G.E.Pepall Tells the How and Why of Life - (of the Myriad of Lives, Only One is Here - and the Word "God" is Inhibiting)

A new book titled "It's About You" (ISBN 978-1-8479950-0-1) breaks new ground to explore the physical and spiritual nature of "reality." Found on Bookfinders4U, available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and published and sold by, this fascinating book also offers an original reason for the existence of the self-aware individual and ego - to create so-called "reality" and thereby allow the development of what are currently regarded as "moralities" through our lives on this level. - July 07, 2008

Author Says There is Only One Person Here...

In his first book author Graham E. Pepall gives a valid reason for life and explains the real purpose of all self aware creatures. - May 03, 2008

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