Entrepreneurs to Get Free Start-Up Money Advice This Fourth
Mr. Info - Matthew Lesko is throwing a Fourth of July party in cyberspace this year, dropping the normal entrance fees for anyone using his website http://www.myamericanbenefitsplan.com/mentor.php to gather information about finding money to launch a new entrepreneurial enterprise. - July 04, 2009
New Media Service Tracks Stimulus Incentives, Government Programs
Up-to-the-minute news on President Obama’s economic stimulus package became easier today with the launch of American Benefits News, a free media service sponsored by Information USA. - May 31, 2009
Uncle Sam’s Money Vault Open to All July Fourth
In honor of Independence Day, best-selling author, Matthew Lesko is inviting everyone to join him online July Fourth at www.UncleSamLive.com when he hosts his first National Treasure Hunt, answering any and all questions about finding financial independence using government programs. - June 05, 2008