Mugasha Launches Online Electronic Music Service

Electronic music site, has officially launched to the public today, August 20th, 2009. All of the music is now open for anyone to listen and is completely free. Mugasha is an online music service that gives users an easy way to listen to electronic music podcasts and long music sets from World Famous DJs. They “chop up” the sets to enable users to easily skip and browse through the songs in each set. - August 22, 2009

Mugasha Selected as SXSW Accelerator Finalist

Electronic music site, has been selected as a finalist in the Online Music category for the SXSW Accelerator program during the SXSW Interactive Festival. CEO, Akshay Dodeja, will be presenting Mugasha during the Accelerator event on March 16th in Austin, Texas. The SXSW Conference has... - February 15, 2009

Electronic Music Site, Mugasha, Launches Private Beta

Electronic music website,, announced last Wednesday that they were launching into Private Beta. The announcement came after co-founder Akshay Dodeja gave a demo of the site to a full audience at Portland Web Innovators' Demolicious event. During the demo, Dodeja explained the... - January 16, 2009

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