NOW Identifies Murder of Dr. George Tiller as Domestic Terrorism, Calls for Action from Justice Department and Homeland Security

NOW President Kim Gandy said, "Women across the country have lost a champion today. The cold-blooded murder of Dr. George Tiller this morning in church is a stark reminder that women's bodies are still a battleground, and health care professionals are on the frontlines." - June 02, 2009

Rihanna Assault Calls Attention to Violence Against Women

The recent arrest of R&B star Chris Brown, who reportedly assaulted and threatened singer Rihanna, has brought the issue of violence against women into the public spotlight again. "The sad reality is that domestic violence and dating violence happen every day, even among young teens, and the impact is both far-reaching and under-reported," said Gandy. - February 11, 2009

NOW Urges Nomination of Sen. Debbie Stabenow as Secretary of Health and Human Services

With the withdrawal of Sen. Tom Daschle from consideration, the National Organization for Women urges President Barack Obama to nominate another strong and consistent advocate for universal health care to the position of Health and Human Services Secretary. Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.) has long... - February 05, 2009

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