Rockstar Billionaire Couture - Leon Verres' Unmatched Luxury Streetwear Collection
Leon Verres is one of the outstanding designers of our time, boss of a continuously growing luxury product empire and the creator of the worldwide celebrated “Le Billionaire Champagne,” the most expensive and most luxurious champagne of all times. - April 22, 2010
2,75 Mio. Dollar - World Record: Leon Verres Launches the World´s Most Expensive and Luxurious Champagne of All Times
The Leon Verres Luxury Group is proud to announce the world´s most expensive and luxurious Champagne of all times - created by Leon Verres, the new superstar in luxurious-lifestyle, on his road to eternity. Discover a magnificent Champagne beyond all expectations. A new legend is born: “Le Billionaire Champagne.” - April 08, 2009
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