New Mercedes Benz S-Class Executive Limousines Are Now Available
Two New Models of Mercedes Benz Limousines are now available from LimousinesWorld: the Mercedes S550 30” (+75 cm) VIP and the Mercedes S550 Pullman 46” (+115 cm). Experience all of the refined richness and sleek style of Mercedes while traveling in the highest degree of comfort. - February 24, 2011
Now Available: the New CEO Executive Mobile Office SUV
A new model of the SUV Mobile Office has been released: The CEO Executive Mobile Office SUV. This is the new High Tech Office on Wheels of the 21st Century. - January 28, 2010
New Type of Executive Luxury Car is Now Available
The new type of Executive Car is now available: Users can now have their private office inside their car, with desks installed, use the internet, work on their laptop, enjoy drinks from the bar, watch TV and DVD, communicate in pure comfort as if in their office. - April 22, 2009