Susan Dench/Muddy Dog Media

Susan Dench/Muddy Dog Media


Making a Love Connection: Creating Passion Where Client Meets Brand

Making a Love Connection: Creating Passion Where Client Meets Brand


Coming soon: Love can be so fickle. Your relationship with your clients will happen as all relationships do, in stages: Meeting (making a good first impression), dating (getting more information),...

The Lifeguard Personal Information Organization System

The Lifeguard Personal Information Organization System


The LifeGuard™ is the most comprehensive living personal information organization system available to gather your critical financial and personal information in one easy-to-access location.

The Responsibility Rules: Living a Self-Disciplined Life in a Self-Entitled World

The Responsibility Rules: Living a Self-Disciplined Life in a Self-Entitled World


Susan Dench has had it with “victims” who play the “Blame Game!” You are responsible for your situation and you are not entitled to anything you haven’t earned.

The Responsibility Rules: Living A Self-Disciplined Life in a Self-Entitled World

The Responsibility Rules: Living A Self-Disciplined Life in a Self-Entitled World


Susan Dench has had it with “victims” who play the “Blame Game!” You are responsible for your situation and you are not entitled to anything you haven’t earned.

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