Addiction News

Breaking news about addiction therapies, counseling and rehabilitation services, events, resources, announcements, technology and products designed for all those affected by addiction and involved in treatment. This section covers addiction to substances and activities such as alcohol, drugs, sex and gambling that cause substantial harm to individuals as a result of repeated involvement.

NAMED’s Dr. Keith Kantor Named National Spokesperson for Optimal Harmony Water Company (AQUA-OH!)

Dr. Kantor Will Appear In All Online, Print, and Broadcast Promotional Material for Company - September 16, 2016 - NAMED

2016 Summer Pinnacle Book Achievement Awards

2016 Summer Pinnacle Book Achievement Awards

Announcing The 2016 Summer Pinnacle Book Achievement Awards - September 15, 2016 - NABE (North American Bookdealers Exchange)

First Annual Alpharetta/Johns Creek Community Health Day to be Held on September 17th at DecisionPoint Wellness

Proceeds Will Go to Bert’s Big Adventure - August 27, 2016 - DecisionPoint Wellness

Recovery Ranch Now Offering Youth Program for Teenage Boys Ages 14-17

Recovery Ranch Structured Sober Living for Men is proud to announce it now has expanded its services to include a program for teenage boys. - August 13, 2016 - Recovery Ranch

C Joy Films Announces a National Recovery Month Special for Their Award-Winning Feature Film, Grace.

“Grace.” will be offered as a multimedia group curriculum and DVD set at a special discounted price through the end of September in support of National Recovery Month. On-line streaming and individual DVDs will also be discounted and available exclusively through their website at - August 13, 2016 - C Joy Films

NAMED Founder and CEO Dr. Keith Kantor Named to an Exclusive Position on the Expert Panel for

ConsumerHealthDigestcom Is Premier Source For Health Information - August 12, 2016 - NAMED

Physician’s New Book Provides Hope for Dealing with Addiction

Dog Ear Publishing reviews a new concise guide that details the treatment of addiction for patients, families and providers and the underlying mechanics behind addiction. - August 10, 2016 - Dog Ear Publishing

Drug-Free Tennessee Educating Youth and Neighbors at National Night Out Against Crime

Drug-Free Tennessee participates each year in National Night Out Against Crime by distributing the Truth About Drugs booklets to neighbors. - August 05, 2016 - Drug Free South

The Truth About Drugs - Giving People the Chance to Make Informed Choices

Volunteers from Drug-Free World South West provide public with the truth about drugs. - August 03, 2016 - Foundation for a Drug Free World

NAMED Forms Strategic Alliance with NatraTech, LLC

NatraTech Also to Serve as the Exclusive National Retailer Distributor of AQUA OH-! - July 22, 2016 - NAMED

DecisionPoint Wellness Launches Heroin Education and Recovery Optimization (H.E.R.O) Program

H.E.R.O Program, an Innovative Outpatient Treatment Program for Those Who Seek Abstinence from Heroin and Opiates - July 12, 2016 - DecisionPoint Wellness

Drug-Free South Hitting the Streets of Downtown Nashville with Truth

Drug-Free South made a splash in Music City by distributing The Truth About Marijuana this past weekend to hundreds of country music fans outside the CMA Music Festival. - June 17, 2016 - Drug Free South

NAMED Sees Strong Growth in Working with Mental Health Professionals

Program Seeks Medical Professionals to Work with NAMED Nationwide - June 02, 2016 - NAMED

Dr. Keith Kantor, Founder of NAMED Speaks at The Georgia NAMI State Conference and Membership Meeting to Strong Response

Therapists Now Using NAMED in Their Treatment Programs. - May 05, 2016 - NAMED

Young People In Recovery Names NAMED as Strategic Resource

Young People In Recovery Was Recognized by President Obama in Combatting Drug and Substance Abuse - May 01, 2016 - NAMED

NAMED Forms Strategic Collaboration with Dr. Jay Faber

Dr. Faber is Author of "ESCAPE - Rehab Your Brain to Stay Out of the Legal System." - April 27, 2016 - NAMED

Scientologist Team Up with Experts and Social Leaders to Say No To Drugs

Scientologist Team Up with Experts and Social Leaders to Say No To Drugs

In commemoration of World Health Day, Mexican Scientologists opened the doors of their mega-church, located in the center of Mexico City, where both community members and leaders of different social sectors gathered to discuss current health issues related to the consumption of drugs, and declared a resounding "Say No to drugs, Say Yes to Life." - April 15, 2016 - Church of Scientology International

Mr. James A. Greer Elected to National Board of Directors

Mr. James A. Greer Elected to National Board of Directors

Accredited Drug Testing Inc. announced the election of Mr. James A. Greer, to a three-year term as a member of the Drug and Alcohol Testing Association’s national board of directors. Mr. Greer currently serves as the President/CEO of Accredited Drug Testing Inc. and Health Screenings USA... - April 12, 2016 - Accredited Drug Testing Inc

Dr. Keith Kantor, CEO and Founder of NAMED Elected to NAMI Board of Directors

NAMED and NAMI Have the Same Mission. - April 08, 2016 - NAMED

NAMED Forms Strategic Partnership with Beacon Counseling

Will Provide NAMED Menus to Beacon Counseling Patients - April 06, 2016 - NAMED

Teen-Anon Project of Streetcats Foundation Publishes Unique New Books to Help Teens and Families with Substance Abuse Recovery

Teen-Anon, the only national 12-step fellowship for teens, has released unique and needed new books for teens and their families to recover from substance abuse and for those who would like to lead a Teen-Anon 12 Step Group. - March 10, 2016 - Streetcats Foundation

NAMED Will Be Providing Specific Menus for Dr. Goodman's Patients

Nutritional Addiction Mitigation Eating & Drinking (NAMED), a nutritional program that works with addiction withdrawal announces that it has formed a strategic alliance with Dr. Dale Goodman, a private practice that is part of Fresh Start for the Mind, offering psychological services to... - March 09, 2016 - NAMED

NAMED Program Provides Solution to 2016 Campaign Issue of Addiction Recovery

Dr. Keith Kantor, Founder of NAMED Offers to Brief Presidential Candidates on How NAMED Can Help Lower Relapse Rate Among Recovering Addicts - March 03, 2016 - NAMED

NAMED Conducts Successful Beta Testing Launch with DecisionPoint

NAMED and DecisionPoint to Continue Strategic Alliance at Open House Community Event at DecisionPoint’s new Johns Creek Facility on March 4th. - March 02, 2016 - NAMED

Inventor of the World’s First Doughnut Warming Mug to Announce Launch of New Company, Best Morning Ever, Inc., at the Home & Housewares Show in Chicago

Inventor of the World’s First Doughnut Warming Mug to Announce Launch of New Company, Best Morning Ever, Inc., at the Home & Housewares Show in Chicago

The Best. Morning. Ever. Mug is a doughnut warming mug that went viral during it's successful Kickstarter campaign late last year. The new startup will make it's debut at the upcoming International Home and Housewares Show in Chicago March 5th-9th. - February 29, 2016 - Best Morning Ever

The Addictions Academy Offers Free Training to Drug Torn Liberty City

The Addictions Academy and Cali Estes offers a free intervention training to an advocate in Liberty City to assist with the drug epidemic in an area where resources are limited. - February 26, 2016 - The Addictions Academy

Drug Fight Takes on New Urgency in South Los Angeles

Drug Fight Takes on New Urgency in South Los Angeles

Church of Scientology Community Center announces free training and drug education materials for educators, community groups and mentors. - February 16, 2016 - Church of Scientology International

Seacrest Recovery Center Retains Erik Dogloff as Its Admissions Director

Seacrest Recovery Center announced today that it has retained the services of Erik Dogloff, to serve as the Company's Admissions Director. - January 31, 2016 - Seacrest Recovery Center

Ellen Kirby Joe, Noted Addiction Professional, Named One of Houston’s 50 Most Influential Women of 2015

Houston Woman Magazine has released a special edition featuring “Houston’s 50 Most Influential Women of 2015.” Featured in that list is Ellen Kirby Joe, Chief Executive Director of Passages for Women. Joe is charged with the entire operation of a stellar facility that addresses... - January 30, 2016 - Passages for Women

Randy Haveson, Author of Party with a Plan: College Edition: the Guide to Successful Drinking Will be Exhibiting at the 2016 NASPA Strategies Conference: Alcohol & Other

Offers a Solid alternative and Innovative Approach to Traditional Alcohol Abuse Programs - January 20, 2016 - Party With A Plan

Dr. Cali Estes of The Addictions Academy Featured in the First Starter Kit to Recovery at Home

In a Program Series that is the first of its kind, Dr. Cali Estes has been featured in the Starter Kit to Recovery. The program is designed for those that can not afford traditional addiction treatment services. - January 17, 2016 - The Addictions Academy

HUMENA - New Transformational Meditation Enabling Technology

HUMENA - New Transformational Meditation Enabling Technology

InForce Group has recently developed the most advanced high tech system for meditation - HUMENA. It is a Smartphone apps and a global network guided by GPS satellites, NIST atomic clock and thousands of NTP servers worldwide to synchronize in a milliseconds range high quality meditation of unlimited groups around the world. - January 12, 2016 - HUMENA Group (a DBA for InForce Group LLC)

Global Surgical Lamps Market to Expand at 4.60% CAGR Driven by Increase in Surgical Centers: Persistence Market Research

The global surgical lamps market is anticipated to grow from an estimated USD 5,54,938.8 thousand in 2014 to USD 7,28,915.2 thousand by 2020 at a CAGR of 4.6% during the forecast period. - January 02, 2016 - Persistence Market Research

NAMED and DecisionPoint Form Strategic Alliance

First Time Ever NAMED Will be Offered to Participants in an Outpatient Program - December 22, 2015 - NAMED

William A. Geha Recognized as a Professional of the Year by Strathmore's Who's Who Worldwide Publication

William A. Geha Recognized as a Professional of the Year by Strathmore's Who's Who Worldwide Publication

William A. Geha of Sylvania, Ohio has been recognized as a Professional of the Year for 2015 by Strathmore’s Who’s Who Worldwide Edition for his outstanding contributions and achievements in the field of education. About William A. Geha Mr. Geha has over 45 years in the field of... - December 05, 2015 - Strathmore Worldwide

Holiday Activity Will See an Increase in Parties Associated with Drinking

Randy Haveson, Author of "Party With A Plan" Offers a Code for Safe Holiday Drinking. - December 05, 2015 - Party With A Plan

"Party With A Plan: College Edition: The Guide to Successful Drinking" by Randy Haveson

Book Provides a Practical Way to Drink Alcohol and be Successful for College Students. - December 04, 2015 - Party With A Plan

Sovereign Health of Fort Myers to Hold Open House and Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony

Sovereign Health of Fort Myers will be hosting a ribbon cutting ceremony and open house to commemorate the facility’s first year of operations to celebrate the recent accreditation and certification by the Joint Commission. Sovereign Health of Fort Myers offers a comprehensive treatment... - December 03, 2015 - Sovereign Health

NAMED Partners with Atlanta Spine Specialists in Providing NAMED-Based Program to Patients of Atlanta Spine Specialists

NAMED-Based Program Will Benefit Those with Back Pains. - November 13, 2015 - NAMED

NAMED Partners with Internationally Renowned Speaker, Author and Consultant, Randy Haveson, M.A.

Haveson Known for Party With A Plan That Provides a Practical Way to Drink Alcohol and be Successful for College Students. - November 04, 2015 - NAMED

NAMED Partners with Lemons Dental in Providing NAMED Type Program to Patients of Lemons Dental

Lemons Dental Only Oral Health Care Provider Offering NAMED Type Program in the United States - October 30, 2015 - NAMED

Megan Reilly-Cruz Recognized as a Professional of the Year by Strathmore's Who's Who Worldwide Publication

Megan Reilly-Cruz of Fairview Park, Ohio has been recognized as a Professional of the Year for 2015 by Strathmore’s Who’s Who Worldwide for her outstanding contributions and achievements in the fields of counseling and education. About Megan Reilly-Cruz Ms. Reilly-Cruz is a Chemical... - October 29, 2015 - Strathmore Worldwide

The Addictions Academy Announces New Extreme Intervention Training Class

Dr. Cali Estes and Evan "Bullet" James have teamed up to created the most powerful and extreme intervention training on the planet. With a combined 45 years in the industry and countless TV appearances, this duo is not to be missed in Miami or LA. - October 23, 2015 - The Addictions Academy

Drug-Free South Scaring Away Abuse and Addiction

To protect youth from the disastrous effects of abusing drugs, the Drug-Free South team is bringing the truth directly to students and the community during Halloween. - October 17, 2015 - Drug Free South

Muscadine Grape Shows Promise in Fighting Breast Cancer

Muscadine Grape Shows Promise in Fighting Breast Cancer

South Beach Wine donates their wine (made from Muscadine Grapes) towards the “Think Pink” masquerade ball Breast Cancer fundraiser on Friday, October 30th at Kitchen 305 in Sunny Isles Beach. - October 08, 2015 - South Beach Wine

Houston Addiction Recovery Leader Honored

Ellen Kirby Joe, Chief Executive Director of Passages for Women Residential Treatment Facility, was honored today by being inducted into the Texas Association of Addiction Professionals (TAAP) Hall of Fame. According to TAAP criteria, the honor recognizes the body of work of an individual in the... - October 07, 2015 - Passages for Women

Southern Sleep Centers Adds NAMED Type Menus to Their Program

Dr. Michael Labanowski Joins NAMED Advisory Program - September 24, 2015 - NAMED

Mentor Arabia and Bobolink Present the Largest Pan-Arab Anti-Drug Campaign "Ma Btefro’ Ma’eh"

Mentor Arabia and Bobolink Present the Largest Pan-Arab Anti-Drug Campaign "Ma Btefro’ Ma’eh"

The issues of drugs and drug addiction have always been a taboo in the Arab world, to the extent that—up until this day—there are no official statistics about the matter. Mentor Arabia, a regional non-governmental organization which advocates drug prevention among Arab children and the... - September 09, 2015 - Bobolink Creative Boutique

Citrusbits and Tarzana Treatment Center Announce a Dating App for Drug Addicts

Tarzana plans to build Mobile App "GoDate" to provide service to typical alcohol and drug treatment services with medical care, mental health, housing, case management and HIV/AIDS services to form an integrated delivery system that has set the standard that other organizations emulate. - August 22, 2015 - Citrusbits Inc

Eric Richmond Attended the National Guild of Hypnotists Convention

Local professional hypnotist, Eric Richmond presented at the 2015 National Guild of Hypnotists Convention (, which was held in Marlborough, MA on August 7-9, 2015. This year’s event marked the 28th time the 65-year old professional organization held an educational conference and convention. - August 18, 2015 - Hypno-Tique

Press Releases 351 - 400 of 735