Family Medicine News
Check up on information related to family medicine related to healthcare services, insurance and billing, practice management, events, certification, care and treatment best practices. News is targeted to primary care and internal medicine physicians, office staff, caregivers and patients.
Americans Can Now Access Low-Cost, Professional Medical Care in Canada - Uninsured Can Save Up to 30 to 60 Percent Off U.S. Medical Costs
To find low-cost medical care, Americans no longer have to travel great distances overseas. Choice Medical Services, a leading medical tourism firm, has launched the first program to help Americans access high-quality medical care in Canada, where they can save up to 30 to 60 percent off high U.S. costs. - December 12, 2007 - Choice Medical Services
Introducing Virtual.MD - The First Off-Site Hosting Service That Provides Everything Needed to Run a Medical Practice
Sold under the brand name Virtual.MD; this new offering is the first off-site hosting service that provides everything needed to run a medical practice. Powerful electronic health records software, practice management software of the physician’s choice, MS Office along with tax and accounting... - December 08, 2007 - Thin-nology, LLC
Innovative Internet Technology Company Running in Rural Border Town; Maverick County Hospital Goes High-Tech
When Don Spaulding inked the deal to build Maverick County Hospital District in Eagle Pass, Texas, he had one huge problem still to solve. How would he get the technology needed to run his new enterprise to this small border town? Eagle Pass has a lot to offer for a border town; the one thing it does not have, is technical capability. - December 07, 2007 - Thin-nology, LLC
Sedation Dentistry: Whose Interests Are We Protecting?
Most general dentists offer sedation dentistry to their dental patients, according to a recent Wealthy Dentist survey. Dentists and patients alike rave about the benefits of oral conscious sedation dentistry. - December 04, 2007 - The Wealthy Dentist
StatMedica's Top Ten Tips for Patients Considering Dental or Medical Treatment in Poland
StatMedica offers advice for patients planning a trip to Poland for dental or medical treatment. - November 18, 2007 - StatMedica UK Ltd
How Dentists Refer Braces Patients to Orthodontists: Survey Results
Most general dentists tend to refer most braces patients to an orthodontist. However, one in four dentists reports that they treat all or most orthodontic cases themselves, according to a recent Wealthy Dentist survey. - November 05, 2007 - The Wealthy Dentist
Blue Sparrow Ancillary Services Now Feature WaveSense Products
WaveSense Meters and Strips are now available for Medical Groups, IPAs and HMOs as part of Blue Sparrow's Ancilliary Services Program. - October 15, 2007 - Blue Sparrow Medical
How Dentists Refer Wisdom Tooth Extractions to Oral Surgeons: The Wealthy Dentist Survey Results
Half of general dentists refer out 80% or more of their wisdom tooth removals to oral surgeons, according to a Wealthy Dentist poll. Some dentists love the profit or third-molar extractions, while others hate the work and risks. - October 01, 2007 - The Wealthy Dentist
Paradigm Management Services, LLC Kicks Off National Healthcare Network Manager Meeting in Washington DC
Paradigm Management Services, the nations leader in providing catastrophic and complex medical management services, is kicking off their semi-annual National Network Manager’s Meeting at the Washington Hilton in Washington, DC October 1-2, 2007. Paradigm’s National Network Manager... - September 28, 2007 - Paradigm Management Services
Lanmark Group Expands Its Regulatory Compliance Capabilities
Lanmark Group, a full-service, business-to-business, advertising, marketing, and communications agency specializing in brand empowerment for the healthcare industry, has significantly expanded its regulatory compliance capabilities by forming a multi-disciplinary compliance department. The Lanmark... - September 21, 2007 - Lanmark Group
News About The Brain in Your Belly
New research about how your belly communicates with your brain - August 24, 2007 - Ruth Winter
Martial Art Blue Ribbon Fight to End Malaria
The Malaria Foundation International & Choi Kwang Do Martial Art International have developed a unique partnership, fighting malaria together with persistent dedication and a special focus on educating children worldwide and developing a global network of Student Leaders Against Malaria. - August 20, 2007 - Malaria Foundation International
Yellow Pages Dental Marketing is Alive, But Not Thriving: the Wealthy Dentist Survey Results
Dentists are still putting ads in the phone book, but many are growing less enthusiastic about yellow pages marketing, according to a Wealthy Dentist poll. Nearly half of dentist respondents no longer advertise in the telephone book, instead relying on avenues such as dentist websites to meet their dental marketing needs. - August 20, 2007 - The Wealthy Dentist
Hypertension Training Company, a Disease Management Company, Announces the Launch of the "Hypertension Management Success Tracks" Program of Cost Effective HTN Management
Hypertension Training Company, a disease management company, specialized in training of Health Care Providers in cost effective management of Hypertension, announces the official launch of the program "Hypertension Success Tracks". "Hypertension Success Tracks" is designed to... - August 17, 2007 - Hypertension Training Company
3rd Annual Hydrocephalus Walkathon Event at Largo Central Park Continues to Grow and Reach Out to More Local Families
Last year in September, over 60 individuals gathered in Largo Central Park wearing bright orange t-shirts as part of Team Hydrocephalus. This event is the annual campaign for a very determined husband and wife who live in Largo and have now become the Tampa Bay Affiliate of the Hydrocephalus... - August 14, 2007 - HUGS of Florida, Inc.
Allnutri Launches Online Herbalist Directory, the dedicated price comparison marketplace of health products enabling health products buyer to find, compare and buy at lowest price, has launched “Herbalist Directory.” Herbalist Directory provides a platform between natural health herbalist and health products... - August 02, 2007 - AllNutri
Comprehensive Candida Yeast Infection Informational Website Launched
The launch of what many are calling the most comprehensive Internet website for information and advice pertaining to Candida yeast infections has been announced by the director of the Net-based venue, Dina Barton. The website, which can be found at , maintains in... - July 28, 2007 - Dina Barton
Your Practice Online Now Specializes in Ophthalmalogy, Cosmetic & Gynecology Website Designing
Your Practice Online providing internet web solutions for your medical practice specializes in orthopaedic, obesity, gynecology, ophthalmology website designing, development and marketing. - May 26, 2007 - Your Practice Online
Dentists Agree All Toothpastes Are Not Equal, Disagree Which Are Best: The Wealthy Dentist Survey Results
Most dentists say that which type of toothpaste you use makes a difference to your oral health, according to a survey conducted by The Wealthy Dentist. Only one out of three dentists feels that all toothpastes are essentially equal. The other 65% agree that some toothpastes are more effective than others; however, they don't seem to agree on which toothpastes are the best. - May 22, 2007 - The Wealthy Dentist
Parenting Expert Reveals Child Behavior-Changing Secrets The ADHD “Gurus” Only Wish They Knew
When Debra Sale Wendler’s nine-year-old son was declared at risk by his school principal, she got a big education in ADHD. “It's frustrating when everything you try to help your child with ADHD only makes matters worse,” says Wendler of Austin, Texas. “When you learn how to... - May 12, 2007 -
ISFR Approaches Your Practice Online for Website Development
Your Practice Online, a medical web services company which has developed many websites for surgeons, doctors, hospitals, health organizations in Australia, USA & UK, has now developed a website for ‘The International Society for Fracture Repair’ - May 11, 2007 - Your Practice Online
Dentists Split Over Amalgam Fillings: The Wealthy Dentist Survey Results
Half of dentists are still placing amalgam fillings, while the other half no longer do, according to a survey conducted by The Wealthy Dentist. Many dentists expressed concerns over the possible toxic consequences of mercury amalgam and prefer to place newer composite fillings. Other dentists pointed to the superior performance of amalgam fillings and raised questions over the safety and durability of composite materials. - May 07, 2007 - The Wealthy Dentist
Unique Eyelid Tonometer – Diaton Transpalpebral Tonometry is Featured at American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery Symposium and Congress ASCRS by BiCOM Inc.
BiCOM is showcasing its unique Transpalpebral (through the Eyelid) Tonometer Diaton to the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery Symposium and Congress, hosted by the city of San Diego. Diaton tonometer is the only device on the market that can be used shortly after LASIK or PRK surgeries. Three speakers with presentations on the advantages of through the Eyelid tonometery will present at the ASCRS. - April 28, 2007 - DevelopAll Inc
Dentists See Insurance Companies as Enemies: The Wealthy Dentist Survey Results
Nine out of ten dentists see dental insurance companies as enemies rather than allies, according to a survey conducted by The Wealthy Dentist. In the eyes of the average dentist, insurance companies exist solely to turn a profit and have little or no interest in actually helping patients or doctors. However, insurance does bring patients in, and few dental practices have the option of not dealing with insurance companies. - April 21, 2007 - The Wealthy Dentist
BiCOM Reports Better-Than-Expected Results Due to Unique Tonometer Diaton Launch – Tonometry Through Eyelid / Glaucoma Detection Device
BiCOM Inc. at a recent conference call, reported better than expected results due to a successful launch and unexpected increase in sales of its recently introduced transpalpebral (through the eyelid) tonometer Diaton, a device used for Glaucoma detection. Diaton to be revealed in over 30 countries. The company has increased its outlook for 2007 - April 19, 2007 - DevelopAll Inc
MedcomSoft Record EMR Selected by Physician Practices Across the Nation, Including a Major New York City Hospital’s Community Physician HIT Pilot Group
MedcomSoft, a provider of Electronic Medical Records (EMR), announces Quarterly sales of flagship product MedcomSoft Record 2006 continues to surpass Fiscal 2006 levels. - April 12, 2007 - MedcomSoft
Cantwell Media Announces New Hire
Sharon Cutler Joins Cantwell Media As Senior Advertising Sales Representative. Senior Advisor Veteran to Drive Company’s Florida Subscription and Advertising Base. - March 03, 2007 - Cantwell Media, LLC
5th Anniversary for Web Site August 1, 2006
A recap of the highlights of this non-commercial, patient-oriented web site dedicated to informing the public of safer, simpler anesthesia with better results is provided on the 5th anniversary of its launch. - August 14, 2006 - Barry L. Friedberg, M.D., Cosmetic Surgery Anesthesia
Fertility Specialists of Dallas Expands Plano Office
New expanded fertility clinic opens in Plano, Texas. - July 05, 2006 - Fertility Specialists Of Dallas
Fertility Specialists of Dallas Offers Shared Dreams Financial Assistance
Program which Reduces the Financial Risk for Qualifying Patients. - July 05, 2006 - Fertility Specialists Of Dallas