Family Medicine News

Check up on information related to family medicine related to healthcare services, insurance and billing, practice management, events, certification, care and treatment best practices. News is targeted to primary care and internal medicine physicians, office staff, caregivers and patients.

Courtney’s Courage Celebration and NuU Medspa House Public for Aplastic Anemia

Courtney’s Courage Celebration and NuU Medspa House Public for Aplastic Anemia

On Saturday, January 23, 2010, NuU Medspa convened for Courtney’s Courage Celebration to support the Lowe Family and their daughter’s battle with Severe Aplastic Anemia in Zimmerman, MN. Aplastic Anemia is a blood disorder in which the body's bone marrow doesn't make enough new blood... - January 27, 2010 - NuU Unlimited

Parent Coaching Institute Offers $900 Tuition Discount to Family Support Specialists Until February 15, 2010

Parent Coaching Institute Offers $900 Tuition Discount to Family Support Specialists Until February 15, 2010

The Parent Coaching Institute offers a $900 tuition discount off of the distance learning Parent Coach Certification® Training Program tuition for all applications received by February 15, 2010. Parent Coach Certification® is designed for family support specialists who are driven to coach parents facing today’s challenges; see the need for an innovative, research-based support model; and seek the most respected certification program available for parent coaching. - January 15, 2010 - Parent Coaching Institute

Medical Device Distributor Registers from More Than 50 Countries

Today, Global Research & Data Services is going to publish registers of medical device distributors from more than 50 countries. - January 13, 2010 - Global Research & Data Services

North American Seminars Inc. Release 2010 Dates for A Master Clinicians Approach to Advanced Concepts in Examination and Treatment of the Shoulder Complex

North American Seminars Inc. Release 2010 Dates for A Master Clinicians Approach to Advanced Concepts in Examination and Treatment of the Shoulder Complex

North American Seminars Inc release 2010 for the physical therapy continuing education course, A Master Clinicians Approach to Advanced Concepts in Examination and Treatment of the Shoulder Complex. This course will be present to physical therapists and occupational therapists in Pennsylvannia, Nevada, Illinois, Colorado, Maryland, Oregon, North Carolina and Florida. - January 09, 2010 - North American Seminars

Microlife Medical Home Solutions Launches Comprehensive Online Health Management Program; MiHealthLog™

Microlife Medical Home Solutions Launches Comprehensive Online Health Management Program; MiHealthLog™

Microlife Medical Home Solutions, Inc. (MiMHS) launched MiHealthLog web-application for consumers who are interested in better managing their health and wellness. “Self-monitoring is the single best health behavior an individual can use to improve their health. Studies have repeatedly... - December 21, 2009 - Microlife Medical Home Solutions, Inc.

Practice Velocity Receives Patent for Basic Urgent Care EMR System (PiVoT)

The US Patent Office has issued a patent to Practice Velocity® for its PiVoT™ software urgent care EMR. The patent covers the system’s unique documentation and automated coding processes. - December 20, 2009 - Practice Velocity

Researchers Discover New Ways to Treat Chronic Infections

Researchers at Binghamton University, State University of New York, have identified three key regulators required for the formation and development of biofilms. The discovery could lead to new ways of treating chronic infections. Biofilms — communities of bacteria in self-produced slime... - December 20, 2009 - Binghamton University, State University of New York

Major New Partner Hospital for Cosmetic Bliss Bariatric (Weight Loss Surgery) Patients

Cosmetic Bliss, leading UK Weight Loss Surgery provider and Dr Michal Cierny, specialist Bariatric Surgeon move to Breclav Hospital in order to establish a European Centre of Excellence in Bariatric Surgery, and to meet the growing demand for surgery caused by the rise in levels of Morbid Obesity. - December 19, 2009 - Cosmetic Bliss

MD Now Urgent Care Opens Newest Largest High Tech Clinic in West Palm Beach Florida Partnering with iTriage Medical Decision Tool for iPhone®, Smart Phone & Web Based App

MD Now Urgent Care Opens Newest Largest High Tech Clinic in West Palm Beach Florida Partnering with iTriage Medical Decision Tool for iPhone®, Smart Phone & Web Based App

MD Now Urgent Care Targets Growing Mobile Market on Healthagen’s iTriage Software Applications - December 16, 2009 - MD Now Urgent Care

Unbound Medicine and Wiley-Blackwell Announce Partnership with Launch of Evidence Central™

Unbound Medicine and Wiley-Blackwell Announce Partnership with Launch of Evidence Central™

Unbound Medicine, a leader in knowledge management solutions for healthcare, today announced the launch of Evidence Central™, an integrated, evidence-based solution, with content from its partner, Wiley-Blackwell, the scientific, technical, medical, and scholarly publishing business of John... - December 15, 2009 - Unbound Medicine

curasan AG Receives License for Osbone®

curasan AG has received CE certification and, therefore, marketing authorization throughout Europe of the synthetic bone replacement material Osbone®. - December 12, 2009 - curasan AG Signs Reseller and Integration Agreement with BioSign Signs Reseller and Integration Agreement with BioSign and BioSign Technologies Inc. (CNSX:BIO) today announced they have entered into an alliance agreement that enables to resell BioSign products and integrate patient driven data into the Personal Health Record (PHR) treatment management service. - December 11, 2009 - HealthSaaS, Inc

SimgaPhone Extended Its Flagship App for Android Platform has released its FDA Drugs app, its flagship and one of the top paid medical apps in iPhone App Store, for Android. Both iPhone/iTouch and Android users can download the app from iTune Store or Android market. - December 09, 2009 -

Danger on the Dessert Table

Danger on the Dessert Table

STATkids® Top Tips to Protect Your Child This Holiday Season. - December 08, 2009 - STAT KIDS, LLC

Booming Medical Tourism in India

“Booming Medical Tourism in India” report provides a deep insight into the Indian medical tourism market. - December 04, 2009 - RNCOS

North American Seminars Inc. Opens Its 2010 Continuing Medical Education Course Sponsorship Program

North American Seminars Inc. Opens Its 2010 Continuing Medical Education Course Sponsorship Program

North American Seminars Inc. is now accepting medical facilities that wish to host continuing medical education courses at their medical facility in 2010. This program allows a facility to showcase its operation and capabilities to the medical community as well as reduce their overall costs to educate their physical therapy and occupational therapy team members. In 2009 over 45 facilities hosted over 250 live training events. - November 25, 2009 - North American Seminars

New Software Bundle: MetaServer and MetaClient

With the software bundle MetaServer/ MetaClient a new level of patient data management has been introduced by MetaSystems. The software bundle, which comes as a part of the new Ikaros and Isis Versions 5.4, is a comprehensive dashboard to maintain, filter, search, and summarize case and image data from all systems in the network. - November 18, 2009 - MetaSystems

Truly Affordable Access for Primary Care Available in the Snoqualmie Valley

The Snoqualmie Valley Hospital District now offers prepaid Primary Care called Affordable Access. For a set monthly fee, members may schedule appointments as needed for preventative care, chronic disease management and in-office procedures. Same or next day evaluations are available for minor injuries as well as illnesses. - November 15, 2009 - Snoqualmie Valley Hospital District

Kavapoint Introduces “On Call Notes” iPhone App for Physicians on the Go

On Call Notes was developed specifically medical professionals who handle on-call duties. - November 07, 2009 - Kavapoint LLC

Drug Side Effects & Clinical Trials Website Receives HONCode Certification

Drug Side Effects & Clinical Trials, an up-and-coming provider of targeted drug side effects information announces its receipt of HONCode Certification. This is a landmark award for the promising 7-month old niche medical website. - November 05, 2009 - Drug Side Effects & Clinical Trials

This Saturday Denver’s ‘Heimdall,’ the Gentle Giant is Honored as the 2009 North American Pet Health Favorite Pet Story

This Saturday Denver’s ‘Heimdall,’ the Gentle Giant is Honored as the 2009 North American Pet Health Favorite Pet Story

Heimdall’s story provides a compelling example of the love of a special pet, and the value of being able to provide excellent care - November 04, 2009 - North American Pet Health Insurance Association

NuU Medspa Sponsors 17th Annual Cocktails for a Cause

NuU Medspa Sponsors 17th Annual Cocktails for a Cause

NuU Medspa sponsored all level donations to benefit pediatric medical research at Children’s Memorial Hospital and the Children’s Memorial Research Center (CMRC). Through support and generous donations from local vendors and businesses, the CMRC met their goal of $200,000 in donations. - November 04, 2009 - NuU Unlimited

Medical Billing Software MPMsoft Selected by eMedical Systems, Inc. as Practice Management Solution

Far removed from the brouha of Washington D.C. is business owner John Wahlquist of eMedicalSystems of Washington state. Author of his own medical billing software for 17 years, Wahlquist recently made the unusual decision to retire his software and move his medical practices over to a new... - November 02, 2009 - Medical Billing Software - MPMsoft

North American Seminars Inc. Presents "Unlocking the Mystery of Effective Rehabilitation for Multiple Sclerosis"

North American Seminars Inc. Presents "Unlocking the Mystery of Effective Rehabilitation for Multiple Sclerosis"

Multiple sclerosis can affect any area of the central nervous system resulting in a multitude of symptoms. This course, offered in limited engagement in 2010, will address the most current evidence based treatments available for Multiple Sclerosis. North American Seminars, Inc. presents this physical therapy continuing education course in Sacramento, CA and Las Vegas, NV in 2010 - October 31, 2009 - North American Seminars

North American Seminars, Inc. Introduces Advancements in the Management and Treatment of Spinal Cord Injury - Limited 2009-2010 Engagements

North American Seminars, Inc. Introduces Advancements in the Management and Treatment of Spinal Cord Injury - Limited 2009-2010 Engagements

North American Seminars, Inc. introduces Advancements in the Management and Treatment of Spinal Cord Injury for limited engagements in 2010. This course is a physical therapy continuing education course focused on assisting patients with spinal cord injury. - October 30, 2009 - North American Seminars

A Register of Medical Device Distributors in Italy

Global Research & Data Services published recently a register Medical Device Distributors – Italy which contains information about nearly 600 medical device distributors active in Italy. - October 28, 2009 - Global Research & Data Services

Trupanion Raises Pet Insurance Awareness & Money for Charity

Trupanion Raises Pet Insurance Awareness & Money for Charity

Trupanion policyholders raised pet insurance awareness and the level of donation to pet rescue charity Noah’s Wish to celebrate Pet Insurance Month. - October 27, 2009 - Trupanion

Florence Community Healthcare Names Executive Leadership Team

Florence Community Healthcare's Executive Team brings decades of expertise and leadership to the new organization. - October 21, 2009 - Florence Community Healthcare

PETCO, Trupanion Pet Insurance Partner to Protect Pets and Pet Parents

PETCO, Trupanion Pet Insurance Partner to Protect Pets and Pet Parents

PETCO Offers Trupanion's Pet Insurance Plans to Help Pet Parents Nationwide Care for their Pets in the Event of Medical Emergencies. - October 20, 2009 - Trupanion

Corporate Touch Keeps Employees Stress-Free in Philly

A great massage can be a wonderful thing during the day, but there’s a lot more to stress management. Corporate Touch knows this, and can help employees manage stress in several different ways. - October 18, 2009 - Corporate Touch

curasan AG Received Licence for ATR®

curasan AG has received CE certification and, therefore, marketing authorization for the ATR® (Advanced Tissue Regeneration) product. - October 18, 2009 - curasan AG

H1N1 "Swine Flu" Nasal Spray Vaccine is Now Being Given on a Walk-in Basis at All MD Now Urgent Care Center Locations Throughout Palm Beach County

H1N1 "Swine Flu" Nasal Spray Vaccine is Now Being Given on a Walk-in Basis at All MD Now Urgent Care Center Locations Throughout Palm Beach County

As one of the largest providers of walk-in medical services in South Florida, MD Now Urgent Care Centers is traditionally one of the first doctor’s offices to receive the flu vaccine in Palm Beach County. Today, MD Now Urgent Care’s staff began administering limited supplies of the H1N1 nasal flu spray vaccine to local residents. Peter Lamelas, MD, FACEP, of MD Now Urgent Care Centers, and former Emergency Department Director agrees with the CDC that this could be one of the worst flu years. - October 16, 2009 - MD Now Urgent Care

Florence Community Healthcare, Florence Arizona Names Dario Lizarraga M.D., Chief of Staff

Florence Community Healthcare, Florence Arizona Names Dario Lizarraga M.D., Chief of Staff

Dario Lizarraga, MD returned to his home town of Florence Arizona nine years ago to practice medicine in the community he grew up in. His family has lived in the Florence community for eight generations. Lizarraga's vision of one day having a world-class hospital in Florence has been realized, with the opening of Florence Community Healthcare's medical campus in November 2009. Lizarraga has been named Chief of Staff of the new healthcare facility. - October 07, 2009 - Florence Community Healthcare

MD Now Urgent Care Centers” Opens New Boynton Beach Location - Sees Unprecedented Growth in Palm Beach County, Florida

MD Now Urgent Care Centers” Opens New Boynton Beach Location - Sees Unprecedented Growth in Palm Beach County, Florida

Urgent care – Boynton Beach style. MD Now Urgent Care / Walk-in Medical Centers, - Palm Beach County’s fastest growing medical business – has recently opened its fifth “state of the art” medical Clinic in Boynton Beach, Florida’s “Gateway to the Gulfstream”. Its sixth and largest medical center is set to open this November 2009 in the West Palm Beach. - October 07, 2009 - MD Now Urgent Care

Sovereign Labs Intoduces Viralox®; Possibly the World’s First Truly Effective Broad Spectrum Anti-Viral

Sovereign Labs Intoduces Viralox®; Possibly the World’s First Truly Effective Broad Spectrum Anti-Viral

After five years of development and clinical trials on cold, flu and HIV patients Viralox® is available to medical practitioners for use with patient protocols, select retailers and the public. - October 05, 2009 - Sovereign Laboratories, LLC

ICMS Publishes Comprehensive Report on Off Shore Stem Cell Clinics

The International Cellular Medicine Society, the only independent adult stem cell association, has published a first of its kind report on Off Shore Stem Cell Clinics. Working with patients and medical professionals, this report provides a unique insight into the practices of these non-US stem cells clinics. The reports looks at what stem cells are being utilized in these clinics, a comparison of costs and an evaluation of the clinical procedures against published best practice guidelines. - October 02, 2009 - International Cellular Medicine Society

Concentra Has Flu Shots Available to Protect Patients Against the Flu

Seasonal flu vaccines are an important defense against influenza - September 30, 2009 - Concentra

North American Seminars Inc Introduces Cervical Spine Examination, Evaluation, and Intervention - A Neuromechanical Perspective

North American Seminars Inc Introduces Cervical Spine Examination, Evaluation, and Intervention - A Neuromechanical Perspective

North American Seminars, Inc. introduces a new physical therapy continuing education course entitled Cervical Spine Examination, Evaluation, and Intervention - A Neuromechanical Perspective. This course is designed for physical therapy continuing education. - September 29, 2009 - North American Seminars

NextCare Urgent Care Offers Highly Sensitive & Conclusive Test for Identifying Specific Infections, Including H1N1, Using Molecular Differential Diagnosis

NextCare Urgent Care locations across Arizona, Georgia, Texas, Colorado, Virginia and North Carolina are now offering a conclusive test that distinguishes between the seasonal flu, H1N1, and other viruses using molecular technology; results given within 24 hours. - September 24, 2009 - NextCare Urgent Care

IAPAM's Botox Training: Industry's Leading Cosmetic Injectable Training

The International Association of Physicians in Aesthetic Medicine (IAPAM) is offering industry-leading Botox training for both new entrants to the Botox/dermal filler field, and professionals looking to hone their cosmetic injectable skills. - September 19, 2009 - International Association for Physicians in Aesthetic Medicine

Health and Life Medical Blog Looking for Doctor Input

Health and Life, a medical blog, is looking for doctors to overview and help assemble best practice guidelines for treating ADHD, depression, and diabetes. The reason? To combat increasingly complicated treatment options. For depression alone, there are more than 20 medication options, each of... - September 17, 2009 - Health and Life, a medical blog

MDS Medical Software Named Fastest Growing Arizona-Based Health Company on 2009 Inc. 5000 List

MDS Medical Software Named Fastest Growing Arizona-Based Health Company on 2009 Inc. 5000 List

Phoenix-based medical software and technology integrator MDS Medical Software has been named the fastest growing Arizona-based company in the health category on the 2009 Inc. 5000 list. In addition, MDS was named the 2000th fastest growing company nationwide. - September 15, 2009 - MDS Medical Software

Trupanion Celebrates Pet Insurance Month

Trupanion Celebrates Pet Insurance Month

Trupanion pet insurance is celebrating Pet Health Insurance Month with pet owners and pet insurance policy holders. - September 04, 2009 - Trupanion

First Flu Shots Now Immediately Available at MD Now Urgent Care Walk in Medical Centers, in Palm Beach County, Florida

First Flu Shots Now Immediately Available at MD Now Urgent Care Walk in Medical Centers, in Palm Beach County, Florida

Flu Shots now being given at all MD Now Urgent Care Center locations throughout Palm Beach County. As one of the largest providers of walk-in medical care in South Florida, MD Now Urgent Care Centers are traditionally one of the first doctor’s offices to get flu vaccines in Palm Beach County. MD Now Urgent Care staff began giving seasonal influenza vaccine to residents of Boca Raton, Boynton Beach, West Palm Beach, Lake Worth, Royal Palm Beach, Royal Palm Beach, Wellington and Palm Beach Gardens - August 30, 2009 - MD Now Urgent Care

The SMART Motivational Study Demonstrates WatchWT™ is Effective for Treating Overweight and Obesity in Primary Care

The SMART Motivational Study Demonstrates WatchWT™ is Effective for Treating Overweight and Obesity in Primary Care

Microlife Medical Home Solutions, Inc. (MiMHS) announces the results from the Self Monitoring & Resting Metabolic Rate Technology (SMART) Motivational study were published in Patient Education & Counseling, an international scientific journal for patient education and health promotion... - August 28, 2009 - Microlife Medical Home Solutions, Inc.

Delaware County Family Practice Firm Adds New Healthcare Provider

Delaware County Hospitalist Group expands practice to accommodate growing need for family health care services - August 23, 2009 - Family Health Associates

Fine Treatment Beats Pain

Most chronic painful health disorders are caused by certain processes at the level of the smallest blood vessels, the capillaries, leading to the expansion of the capillary network. This increases pressure inside the affected organ's tissue impairing its proper functioning and is the actual cause of pain and its disorder. Dr Allen's Devices help to treat and prevent these conditions. - August 08, 2009 - Fine Treatment Launches “Journal of Gluten Sensitivity” Launches “Journal of Gluten Sensitivity” has launched its newest publication: "Journal of Gluten Sensitivity," edited by Dr. Ron Hoggan. This new publication has a long and respected history under its original title "Scott-Free Newsletter," 28 issues of which reached tens of thousands of subscribers since 2002. - July 28, 2009 - The Gluten-Free Mall

North American Seminars Inc. Introduces a Comprehensive Approach to Breast Cancer Management

North American Seminars Inc. Introduces a Comprehensive Approach to Breast Cancer Management

North American Seminars Inc. introduces another course in its Cancer Rehabilitation series designed for physical therapists and occupational therapists. This two day course will give therapists everything they need to develop a comprehensive post breast cancer surgery rehabilitation program as well as protocols to develop an exercise program for all cancer patients. - July 23, 2009 - North American Seminars

The FDA to Present on Reporting Regulations and Corrections and Removals for Medical Devices

Q1 Productions Hosts FDA Medical Device Webinar Series in August: Learn what FDA Investigators are Taught - July 23, 2009 - Q1 Productions

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