Infectious Diseases News
Spread the word about the latest research, updates, products, services and treatment advances regarding infectious diseases. This section covers information about diseases caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites, of interest to clinicians, scientists, patients and medical and pharmaceutical industry professionals.
Soapourri's Piggy Soap Reminds Us to Wash Those Hands
Soapourri introduces a pink piggy soap to remind us to wash those hands and avoid the swine flu. - September 11, 2009 - Soapourri Natural Bath & Body, LLC
Thirteen Lyme-Literate Health Care Practitioners Reveal Their Treatment Strategies for Chronic Lyme Disease in New Book
A new book, Insights Into Lyme Disease Treatment: Thirteen Lyme-Literate Health Care Practitioners Share Their Healing Strategies, provides people with Lyme disease and their physicians with current, cutting-edge information on the treatment of chronic Lyme disease and the corollary conditions that... - August 30, 2009 - Connie Strasheim
First Flu Shots Now Immediately Available at MD Now Urgent Care Walk in Medical Centers, in Palm Beach County, Florida
Flu Shots now being given at all MD Now Urgent Care Center locations throughout Palm Beach County. As one of the largest providers of walk-in medical care in South Florida, MD Now Urgent Care Centers are traditionally one of the first doctor’s offices to get flu vaccines in Palm Beach County. MD Now Urgent Care staff began giving seasonal influenza vaccine to residents of Boca Raton, Boynton Beach, West Palm Beach, Lake Worth, Royal Palm Beach, Royal Palm Beach, Wellington and Palm Beach Gardens - August 30, 2009 - MD Now Urgent Care
Alpha Tech Pet Introduces the Alpha HydroMAID
Portable battery powered unit provides convenience, safety and a more efficacious way to clean and disinfect animal care facilities. - August 13, 2009 - Alpha Tech Pet, Inc.
Medsafe Releases a ‘Pandemic Preparedness’ Brochure Featuring a Variety of Products Designed to combat the H1N1 Virus
As a response to the growing threat of the H1Ni Flu Virus, Medsafe has developed an 8-page brochure that features a variety of products designed to combat and prevent the spread of the virus. On June 11, 2009, the World Health Organization (WHO) signaled that a global pandemic of novel influenza A... - August 13, 2009 - goSafe
Swine Flu Lands in Puerto Rico Local Company Well-Prepared; Procures Supply of Alcohol-Free Hand Sanitizer
Bayamon, Puerto Rico-based ISP, Inc. a leading supplier and service provider to government agencies, educational systems and local distributors has partnered with MGS Brands Inc. of Fairfield, Connecticut, which makes and markets Hy5 and Soapopular brand alcohol-free, rinse-free hand sanitizer products to ensure that Puerto Rico residents can have access to an abundant supply of hand hygiene products in the course of defending against Swine Flu. - July 23, 2009 - Mischler Financial Group, Inc.
Over 75 Doctors from the UAE Attended CME Organized by Eastern Biotech & Life Sciences on Cervical Cancer
Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer among the women worldwide, causing 250,000 deaths annually (WHO report). According to a report published by Ministry of Health in 2005, about 43 women die in the UAE alone due to cervical cancer each year. The number has multiplied significantly in the last couple of years. - July 07, 2009 - Eastern Biotech & Life Sciences FZ-LLC
Unbound Medicine and American Academy of Pediatrics Release Mobile Edition of Red Book®: 2009 Report of the AAP Committee on Infectious Diseases
Today, Unbound Medicine, a leader in knowledge management solutions for healthcare, and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the professional organization representing over 60,000 pediatricians, announced the launch of Red Book® for Mobile + Web. Now, the latest findings and clinical... - June 18, 2009 - Unbound Medicine
Advanced Biotechnologies, Inc. (ABI) Adds UV-Inactivated Purified Whole Virus Product to Aid in Research of Human Influenza
ABI adds (H2N2) Purified Whole Virus, UV-Inactivated for use in H2N2 subtype-specific protein-based testing. Catalog # 10-126-000 - June 01, 2009 - Advanced Biotechnologies, Inc.
The March of Washingtons Distributes $30,000 for Antimalarial Drugs in Uganda
The March of Washingtons – the first broad-based campaign to increase access to high-quality antimalarial drugs in Africa has just made its first donation. Artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACTs) have been delivered to Soft Power Health’s clinic in Uganda - recognized as having... - May 31, 2009 - Africa Fighting Malaria
Health System Fixes Needed for Success of Pandemic Vaccines in Poor Countries, Aid Group Says
Systems to immunize, monitor and treat still lacking in many developing countries. World Health Assembly must push anew for primary health care, better living conditions. - May 21, 2009 - World Vision US
Launch of Waterfront Trading Online Store - Your No.1 Solution to Indoor Air Pollution & Contaminations
Indoor air pollution & contaminations is one of top 5 risks to human health - according to World Health Organization (WHO). Waterfront Trading online store serves to provide you with preventive measures against outbreak of diseases among others, swine flu & meningitis. - May 18, 2009 - Waterfront Trading
Special DNA Testing Offered in Response to Swine Influenza Epidemic
Personal genome company, BioResolve, Inc has introduced a DNA testing service that reveals an individual's innate resistance or vulnerabilities to infectious diseases, such as swine flu. The final report states an individual's ratio of surviving a worldwide pandemic with respect to the average human, and looks into all types of infectious diseases. - May 08, 2009 - BioResolve, Inc.
Hand Sanitizer Manufacturer Well Stocked for Swine Flu Alcohol-Free Formula for H1N1 in Abundant Supply
Soapopular, the manufacturer of a non-alcohol based hand sanitizer product that’s proven to be effective against numerous viruses, including H1N1, is well-equipped to respond the current crisis and has experienced no shortage of inventory meeting the needs of government agencies, schools, health care facilities, major retailers and end consumers. - May 04, 2009 - Mischler Financial Group, Inc.
Swine Flu: a Spread Southward Could be Disaster for Weak Public Health Systems
* World Vision Preparing for Possible Global Spread, Educating Staff Worldwide * Health threat underscores need for community health strengthening in poor countries - April 30, 2009 - World Vision US
Web Conferencing Used as a Form of Swine Flu Prevention
As an alarming number of swine flu cases are making the headlines across the globe, fears are spreading regarding crowded areas and the risk of traveling. Officials are scrambling to find a swine flu vaccine, while in the meantime Mikogo is urging the uptake of web conferencing in order to keep traveling to a minimum and prevent further spreading and infection. - April 29, 2009 - BeamYourScreen
Experts Have Warned About a Flu Outbreak But Fall on Deaf Ears, is the US Prepared ? Aeroessentials is Prepared.
Americans are exposed to harmful germs, virus and bacteria, and fungi every time they fly commercial airlines. Passengers often complain about the conditions in which they fly and many catch a cold when they travel. Travelers bring the “bugs” home and spread them to their family, co workers, and friends and so on. Oddly enough the people that are flying in the unsanitary environments are the very ones creating the problem. AeroEssentials has the solution. - April 28, 2009 - AeroEssentials LLC
New Scientific Publication Explains How LDB B-30892 Inhibits the Cytotoxic Effects of Clostridium difficile
LacPro Industries LLC, a probiotic-based biotherapeutics company, announces a publication in the peer-reviewed scientific journal, Gut Pathogens, entitled, "Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus B-30892 can inhibit cytotoxic effects and adhesion of pathogenic Clostridium difficile to Caco-2 cells.” In this scientific publication, the research team explains the published in vitro research demonstrating the beneficial effect of LacPro's proprietary probiotic strain. - April 28, 2009 - LacPro Industries LLC
Swine Flu Update: US Declares Public Health Emergency -- Gallaway Safety Offering CDC Recommended N95 Respirator Face Masks for Swine Flu Protection
Gallaway Safety & Supply offers a full range of N95 respirator surgical masks as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to protect individuals against the current outbreak of swine influenza. - April 28, 2009 - Gallaway Safety & Supply
World Malaria Day Recognizes Choi Kwang Do (CKD) Martial Art International’s Blue Ribbon Fight to End Malaria
World Malaria Day 2009 marks the two year anniversary of a partnership between the Malaria Foundation International (MFI) and Choi Kwang Do (CKD) Martial Art International. Instructors are being honored by the MFI for their persistent dedication and interest in educating children worldwide about this disease and supporting the development of a global network of Student Leaders Against Malaria (SLAM). - April 25, 2009 - Malaria Foundation International
Goveror Gregoire Proclaims March 10, 2009 Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
March 10th is National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, a day to raise awareness of the increasing impact of HIV/AIDS on women and girls and encourages them to take action. Governor of Washington, Christine O. Greagoire, signed a proclamation on February 17, 2009 to proclaim March 10 as a day for citizens to join her in this special observance. A special event is scheduled on March 10th at the Theatre on the Square, 901 Broadway, Tacoma,WA. - March 03, 2009 - Brown Tones Productions
End Malaria – Blue Ribbon Mugs - for World Malaria Day 2009
The Malaria Foundation International (MFI) is pleased to introduce the End Malaria – Blue Ribbon Mug in time for World Malaria Day; 25 April 2009. The End Malaria - Blue Ribbon logo is imprinted on the front and back of these beautiful mugs. Limited supplies are available for immediate shipments. - March 03, 2009 - Malaria Foundation International
Riverside Methodist Hospital First in Ohio to Deploy VisualDx
VisualDx Diagnostic Decision Support System Provides Specialist-Level Knowledge and High-Quality Education at World-Renowned Center for Medical Education and Innovation. - February 11, 2009 - Logical Images Inc
End Malaria Awards 2008 Announced by Malaria Foundation International
The Malaria Foundation International (MFI) is proud to announce the recipients of its 2008 “End Malaria Awards.” The “End Malaria Awards” serve to recognize many people and organizations who worked in 2007 to help the fight to End Malaria. The "End Malaria Awards” include over 50 award categories. Informative write-ups and website linkages can be found at the Malaria Foundation’s website,, for all winners. - December 30, 2008 - Malaria Foundation International
World AIDS Day: HIV Treatment Patterns Consistent in Practice, QuantiaMD Finds
A national survey of HIV clinicians conducted by Dr. John Bartlett on QuantiaMD reveals important details about treatment patterns for HIV patients since the introduction of the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) 2007 federal HIV guidelines. - December 02, 2008 - Quantia Communications, Inc.
Earth Water Baths, Inc. Announces New Cleaning Formula (EWB-425) to Decontaminate Morgellon´s Buildings
Morgellons Syndrome is a new parasitic and contagious disease which is sweeping across many countries. The need for a cleaning and decontamination formula has been apparent, but ordinary cleaning solutions have been ineffective. Healing Research Institute ( has developed a special cleaning formula, EWB-425 for Earth Water Baths, Inc ( - October 31, 2008 - Earth Water Baths, Inc.
Malaria Foundation Stresses Education of Students is Critical to End Malaria
The Malaria Foundation International (MFI) demonstrates how partnerships among students, teachers and community leaders can invigorate youth to become instrumental in the fight against malaria. The Student Leaders Against Malaria (SLAM) network is making headway in India and in many African countries, where malaria remains a leading cause of death. - September 26, 2008 - Malaria Foundation International
Genomic Nanosystems Announces Exclusive Licensing Agreement to Sequenom for the Right to Use Digital PCR in Prenatal Testing and Mass Spectrometry
Genomic Nanosystems, LLC, today announced that it has granted an exclusive license to Sequenom, Inc. (Nasdaq: SQNM) for the right to use Digital PCR in noninvasive prenatal research and diagnostics on a technology, platform and sample independent basis, and has granted the exclusive right to use... - September 22, 2008 - Genomic Nanosystems
End Malaria – Blue Ribbon Campaign Engages Families from Lesoma Village in Botswana
Botswana and United States teachers and students are working together with the support of the American Embassy, the Ministry of Health, local government officials, and the Malaria Foundation International (MFI) to engage community leaders and families from the Lesoma Village, Chobe District of Botswana in today’s global fight against malaria. - August 29, 2008 - Malaria Foundation International
American Embassy Supports the End Malaria – Blue Ribbon Campaign in Botswana
The Student Leaders Against Malaria (SLAM) partnership and End Malaria – Blue Ribbon campaigns led by Mr. Tommie Hamaluba, a computer technology teacher from the Gaborone Senior Secondary School (GSS) in Botswana and teacher Mr. Bill Meyers, from the Alexander Dawson School in Colorado, USA grow with the support of the Malaria Foundation International (MFI), the Botswana Ministry of Health, and the American Embassy. A Malaria Education Workshop kicks off their SLAM campaign to End Malaria - August 10, 2008 - Malaria Foundation International
End Malaria – Blue Ribbon Campaign, Welcomed at European Meeting
Dr. Mary Galinski, Founder and President of the Malaria Foundation International, attended the International Conference on Malaria held April 21-22 in Bonn, Germany: Joining Forces, Synergizing Action, Sustainable and innovative ways of ensuring long-term prevention and treatment measures by 2015. The MFI's End Malaria - Blue Ribbon pins were welcomed at the meeting. - July 22, 2008 - Malaria Foundation International
UltraClenz Announces the Appointment of Marina Willis as President/COO and Its Relocation to a New Facility
UltraClenz, LLC, a Florida based hand hygiene technology firm, has announced the appointment of Marina Willis as President/COO effective immediately. - June 20, 2008 - Ultraclenz
Just Cause Awarded Catholic Campaign for Human Development Grant to Assist Refugees with Job Advancement
Just Cause, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) Charitable Organization Founded by Lorrie King. - May 23, 2008 - Just Cause, Inc.
Retailers Take Hands-on Approach to Hand Sanitizer Products; Wal-Mart, Target Lead the Way in Taking Stock of $100 Million-a-Year Category
As health care and infection control experts remain increasingly vocal in promoting proper hand hygiene as the best way to protect against the spread of easily-transmitted germs and bacteria, the country’s leading retailers are taking notice of a growing trend within the $100 million-a-year market for hand sanitizer products; consumers are demanding alcohol-free products that can provide the same germ killing effectiveness as legacy, alcohol-based gels, but without the dangerous side-effects. - May 22, 2008 - Mischler Financial Group, Inc.
Curtis Dyna-Fog Applies Green Concept to World Market
Curtis Dyna-Fog is a world leading manufacturer of spraying and fogging machines and has focused on using alternate energy sources to power its products. - May 17, 2008 - Curtis Dyna-Fog, Ltd.
Climbers to Attempt to Summit Highest Peaks in 50 States En Masse to Raise Funds for Children With AIDS
Summer Summit Challenge to be Held June 27 to July 6 to Benefit American Foundation for Children with AIDS. - May 13, 2008 - American Foundation for Children with AIDS
Introduction of Botox in Facial Paralysis Surgery Leading to Optimism for Bell's Balsy Patients
Bell's palsy is a disorder that can cause facial paralysis due to damage of the nerves that control the muscles that control facial movement. The typical effects of Bell's palsy can include swelling and inflammation of the face and affects the nerves that sends signals to the brain, which then... - April 30, 2008 - Facial Paralysis Institute
Estrada's 'Lullaby' Inspires Montana Audiences
Comedy Central comedian earns standing ovation for AIDS solo musical - April 27, 2008 - Jade Esteban Estrada
End Malaria - Blue Ribbon Clubs Celebrate One Year of Service in India
The Malaria Foundation International is pleased to report that its partners in Assam, India are celebrating one year of service as leaders of End Malaria – Blue Ribbon Clubs, which have been educating children and communities about malaria and reducing the prospects for illness, suffering and death caused by this disease. - April 23, 2008 - Malaria Foundation International
CureHIV Seeks Funding for LiSAVIOR from Bill and Melinda Gates' Grand Challenges to Cure HIV
Dr. Roger Kenneth Hershline PhD MD, Global Humanceuticals, Inc and CureHIV apply to Bill and Melinda Gates' Grand Challenges in Global Health to fund the new HIV non-traditional drug LiSAVIOR. Current drug and vaccination treatments do not treat the growth of HIV in the gastrointestinal tract. - April 02, 2008 - CureHIV
Sixty Second HIV Test at samedaydoctor
The popular walk-in clinic samedaydoctor offers an instant HIV test to its patients. Using the Canadian Insti technology, the HIV tests are 99.8% accurate and take only sixty seconds to complete. - April 01, 2008 - samedaydoctor
Niger Educational System Associates Partner with Malaria Foundation International
Recognizing that ending Malaria requires much more than bednets, the Niger Educational System Associates (NESA) partners with the Malaria Foundation to implement a long-term plan focused on education and economic development. - March 13, 2008 - Malaria Foundation International
Comedian to Address HIV/AIDS Awareness on 'Today in Montana'
Jade Esteban Estrada returns to Billings to discuss his activism through theatre March 7. - March 06, 2008 - Jade Esteban Estrada
Mata Global Introduces OSHA Compliant Alcohol-Free, Rinse Free Hand Sanitizers; Hy-5 Brand Targets Health Care, Food Services, Travel, Lodging and Government Venues
Mata Global Solutions Inc., which specializes in licensing, manufacturing and marketing innovative products, including Canada’s Soapopular® brand, alcohol-free hand sanitizer line, announced that it has introduced Hy-5, a new line of alcohol-free, rinse-free hand sanitizer products that... - March 05, 2008 - Mischler Financial Group, Inc.
A “Heartfelt” Approach to Fighting AIDS
A critically acclaimed leader in body painting and fine-art photography is joining the national effort against AIDS. Lennox Studios has created an image specifically designed to raise money for Aids research. Partnering with the AIDS Research Alliance in Hollywood, California, Lennox Studios is... - February 14, 2008 - Lennox Studios
Global Vaccine Market Poised for Billion Dollar Growth
The global vaccine market is writing new success story every day, thanks to the vaccine development being witnessed ubiquitously. As per RNCOS report, the market is expected to reach $21 Billion by 2010. - January 19, 2008 - RNCOS
Retail Stores Pioneer Protection Against MRSA; Soapopular® Brand Alcohol-Free Hand Sanitizers in Demand Nationwide
MGS Soapopular Inc, the exclusive US importer of Canada’s Soapopular® brand, alcohol-free hand sanitizer products, announced that retailers nationwide have taken in the alcohol-free hand sanitizer with the hopes of stopping the spread of MRSA and other viruses this season. - November 30, 2007 - Mischler Financial Group, Inc.
NovaBay Pharmaceuticals Featured in November/December Issue of PharmaVOICE
Company Executives Offer “Crystal Ball” Predictions. VP of Research Discusses Need for New Approaches in Anti-Infectives. - November 22, 2007 - NovaBay Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
NovaBay Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Retains The Investor Relations Group of New York
IRG to Communicate the Company’s Clinical Development Programs - November 21, 2007 - NovaBay Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Company Speaks Out About Dangerous Sexually Transmitted Diseases
A New Hampshire company is taking the initiative of spreading the word on the spreading of Std's. - November 15, 2007 - Your STD Help