Computer Hardware News

Learn about companies engaged in assembling and manufacturing computer hardware and components, such as monitors, keyboards, data storage devices, graphic cards, sound cards and motherboards. Find information about innovations, business intelligence and new products and services in the hardware industry.

Open Health Tools, to Collaborate on Global Health IT Solutions

OHT, with unprecedented resources, existing technology and expertise, provides a global community that will focus on the requirements, design and development of these enabling tools and components. - April 12, 2008 - Open Health Tools

Australian Distributor Appointed for Remote Access Software Program

XP Unlimited offers very small businesses, with four or five workstations, a high quality pseudo-server network at an affordable price. - April 12, 2008 - Australian Networking Engineers

MKS Announces New Release of MKS Toolkit Product Family and PC X Server - Immediate Availability of MKS Toolkit version 9.2 and MKS X/Server version 8.5

MKS Announces New Release of MKS Toolkit Product Family and PC X Server - Immediate Availability of MKS Toolkit version 9.2 and MKS X/Server version 8.5

Immediate availability of MKS Toolkit version 9.2 and MKS X/Server version 8.5. These releases show our commitment in delivering solid new features while enhancing existing functionality. The MKS Toolkit solutions provide a full range of cross-platform tools, expanding the union of Windows and UNIX-based environments. Millions of users in heterogeneous UNIX/Linux and Windows environments use solutions from MKS for platform and application compatibility, connectivity and interoperability. - April 10, 2008 - MKS Inc

Esquire Innovations Releases iScrub Version 5.0

Esquire Innovations Releases iScrub Version 5.0

Metadata management tool to address electronic discovery and law firm security concerns. - April 10, 2008 - Esquire Innovations, Inc.

TekNmotion Explodes Onto the Gaming Audio Scene with Release of Pulsar SX PC Gaming Headphones

TekNmotion Explodes Onto the Gaming Audio Scene with Release of Pulsar SX PC Gaming Headphones

Connect via USB or audio plug, the choice is yours. Feature packed, stylish gaming headphones that sound great and are affordable for all PC gamers. - April 09, 2008 - TekNmotion

Real Estate Professionals, REITs & Funds Now Have a Dynamic and Cost Effective Software Tool for Raising Unlimited Capital

Real Estate Professionals, REITs & Funds Now Have a Dynamic and Cost Effective Software Tool for Raising Unlimited Capital

The easy-to-use software system generates the required securities offering documents and investor leads to enable Real Estate Developers, General Contractors, Real Estate Agents and Property Management Companies to evolve to the next level of professionalism by raising and managing an unlimited amount of capital for acquiring Income and Growth properties nationwide. - April 09, 2008 - Commonwealth Capital Advisors

COO of Monogram Virtua Entertainment Attends the Virtual Worlds 2008 Conference in New York City

COO of Monogram Virtua Entertainment Attends the Virtual Worlds 2008 Conference in New York City

COO & Co-Founder, Harold Whaley, attended the Virtual Worlds 2008 Conference. - April 09, 2008 - Monogram Virtua

Technology Management Solutions Launches Managed Security Services Through Partnership with MX Logic

Technology Management Solutions Launches Managed Security Services Through Partnership with MX Logic

Managed email and web security services provide customers with first line of defense to prevent threats from entering managed networks. - April 08, 2008 - Technology Management Solutions, LLC

Milton Security Group LLC Now Supports EdgeWall 7000 Network Access Control Systems

Milton Security Group LLC Now Supports EdgeWall 7000 Network Access Control Systems

Milton Security Group LLC signed an agreement with Autonomic Networks, Inc. authorizing Milton Security Group to provide ongoing hardware and software support to EdgeWall 7000 customers worldwide. - April 08, 2008 - Milton Security Group LLC

Reseller Specials – 100 Mbps Colocation and Dedicated Servers

New reseller and wholesale pricing for colocation and hosting services will be available from hosting and data center service provider Stealth - ISS Inc. ( with its subdivision Dedicated Server and Colocation Store ( as of first week of April in 2008. - April 08, 2008 - Stealth - ISS Group Inc.

Axacore Certifies Faxing with the Xerox Workcenter Pro

Axacore Certifies Faxing with the Xerox Workcenter Pro

Software update makes it easier to make the most out of your multi-function devices. - April 05, 2008 - Axacore Inc.

WIZnet iEthernet Design Contest Winners Announced, W5100 Application Library Posted

Circuit Cellar, The Magazine for Computer Applications, has announced the winners of the WIZnet iEthernet Design Contest. The contest challenged engineers around the globe to design unique, optimized and creative embedded projects that could be made Ethernet-ready with WIZnet’s W5100 chip... - April 05, 2008 - Circuit Cellar

Geeks On Call Holdings Audio Interview Differentiates "Geeks On Call" from Best Buy's "Geek Squad"

Geeks On Call Holdings, Inc. Investor Podcast Provides Insight into On-site Computer Service Franchise and Corporate-Owned Growth Model to Better Serve Customer Across the U.S. - April 04, 2008 -

Enhance Technology Partners with HighPoint Technologies to Deliver Next Generation Multi-drive Backplane Storage Solutions

Enhance Technology, Inc. a world leader in data storage solutions and a pioneer in hybrid storage technology, today announced its StorPack series multi-disk backplane is teaming up with the next generation RocketRAID 3150, 3520, and 2312 series internal SATA RAID controllers from HighPoint... - April 02, 2008 - Enhance Technology

Free CD/DVD/Blu-Ray Burning, Grabbing and Mastering Tool StarBurn Version 10 Has Been Released

Rocket Division Software had announced availability of version 10 of its burning, grabbing and mastering application StarBurn. - April 02, 2008 - Rocket Division Software

North Ogden Real Estate Office on Wheels Robert Bolar Coldwell Banker Utah

North Ogden Real Estate Office on Wheels Robert Bolar Coldwell Banker Utah

When Robert Bolar embarked in a career in Technology in 1996 he had no idea that it would ever help him market so much North Ogden Utah Real Estate. Robert has harnessed the power of the Internet to market homes and bring buyers and sellers together in the Greater Ogden Utah Area. - March 31, 2008 - Robert Bolar

New Company Provides Computer I.T. Support Exclusively for Home Users and Small Businesses

Computer Service Company, E-Geniuses, provides In-Home/On-Site/Remote support that focuses on preventive maintenance practices. Instead of the break-fix-break-fix pattern that customers experience with other computer service companies, E-Geniuses practices a break-fix-maintenance model that can save residential and small business computer users from overspending for technical support. Owner Joey Mariano describes the company's emphasis on maintaining long-term, ongoing relationships. - March 29, 2008 - E-Geniuses Computer Services and Repair

MediaBeacon Announces a Major Release of Its Digital Asset Management Solution and MediaBeacon M3taforms

MediaBeacon Announces a Major Release of Its Digital Asset Management Solution and MediaBeacon M3taforms

MediaBeacon, Inc., today announced the official release of v2.0 of its MediaBeacon R3volution Enterprise DAM Suite and MediaBeacon M3taforms - standalone remote data submission and validation tool. MediaBeacon DAM solutions are web-based and designed for managing any type of media and documents in... - March 28, 2008 - MediaBeacon, Inc.

ASI’s Extreme Loading® Technology Allays Implosion Concerns

ASI’s Extreme Loading® Technology Allays Implosion Concerns

Extreme Loading® Technology was used to predict the collapse of St. Francis Hospital scheduled for demolition in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania last weekend. The building’s demise was historic to that locale, but for Applied Science International (ASI), the hallmark event is about the technology that showed the public what would happen beforehand – a new structural analysis technology now available to practicing engineers internationally. - March 27, 2008 - Applied Science International, LLC

Prophet Enhances MS Outlook, Helps Businesses Compete

Avidian Technologies’ Prophet CRM Software turns Microsoft Outlook into a Full Contact Management System. - March 27, 2008 - Avidian Technologies Launches New Microsoft Networking Technologies Program

In January 2008 of Cleveland began the first class to train in their new “Microsoft Networking Technologies Program.” This enhanced program for the first time includes training on Microsoft Windows Vista. - March 26, 2008 -

New Company Brings Over 100 Former Federal Agents Into the Fight Against Identity Theft

New Company Brings Over 100 Former Federal Agents Into the Fight Against Identity Theft

The field of personal identity theft solutions became more interesting this month with the announcement of iSekurity. The company offers a new system of identity theft prevention and detection that attacks the problem at its source. - March 26, 2008 - iSekurity

HiPe PC Announces New Quad SLI 2.0, Quad Crossfire X and Eight Core Gaming PC Models

HiPe PC® - A leading manufacturer of high performance desktop, in-dash car PC, media center and professional workstation computers – Introduces a new generation of gaming computers with support for Quad SLI 2.0, Crossfire X and the world's first Octo-Core Dual processor gaming... - March 26, 2008 - HiPe PC

Technology Associates Named Microsoft Certified Partner for 9th Consecutive Year

Eric Hobbs, president of Technology Associates (, a full-service technology solutions and support firm that specializes in providing network design, implementation, management and support to small to medium-sized businesses in North Carolina, has announced that the firm... - March 24, 2008 - Technology Associates

Mobile Video Devices and Colorgraphic Communications Introduce the Most Powerful and Simplest USB Multi Monitor Solution Available Anywhere

The MVD usb2dvi Video Adapter comes with an embedded USB cable to reduce the possibility of the cable coming loose as well as a DVI to VGA converter for customers who have not yet upgraded to a DVI monitor. MVD has utilized Displaylink’s DL-160 high performance network display chip to provide the highest resolution possible for corporate clients along with the flexibility needed for less demanding applications. - March 22, 2008 - Colorgraphic Communications

Transcendent Group Now Offering Affordable, High-Quality IT Training

Transcendent Group, Inc., Tampa Bay's premier IT Risk Management firm, announced that it has expanded its Tampa operations to include IT training as a part of their business offerings. - March 22, 2008 - Transcendent Group, Inc.

GAO Tek Inc. Proudly Presents a New ARM SBC2410-II

GAO Tek Inc. Announces a ARM SBC2410-II. The SBC2410-II is a full-featured single board computer (SBC) using the Samsung S3C2410A processor with most controller interfaces such as Ethernet, USB, RS232, LCD, Keyboard, Jtag, SD/MMC, etc . - March 22, 2008 - GAOtek

GAO Tek Inc. Has Launched a New STDV711F

GAO Tek Inc. Introduces a STDV711F. The STDV711F evaluation board is intended as a low-cost development platform to enable rapid evaluation of the STR71x series of 32-bit 64-pin ARM7 core microcontrollers from STMicroelectronics. The STDV711F board is based on STR711FR2T6 microcontroller with... - March 22, 2008 - GAOtek

GAO Tek Inc. Releases a New ARM SBC2410-I

GAO Tek Inc. Announces a new ARM SBC2410-I. The SBC2410-I Single Board Computer (SBC) is based on the Samsung S3C2410A ARM9 CPU, which is able to run at 200+MHz internally off an external 12MHz crystal. - March 22, 2008 - GAOtek

HSBSoft Technologies Unveils Powerful, New Solution – Everest for Managed Service Providers

HSBSoft Technologies today unveiled the Everest MSP Solution which offers Managed Service Providers the perfect platform to enable comprehensive IT Infrastructure Management. - March 21, 2008 - HSBSoft Technologies

GrammaTech Announces First Fully Compatible Static-Analysis Tool for MITRE’s Common Weakness Enumeration Security Standard

GrammaTech, Inc., a leading provider of source-code analysis tools, declared today that CodeSonar Enterprise is the first static-analysis tool that is compatible with all aspects of MITRE’s Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE) standard. CodeSonar has now entered CWE’s Evaluation Phase,... - March 19, 2008 - GrammaTech, Inc

BudgetGPS Announces Low Cost GPS Tracking Solution -

BudgetGPS Announces Low Cost GPS Tracking Solution -

BudgetGPS announced today that it has released version 2.0 of its primary operating system as well as a new, more aggressive pricing structure designed to allow smaller fleets access to truck mounted GPS services. - March 18, 2008 - towPartners

QNAP TS-409 PRO 3TB Turbo for Sub $1200.00, From Storage Specialist Aegis (

eAegis a specialist NAS systems integrator is honored to unveil the QNAP TS-409 PRO 3TB Turbo solution breaking new ground in reliability, manageability, capacity and value for money. At an amazing price point of $1199.00 are designed for professionals and small businesses that can affordably and... - March 18, 2008 - eAegis

AVnex Ltd. Serious About Being Silly

AVnex Ltd. Serious About Being Silly – Internet jokers can now appear as anyone or anything they want with the recently released Webcam Morpher 2.0. Already web surfers are reporting sightings of aliens and talking animals in their favorite chat programs and are told to expect more as April Fool's Day... - March 17, 2008 - AVSoft Corp.

Mac-Compatible Email Groupware Offers Small Business Alternative

Kerio MailServer, an affordable alternative to expensive groupware such as Microsoft Exchange, provides Mac users with all of the same benefits but without the high cost. - March 16, 2008 - InfTek, Inc.

TSN Studios Premiers Demolition Visual Effects Service to Film Production, Entertainment and Gaming Industries

TSN Studios Premiers Demolition Visual Effects Service to Film Production, Entertainment and Gaming Industries

New technology saves time and money - Shortens schedules from months to weeks, even days – Improves realism for demolition, impact and destruction effects. - March 15, 2008 - TSN Studios, LLC

Professional Printing for Windows Server 2008

ThinPrint's solution for the new Windows Server 2008 operating system optimizes printing in complex and heterogeneous environments. - March 14, 2008 - ThinPrint.Inc

Gao Tek Inc. Introduces a Ice for Arm Enterprise Version 5

GAO Tek Inc. has released a new ICE for ARM Enterprise Version 5. The new enterprise version 5 not only keeps those professional versions features, but also brings in newest version of FPGA and CPLD to improve tri-chips structure. Updated Features of Ice for Arm Enterprise Version 5: • New... - March 14, 2008 - GAOtek

Platial Announces 2007 Map Award Winners: Meet the Movement Makers

Platial announces the winners of its 2007 Map Awards Contest. - March 14, 2008 - Platial

Pentek’s Quad 200 MHz, 16-bit A/D Data Converter Combined with Two Powerful Xilinx Virtex-5 FPGAs Delivers High-Speed, Enhanced Resolution

Four 200 MHz, 16-bit A/Ds; 4X better resolution and 2x DRAM memory resources than previous solutions; Multi-module synchronization capability; Variety of IP cores to match specific requirements; Built-in data capture modes - March 12, 2008 - Pentek, Inc.

Ingram Micro Reseller Services Portal, Powered by MaintenanceNet, Delivers $15 Million per Month in Service Renewal Opportunities to Ingram Micro Solution Providers

Data-Integrity Driven Portal Manages $200 Million in service contract opportunities, drives dramatic improvements in service revenues for manufacturers and VARs. - March 12, 2008 - MaintenanceNet, Inc.

Exchange My Mail to Support Wireless Synchronization with the iPhone 2.0

Exchange My Mail to Support Wireless Synchronization with the iPhone 2.0

Exchange My Mail, a leading hosting provider of Microsoft Exchange Server, has announced that it will fully support the upcoming iPhone 2.0 wireless synchronization with its Hosted Microsoft Exchange Service. - March 11, 2008 - Exchange My Mail

Pentek's New Dual Multiband Transceiver with FPGA

Complete software radio transceiver system module; Two 125 MHz, 14-bit A/Ds capable of bandwidths of 50 MHz and above; Enhanced signal-to-noise ratio and spurious free dynamic range; User-programmable FPGA and tools allow custom DSP functions - March 11, 2008 - Pentek, Inc.

Pentek Announces Industry’s First VME/VXS Board with Unique Combination of PowerPC, FPGA and Multiple High-Speed Gigabit Serial Interfaces

Freescale's latest PowerPC processor, now with the AltiVec™ engine; Fabric-transparent gigabit serial crossbar switch; Support for PCI Express, Serial RapidIO, Fibre Channel, Xilinx Aurora and more; Xilinx Virtex FPGA for custom programming and gigabit serial I/O; Dual Optical Fibre Channel interface for 800 MB/sec recording/playback; Two PMC/XMC-module hosted sites for flexible I/O; VITA-41 VXS interface with dual 1.25 GB/sec 4X ports; Dual gigabit Ethernet interfaces - March 11, 2008 - Pentek, Inc. Showcase Technology Stock, Geeks on Call Holdings

Geeks On Call Holdings, Inc. Provides On-Site Computer Service and Solutions to Small Business and Residential Markets. - March 08, 2008 -

Genealogical Publishing Company Partners with, Inc.; More Than 600 Genealogy Databases to be Available at

Genealogical Publishing Company, the world’s largest publisher of immigration records in book form, has partnered with, Inc, to make their databases available on "We are looking to work with others who will provide the bridge from today back to the... - March 06, 2008 - World Vital Records, Inc.

Attaain Inc. Launches AttaainCI Competitive Intelligence Software as a Service.

Attaain Inc. Launches AttaainCI Competitive Intelligence Software as a Service.

New System Provides “Active Intelligence for Strategic Advantage” By Tracking Key Companies, People and Markets Crucial to the Success of a Business. - March 04, 2008 - Attaain Inc.

Multilizer Partners with Hunnect

Multilizer and Hunnect Ltd. have entered a value added reseller agreement for the Multilizer product range. Hunnect will act as a reseller for Multilizer’s products from March, while the localized Hungarian versions will be available for sale from April, 2008. - March 04, 2008 - Multilizer

Aleratec’s New Hard Disk Drive Sanitizer and Duplicator Takes Editor’s Choice Award

Aleratec’s New Hard Disk Drive Sanitizer and Duplicator Takes Editor’s Choice Award

Aleratec Inc., leading developer and manufacturer of "Prosumers' Choice" solutions for the Blu-ray, DVD/CD, Flash, HDD, USB duplicating, and DVD/CD publishing markets has been awarded the Military Embedded Systems Magazine Editor’s Choice distinction for its innovative new stand alone HDD Cruiser™, a hard disk drive sanitizer and duplicator all in one unit. - March 03, 2008 - Aleratec, Inc.

Small Illinois Company Spends $1.7 Million on Domain Name

Small Illinois Company Spends $1.7 Million on Domain Name

A small company in Edwardsville, Illinois buys in one of the top ten most expensive domain name acquisitions in history. - March 01, 2008 -, Inc.

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