Telecommunications News

Discover news about companies in the telecommunications industry and their products and services. Learn about the latest telecommunications equipment, applications, developments in the industry and market trends.

Elisiontec Announced Advanced Remote Agent Feature to Benefit Call Centers and Customer Support Centers

Elisiontec is one of the leaders in Contact center software development and VICIDial. The company has announced an advanced ‘Remote Agent’ feature for contact center software and VICIDial. This module makes the remote agent concept more flexible and easy to implement. - August 23, 2017 - Elision Technolab LLP

Paige DataCom Solutions Team with CNET to Use Their CNCI Program to Authorize Certified Installers

Paige DataCom Solutions Team with CNET to Use Their CNCI Program to Authorize Certified Installers

Paige DataCom Solutions announces that it will allow CNET CNCI credential holders to offer their full 25-year system warranty. - August 22, 2017 - Paige DataCom Solutions

Teleperformance to Host National Hiring Day Across Their USA Locations

Teleperformance to Host National Hiring Day Across Their USA Locations

Career Opportunities for Over 1,000 People - August 21, 2017 - Teleperformance

eLuma Announces Exclusive Back-to-School Pilot Program for Schools Across the Country; Try Online Speech Therapy Before You Buy

eLuma Announces Exclusive Back-to-School Pilot Program for Schools Across the Country; Try Online Speech Therapy Before You Buy

With budget cuts, turnover and staffing shortages, special education departments all over the country are scrambling to provide critical services. eLuma Online Therapy provides innovative solutions to help schools answer these challenges. For the first time ever, the company is offering a pilot therapy program to schools so they can test drive teletherapy before committing to it. Through this program, eLuma hopes to show schools that they can succeed by leveraging technology and innovation. - August 21, 2017 - eLuma Online Therapy

John Harden Named a Member of TechPoint’s Tech 25 Class of 2017

Axia Technology Partners’ Principal Software Engineer awarded prestigious recognition for advancements in Kerauno’s product development. - August 19, 2017 - Kerauno

Optec Introduces MTP® PRO Fiber Assemblies to Provide Optimal Flexibility in Polarity and Gender Reconfiguration

An Expanded Portfolio of High Density MTP/MPO Cabling Solution, the MTP® PRO Fiber Assemblies - August 19, 2017 - Optec Technology Limited

A Half Million Reasons to Get Excited About Shazam for Radio

Sun Broadcast Group has hit a milestone of 500,000 Shazams on their exclusive Shazam for Radio platform over the past 12 months. These half million Shazams translate to 700+ experiences, 200 markets, and roughly 10 million impressions outside of the Shazam app itself. - August 18, 2017 - Sun Broadcast Group

For the 10th Time, Insight Global Appears on the Inc. 5000 list

For the 10th Time, Insight Global Appears on the Inc. 5000 list

Inc. Magazine Unveils 36th Annual List of America’s Fastest-Growing Private Companies - The Inc. 5000 - August 17, 2017 - Insight Global

Ecrio Announces Worldwide Availability of eagle IMS/VoLTE Test Suite

Ecrio’s eagle IMS/VoLTE Test Suite intended for Device Developers and Testers. - August 16, 2017 - Ecrio Inc.

STT Next Gen Dynamic Encryption Demonstrated at 2017 Verizon OCR

STT Next Gen Dynamic Encryption Demonstrated at 2017 Verizon OCR

STTarx demonstrated the uninterrupted network communications and ease of changing traditionally difficult network security policies on the fly, from security zones to dynamic Virtual Private Network (VPN) encryption ciphers rotating as fast as once per second, all while under cyber-attack. STT remains proud to have empowered the event participating first responders and Verizon's Head of Network & Security Innovation Programs, Jeff Schweitzer, in the next generation Software Defined Perimeter. - August 14, 2017 - STT LLC

Satellite Internet Helps Transmit Vital Earthquake Warning Data

Satellite Internet Helps Transmit Vital Earthquake Warning Data

Satellite Internet helps transmit vital earthquake warning data. John Whitford Communications has contracted with the USGS to upgrade out of date earthquake monitoring sites in California. The sites are used for the earthquake early warning system. - August 09, 2017 - John Whitford Communications

2017 Annual Espionage Research Institute International (ERII) Counterespionage Conference

2017 Annual Espionage Research Institute International (ERII) Counterespionage Conference

The 2017 ERII Annual Counterespionage Conference Will Convene TSCM, Counterintelligence and Counterespionage Professionals to Discuss Key Issues, View Equipment Demonstrations and Network with Colleagues on August 17-20, 2017 in Old Town Alexandria, Virginia. - August 09, 2017 - Espionage Research Institute International

Planar Lightwave Circuit Splitters Market Forecast

The use of PLC splitters increase 13.4% in the year 2016. - August 09, 2017 - ElectroniCast Consultants

Cinarra Launches the RealPeople Audience Marketing Platform

Solution Enables Self-Service Digital Advertising Campaign Management for Enhanced Audience Analytics and Online to Offline Measurements - August 08, 2017 - Cinarra Systems

M&C Associates and LumenVox Enter New Partnership - M&C Becomes LumenVox Skills Certified

M&C Associates and LumenVox Enter New Partnership - M&C Becomes LumenVox Skills Certified

M&C Associates announced today it has officially become a LumenVox Skills Certified Partner. LumenVox Skills Certification demonstrates M&C Associates’ capability to deliver high-quality speech solutions based on the LumenVox speech automation suite. - August 08, 2017 - M&C Associates LLC

President Electronics USA Introduces the “JFK II A+” - A New 10 Meter Radio

President Electronics USA Introduces the “JFK II A+” - A New 10 Meter Radio

President Electronics, the world wide leader of CB Radios in the world announced today the launch of their new 10 Meter Radio the “JFK II A+” arriving North America later this month. The JFK II A+ is capable of 50+ watts PEP, with AM/FM, Mic Gain, RF Gain, NB/ANL, President’s... - August 05, 2017 - President Electronics USA

President Electronics USA Introduces the "Andy AM USA" ~ a 12/24V CB Radio

President Electronics USA Introduces the "Andy AM USA" ~ a 12/24V CB Radio

President Electronics, the worldwide leader of CB Radios in the world announced today the launch of their new 12/24V CB Radio ~ the “Andy AM USA” arriving in North America later this month. The Andy features a large multi-function 7 color LCD display, programmable emergency channel, PA... - August 05, 2017 - President Electronics USA

iSymplify Celebrates 8th Anniversary

iSymplify Celebrates 8th Anniversary

Technology and telecommunications company has grown from the dreams of Founder and President, Lorie Burkemper, to become a major player in the telecom industry, with phenomenal growth. - August 04, 2017 - iSymplify

Axia Technology Partners Names Don Scifres as Chief Operating Officer

Leading local technology influencer brings new voice and experience to team. - August 03, 2017 - Kerauno

VoIP Entry Phone and Access Control System - Model K-1775-IP by Viking Electronics

Vandal Resistant VoIP Entry Phone System with Integrated Proximity Card Reader and Analog Color Video Camera - August 02, 2017 - Viking Electronics

GL Announces SIP Conformance Test Suite

GL Communications Inc., announced today its MAPS™ SIP Conformance Test Suite that helps to test the conformance of various SIP entities in the network (Proxy, Redirect Server, Registrar, UAC, and UAS) per ETSI standards. Speaking to the press, Mr. Karthik Ramalingam, a Senior Manager for... - August 02, 2017 - GL Communications Inc

FreeSWITCHService Announced Feature-Rich and FreeSWITCH Video Conferencing Solution

Video conferencing has gained ground on the basis of facilitating enterprises to establish a real-time communication irrespective of distance and remoteness of any place across the world. - July 28, 2017 - Ecosmob

Razor Tracking Integrates Electronic Logs Into Their Fleet Management Solution

Fleet managers can now use one seamless system to comply and stay ahead of regulations. - July 27, 2017 - Razor Tracking

GL Enhances GSM A Over IP Interface Emulator

The enhanced MAPS™ GSM A over IP Emulator supports Handover Management procedures, CSV based Subscriber profiles files for load testing, and User-defined Statistics and Graph generation. - July 27, 2017 - GL Communications Inc

New Canadian Service Promises to Lower Monthly Bills

A new Calgary-based start-up has created the first online service for Albertan’s wanting to lower their monthly bills like utilities, cell phones and internet during these challenging financial times. “It’s really exciting because by shopping around, the savings are significant... - July 25, 2017 -

ShoreTel Partner Converged Technology Professionals, Inc. Announces New Partnership with ScanSource

Converged Technology Professionals broadens commitment to exceptional customer service by partnering with ScanSource, a leading distributor of communications equipment whose strong infrastructure enables rapid order fulfillment and dependable shipping. - July 25, 2017 - Converged Technology Professionals

Paging in the VoIP SIP Telecom Revolution - Viking’s 40-IP

IP Ceiling Speaker for SIP Endpoint Paging or Multicast Paging / Background Music. - July 20, 2017 - Viking Electronics

ISPreview Poll Finds Most UK People Are Unhappy with Adverts for Broadband Speed

A survey of nearly 820 internet users in the United Kingdom has revealed that 68% of people are unhappy with how broadband ISPs advertise line speed. - July 19, 2017 -

Galeana Telecommunications Investments (GTI), Inc. Sues Two Michigan Companies for $50 Million

Galeana Telecommunications Investments (GTI), Inc. Sues Two Michigan Companies for $50 Million

Galeana Telecommunications Investments (GTI) Inc. has sued Amerifone and First International Exchange Group (FIEG) for Breach of Contract amounting to $50 Million. - July 18, 2017 - Galeana Telecommunications Investments (GTI), Inc.

GL Introduces HD Platform for Voice, Video and Data Testing

Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA – July 10, 2017 - GL Communications Inc., announced today its latest stand-alone and automated Voice, Video and Data Testing probe referred to as VQuad™ Probe HD (High-Definition). Speaking to the press, Mr. Robert Bichefsky, a Senior Manager for product... - July 13, 2017 - GL Communications Inc

Witlingo Launches Voice Enablement of Social Properties

Witlingo Launches Voice Enablement of Social Properties

Voice First Startup Witlingo worked with 10 companies to create Alexa skills for their social network pages. - July 11, 2017 - Witlingo

6 New Features in Jerasoft Billing Platform for Telecom and IoT Providers to Try Right Away

6 New Features in Jerasoft Billing Platform for Telecom and IoT Providers to Try Right Away

JeraSoft, a leading developer of high-quality billing solutions for telecom and IoT providers, has announced the release of a new version of their versatile billing platform – JeraSoft VCS 3.13. This version introduces a new client portal, empowered analytics, search tools and extended integration opportunities. Previously, JeraSoft has launched the IoT Billing Platform that enables users to bill any event within their business model gathered from multiple devices (sensors, controllers etc.) - July 11, 2017 - JeraSoft Limited

GDT Names Vinod Muthuswamy as New President

GDT today announced Vinod Muthuswamy has been named President, effective immediately. As President, Muthuswamy will have responsibility for all of the company’s operating units worldwide including the extensive engineering and field delivery resources throughout the United States. - July 11, 2017 - GDT

Advantage Communications Inc. Appoints Gregory Hough as CEO; Kent MacPhee Moves to Chairman of the Board

Advantage Communications Inc. (ACI), a leading Canadian BPO service provider of on-shore and nearshore outsourced customer support, announces today that it has appointed Gregory Hough as president and chief executive officer effective immediately. Kent MacPhee, current CEO of nine years, will... - July 11, 2017 - Advantage Communications Inc.

Elisiontec Announced Contact Center Solution for Global Clients

Elisiontec has made an announcement to offer their contact center solution to clients all across the globe. According to the announcement, this solution is perfect for customer care centers, call centers as well as customer support centers. - July 10, 2017 - Elision Technolab LLP

TimelyBill Moves to New and Larger Facility in Denver, NC

TimelyBill, a leading provider of telecommunications billing software, has announced it has moved its office from Huntersville, NC to a new, larger facility in Denver, NC. The move was effective June 30, 2017. According to TimelyBill CEO Michael Lates, the move was necessitated by the significant... - July 08, 2017 - Bill Perfect Inc.

Long Term Evolution (LTE) Emulator for X2 Interface

GL Communications Inc., announced today its enhanced MAPS™ LTE Emulator for X2 Interface. It has been enhanced with call control scripts to manage UE and Non-UE procedures. Speaking to the press, Mr. Jagdish Vadalia, a Senior Manager for product development of the company said, “Mobile... - July 05, 2017 - GL Communications Inc

Coiler Launches Third Free Signal Quality App, SSA Indoor, on Google Play

Coiler's free mobile application dedicated to mapping in-building RF signal quality is now available on Google Play. - July 01, 2017 - Coiler Corporation

Elisiontec Announced VICIDial and Zoho Integration Service with Custom Features

Elisiontec announced that they will offer the service of integration among VICIDial, open source call center solution and Zoho, CRM system. The offered service has many additional features along with the integration to allow both solutions to work seamlessly from a single screen. - June 28, 2017 - Elision Technolab LLP

Multiport Ethernet Switch Testing Made Easy

GL Communications Inc., announced today its solution for Testing Multiport Ethernet Switches for Functionality, Throughput and related parameters using GL’s HD-PacketExpert™ a versatile Ethernet based Testing Tool. Speaking to the press, Mr. Jagdish Vadalia, a Senior Manager for... - June 28, 2017 - GL Communications Inc

RF Components Manufacturer, Coaxicom Announces a New Representative in New England

RF Components Manufacturer, Coaxicom Announces a New Representative in New England

Beginning in July, 2017, Kitchen & Kutchin Inc. (K&K), based in Woburn, will be Coaxicom’s full-service Manufacturing Representative in New Hampshire, Maine, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Vermont and of course, Massachusetts. - June 27, 2017 - Coaxial Components Corp

Clay Launches Unlimited High-Speed Data Across Europe for Indian Travellers

First Time Ever to launch Unlimited Data across Europe at competitive prices; Now Chat, Browse, Download & Stay Online on Facebook/Whatsapp etc. 24*7 during Trip to Europe. - June 27, 2017 - Clay Telecom to Offer Products through Walmart

USA’s largest online retailer of refurbished app devices to offer products through - June 25, 2017 - JemJem

Loway Announces QueueMetrics Call Center Suite Version 17.06

Loway Switzerland, major provider of solutions for call-centers, is glad to announce a new version of its worldwide renowned monitoring and reporting suite QueueMetrics. - June 24, 2017 - Loway

UK Space Agency Chief Executive to Present Special Host Nation Address at Global MilSatCom 2017

UK Space Agency Chief Executive to Present Special Host Nation Address at Global MilSatCom 2017

Dr Graham Turntock to close the 3-day conference with special host nation address this November. - June 22, 2017 - SAE Media Group

Elisiontec Launched Hire VoIP Developer Service

Elision Technolab has launched hire VoIP developer service for its global customers who wants to hire a VoIP developer. The company’s spokesperson shared more details of this launched service. - June 22, 2017 - Elision Technolab LLP

GL Announces SGSN Pooling Within GPRS Gb Interface Emulator

GPRS Gb Interface Emulator referred to as MAPS™ GPRS Gb Interface Emulator software that now supports the emulation of BSC and SGSN with SGSN Pooling feature where each BSC is connected to a SGSN pool. - June 21, 2017 - GL Communications Inc

Metropolis to Release Reference Guide at Cisco LIVE in Las Vegas "A Query into the Queue" Compares Cisco UCM Native Queuing and UCCX ACD Queues

At Cisco LIVE! next week Metropolis will be publicizing their new Reference Guide “Query into the Queue,” which explores the routing capabilities of CUCM as compared to UCCX, as well as how QLIVE helps to fill the gap between the two. - June 21, 2017 - Metropolis Technologies, Inc.

Elisiontec Shared About Turnkey Contact Center Solution Offered to PMC Bank

Elisiontec assisted PMC Bank to overcome the challenges faced by them to provide customer support by offering them the Turnkey Contact Center Solution. The representative of the company shared details about how they assisted PMC bank to get the best contact center solution. - June 18, 2017 - Elision Technolab LLP

Main Stream Telecom II, LLC., Announces They're in Search of 2000+ Properties Nationwide for 2017 & 2018 Carrier Roll-Out

Main Stream Telecom II, LLC possesses 40 years of combined experience, having negotiated & brokered over $1 billion in Telecommunications and Real Estate assets. - June 18, 2017 - Main Stream Telecom II, LLC.

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