Arts & Entertainment News

Arts and entertainment news covering the visual and performing arts, including photography, books and publishing, electronic games, events and concerts, movies, music, television and radio as well as information, products and services pertaining to arts and entertainment industry professionals.

WOW! Women on Writing Explores Writing for Children Through Young Adults

WOW! Women on Writing Explores Writing for Children Through Young Adults

WOW! Women On Writing is a global magazine that promotes the communication between women writers, authors, editors, agents, publishers, and readers. This month the ezine exhibits a collection of children’s markets, authors, and resources, from which writers can learn about teen voice, social... - October 04, 2007 - WOW! Women On Writing

Souleo Hires WeRoqq Publicity and Promotion

Multi-Talented Radio Personality and Writer Signs with PR Firm - October 04, 2007 - WeRoqq Publicity & Promotion

Captain Blue Eye Drops Anchor and Brings Pirate Adventures to Homes in Every Port

With Captain Blue Eye's latest creation, "Pirate Treasures", families can now enjoy swashbuckling adventures in the comfort of their own home. "Pirate Treasures" is a family game full of treasures and plundering adventures. - October 04, 2007 - Pirate's Buried Treasure

Get Rewarded for Joining New College Based Social Network

Get Rewarded for Joining New College Based Social Network Launches New Social Networking Site for College Students - October 03, 2007 - Telliss, LLC

Searching for Kindness

Does kindness exist? Are there kind people out there among us? Has anyone out there ever been a recipient (or giver) of a random act of kindness? Triple Your Heart® wants to prove that it does (most certainly) exist. We just don't hear about it as often as we should. Now, at least the tri-state area, has a place to share and hear about the many local "Acts of Kindness" that happen all around us everyday. - October 03, 2007 - Triple Your Heart

Join haru® for a “Girls Night Out” at Shecky’s Shopping Extravaganza

haru’s stunning fall collection to be featured at Shecky’s annual “Girl’s Night Out” shopping event. - October 03, 2007 - haru Designs, Inc

"The CEO Show with Robert Reiss Goes National" -- Bernie Marcus Interview on Radio

Bernie Marcus, co-founder of The Home Depot, interviewed on “The CEO Show with Robert Reiss,” talks with Robert about giving back to customers, to employees, and to society. Bernie provides valuable insights about three passions that have occupied much of his life during the recent past: The Home Depot, The Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta, and “The Marcus Institute,” whose mission is treating children affected by autism. - October 03, 2007 - Reissource, LLC

Live Experiencing The Kingdom of God - Author Steve Krotoski Available for Interview

Live Experiencing The Kingdom of God - Author Steve Krotoski Available for Interview

Kingdom of God & God's miracles specialist Steve Krotoski announces new Christian living book and audio book "The Kingdom: Experiencing Heaven on Earth" to media - October 02, 2007 - PWL Publishing

Chip Arndt, Winner of CBS Reality Show “Amazing Race,” Partners with Hollywood Professionals to Raise Awareness of HIV/AIDS

Chip Arndt, Winner of CBS Reality Show “Amazing Race,” Partners with Hollywood Professionals to Raise Awareness of HIV/AIDS

Video is Part of Campaign to Raise $100,000 for HIV / AIDS Research - October 02, 2007 - CPR to AAA

WOW! Women On Writing Receives Truly Useful Site Award

WOW! Women On Writing Receives Truly Useful Site Award

WOW! Women On Writing receives another award: Preditors & Editors' Truly Useful Site Award. WOW! is honored on a Preditors & Editors' Sites of Distinction page along with a link. Preditors & Editors created awards for excellence. They state, “This is our way of encouraging others... - October 02, 2007 - WOW! Women On Writing is Announcing a New Baby Names Website, and a Social Forum announces a new social community forum and a new baby names website - October 01, 2007 - Cute Baby Names

International Poet Taalam Acey Announces 10th CD to be Released November 2007

Word Supremacy Press is proud to announce the release of The Market 4 Change, the new and collected work of Taalam Acey. Since 1999, Acey has traveled the globe sharing his work with thousands. In November 2007, he will offer Spoken Word lovers a collection from the past decade, along with his... - October 01, 2007 - Taalam Acey

Zahra: R&b/Pop Sensation

Zahra: R&b/Pop Sensation

Zahra Shines Her Way Through the Industry Using Her Voice, Piano, Flute and Composition - September 30, 2007 - Arusa Music Entertainment

Baby Nursery Theme and Decor Picture Contest

Baby Nursery Theme and Decor Picture Contest

Unique Baby Gear Ideas, Nursery Themes and Decorating Ideas contest launch. - September 30, 2007 - Unique Baby Nursery Themes, Crib Bedding and Decorating Ideas

World Salsa Athletes Compete at Disney

Dancers from 40 countries will dance-off for the title of World Salsa Championship - September 30, 2007 - the salsa seven inc

George Smart to be a Guest on Shadows in the Dark to Discuss The Knights Templar and The Holy Grail

Host Jeremiah Greer welcomes George Smart on September 30, 2007 at 9:30 pm to discuss the mysteries of the Knights Templar and the Holy Grail. - September 30, 2007 - Shadows in the Dark

Hit Business Radio Series - The CEO Show with Robert Reiss – Features Tory Kiam, CEO Lia Sophia and Jay Walker, Founder of

Tory Kiam, president of lia sophia—the world’s largest direct seller of jewelry—talks on The CEO Show with Robert Reiss, October 7, 2007 at 9 pm EST, about how his company’s products and opportunities are connecting women to their dreams and how this is revolutionizing the fashion jewelry industry. Later in the show Jay Walker, Founder of discuss what it takes to bring business ideas to fruition. - September 30, 2007 - Reissource, LLC

Princeton Premier Selects Sheila A. Christensen as Its Honored Member in Business

Princeton Premier selects Sheila A. Christensen as its Honored Member in Business. Sheila is the owner of Christensen Models and Talent in West Fargo, North Dakota and received a B.A. in Mass Communication. As the owner, Sheila manages the models including offering styling advice and handles the... - September 30, 2007 - Princeton Premier

Independent Long Island (ILI) Project Now Accepts "51st State" Scenario

Independent Long Island (ILI) Project Now Accepts "51st State" Scenario

The Governor pro tempore of the Independent Long Island (ILI) project announced today that the project now accepts a "51st state" scenario as an alternative to full secession. - September 29, 2007 - Independent Long Island

Candy Dynamics Announces the Release of New Toxic Waste® Hazardously Sour Candy® Website

Toxic Waste® Hazardously Sour Candy® Launches New, Kid-Friendly Site with Interactive Fun, Free Gemz Pop Music Download & Environmental Support Tips. - September 28, 2007 - Candy Dynamics

United States Supreme Court to Hear Appeal in Arnold Preston vs. Alex Ferrer – Joseph D. Schleimer, Schleimer & Freundlich LLP, Beverly Hills

The United States Supreme Court granted Certiorari and agreed to hear the appeal in Arnold Preston vs. Alex Ferrer. Joseph D. Schleimer, Schleimer & Freundlich LLP, Beverly Hills, California, is counsel for Petitioner Arnold Preston. - September 27, 2007 - Schleimer & Freundlich LLP

European Student Website Philox a Big Success

European Student Website Philox a Big Success

The first pan-European online student community called Philox was successfully launched earlier this year. It now has members registered in 20 European countries, with more than 70 universities supporting the project. - September 27, 2007 - Philox Ltd.

The First Japanese Crowdsourcing Community Launches Humming Based Internet Social Community Site

The First Japanese Crowdsourcing Community Launches Humming Based Internet Social Community Site

WakuWaku Open Lab.(“WOL”) has launched (, a humming based internet social community site which enables users to find and identify names of songs. - September 27, 2007 - WakuWaku Open Lab.

World’s First-Ever Textbook on the Chemistry of Love

World’s First-Ever Textbook on the Chemistry of Love

Building on the shoulders of Bacon, Newton, Goethe, and others, with their theories on amorous chemical affinities (the "force of reaction"), American chemical engineer Libb Thims tackles one of the world’s present-day greatest philosophical conundrums, “what is love?”, by writing the first-ever two-volume textbook on the chemistry of interpersonal relationships. - September 27, 2007 - Institute of Human Thermodynamics

Samantha Robson, Actress and Voice Over Talent, Has Been Signed by Precision Talent

News and information about Samantha Robson. - September 27, 2007 - Precision Talent

Edoardo Ballerini is One of The 100: Part of Precision Talent's Elite Voice Over Casting Pool

Latest News from Edoardo Ballerini and Precision Talent. - September 27, 2007 - Precision Talent

Cat Taber (Catherine) is a New Fresh Voice Among Precision Talent's "The 100"

Cat has a voice that portrays strong young women. Although she has a youthful sound, she emotes strength, leadership, and of course, spunk. Young women identify with her; young men worship her. Cat is a wonderful voice for the smart, easy beauty of Covergirl. Cat Taber is a member of The 100. ... - September 27, 2007 - Precision Talent

Marnie Saitta, Voice Over Artist, is One of "The 100": Precision Talent's Elite Voice Over Talent Pool

Marnie Saitta's voice is smooth, deep, and sexy. Her reads come across as believable and informative. When she speaks, men of all ages stop...and listen and want to listen some more. - September 27, 2007 - Precision Talent

Doug Gochman Smart, Fun

Doug Gochman's voice has been heard on ESPN. His voice can now be heard on Microsoft's website for their new Surface technology. Doug Gochman is now one of Precision Talent's elite voice over talent pool, "The 100". - September 27, 2007 - Precision Talent

Giselle Achecar a Voice of Comfort

Giselle has a textured, pleasant female voice. She has the right blend of spunk and sexy to reach the male 20-45 market, and she speaks well to her fellow, upwardly mobile 20-30-year-old women. She has the right finesse for the comfort and style of underwear brands and active wear. Gieselle speaks both English and Spanish. - September 27, 2007 - Precision Talent

Crysobel Jewelry Collection Wins Celebrity Fans During Emmy Week in Los Angeles

Crysobel Jewelry Collection Wins Celebrity Fans During Emmy Week in Los Angeles

The Crysobel Jewelry Collection displays their earrings and bangle bracelets at the 2007 pre-Emmy Suite at the Sofitel Hotel in Los Angeles, winning the admiration of Emmy nominated television stars. - September 26, 2007 - Crysobel

Former Newspaper Man Authors Novel

Former Newspaper Man Authors Novel

Daniel Morris, former editor/publisher and university professor has published his first work of fiction, spinning an unusual mystery tale. “Grave Creek Connections” is a mystery set in both Pennsylvania and West Virginia and in fictional George County, a stand-in for Greene County... - September 26, 2007 -

247 Workspace Wins Silicon Valley Business Journal’s Fast 50 Award

247 Workspace Wins Silicon Valley Business Journal’s Fast 50 Award

Nationwide provider of Mid Market Office Furniture Ranked among the Fastest Growing Privately Held Companies in the Silicon Valley - September 26, 2007 - 247 Workspace

Def Poetry Co-Founder Deborah Pointer Launches College Admissions Consulting Services

A Successful College Admissions Application is not a Secret. Def Poetry co-founder Deborah Battle Pointer has launched a college admissions/financial aid consulting service to demystify the college admissions and financial aid process for high school students and their parents. - September 26, 2007 - Edwina Inc.

Oliver Williams to be Guest on Shadows in the Dark to Discuss Time Traveler John Titor on September 27th

Join host Jeremiah Greer as he welcomes the editor of, Oliver Williams, to discuss the mysterious time traveler know as John Titor. - September 26, 2007 - Shadows in the Dark

Lawrence Jaffe Named Poet Laureate for Youth for Human Rights International

Mary Shuttleworth, President of Youth for Human Rights said the following regarding Jaffe’s appointment: “For his entire professional career Larry Jaffe has been using his art to promote human rights. ” - September 26, 2007 - Youth for Human Rights International

Free Fully-Customizable Social Media Site Caters to Professionals, Teens, and All in Between

Free Fully-Customizable Social Media Site Caters to Professionals, Teens, and All in Between

Professionals, students, hobbyists, and others no longer have to choose between the major social networking sites or maintain multiple social network accounts to reach all of their intended audiences with the launch of a free customizable social network at where social media tools from blogs to social bookmarking and social news can all be utilized independently of each other. - September 25, 2007 - cosmosing

Halo 3 Review and Bungie Interview in 360Zine Special Edition to celebrate the Launch of Halo 3

Halo 3 Review and Bungie Interview in 360Zine Special Edition to celebrate the Launch of Halo 3

The free Xbox 360 digital magazine, 360Zine has released a Special Edition, 23-page magazine dedicated entirely to Halo 3 including the definitive 10-page review of the most anticipated game of the year. - September 25, 2007 - Cranberry Publishing Ltd

Christian E. Jean Has Been Selected for Inclusion in the 2007-2008 Princeton Premier Registry

Christian E. Jean has been selected for inclusion in the 2007-2008 Princeton Premier Registry. Christian is the president of Moonlight Entertainment and holds a B.A. in English and another in Cinema from Ithaca College. As president, Christian oversees all operations and business decisions. - September 25, 2007 - Princeton Premier

Comedy Workshops Announces Judy Carter's 4-Disc Interactive DVD Set Designed for Aspiring Comics: Comedy Career in a Box

The package includes more than six hours of the same instruction taught in Carter’s Hollywood Workshops, tips from 18 industry insiders and breakdowns of 36 comics’ acts. - September 25, 2007 - Comedy Workshops

NPR Finds Blind Texas Saxophonist in Zimbabwe?

Blind jazz saxophonist, Kevin Brown, recently had the pleasure of doing an interview with Dick Gordan from NPR. A most moving, and inspiring interview. - September 24, 2007 - Curse Buster Sound

Precision Talent Introduces New Casting Services

Precision Talent Introduces New Casting Services

Precision Talent is a new innovation in voice over casting and audio production. Founded by a former radio and voice over producer from Chiat/Day, Precision Talent provides efficient, voice over casting in today's hectic market. For as little as $100 a script for casting, one can avoid the headache of mass casting and make better use of one's time and money, with much better results. - September 24, 2007 - Precision Talent

Golden Boy (Fospassin) New Album "Top Feeling" Now available on iTunes and

Golden Boy (Fospassin) New Album "Top Feeling" Now available on iTunes and

The new album "Top Feeling" of Golden boy (Fospassin) the ultimate songwriter and king of the new way hiphop available on, itunes, rhapsody, emusic, napster and others. Download and order the CD on - September 23, 2007 - Golden Boy (Fospassin)

Official Santa Mail Website Rings in Holidays with Oprah Inspired Program

Official Santa Mail Website Rings in Holidays with Oprah Inspired Program

Official Santa Mail is launching a global campaign to teach children about Random Acts of Kindness. Encouraging educators the world over teach a lesson plan on kindness. Official Santa Mail will feature participating classrooms throughout the holiday season for an International Kindness Leadership Award. - September 22, 2007 - Official Santa Mail

Common Ground Theatre Determined to Keep Dr. Floyd Gaffney’s Work and Dream Alive – Kicks Off New Shows on September 30th

The Common Ground Theatre's Board of Directors unanimously decided to move forward on the productions that the late Dr. Floyd Gaffney had been working on, including, “Awaiting Judgment,” by Art Cribbs; “Christmas is Comin’ Uptown,” by Udell and Rose; and “Jazz Queens Cast Blue Shadows,” by Anthony Drummond and Floyd Gaffney. - September 22, 2007 - Common Ground Theatre

The Podenstein Monster Will be Unleashed on 9/23/07

Griddlecakes Radio and Roneyzone Productions present a monster-sized, multi-voiced production of 'Podenstein'. - September 22, 2007 - RoneyZone Productions

BlogTalkRadio to Host FlyLady’s “FLY Show,” the Internet Social Radio Show Designed to Help Gain Control of Life and Home

Organization and home-help expert Marla Cilley shares wisdom, humor and her home-cleaning and life-organizing skills on the "FLY Show" hosted on - September 22, 2007 - BlogTalkRadio

Why This Major Publisher Does Not Sell to Bookstores

This publisher offers its nonfiction books of self-help, social issues, inspirational and other titles only to Corporations, Nonprofits and Organizations for distribution to their employees and associates to fit their own marketing needs and strategy. Tell them the book title you need and they will even write the book for you. - September 21, 2007 - United Citizens For Legal Reform

Comic Collector Live to Premier at Orlando Comic-Con

Even though Comic Collector Live has had a presence at the New York Comic Con and partnered with Silent Devil and Antacrtic Press in San Diego—its real ‘coming out’ party is scheduled for September 21-23rd at the Orlando Comic Con. - September 21, 2007 - MidTen Media, Inc

Collage Artist Claudine Hellmuth, Crafts with Martha Stewart

Collage artist Claudine Hellmuth demonstrated how to make her popular Sitting Pretty figures – a blend of metal, fabric and old photos – on the Martha Stewart TV Show on Sept. 12. - September 21, 2007 - Claudine Hellmuth

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