K-12 Education News
Get schooled on kindergarten through grade 12 education issues from technology, school initiatives and student recognition to research, equipment, products and services for teachers, students and staff. Learn about after-school programs, PTAs, PTOs, tutoring, test preparation, professional training and classroom resources.
Belshay House Releases Debut Children's Book, "But I Don't Want to Say Goodbye"
In this poignant and heartfelt book, author Ta’Shay Mason expertly crafts a tender story about how to make peace with the death of a parent...by honoring them. - November 30, 2020 - Belshay House LLC
New Cartoon Teaches Biblical Principles as Guide for Young Children
220 Media announces the launch of Yoyo Dont Play That! The live action cartoon based on the popular book series created by Myrtis Randolph. - November 28, 2020 - 220 Media and Marketing
Dr. Gracelyn R. Whyte-Farquharson, Ph.D. Recognized as a Woman of the Month for December 2020 by P.O.W.E.R.
Dr. Gracelyn R. Whyte-Farquharson, Ph.D. of Coral Springs, Florida has been recognized as a Woman of the Month for December 2020 by P.O.W.E.R. (Professional Organization of Women of Excellence Recognized) for her outstanding contributions and achievements in the field of education. Each month P.O.W. - November 25, 2020 - P.O.W.E.R. Professional Organization of Women of Excellence Recognized
Nikki H. Pough Showcased on the Reuters Billboard in Times Square by Strathmore's Who's Who Worldwide
Nikki H. Pough of Queens Village, New York has been showcased on the Reuters Billboard in Times Square in New York City by Strathmore’s Who’s Who Worldwide Publication for her outstanding contributions and achievements in the field of education. Times Square, where the Reuters Billboard... - November 19, 2020 - Strathmore Worldwide
SANS Inc. New LIVE Language Lab On-Demand™ Instructional Platform Supports World Language Teaching
SANS Inc. Software and Network Solutions is now delivering its new LIVE Language Lab On-Demand, online language teaching platform, to world language programs at schools around the country. LIVE Language Lab supports synchronous language classes in-person, remote, or in blended learning models. - November 18, 2020 - SANS Inc. Instructional Technology for Language Learning
Arya Peruma Launches a New Series of JAVA Programming Webinars Through Her Coding For Young Minds Community Initiative
Coding for Young Minds is pleased to offer a free JAVA Programming/Coding webinar series, presented by Arya Peruma for middle and high school children to further develop cognitive skills, critical and logical thinking, as well as problem solving skills. “STEM education including Coding and... - November 14, 2020 - Coding For Young Minds Community Organization
STOMP Out Bullying Celebrates Fourth Annual National Block It Out Day, Encouraging Students to Empower Themselves Online
National Block It Out Day, a STOMP Out Bullying initiative, the goal is to block negativity from the digital lives of students and, by doing so, end cruelty, homophobia, LGBTQ discrimination, racism, hatred and online violence. Last year on National Block It Out Day 3 Million people created a chain reaction by participating in and spreading the word to their friends and family who blocked out cyberbullies, haters and trolls. - November 13, 2020 - Love Our Children USA
"Wake Up Olivia," New Children's Book Inspires and Entertains Readers
"This is a story that children and parents will love. It offers the reader an empowering perspective for developing a loving, self-identity." - Fran Briggs, Publicist to Detrell and Jasmin Hawkins - November 10, 2020 - eMediaCampaigns!
Future Horizons Presents "COVID Isn’t Fair!"
Future Horizons offer books that help support teachers, parents, family members, and caretakers improve their understanding of ASD and be able to build a foundation of positive growth, both intellectually and emotionally. - November 06, 2020 - Future Horizons, Inc.
AIAA ASCEND Drawing a Spaceship with Kids
Local artist, Michelle Rouch of Tucson, Arizona, an Associate Fellow of member of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) and Chair for AIAA Tucson Section, has been honored with the acceptance of her art submissions in the AIAA Accelerating Space Commerce, Exploration and New... - November 06, 2020 - Artwork by Rouch
West Palm Beach Kiwanis Club Speaks Up for Kids with Generous Computer Donation
Twenty new Dell computers were donated to bridge the technology gap for Palm Beach County child victims of abuse. - November 05, 2020 - Speak Up for Kids
New Online Animal Education Membership Website for Children and Young Adults
Just Released Live, the Animals Central Educational Membership Website. Tools for teaching the Animal Kingdom to Children and Young Adults. - November 02, 2020 - Frederick Fichman
The Citizen Science Lab Expands Facilities to Make STEM More Accessible to Youth
Nonprofit’s new location reinforces mission to expand access to experiences and opportunities in STEM. - October 29, 2020 - The Citizen Science Lab
Kevin Breen Selected as New Head of School at Worcester Academy
Marshall School Leader to become 32nd Head of School effective July 1, 2021. - October 29, 2020 - Worcester Academy
School Innovations & Achievement (SI&A) Announces Latest Partnership with Troup County School Systems to Improve Attendance and Inspire Action
Leadership in Troup County Schools is not about establishing power, but inspiring community and trust. With a proven track record, SI&A's flagship product, The Achievement Initiative, powered by Attention2Attendance (A2A), works with school districts to track students and provide services to intervene and report on student attendance, increase attendance rates, reduce dropout rates, increase parent engagement and communication and enhance campus culture overall. - October 26, 2020 - School Innovations & Achievement
Rishi Khandelwal Explores Students Making Most of COVID Situation
Rishi Khandelwal Encourages Every Student to Improve Their Vocabulary and Writing Skills in Their Free Time. Rishi Khandelwal Also Recommends Students Work on Their Soft Skills. - October 21, 2020 - Rishi Khandelwal
Transfinder Releases Its CARES Act Incentive
Transfinder Corp. has released its own CARES Act designed to help schools overcome budgetary challenges caused by the pandemic by reducing the cost to access its award-winning software and deferring payments until July 2021. CARES stands for Client Aid Relief for (r)Evolutionary Software. For as... - October 21, 2020 - Transfinder
The Rugby Foundation, From the Barrio Foundation, Announce International Alliance and Partnership
The Rugby Foundation and From the Barrio Foundation are advancing their shared vision to empower young people and adults. The two organizations launched a global engagement model designed to support education, adaptive sports, health and community engagement their publicist announced today. Phil... - October 20, 2020 - eMediaCampaigns!
Nashville Religion Communicators Council Inspired by Religion Media Expert
The Nashville Chapter of the Religion Communicators Council (RCC) meets monthly to talk about topics of interest and hear from professionals in religious communications. - October 17, 2020 - Religion Communicators Council
Drug-Free Tennessee Celebrates National Night Out Virtually
Drug-Free Tennessee participates every year in National Night Out Against Crime by distributing the Truth About Drugs and giving lecture presentations to the community. - October 17, 2020 - Drug Free South
Eldora Jones Recognized as a Woman of the Month for August 2020 by P.O.W.E.R. (Professional Organization of Women of Excellence Recognized)
Eldora Jones of Cleveland, Mississippi has been recognized as a Woman of the Month for August 2020 by P.O.W.E.R. (Professional Organization of Women of Excellence Recognized) for her outstanding contributions and achievements for 25 years in the field of child daycare. Each month P.O.W.E.R. - October 13, 2020 - P.O.W.E.R. Professional Organization of Women of Excellence Recognized
Las Vegas Photographer Christian Purdie Adds a Fashion Style to Senior Portrait Photography Sessions
You only get one high school graduation and you only get one high school senior portrait. Las Vegas photographer Christian Purdie adds a fashion style to their senior portrait photography sessions. Families no longer have to settle for the cheap backdrop with the standard smile and pose option for... - October 08, 2020 - Christian Purdie Photography
New Book for Teens and Parents, "What They Don't Teach Teens," Protects Families from 21st-Century Dangers
New book "What They Don't Teach Teens" provides teens and parents with modern safety tips to protect against modern dangers, such as sexting, cyberbulling, revenge porn, mass shootings and more. - October 07, 2020 - Linden Publishing
Transfinder Solutions Named "Most Innovative"
Transfinder Corp. was selected by attendees of the industry’s first Bus Technology Summit as the creators of the Most Innovative Software, beating out other tech companies’ routing products. "The 1,250 attendees that participated at the inaugural Bus Technology Summit on Sept... - October 07, 2020 - Transfinder
N.J. Military Software Vendor Releases Low Cost Alyssa's Law Solution for Schools
2019 Astors Platinum Winner. DIY kit for Alyssa Law Solution. Low Cost Solution. No onsite engineers required. Panic Buttons, Mobile APP, Text Messaging and 911 calling. - October 02, 2020 - Desktop Alert
NJ MED's 3rd Quarter Education Rankings - COVID-19 Battles Education 2020
Over a Billion Children are out of school around the world. When will they return? - October 02, 2020 - New Jersey Minority Educational Development
MicroBlocks 1.0 Released - Empowers Teachers and Kids Who Love to Make and Learn
Learning from hands-on exploration using the tool MicroBlocks for physical computing has never been so fun. - October 01, 2020 - MicroBlocks
Bonnie J. Wallace’s Top Hollywood Acting Teachers: Inspiration & Advice for Actors is Out October 6, 2020
The book contains exclusive interviews with 12 of the most successful acting teachers in LA, and details what they know about how to succeed in the Industry, how they train and coach their students, what guides their different approaches for actors, as well as their wisdom and advice. Perfect for aspiring actors as well as successful working actors looking to learn from the best, the real-world insights and secrets shared from these masters shed light on what it really takes to make it. - September 30, 2020 - Hometown to Hollywood
New BrainTrain TNT Reading System Includes Neurofeedback
TNT is the fun way to learn to read, develop attention and build memory power. - September 27, 2020 - BrainTrain, Inc.
The Book "Lemar and Her Magical Pets" to Push the Boundaries of a Child’s Imagination
How many times does Lemar need to try her magic trick and why? Embark with Lemar on a simple adventure from inside her bedroom. Learn important facts about some of your pets. Lemar will soon try to use a secret treasure to make magic. She only has a little bit of time to try over and over again. What will happen if her magic trick works? And eventually, will Lemar still believe in magic? - September 25, 2020 - Kid Lemar Adventures
EverBlock and the NYC Department of Education Installs Hundreds of Modular Wall Panels and Portable Partitions for School Reopening
Using EverBlock, over 70 additional classrooms were created at 9 schools in 4 boroughs throughout NYC, allowing schools to meet the standards for reopening. - September 23, 2020 - EverBlock Systems, a Division of Versare Solutions
Aftermath Services Launches Pay It Forward Education Grant, Gives Back to Teachers During Pandemic
Aftermath Services has launched the inaugural Pay It Forward Education Grant. The grant strives to thank and acknowledge the incredible teachers and educators who have made positive differences in the lives of their students and in their communities. Three nominated teachers or educators from... - September 19, 2020 - Aftermath Services
PTC Wizard Partners with Zoom
PTC Wizard is offering scheduling for virtual parent-teacher conferences during the COVID-19 pandemic. - September 18, 2020 - PTC Wizard
Tasha Schuh – Speaker, Author, and Resilience Expert – Receives Prestigious SAVE Certification on Mental Health Curriculum
Tasha Schuh, who specializes in building resilience for mental and emotional health, recently received the SAVE Certification on her PATH Curriculum. This curriculum is designed for educators to teach in grades 6-12 in online, in-person, or hybrid learning environments. It is a complete resource on... - September 16, 2020 - Tasha Schuh Inspirations
World Rivers Day 2020 Set for September 27
World Rivers Day 2020, set for September 27, commemorates the many values of rivers and encourages river stewardship and conservation around the globe. This massive worldwide event involving up to 100 countries has its roots in British Columbia Rivers Day which celebrates its 40th anniversary. - September 14, 2020 - World Rivers Day
Wild Bird Centers of America Suggests Bird Feeding to Enhance Learning from Home
Hobby helps students develop important learning skills, promotes relaxation. - September 12, 2020 - Wild Bird Centers of America
Elaine Mokwunye Runs for Lauderdale County Commission District 2
Elaine Mokwunye is running for a seat on the Lauderdale County Commission (District 2) in Alabama. She intends to be active, available and accountable to the Lauderdale County community. Elect Elaine Mokwunye for Lauderdale County Commissioner (District 2). Vote November 3, 2020. - September 10, 2020 - Elaine’s Campaign
Collegewise Launches Free Program to Provide College Counseling for High Schoolers and Resources for Educators During COVID-19
Runway provides a course for seniors, advice for underclassmen and tailored tools for all students and educators navigating the college admissions processes remotely. - September 10, 2020 - Collegewise
Kristi R. Givens Honored as a Woman of the Month for August 2020 by P.O.W.E.R. (Professional Organization of Women of Excellence Recognized)
Kristi R. Givens of New Orleans, Louisiana is being honored as a Woman of the Month for August 2020 by P.O.W.E.R. (Professional Organization of Women of Excellence Recognized) for her outstanding contributions and success in the field of childcare. Each month P.O.W.E.R. features women to represent... - September 09, 2020 - P.O.W.E.R. Professional Organization of Women of Excellence Recognized
Featuring Actress Kristen Bell and Jason Reynolds, #1 New York Times Bestselling Author and Library of Congress' National Ambassador for Young People's Literature
The Orange County Children’s Book Festival Goes Virtual - September 06, 2020 - Orange County Children's Book Festival
Release of Auto Counter for COVID-19 - Smart Safety in Less Numbers
Alternate E Source has the latest Smart Sensor solution that auto counts people to comply with social distancing and minimum persons requirements. The KMS-TI smart thermal sensor helps us meet the challenges of auto tracking passage ways, hallways, corridors and presence counting, alerting when too many persons are in a room or too close together. - September 05, 2020 - Alternate E Source
Parents in Disagreement with New School Requirements Turn to Homeschooling
SchoolhouseTeachers.com, a division of The Old Schoolhouse®, sees a sudden influx of members. - September 05, 2020 - The Old Schoolhouse Magazine
William A. Geha Celebrated as a Top Educator for 2020 by Strathmore's Who's Who Worldwide Publication
William A. Geha of Sylvania, Ohio has been celebrated as a Top Educator for 2020 by Strathmore’s Who’s Who Worldwide Edition for his outstanding contributions and achievements for over 50 years in the field of education. About William A. Geha William Geha currently serves as a drug... - September 03, 2020 - Strathmore Worldwide
Gebhart Campaign Supports Teachers with First FDA Approved Clear Masks
Endorsed Democratic candidate for Ward 9 of the Warwick City Council, Vinny Gebhart, has donated clear face masks to the Warwick Teachers Union to support teachers in the classroom during COVID-19. - September 03, 2020 - Gebhart For Warwick
Newport Trading is Delighted to Announce the Release of the New Book, "My Joyous Battles with Chess Villains" by David Lucky
The author is a FIDE Master who in the book analyzes 119 of his most exciting chess battles, and shares some of his unique discoveries at the chessboard. The book contains many exhilarating games with Grandmasters, International Masters, and other champions. Also included are unique articles showing a missed win in a previous World Championship and one of the top theoretical novelties. - September 02, 2020 - Newport Trading
Transfinder CEO to Present PEACE Plan at BTS
Transfinder President and CEO Antonio Civitella will detail during the Bus Technology Summit on Sept. 22 at 3:15 EDT, 12:15 PDT key actions school districts can take to have peace of mind in the midst of uncertainty caused by the pandemic. Civitella, one of the summit’s keynote speakers,... - September 02, 2020 - Transfinder
Lion Dad - How to Nudge Your Cub Into an Elite School; The Answer to the Tiger Mother
JK Roark, M.D. just released his book, "Lion Dad, How To Nudge Your Cub Into the Ivy League." It is available on Amazon in both Kindle and soft cover. The audiobook and translations into Chinese, Japanese, and Korean are coming. This book is a step by step guide for elite school admissions in the Pandemic Age. Inside information for an Ivy League admission that is rarely available. - August 31, 2020 - Lion Dad LLC
Accel Schools Selects BlackBeltHelp for 24x7 IT and LMS Help Desk Support
BlackBeltHelp is pleased to announce that Accel Schools has selected BlackBeltHelp for 24x7 IT and LMS Help Desk Support. - August 29, 2020 - BlackBeltHelp
Be Strong International Hosts First School Supply Distribution for Needy Parents
Be Strong International (BSI), joined by the City of Palmetto Bay, distributed school supplies and food at the Palmetto Bay Village Hall to needy families on Friday, August 21, 2020. By the end of the event, all 250 bookbags filled with supplies were successfully given to families, along with over 200 food boxes. - August 26, 2020 - Be Strong International, Inc.
App-Garden Releases New Features to Aid in Volunteer Recruitment in New School Environment
The App-Garden, a leading cloud-based software company who works with K-12 administrators nationwide, has released new updates to the Volunteer Tracker to aid school districts with including volunteers in the new school environment. The new features provide an automated safety review process that... - August 25, 2020 - App-Garden