Small Business Services News

Branch out with the latest news on small business products, services, technology, insights, education, research and opportunities. Incorporate information from leading consultants, software companies and entrepreneurial organizations designed to help small business owners amplify their efforts.

Small Business Teleseminar with Sean D'Souza Reveals the Secrets of How Customers Think

Tessa Stowe interviews Sean D'Souza on "The Secrets of How Customers Think: What Makes Them Say no at the last minute (and what gets them to say Yes)." - June 22, 2007 - Sales Conversation

Florida Inventor Recieves Patent for Unique New Grocery and Department Store Plastic Shopping Bags Carrying and Managing Device

The ingeniously simple and inexpensive device will save consumers time, effort, and simplify a twice a week chore for over 111,000,000 U.S. households. - June 21, 2007 - Baggy Buddy Easy Carry Handles

Freight Bill and Invoice Factoring or Account Receivable Funding … All Provide Debt Free Working Capital with Programs from UC Factors Texas, Tennessee and California

Freight Bill and Invoice Factoring or Account Receivable Funding … All Provide Debt Free Working Capital with Programs from UC Factors Texas, Tennessee and California

Factoring with UC Factors is a debt free way to achieve consistent working capital and a positive cash flow. For start-ups, small businesses and growing businesses, factoring provides the needed funds without the owner(s) giving up equity (taking on a partner(s)) or going into debt. Factoring can... - June 20, 2007 - UC Factors

Small Business Research Board Industry Study: Manufacturers Predicting Greater Revenues, Expecting to Increase Hiring During Next 12 Months SBRB Reports

Manufacturing confidence growing despite concerns about economy says SBRB report prepared in conjunction with International Profit Associates. - June 20, 2007 - Small Business Research Board

Small Business Research Board Industry Study: Confidence of Construction, Contracting Business Owners Registers Third Consecutive Quarterly Gain

Owners of construction, contracting industry businesses look to increase hiring despite concerns about economy, revenue during next 12 months says SBRB report prepared in conjunction with International Profit Associates - June 20, 2007 - Small Business Research Board

Small Business Research Board Industry Study: Small Business Confidence Indexes Rise in Three Key US Industries; Owners Plan to Increase Hiring During Next 12 Months

Outlook for Construction / Contracting, Manufacturing, Food Industries improved during second quarter says SBRB report prepared in conjunction with International Profit Associates. - June 19, 2007 - Small Business Research Board

New Online Course Gives Small Business Owners Financial Tools to Succeed

Best-selling author teaches entrepreneurs crucial skills, thinking, attitude - June 18, 2007 - Journey To Wholeness

Press Coverage Heats Up Alongside Charlotte Real Estate Market

Within a few short weeks of the release of the podcast touting Charlotte, NC as a great real estate investing market ABC News’ Nightline threw the Charlotte real estate market in the spotlight. - June 18, 2007 - Cash in on Charlotte

Don’t Let Other People Brand You - Brand Yourself

If you don’t brand yourself, someone else will – and it probably won’t be the brand you want. Discover a new self-paced coaching program and brand yourself to success. - June 15, 2007 - Borgeson Consulting, Inc.

WSI Amongst Success Magazine's "Ten Franchises We Love"

Feature story lauds company’s efforts to serve global SME market. - June 15, 2007 - WSI Internet

Entrepreneurs Give - And Get - Good Advice

"Don't expect overnight success and put in a lot of work" are the astute words of advice from young business owners, 20-year olds Craig Randall and Matthew Reed, whose web design business is building a steady client base since it began test trading in July last year. Both entrepreneurs... - June 15, 2007 - WebGrafix

Jo To Go Coffee® Celebrates Dad on Father’s Day

Jo To Go Coffee will be giving away free coffee to dads on June 17, 2007 at all franchise locations. - June 14, 2007 - Taco Flamingo | Jo To Go Coffee

New World Library to Publish Ernest D. Chu's "Soul Currency: The Secret of Being Well Paid for Doing What Really Fulfills You"

New World Library to Publish Ernest D. Chu's "Soul Currency: The Secret of Being Well Paid for Doing What Really Fulfills You"

"Soul Currency: The Secret of Being Well Paid for Doing What Really Fulfills You" by the Rev. Ernest D. Chu will be published as New World Library's lead title in the Fall of 2008. The forthcoming book has been recommended by Deepak Chopra; Jean Houston, founder of the Human Potential Movement; Mark Victor Hansen, co-author of the "Chicken Soup for the Soul" series; Alan Cohen, ("The Dragon Doesn't Live Here Anymore"); John Gray ("Men Are From Mars..."), and many others. - June 13, 2007 - Soul Currency Institute

Intertise Incorporated Release Out of the Box Digital Signage System for Small Business, Called POP (Point of Purchase) Advertising System

The POP Advertising System is a turnkey digital signage product that can be used as a stand alone revenue generating tool or used as part of an overall network that spans multiple locations. - June 13, 2007 - Intertise Incorporated

Intertise Incorporated Releases Turnkey Digital Signage Network Business Opportunity

Intertise Incorporated's proprietary digital signage software is available to entrepreneurs, small businesses and corporations alike, who are interested in deploying and implementing digital signage networks. - June 13, 2007 - Intertise Incorporated

Mark Anderson and Brandon Corbin Launch Appendant Marketing Group

Mark Anderson and Brandon Corbin Launch Appendant Marketing Group

Appendant Marketing Group officially opens its doors today, June 12th, 2007. - June 12, 2007 - Appendant Marketing Group

Atlanta Bridal Gown Designer Anne Barge Featured in June 2007 eLIFE Magazine

Atlanta Bridal Gown Designer Anne Barge Featured in June 2007 eLIFE Magazine

Internationally known wedding gown designer Anne Barge talks with eLIFE about her career and her Fall 2007 designs. - June 11, 2007 - eLIFE Magazine

Small Business Teleseminar Reveals the Secrets of Power Questions That Sell

Sales expert Tessa Stowe is the featured speaker on the teleseminar "Power Questions That Sell." - June 09, 2007 - Sales Conversation

Real Estate Site Nominated for 4 Innovation Awards at Inman News

The Inman News Innovator Award is one of the most prestigious and coveted honors in the real estate industry. has been nominated for Most Innovative Technology, Most Innovative Media Site, Most Innovative Web Service, The 2007 Innovator of the Year. - June 06, 2007 -

Delaware Incorporation – Why Businesses Now Consider Incorporation in “Delaware South” or “Delaware West”

Delaware Incorporation has long enjoyed a reputation as the choice for many businesses, but that is changing as other states make efforts to foster a business-friendly environment for incorporation. A new article released by MaxFilings Online Incorporation Service today examines points that... - June 06, 2007 - SEO Advantage, Inc.

Small Business Research Board Study: Small Businesses in Canada Optimistic; Predict Steady or Improving Economy, Revenues Next 12 Months According to Latest SBRB Report

Businesses to focus on staff training, finding quality employees, improving or adding automation or technology to boost productivity says SBRB report prepared in conjunction with Integrated Business Analysis. - June 05, 2007 - Small Business Research Board

A3 The Night, Life & Style Network Joins Joost

New Channel Features The Best of Global Nightlife, Fashion & Style - June 04, 2007 - A3 The Night, Life & Style Network

Andrew Field of Named Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of Year 2007 Finalist in Pacific Northwest Region

CEO of America’s first online commercial printing company honored as outstanding entrepreneur - June 03, 2007 -

Website Developer Adds Graphics Services -

Modern Data ( today announced the immediate availability of custom graphic services to help organizations with their Website design, Photo retouching, Brochures, Logo’s and other marketing or training projects. Specializing in the use of graphics and visual communications... - June 03, 2007 - Modern Data LLC

Granite Shield Countertops Opens Its Doors in Reno, Nevada

Granite Shield Countertops Opens Its Doors in Reno, Nevada

Granite Shield Countertops is pleased to announce it is opening the doors to its newest Granite Shield Countertop retail showroom. - June 02, 2007 - Granite Shield

Triumph Communications Launches Resource Site for Freelance Writers

Freelance writers find support, information, and guidance on a new site dedicated to answering their questions and helping them build successful writing businesses. Working Writer Happy Writer launches June 1, 2007. - June 02, 2007 - Triumph Communications, LLC

Crysobel Jewelry Taps into World’s Finest and Most Rare Sapphires from Sri Lanka

Crysobel Jewelry Taps into World’s Finest and Most Rare Sapphires from Sri Lanka

The Crysobel Fine Jewelry Collection boasts precious gemstones, including some of the world’s rarest and best sapphires, from Sri Lanka. - June 01, 2007 - Crysobel

Book Guides Readers Through the Process of Leaving Their Jobs Once and For All

Ericka D. Jackson has been teaching others how to live the fullness of their vision for six years and has released a new paperback book, Leave Your Job in 2007. A Step-by-Step Plan to Live God’s Vision as Your Full-time Vocation, published in conjunction with Lulu, the world’s... - May 31, 2007 - Ericka Jackson

Consulting Services for Entrepreneurs New Web Site

The Legacy site, Consulting Services for Entrepreneurs, serves as a business advisory resource portal for new, seasoned, or want-to-be entrepreneurs alike. The Legacy site informs entrepreneurs concerning benefits that can be derived from working with professional business advisors/consultants. - May 29, 2007 - Legacy Associates, Inc.

A Complete Solution for the Busy or Aspiring Virtual Assistant - VA Solution Pack

Start your own virtual assistant business with the Virtual Assistant Solution Pack complete with 81 page e-book and 73 templates. Everything you need to succeed in your own virtual assistant business. - May 27, 2007 - Virtual Word Publishing, Inc.

Economy Slowdown Forces People to Seek Out Alternative Income Streams

eBook Publishing Gains Momentum as Popular Revenue Generator. Virtual eBook expo to feature writing and publishing industry heavyweights. - May 27, 2007 - Create A Splash/The eBook Coach

StartupNation’s New Blog Offers Tips and Marketing Secrets for Home-Based Business Success

Christine Hanisco of The Dippy Chick Company offers perspectives and advice for “homeprenuers” - May 27, 2007 - StartupNation

The "Homebased Business Queen" Hosts Free Luncheon Workshop at Sugar Creek

The "Homebased Business Queen" Hosts Free Luncheon Workshop at Sugar Creek

A Sugar Land Mother of 6 who successfully launched her own homebased business in the Health and Wellness Industry after she lost a whopping 70 lbs on an all natural, delicious, organic, herbal juice and kept it off over 2 years is hosting a free lunch workshop. She has had tremendous success with... - May 26, 2007 - Leola Anifowoshe

NBC Today Show Showcases Colorado Virtual Assistant

NBC show spotlights the Virtual Assistant Industry today with a segment with Karen Reddick, a VA in Colorado - May 26, 2007 - Virtual Word Publishing, Inc.

e-Business Profits Now Available to Businesses in the UK

World’s Largest Internet Consultants Open Office in the UK - May 26, 2007 - WSI Internet

Help Available for New and Aspiring Home Business Owners

New home study program makes it easier for business hopefuls to begin home-based businesses by eliminating confusion and overwhelm. - May 26, 2007 - The HBB Source

Fashionable T-Shirt Line Designed by 7 Year Old Girl Which Also Benefits Children’s Charity

Fashionable T-Shirt Line Designed by 7 Year Old Girl Which Also Benefits Children’s Charity

While most 7 year old girls are just learning to put on their own t-shirts, one special girl is busy creating them. Haley Schmidt at just 7 years old might be the youngest t-shirt designer in the country with her new line of fashionable children’s t-shirts titled HaleyBopTees. For certain... - May 25, 2007 - HaleyBop

Just Published, "Straight Talk for the New Public Speaker" Become a Public Speaker

Dale Simmons releases his new book, Straight Talk for the New Public Speaker which addresses a fresh simplistic down to earth uncomplicated approach providing the required elements of becoming a successful public speaker. - May 25, 2007 - Dale Simmons

Sally Bucciero Mortgage Group, LLC Officially Opens Its Doors

Sally Bucciero Mortgage Group, LLC, a full-service mortgage firm, announced today that it officially opened its doors for business in the Great Smoky Mountains, one of Tennessee’s fastest-growing markets. Understanding the vital role purchasing a home plays in one’s life, the group is committed to ensuring each client is provided with an array of loan options tailored to the individual’s needs. - May 24, 2007 - Sally Bucciero Mortgage Group LLC

e-Business Profits Now Available to Businesses in Sarasota

World’s Largest Internet Marketing Consultants Open Office in Sarasota - May 24, 2007 - WSI Internet

Online Incorporation Service MaxFilings Offers Free Press Release for Customers Forming an LLC or Corporation

MaxFilings Online Incorporation Service announces that customers using its new website to incorporate online or form an LLC, can take advantage of a free professionally prepared press release for a limited time. - May 24, 2007 - SEO Advantage, Inc.

e-Business Profits Now Available to Businesses in Dallas/Fort Worth

World’s Largest Internet Consultants Open Office in Texas - May 24, 2007 - WSI Internet

Law of Attraction Website Offers Crucial New Tool in Its Quest to Create Prosperity and Abundance for its Members

One of the internet's premier Law of Attraction websites,, just added to its reputation by becoming affiliated with “The Science of Getting Rich” by Bob Proctor and Jack Canfield. This new program provides all the necessary tools to create wealth and prosperity in anyone’s life. - May 22, 2007 - Y Earnings, Inc.

Newly Released Interactive Case Management System Paves a Clear Path to Tax Resolution for Troubled Taxpayers Nationwide

Mediaplicity, Incorporated, a leading U.S. strategic intelligence and business development firm, today announced the completion and roll-out of its 1.0 version of the ‘Taxplicity Client Management Center' (‘TCMC’) - a revolutionary offering of tightly integrated online case... - May 22, 2007 - Mediaplicity, Incorporated

Why is The Secret Movie Website's Popularity Rising Sharply?

Enviable Life New Media Group is proud to announce their site,, has been forecasted to have its visitor count rise sharply by Since its inception, the site has been profitable and continues on that same path. Now, Enviable Life New Media is also happy to... - May 21, 2007 - Enviable Life Coaching

SmartPower in Over 50 Stores in the San Francisco Bay Area

SmartPower™ energy drinks continue to blanket the Bay Area, with new stores continuing to steadily come on board. Considering that SmartPower™ energy drinks were only introduced in January of 2007, the makers of the product are thrilled with the reception it is receiving locally, as... - May 20, 2007 - Smart Energy Enterprises Inc.

Simple Solution to Building a Brand Within Budget

Branding and selling products doesn't have to be expensive or time consuming for small business owners or entrepreneurs. With the right approach, professional packaging is easier than ever. - May 17, 2007 - Online Labels, Inc.

Virtual Assistants Are Making Their Mark in Corporate America on VA Day

It’s here, and it’s going to revolutionize the corporate office. Virtual Assistants or VAs as they call themselves are finally starting to make their mark in Corporate America uniting together to celebrate Virtual Assistants’ Day on May 18th, 2007. - May 17, 2007 - Mediamage

AH-H-H-H - "How to Communicate with Difficult People" Workshop Reveals Tips and Techniques for Greater Harmony in the Workplace

Sue always responds with a frown. Frank doesn't respond at all. Mary acts as the go-between. Sound familiar? - May 16, 2007 - Calmas Associates Hosts May 17 Teleseminar with Marketing Consultant Jim Logan

Marketing guru to share practical ways to avoid being viewed as offering a commodity service for Virtual Assistants and other independent professionals - May 15, 2007 - Virtual Assistant Chamber of Commerce

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