Small Business Services News
Branch out with the latest news on small business products, services, technology, insights, education, research and opportunities. Incorporate information from leading consultants, software companies and entrepreneurial organizations designed to help small business owners amplify their efforts.
Join by June 27th and Have the Chance to Win the “Work Hard. Play Harder.” Contest
Through its “Work Hard. Play Harder” giveaway, StartupNation,, is offering entrepreneurs the chance to win two, free round trip tickets anywhere in the U.S. where Southwest Airlines flies. - June 15, 2006 - StartupNation
Five Steps to Choosing the Ideal Home Based Business and Getting the Ball Rolling
A five step approach for the average folk to select the best home based business and achieve theirs goals of financial freedom. - June 04, 2006 -
StartupNation® Launches Online Networking Community for Entrepreneurs
Join by June 27, 2006 and have the chance to win “Work Hard, Play Harder” round trip tickets from Southwest Airlines. - June 03, 2006 - StartupNation
NetworkD CEO Named Ernst & Young "Entrepreneur Of The Year" Semi- Finalist
NetworkD Group, a global leader in IT Service Management Solutions, today announced that Ashley Leonard, President and CEO of NetworkD Group, has been named Ernst & Young Entrepreneur Of The Year Semi- Finalist. Over the past 20 years, the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur Of The Year® award has developed the reputation as the most prestigious honor for entrepreneurs. - May 18, 2006 - NetworkD Group
Mompreneur and Creator of Baby Einstein Shares Startup Business Smarts on StartupNation Radio June 10, 2006
Julie Aigner-Clark, of Baby Einstein and The Safe Side, will reveal her secrets for small business success on StartupNation Radio, - May 13, 2006 - StartupNation
Learn Marketing Strategies for your Small Business on StartupNation Radio June 3, 2006
Tina Aldatz, creator of Foot Petals, will reveal how to use testimonials and the power of influencers to build sales on StartupNation Radio, - May 13, 2006 - StartupNation
Portland Chosen to Host Nation's First-Of-Its-Kind Entrepreneur Business Conference
Portland, Oregon is hosting a first time Entrepreneur Business Conference - May 08, 2006 - Marketing Experts International
Learn How to Create a Hot Product and Successful Business on StartupNation Radio May 13, 2006
Jason Kane and Larry Davenport, creators of Cocktails by Jenn, will reveal how to transform an old idea into a successful product on StartupNation Radio, - May 04, 2006 - StartupNation
Small Business Guru Wins Awards for Offering Advice
Shares Top Four Tips Every Small Business Owner Can Use. - May 02, 2006 - Bud Bilanich
Internet Entrepreneur Offers Way to Succeed in New World of “Anti Spam”
Virtual Assistant carves out niche with good marketing practices. These days with a multitude of states enforcing statutes and a federal law on the horizon, reaching your potential customer by email is harder than ever. That’s why Virtual Assistant (VA) Michele Hanson-O’Reggio decided to focus her business on helping her clients reach their target market. "Most of my customers want marketing assistance," says Hanson-O'Reggio. - May 02, 2006 - A Virtual Pro
Successful Brand Visioneer Completes First-Ever Event for Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners To Radically Change the Way They Communicate
Hands-On Intensive Gives Any Business the Power to Create A Brand in Just Three Days - May 01, 2006 - Intention Products, LLC
eventricity Ltd Receives Buckinghamshire Ambassadors Innovation Award
eventricity Ltd receives Innovation Award for its project at Banca Antonveneta at the glittering Buckinghamshire Ambassadors Awards hosted by TV personality Johnny Ball at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Marlow last night. In its inaugural year, the Buckinghamshire Ambassadors Awards celebrate the... - April 29, 2006 - eventricity Ltd
Internet Entrepreneurs Make Money by Blogging
Internet entrepreneurs are making money simply by setting up blogs. Some people are now depending on blogs for their sole source of income. Blogging is no longer a spare time, amateur activity. It's gone entrepreneurial. - April 28, 2006 - Graham Jones
Home (Business Owner) Alone: The Accent News Group Shares Essential Security Tips for Home Offices
In the April 2006 Accent newsletter, Dawn Mills Fowler of the Accent News Group provides some critical safety advice for business owners working out of their homes. - April 25, 2006 - Accent News Group
Learn How to Leave your Corporate Job and Start a Business on StartupNation Radio May 20, 2006
Pamela Slim of Escape from Cubicle Nation to reveal the five things you need to do to leave your corporate job and become an entrepreneur on StartupNation Radio, - April 25, 2006 - StartupNation
Learn How to Create a Great Brand and Vibrant Website for your Startup on StartupNation Radio May 6, 2006
Branding Diva Karen Post and Titus Blair of SwordsOnline to share startup advice on StartupNation Radio, - April 25, 2006 - StartupNation
SOHO Support Solutions Offers Free Online Seminar on Virtual Collaboration
SOHO Support Solutions LLC is offering a free online seminar, “No Entrepreneur is an Island: Putting the Virtual World to Work for You,” on Wednesday, March 8th at 7PM EST and Thursday, March 16th at 2PM MST to help small businesses take advantage of the benefits of virtual collaboration. - March 07, 2006 - SOHO Support Solutions LLC
Judy Smith Named Entrebizneur Of The Year
President of Smith Seal Wins Recognition From Business Leader Magazine. - February 09, 2006 - Smith Seal of NC
Baxa Corporation’s Brian Baldwin Wins 2005 Entrepreneur Of The Year® Award
Brian Baldwin, founder and Vice Chairman of Baxa Corporation, was selected as an Ernst & Young 2005 Entrepreneur of the Year in a ceremony last evening at the Donald Seawell Ballroom of the Denver Center for Performing Arts. Brian, the winner for the medical and health sciences category, joined eight other award winners in six different categories for the Rocky Mountain Region. - June 24, 2005 - Baxa Corporation
Baxa Corporation’s Brian Baldwin Selected As Finalist For Ernst & Young 2005 Entrepreneur Of The Year® Awards
Brian Baldwin, founder and Vice Chairman of Baxa Corporation, has been selected as a finalist for the Ernst & Young 2005 Entrepreneur of the Year® Awards. Nominated this year for the first time, Baldwin is one of 24 finalists in the Rocky Mountain Region selected from nearly 100 nominations by a panel of independent judges consisting of area leaders from business, academic and civic organizations. - June 15, 2005 - Baxa Corporation
‘Dot Com’ Millionaire Introduces New Business
Joshua Dziabiak, an 18-year-old ‘dot com’ millionaire, introduced the latest of his business ventures today, josMedia, LLC (referred as "the Business" thereafter). The Business will be the parent company to his internet properties and other media development. - June 06, 2005 - josMedia, LLC.
Entrepreneur Magazine Radio Interviews WSI President Ron McArthur About Recent Jump in Franchise 500
WSI Internet Consulting & Education President Ron McArthur was a recent guest on Entrepreneur Magazine’s radio program to discuss WSI’s standing in the magazine’s 26th annual Franchise 500 listing. During the interview, radio host Lee Mirabal highlighted WSI’s fourth #1... - April 22, 2005 - WSI Internet
WSI Internet Consultant Troy Ireland Wins U.S. National Businessman of the Year Award
Those looking for an example of the high caliber of professionals representing WSI need only look to New Jersey-based Internet Consultant Troy Ireland. Ireland was recently named the 2003 Businessman of the Year by the National Republican Congressional Committee’s Small Business Advisory... - May 26, 2003 - WSI Internet