Books News
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Dr. Leigh-Davis and Powerful Women Available: for Free; on Kindle; in Audio; and Everywhere
“Quotes from Powerful Women about Power” by Dr. Leigh-Davis, is now available as an audio book, and for a limited time the eBook is Free. - November 07, 2012 - Dr. Leigh-Davis
Religious Leaders Call for Immediate Withdrawal of "Study Abroad: The Book of Jobe"
After judging the book by its cover, several area leaders banded together to call for the instantaneous abandonment of "Study Abroad: The Book of Jobe." This shocking news coming less than 3 weeks before the book's much anticipated Black Friday release date. - November 07, 2012 - Jobe Leonard Books
DonnaInk Publications Signs Author Bill Moorefield and His Title, Tin Tales
Author Bill Moorefield answered DonnaInk Publications in the affirmative for their representation of his newest non-fiction title, "Tin Tales" - November 07, 2012 - DonnaInk Publications, L.L.C.
A Top Polish Interactive Books Publisher Launches Its First Free iPad and iPhone App for English Speaking Kids
PGS Software, a Polish IT outsourcing company that recently captured local market with bestselling interactive iPad and iPhone publications, expands to English speaking countries with its first free book. - November 07, 2012 - PGS Software
Former Weapons Technician Releases New Suspenseful Thriller, To Steal An Election
Former underseas weapons technician, Larry Winebrenner is pleased to announce the release of his new suspenseful thriller, To Steal An Election. - November 07, 2012 - Larry Winebrenner
Prizing-Winning Author Announces the Release of New Contemporary Fiction Novel, Hollywood Buckaroo
Prize-winning author, Tracy DeBrincat is pleased to announce the release of her new book, Hollywood Buckaroo. This novel is the winner of the inaugural Big Moose Prize from Black Lawrence Press. - November 07, 2012 - Tracy DeBrincat
Eternal Press Announces a Quarterly Release of 16 Titles on 7 November 2012
Eternal Press continues to bring quality affordable fiction to readers everywhere in e-formats and print. - November 06, 2012 - Caliburn Press LLC
World Castle Publishing Presents a Riveting Family Saga Set in Southern Virginia
Winter Songs takes the reader into the world of the Howard family of southern Virginia. - November 06, 2012 - World Castle Publishing
New Juvenile Adventure Novel Follows a Young Boy in His Search for Lost Treasure
Author, Christopher Cloud is pleased to announce the release of his juvenile fiction novel, A Boy Called Duct Tape. This story follows a young boy’s journey on his search for the Jesse James treasure. - November 06, 2012 - Christopher Cloud
On Veteran’s Day, Dunrobin Releases Unique Children’s Book on US Navy Blue Angels
Being a Blue Angel takes children behind the scenes with the US Navy Flight Demonstration Squadron, the Blue Angels. “Being a Blue Angel” shows kids all the jobs the Blue Angels do, from the pilots to the maintenance crew, and more. And uses the real Blue Angels to inspire children towards science and math education, team sports, positive life choices and their dreams. This is the first book for children to ever take this approach. - November 05, 2012 - Dunrobin Publishing
A New Book, "Excel Pies and Other Recipes to Make Your Data More Digestible," Teaches How to Best Use Microsoft Excel 2010 to Create Standard and Custom Charts
Author Artur Paskar Shares His Experience on How to Create Standard and Custom Charts Which Are Easily Understood and Provide an Effective Way to Communicate Data. - November 05, 2012 - ChartRecipes
"The Iceman," a New Release by Author Robert G Demers
Seconds from becoming a murder victim, the mortally wounded points to the motive instead of the killer in most of the scenarios seen on TV, or in the movies. Robert G DeMers written a four hundred page murder/mystery novel titled, “The Iceman” where the victim intentionally points away from the killer and skillfully, misleads us and the protagonists on the motive. The evidence builds as each of the 3 protagonists, are followed on their leg of the investigation. - November 05, 2012 - Robert G DeMers
Voyager Publishes His Travel Journal That Includes a Twist Ending That Will Grip and Enlighten Explorers of All Ages
Traveling the world and logging his daily activities in a journal has been a way of life for lumberjack Jobe Leonard over the past decade. After compiling his work into a singular piece he has published a book entitled “Study Abroad: The book of Jobe.” - November 05, 2012 - Jobe Leonard Books
Savant Books Announces Release of "The Loons," a Novel by Sue Dolleris
Savant Books and Publications LLC, Honolulu, Hawaii, announces the release of "The Loons," a novel about a con artist who finds herself knee deep in eccentric DeLune cousins called the Loons. - November 05, 2012 - Savant Books and Publications LLC
Vietnam War Veteran Pens Military Fiction Novel, the Cross and the Sword
Vietnam war veteran, Perry McMullin is pleased to announce the release of his new military fiction novel, The Cross and the Sword: Hoi Chu Thap Va Thanh Kiem. Can a life saver and a life taker become friends? Find out as the intriguing events unfold in The Cross and the Sword. Wannabe sniper... - November 04, 2012 - Perry McMullin
International Author Releases Captivating Psychological Thriller
International author, Serafima Bogomolova is pleased to announce the release of her debut novel - a psychological thriller, My Trickster. - November 04, 2012 - Serafima Bogomolova
Managing Fear Author Announces How His Book Can Help Celebs and Others Deal with Their Addictions
With an Increased Number of Celebrities and Others Dealing with Rehab and Addiction, A Layman's Guide to Managing Fear is an excellent book to help any person regardless of social status. - November 03, 2012 -
"Reflected in You" Paperback by Author Sylvia Day Sells 100,000 Copies in First Week
The second book in Sylvia Day’s Crossfire series knocks Fifty Shades of Grey out of the top slot on the New York Times bestsellers list. - November 03, 2012 - Sylvia Day
Lunch with Buddha Released by AJAR Contemporaries
Roland Merullo releases sequel to Breakfast with Buddha with his new work, Lunch with Buddha. The book is published by AJAR Contemporaries. - November 03, 2012 - Roland Merullo
Congressional Candidate’s Bestseller is Book of the Week
Features Exclusive Inside-the-eBook Author Comments Chris Stewart, the Republican Party candidate for Utah’s 2nd Congressional District and bestselling author, got an extra heap of good news this week, as The Master’s Cry, his latest entry to hit the Wrath & Righteousness series,... - November 02, 2012 - Copia Interactive, LLC Announces New Client, Lilian Nirupa is pleased to announce new client, Lilian Nirupa and her book, Daughter of Isis. - November 02, 2012 - BookBuzz is Pleased to Announce New Client, Amanda Anderson is pleased to announce new client, Amanda Anderson and her contemporary women's Fiction Novel, Mystery Lover. - November 02, 2012 - BookBuzz
Georgia Author Releases New Contemporary Fiction Novel
Author, Amanda Anderson is pleased to announce her new contemporary women’s fiction novel, Mystery Love. - November 02, 2012 - Amanda Anderson
Mysticism, Ancient Egypt, and Spirituality Combine in the Historical Fiction Novel, Daughter of Isis
Author, Lilian Nirupa is pleased to announce the promotion of her contemporary historical fiction novel, Daughter of Isis. - November 02, 2012 - Lilian Nirupa
INK Book Gathering Sponsoring Local NaNoWriMo Events
INK (Inspiring New Knowledge) Book Gathering announced today that it will be sponsoring the local chapter of the National Novel Writing Month in Idyllwild, California during the month of November with Write-Ins and offering a comfortable location for local aspiring novelists to work on their novels. - November 02, 2012 - INK Book Gathering
Calkins Publishing Company, LLC Announces a New Report, What a Laser Tells Us About Relativity, That Sheds New Light on Einstein's Theories of Relativity
Calkins Publishing Company announces a new scientific report that proves conclusively the position taken in its previous publication Relativity Revisited. The new report, What a Laser Tells Us About Relativity, is being offered free of charge for public education on the subject of relativity. - November 01, 2012 - Calkins Publishing Company, LLC
A New Book A Layman’s Guide to Managing Fear Available
A New Book A Layman’s Guide to Managing Fear is Available. - November 01, 2012 -
A Story is a Promise Available on Nook
Bill Johnson's popular writing workbook, A Story is a Promise & The Spirit of Storytelling, is now available on Barnes and Noble's Nook. - November 01, 2012 - Bill Johnson Script Consulting
Excelsior Publishing Releases New Book: Physicist-Monk Rejects Salvation to Cast Preacher Into Hell
Leonard Seet's novel Meditation on Space-Time from Excelsior Publishing is launched in November 2012. The book is available at Amazon and other bookstores. - November 01, 2012 - Excelsior Publishing
Kevin Buck Releases New Book, "Looking for Miss Crabtree"
A nostalgic look at those actors and actresses that have left indelible marks on the baby boomer psyche. - November 01, 2012 - Kevin Buck
New Study Demonstrates Business is Biggest Beneficiary of Gulf War Vets
Kathleen O. Beauchesne’s study shows “We are now poised as a country either to repeat the mistakes of the Vietnam era or to create the services and supports that our returning veterans deserve.” - November 01, 2012 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
World Castle Publishing Announces the Release of a Thrilling Account of Treachery, Betrayal, and Vengeance
Kristy Centeno’s chilling description of treason and retribution. - November 01, 2012 - World Castle Publishing
The Insight of a Thousand Seminars in One Book – Kristin Mackey, Professional Speaker Launches New Kmack® Seminar Book
Kristin Mackey, professional speaker and artist, announces the release of her new book You Can, You Will, You Did!; Micro Changes, Macro Transformation, a self-improvement book that helps readers move through life changes by managing their particles. Managing your particles is a unique way to relate to the world around you by enabling you to identify and apply clear language to the subtle dynamics creating your personal reality. - November 01, 2012 - Kristin Mackey
World Healing Day Founder's Newest Non-fiction Book and Novel Foretold the Franken-storm and Our National Health Crisis, and Provides Solutions
Bill Douglas's works have been called "visionary." As a global organizer (World Healing Day), novelist, and non-fiction author, he expounds an expansive vision of a green-energy economy that can end our recession; a new realpolitik based on compassion and human dignity, fueled by individuals all over the planet following their inner-calling; his recent release of the fourth edition of his non-fiction book on Tai Chi, explains how mind-body science can save our bloated healthcare system trillions - October 31, 2012 - Illumination Corporation Publishing
Author Details What to do in Life to Avoid Hell in Steps to Heaven
Wealth and power cannot stop the hands of time – death in inevitable. In Steps to Heaven, author Olufemi Adeniji explains actions believers can take in life to ensure an eternity in Heaven. - October 31, 2012 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Living Happier After Divorce Book Will be Featured on Radio Talk Show
Author of new "divorce grief handbook" to be interviewed on The Audrey Chapman Show - Announces Book Tour Event in Richmond, Va. - October 31, 2012 - Living Happier After
Best-Selling Author and "¡Ask a Mexican!" Columnist Speaks at UH, Nov. 15
Gustavo Arellano Uses Humor to Debunk Misconceptions of Mexicans - October 31, 2012 - University of Houston
Author Madison Montgomery Joins the World of Ink Virtual Tour
The World of Ink Network will be touring author Madison Montgomery’s debut steamy romance short story collection. These mini novels are about a powerful woman named, Virginia Templeton. - October 30, 2012 - World of Ink Network
Debut Author Traci McDonald joins the World of Ink Virtual Tour
Debut author Traci McDonald has been a writer since she figured out how to make words on a page. Traci lost her eyesight 17 years ago, but it never stopped her from living life and following her dreams. The World of Ink Network will be touring author Traci McDonald’s debut romantic suspense, Killing Casanova. - October 30, 2012 - World of Ink Network
Award-Winning Kai Strand Joins the World of Ink Virtual Tours
The World of Ink Network will be touring award-winning author Kai Strand’s juvenile fantasy adventure book, The Wishing Well: Another Weaver Tale, published by Guardian Angel Publishing and her juvenile contemporary fiction novel, Save the Lemmings, published by Featherweight Press. - October 30, 2012 - World of Ink Network
New Book The Princess Rules: No More Frogs Takes on the Problem of Bad Choices in Men
Jack Wright, author of The Princess Rules: No More frogs has chosen Kickstarter crowd-funding as a way to introduce this new relationship book for single women and couples who would like to develop better communications skills. - October 28, 2012 - Jack Wright
"My Odyssey" is Kathryn H. Clark's Wonderful New Memoir of Loss and Redemption
Kathryn H. Clark grew up near Cape Cod, Massachusetts and developed a love for the written word early in life. Following the tragic deaths of her father, husband, and mother, and left as the single mother of three teens she reinvented herself, followed her passion, and moved to Greece. - October 28, 2012 - Kathryn Clark, Author
Coach/Educator/Minister Teaches Others How to Deal with Loss in Her Debut Book on 220 Publishing
Filled with insightful anecdotes and real life experiences, the book is a great read for any suffering loss in life, from relationships, loved ones, or job, this book will encourage and uplift. - October 28, 2012 - 220 Communications
Author Wins Moonbeam Award for Her Children’s Book, Promoting Understanding and Compassion for Children and Adults with Cancer
Windy City Publishers is proud to announce that When Billy Went Bald has won a national Moonbeam Children’s Book Award. For children ages four to eight, this book was written by Julie C. Morse with her son Greg Mikrut, and draws from Greg’s own childhood cancer experiences. This... - October 28, 2012 - Windy City Publishing
Atlanta Indie Author Giving Away a Million Copies of Book, No More Crumbs in Campaign, to Prevent Domestic Violence
Atlanta native and Indie author, Samantha Gregory is giving away a million copies of her book, No More Crumbs, on Kindle for 5 days from October 27-31. The reason is because it’s the last week of October and almost the end of Domestic Violence awareness month. But just because the month is... - October 27, 2012 - Samantha Gregory is Pleased to Announce New Client Dennis Higgins is pleased to announce new client, Dennis Higgins and his new fantasy time travel novel, Katya and Cyrus Time Pilgrims. - October 27, 2012 - BookBuzz Is Pleased To Announce New Client, Rea Nolan Martin is pleased to announce new client, Rea Nolan Martin and her contemporary spiritual fiction novel, The Sublime Transformation of Vera Wright. - October 27, 2012 - BookBuzz
New Jersey Author Releases Contemporary Spiritual Fiction Novel
Author, Rea Nolan Martin is pleased to announce the release of her contemporary spiritual fiction novel, The Sublime Transformation of Vera Wright. - October 27, 2012 - Rea Nolan Martin
New Science Fiction Fantasy Time Travel Novel Just Released
Author, Dennis Higgins is pleased to announce the release of his new fantasy time travel novel, Katya and Cyrus Time Pilgrims. The book is available in both print and ebook versions. - October 27, 2012 - Dennis Higgins
John Grisham's The Racketeer on Pre-order at Infibeam
John Grisham's book unlike the others has no lecture about justice. An extraordinary book from John writes about victims of law. It is a good and nicely described one about Malcolm Bannister. - October 27, 2012 -