Economy News
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Crucial Vacuum Rap Rebuttal to World's Most Expensive Vacuum Cleaner $1 Million Dollar Gold Vacuum
Committed to its promise of bringing vacuum products to the 99%, online retailer Crucial Vacuum ( has released a rap video rebuttal in response to the recent release of a $1,000,000 vacuum within the industry. Hyped online in a rap video, a 24-karat gold plated vacuum... - July 09, 2012 - Crucial Vacuum Features 60% Off Plus 4 Weeks Free Sale on Barron’s Magazine Subscription’s Features 60% Sale on One Year Subscription to Barron’s Magazine. Subscribers will Save $50 Off the Regular Price and $161 Off the Newsstand Price. They’ll Also Receive 4 Weeks Free and Can Cancel their Subscription Anytime. - July 07, 2012 - Retail Solutions Advisors
Dr. Kipp Van Camp: Supreme Court Decision is More Bad Medicine for Ailing US Healthcare System
Dr. Kipp Van Camp, an Interventional Radiologist and author of Misdiagnosis-A Practicing Physician’s Case Study in Health Care Reform, is neither surprised nor enthusiastic about the US Supreme Court's health care ruling. - July 06, 2012 - Dr. Kipp A. Van Camp
Chinese Pharma Growth Expected to Slow Amid Reform Turbulences and Intensified Cost Containment
Although there are growing concerns about China’s economy and uncertainties about the country’s healthcare reforms, the Chinese pharmaceutical industry maintained healthy growth in 2011 and the first half of 2012 as well as a generally positive outlook, according to China Pharmaceutical... - July 06, 2012 - WiCON International Group LLC
IBcontacts Applies a New Rating Scale for Assessing the Creditworthiness of Companies
In order to meet national standards for assessing the financial condition and solvency of business entities and debt instruments, IBcontacts began applying national rating scale. - July 05, 2012 - IBcontacts
Fitness Business Strategies Program Helps Fitness Pros Earn More in Less Time with Effective Marketing Strategies
The top new resource for ethical fitness business practices, a new fitness business solutions site offers fitness business strategies for increased profits. The site is available at - July 03, 2012 - John Spencer Ellis Fitness & Personal Development
Knightsbridge Advisors AG: Providing Clients with a Unique Competitive Edge in Financial Advisory
Knightsbridge Advisors AG provides the solution to the demanding needs of novice investors. While it is a reluctant self-confessed leading firm in the field, its proprietary investment analytics hold a lot of promise for its clients. Asset managers can make or break an investor’s financial well-being. It is crucial to find the right asset manager to successfully navigate through the jungle of available investments in the market. - June 29, 2012 - Knightsbridge Advisors AG
The Deley Group Opens Insurance Office in Edina
The Deley Group has opened its Edina, Minnesota location. Servicing, the State of Minnesota including Minneapolis, St.Paul, Brooklyn Park, Brooklyn Center, Burnsville, Cloquet, Duluth, Edina, Eden Prairie, Inver Grove, Inver Grove Heights, North Oaks, Maple Grove, New Brighton, Plymouth, Woodbury and Stillwater. They offer American Income Life's products and services. - June 28, 2012 - The Deley Group
SkyREPORT’s Interface Builder Now Offers More File Formats and Even Greater Efficiency
SkySparc, the financial consulting firm, has further enhanced the functionality of its SkyREPORT platform to offer even greater flexibility and efficiency when building interfaces between different systems and data sets. - June 28, 2012 - SkySparc
Death of Long Term Care Insurance Industry? LTC Tree Launches LTC Summer Series on Why That's Not the Case.
Three major insurance giants have exited the individual Long Term Care Insurance (LTCI) market in the past 24 months, and many in the media have begun to speculate that the industry is on life support. As Twain once mused after his obituary was prematurely published in a New York newspaper, “The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated.” LTC Tree gives the rational side of why LTCI is here to stay in a new LTC Summer Series featured on its website. - June 27, 2012 - LTC Tree
A Former Reagan Adviser's Free Lecture on "Supply-Side Economics" Released to the Public as a Public Service
A free online lecture on “Supply-Side Economics” is being offered by Yorktown University, an accredited Denver, Colorado-based Internet university. - June 25, 2012 - Yorktown University
T W Design Recently Relocated to South East Dallas; Thanks Mayor Rawlings, You Could Not Have Said It Better in Regards to Southern Dallas
30 year young family owned business relocates to South East Dallas heading the revitalization efforts! - June 22, 2012 - T W Design
Yorktown University Offers Free Access to Lecture "The Relevance of the Critique of Government by the Physiocrats"
“The Relevance of the Critique of Government by the Physiocrats,” by economist Dr. William Luckey is offered in a series of nine free lectures by Yorktown University released today. The Physiocrats, an 18th century French school of Economics that demonstrated that government tax... - June 20, 2012 - Yorktown University
Dr. Arthur Laffer's "Program for Prosperity" Released Today
Dr. Arthur Laffer, a leading advocate of Supply-side Economics, outlines his "Program for Prosperity" in a series of nine free lectures released to the public today by Yorktown University. - June 20, 2012 - Yorktown University
Simply Business Skills Launches Free-to-Join Employability Taxonomy Initiative Allowing Businesses and Universities to Talk the Same Language for the Benefit of UK PLC
Simply Business Skills launches free-to-join Employability Skills Initiative (ETI) during the "Employability and the Graduate Labour Market" conference at the University of Leicester on Friday 22nd June 2012. John Hamlen, Operations Director of Simply Business Skills said: "Earlier... - June 20, 2012 - Simply Business Skills Limited
Natural World, a 100% Eco-Friendly Junior and Adult Footwear Company from Spain, is Coming to the U.S. Market
Unitrends is proud to announce the collaboration with Natural World, a manufacturer from Spain. The main goal of Natural World is the production of quality and comfort footwear, respecting the planet from the beginning until the end of its production process. Daniel Portela, Director of Sales for... - June 20, 2012 - NATURAL WORLD-Unitrends USA Inc.
Hit the Jackpot at Rich Dad’s Financial Education Forum in Las Vegas, 7/12-7/15/12
Learn how to create cash flow from Kim and Robert Kiyosaki and their team of advisors at - June 20, 2012 - The Rich Dad Company
The Moral Case on Outsourcing: How Good, Bad, or Ugly is It for America and the World?
New Book Endorsed by IAOP Chairman Michael F. Corbett - June 20, 2012 - IAOP
Spencer Institute for Life Coach Training Celebrates 20th Anniversary with Special 20% Discount Code, June 16-20
Celebrating its 20th year of offering wellness coaching and training, the Spencer Institute is offering a 20 percent off discount, June 16-20. The Spencer Institute provides a variety of online life coaching and wellness training. - June 19, 2012 - John Spencer Ellis Fitness & Personal Development
New Website,, Offers Online Traders an Independent Comparison of Stock Brokers lists stock broker reviews including detailed information about their business practices and trading platforms as well as including an easy ten-point scale to follow. - June 19, 2012 - Best Online Brokers
"How do You Like Me Now? A True Story of Greed, Fear, and Disaster as a Wall Street Day Trader" by Successful Day Trader Robert James Perrego Now on Sale
Robert James Perrego releases memoir. - June 15, 2012 - Buy Low Sell High LLC
KMT Publications Announces the Publication of the New eBook: Global Economic Collapse: the Great Depression and Recovery of the 21st Century by Khafra K Om-Ra-Seti
The global economy is on the brink of a major meltdown and no one knows the day or the hour when a chain of extraordinary events will begin to unfold. We are living in a time of a major turning point in world history that will witness the convergence of enormous economic forces destined to bring about the emergence of a new era. Global Economic Collapse examines this phenomenon in great detail as we rapidly approach this Day of Reckoning. - June 15, 2012 - KMT Publications
Cong. Patrick McHenry (R-NC) Honored by Honorary MBA in Entrepreneurship
Yorktown University announced today that it will confer an honorary M.B.A. in Entrepreneurship on U.S. Rep. Patrick McHenry, R-N.C., for his work as sponsor of the "crowdfunding" provisions in Title III of the Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act. The Act allows small businesses and other... - June 14, 2012 - Yorktown University
The StoneHill Group Offers MERS® System Members Assistance with Monthly Reconciliations and Annual Reporting
The StoneHill Group, a national provider of pre- and post-closing quality control audits, fulfillment, due diligence, and collateral audits to mortgage bankers, banks, credit unions, and the financial services industry, today announced a service to help MERS® System members comply with their... - June 14, 2012 - The StoneHill Group
JD Gerdeman Writes Constitution and Religious Freedom Are in Jeopardy
"The Judeo Christian 10 Commandments are the basis for our country and each commandment is viewed from the historic actions of those in Washington," Gerdeman says. "The new book is like a public confession with open suggestions for penance. We need to reset and get back to basics or suffer the consequence of a maturing society." James Gerdeman wants everyone to read "Constitution Commandments." - June 14, 2012 - JDGerdeman
OTM Put Option Selling Finally Places Investors in the Driver’s Seat
Dallas trading partners share their overwhelmingly successful stock market technique in a new book. - June 14, 2012 - Buchanan & Palmer Financial Services LLC
Direct Currency Markets Limited Announce the Launch of DIRECT Institutional Services for Retail Currency Traders Worldwide
Direct Currency Markets Limited is excited to announce new Institutional level trade services and trading account options to retail clients globally. As the next step in the Company global growth plan, and to better service the growing demand for DCM's reliable, transparent, high performance trade execution, the Company has upgraded all trade execution infrastructure and MetaTrader 4 trading account options, including Mobile trading platforms for iPhone/iPad, Android accordingly. - June 12, 2012 - Direct Currency Markets Limited
RiXtrema Launches a Series of Webinars with Focus on Stress Testing and Liability Driven Investing
RiXtrema is launching a series of Tail Risk dedicated webinars for institutional asset managers, which will blend existing risk theory, new research, and real world examples in a 40-minute presentation. You will gain unique insights to help you manage risk in these turbulent times. - June 05, 2012 - RiXtrema
Market for Outsourced Translation and Interpreting Services and Technology to Surpass US$33.5 Billion in 2012
Common Sense Advisory releases its annual ranking of the top 100 global language services providers and regional rankings of the largest providers in nine major regions of the world. - June 03, 2012 - Common Sense Advisory
Business Data Available for Use in Economic Regeneration
Local authority economic regeneration teams are finding use in the business database from Aligned Assets - May 31, 2012 - Aligned Assets
The Euro-Crisis and Why the Only Possible Solution, Proposed by the RE-Institute, is Unmentionable
The only economically sound solution to the Euro crisis is being totally ignored. Economists don’t want to talk about it; politicians are oblivious to its existence; and the media is strangely silent about it. It is based on the 100% reserve regime, which is not a novel idea by any means. It was proposed long after the Great Depression (1930s) by several of the top economists of the 20th century, including Irving Fisher and Milton Friedman. - May 30, 2012 - Reformed Economics Institute
Is China to Blame for US Solar Industry Woes? New Report Analyzes US-China Solar Trade Case, What China’s Doing Right & Why Steep Tariffs Might do More Harm Than Good
Top-tier Chinese solar manufacturers have a legitimate cost advantage over US solar manufacturers, according to a new report on the US-China solar trade case ( - May 24, 2012 - ChinaGlobalTrade
Western Sky Loans is Pleased to Launch Cash Loans Service Online
Western Sky Loans has finally launched its much awaited online cash loan services. The company has superfast loans that help people get their hands on much needed money in times when they have no other way to get cash. - May 19, 2012 - Bright Sky Lending
Egypt Yellow Pages Kicks Off Annual Sales Canvass
Egypt Yellow Pages Ltd, the local search company, kicked off its annual sales canvass in April 2012. The company’s approach this year, and into the future, emphasizes its successful cutting-edge digital solutions business line, which is the backbone of its new Yellow Media brand. Yellow... - May 19, 2012 - Egypt Yellow Pages Ltd
Motivational Speaker, Best-Selling Author, TV and Film Personality Hueina Su to Host Teleseminar "Navigating Change with Grace and Ease"
Inspirational keynote speaker, best-selling author, master coach, star of award-winning self-help film "The Keeper of the Keys" Hueina Su is hosting a teleseminar "Navigating Change with Grace and Ease" to help people learn how to adapt and thrive in change. - May 18, 2012 - Beyond Horizon Coaching
Ceresana Industry Monitor at 14.5 Points: Optimistic Start Into the Year
The chemical and plastic industries continue to be optimistic. 43% of the survey participants expect their business situation to improve within the next 6 to 12 months. - May 17, 2012 - Ceresana
Local Design Firm Interviewed for American Made Documentary
Josh Miller, of USA Films, LLC, made a recent stop in Columbus, Ohio during the filming of his full-length documentary, which will explore the rise and fall of USA made products. The beginning of this month, Josh set out on a journey to travel across the USA and live off of American made products... - May 16, 2012 - Blue Laser Design Inc
Co-Operate and Collaborate Creatively: eXact learning solutions’ Message to the West’s Corporate Learning Industry
The western learning and publishing industries are being urged to experience their own "Sputnik effect" – 50 years after President Kennedy committed the US to win the Space Race after being surprised by the initial success of the USSR’s "Sputniks." This call comes... - May 13, 2012 - eXact learning solutions
zIngenuity, Inc. Hires Scott Friedberg as Vice President of Operations and Underwriting
zIngenuity, Inc., a national provider of mortgage analytics, risk management, loss mitigation, and contract underwriting for mortgage lenders and servicers, has hired Scott Friedberg as Vice President of Operations and Contract Underwriting. In this role, Scott is responsible for the continued... - May 10, 2012 - zIngenuity, Inc.
Corporate Housing Expected to Grow in Canada
Canadian corporate housing is part of a $2.49 billion industry in North America. Canadian corporate housing industry was estimated to generate room revenues of $169 million annually. - May 10, 2012 - Corporate Housing Providers Assocation
Greater Access to Translation Could Save Lives and Protect Human Rights in Africa
New report from Common Sense Advisory and Translators without Borders highlights the growing need for translation in Africa. - May 10, 2012 - Common Sense Advisory
High Demand for Competitive Intelligence Software in Brazil
Global Intelligence Alliance a strategic market intelligence, predicts that demand for IT solutions that allow companies to collect and disseminate market alerts, insights and analysis efficiently will grow rapidly in Brazil. - May 10, 2012 - Global Intelligence Alliance Group
Heads Apart Announces a New Kind of Executive Search Firm
Heads Apart acts as a recruiting partner and digital media experts with a wide network of contacts built over two decades. They carefully and assiduously screen each candidate to a hire grade and conduct most of the intelligence work for their clients. - May 09, 2012 - Heads Apart Group, LLC
Las Vegas Manufacturer of Organic Liquid Fertilizer "Dr Grow It All" Supports Nevada's Economy by Announcing Major Orders to Organic Farms in Nevada and California
Dr Grow It All Organic Liquid Fertilizer, a USDA Certified Bio-Based Product, has just confirmed the first large consignment from its North Las Vegas manufacturing facility, to organically certified farms in California and Nevada. On Tuesday, May 8th, the first truck-load of 20,000 liters of... - May 05, 2012 - Dr Grow It All
Podcast with 2012 Economic Development Forum Speaker Joel Kotkin Touts Triangle’s Economic Promise
Forbes Columnist Highlights Growing Attractiveness of Raleigh-Durham Area - May 02, 2012 - Wake County Economic Development
Fur Prices Continue to Increase According to Marc Kaufman Furs
The fur prices continue to rise due to strong global demand. Russian and Chinese buyers have been the largest fur buyers this year, increasing the overall cost of fur pelts over 50 Percent. - April 30, 2012 - Marc Kaufman Furs
China Log and Lumber Imports Down in 1Q/12, with Russia and New Zealand Suppliers Hit the Hardest, While North America Gained Market Share
China’s demand for logs and lumber fell in late 2011 and early 2012 because of their slowing housing market. However, over the past ten years, importation of wood products has increased dramatically, as reported in the Wood Resource Quarterly. Lately, North American log and lumber exporters have increased their market share in China at the expense of exporters in Russia and New Zealand. - April 28, 2012 - Wood Resources International LLC
Great Business Strategies: Growth Above the Clouds Published by Outskirts Press
Veteran business researcher, Michael S. Lawson, offers a crucial analysis of today’s recovering and competitive economy and provides solutions for growing business and for creating jobs within the unique opportunities in today’s challenging market. - April 28, 2012 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Startup Localbonus Helps Local Businesses by Creating a Universal Loyalty Program
Startup LocalBonus lets its users use their existing credit or debit cards as their loyalty card at local businesses - April 24, 2012 - LocalBonus
Luxury Portfolio SUMMIT Conveys Market and Consumer Trends to Leading Real Estate Professionals
Valore Group Palm Beach Real Estate Joins Elite Group to Explore Changes in Luxury Market - April 23, 2012 - Valore Group | Palm Beach Real Estate