Economy News
Accumulate a wealth of knowledge on the companies and organizations that are driving local, national and international discussion on the economy. Get the inside scoop on economic education, indices, growth, research as well as the partnerships and people influencing economies all over the world.
Updated List of Speakers and Agenda for UC Berkeley Shared Use Mobility Summit, October 10 & 11 San Francisco
Academics, Transportation Operations, Car Rental, Government Planners, Futurists, Marketers and Technologists all come together to advance the agenda of the Shared Use Mobility Summit arranged by University of California, Berkeley's Transportation Sustainability Research Center. - September 06, 2013 - Transportation Sustainability Research Center
Lucintel Anticipates Industrial Sector to be the Leading Sector in Oman’s Economy During 2013-2018
The economy of Oman is projected to reach $95 billion by 2018. The industrial sector is the fastest growing sector holding notable contribution in Oman's GDP. The economy sustained well during global economic recession, when other economies suffered due to its strong economic policies. In recent... - September 06, 2013 - Lucintel
Lucintel’s PESTLE Analysis of Kuwait: Economy to Surpass GDP Growth and Reach $201.3 Billion by 2018
The hydrocarbons-reliant Kuwait economy has achieved notable success in transforming its economy by diversifying its economic base. The government’s greater focus on non-hydrocarbon and service sectors and increased spending on R&D for developing new technologies for different industries are likely to offer immense opportunities for growth to the investors. - September 05, 2013 - Lucintel
Lucintel’s Analysis: Hydrocarbons-Reliant Kuwait to Offer Growth Opportunities in Non-Hydrocarbon and Service Sector
Kuwait’s economy is likely to grow at a much faster rate than the global GDP over the next five years and reach an estimated $201.3 billion at the current price by 2018. Oil and natural gas is the leading industry in Kuwait and contributes approximately 59% to the total GDP of the... - September 05, 2013 - Lucintel
Lucintel Forecasts Singapore Economy to Reach $342 Billion by 2018
Singapore has registered a remarkable economic growth during the last decade and is classified as a high income economy. The country’s economy is expected to reach $342 billion by 2018. Singapore’s economic growth is primarily driven by domestic demand and external demand, private... - September 04, 2013 - Lucintel
Agcapita Releases 2013 Farmland Investment Whitepaper
Agcapita is pleased to announce the release of its 2013 comprehensive whitepaper on farmland investing. Sample sections include: Global Farmland Demand Drivers - Population growth and economic prosperity - Consumption in China - Productivity gap - Consumption of meat and dairy products -... - September 03, 2013 - Agcapita
Great Lakes Bay Region Represented at White House Forum for Economic Development
Midland Tomorrow Chief Executive Officer Scott Walker and Saginaw Future Inc. President JoAnn Crary joined approximately 50 economic development professionals from across the country at a White House forum on economic development today. This is the second year the International Economic Development... - August 30, 2013 - Saginaw Future
Home Buyers Looking for Best North Houston Neighborhoods Can Find It All in One Package with Darling Homes
Great Dining, Shopping and Employment Opportunities Exist Around Each Darling Homes Neighborhood. - August 29, 2013 - Darling Homes
Lucintel’s PESTLE Analysis of Russia: Economy to Reach $3.18 Trillion by 2018
Russia is one of the fastest-growing economies in the world. The country’s economy is expected to reach $3.18 trillion by 2018. Russia’s economic performance suffered during the global financial crisis but recovered in 2010 and 2011, due factors such as government stimulus packages and export growth. Petroleum and iron and steel are the leading industries in the country. - August 28, 2013 - Lucintel
Lucintel’s Report Anticipates Maximum FDI to Take Place in Manufacturing and Mining Sector in Russia
The Russian economy is projected to reach $3.18 trillion by 2018 boosted by an influx of foreign direct investment (FDI). In terms of sectors, the analysis reveals that during the trend period (2007-2012) maximum FDI took place in manufacturing and mining sectors including the iron and steel industry. High volumes of FDI entered the wholesale and retail sector and financial intermediaries. - August 28, 2013 - Lucintel
Nastrac Group Awarded "Most Promising Entrepreneurship Awards 2013"
Nina Alag Suri, Founder and Group CEO Nastrac Group was awarded the "Most promising Entrepreneurship Awards 2013" in Singapore on 17th August at Marina Bay Sands Hotel. - August 27, 2013 - Nastrac Group
FXOpen Launches the Forex Article Contest
FXOpen, a leading broker in Forex, is delighted to announce the launch of the Forex Article Contest. The competition starts on 1st September and is open to all. The Forex Article Contest is creative in nature. You don’t need to be a master of trading to take part in the competition. Good... - August 27, 2013 - FXOpen
Marlborough Works! Initiative Gives Local Jobseekers Local Opportunities
Free Resume & Interview Workshop and Job Fair Aim to Jumpstart Local Employment. - August 23, 2013 - Marlborough Economic Development Corporation
Money Journal Survey Finds Huge Majority Feel US in Economic Recession
An over-whelming majority of respondents to a new Money Journal survey feel the U.S. is still in an economic recession. - August 22, 2013 - Money Journal
Keynote Speaker Looks at How Economic Success is Influencing Asian Culture
Wealth is leading to social change, says trends expert Daniel Levine - August 21, 2013 - Daniel Levine
Ivy Exec Named to the Inc. 500 List of Fastest Growing Companies
Inc. names Ivy Exec one of the fastest growing, privately held companies in the U.S. - August 20, 2013 - Ivy Exec
WAIN Street Reports Continued Strength of Nationwide Business Credit Quality Improvements
Business Default Index Deteriorates Marginally by 0.04%; Business Default Diffusion Index Improves to 45.02. - August 20, 2013 - WAIN Street
Money Journal Survey Shows Only One Third Able to Save Money
A new Money Journal survey shows that only one third of those surveyed are able to save money. - August 14, 2013 - Money Journal
Lucintel’s Report Anticipates Maximum FDI to Take Place in Manufacturing and Mining Sector in Russia
The Russian economy is projected to reach $3.18 trillion by 2018 boosted by an influx of foreign direct investment (FDI). In terms of sectors, the analysis reveals that during the trend period (2007-2012) maximum FDI took place in manufacturing and mining sectors including the iron and steel... - August 09, 2013 - Lucintel
Lucintel’s PESTLE Analysis of Russia: Economy to Reach $3.18 Trillion by 2018
Russia is one of the fastest-growing economies in the world. The country’s economy is expected to reach $3.18 trillion by 2018. Russia’s economic performance suffered during the global financial crisis but recovered in 2010 and 2011, due factors such as government stimulus packages and... - August 09, 2013 - Lucintel
Business Network for Maryland Offshore Wind Announces Operations and Maintenance Workshop
August 16th Workshop in Ocean City Will Prepare Maryland Businesses to Participate in Offshore Wind Operations, Maintenance and Supply Chain Development. - August 08, 2013 - BizMDOSW
Klein and Weber Consulting Limited Management Attends Intellectual Property Conference
Senior Officers attended the Intellectual Property (IP) Seminar hosted by Klein and Weber Consulting Limited’s Product Innovations and Technology Unit (PITU) under the Business Development Division (BDD). - August 07, 2013 - Klein and Weber Consulting Limited
China Importation of Lumber and Logs Roars Back to New Highs in the 2Q/13, with Imports Up 30% Year-Over-Year
Increased investments in the housing sector resulted in record imports of logs and lumber to China in the 2Q/13, reports the Wood Resource Quarterly. Lumber importation has grown faster than that of logs, with Russia and Canada being the major lumber suppliers in recent years. New Zealand has become the major supplier of logs, overtaking Russia, who has long dominated this market. - August 06, 2013 - Wood Resources International LLC
FXOpen Reveals Secrets of Asia’s Best Forex Trader’s Success
FXOpen, one of the leading brokers in Forex, has recently launched a challenge for Forex traders – all residents of the Asian region have been invited to participate in a most impressive and rewarding event - Asian Forex Championship. - August 02, 2013 - FXOpen
Andrew Taylor, Senior VP M&A, the Avanti Group, Attends Finance and Economics Conference 2013 on July 4-6, 2013 in Frankfurt, Germany
Tokyo based company, The Avanti Group, Andrew Taylor, Senior Vice-President Mergers and Acquisitions, attended the recently concluded Finance and Economics Conference 2013 on July 4 to 6, 2013 in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. - August 01, 2013 - The Avanti Group
FXOpen Announces Asia’s Best Forex Trader
FXOpen, together with ForexCup, is happy to announce the results of the largest regional forex-contest – Asian Forex Championship. - July 31, 2013 - FXOpen
Points2Shop Reaches 5 Million Members Worldwide
Loyalty Program Grows Significantly due to Market Research and Mobile Marketing Efforts. - July 23, 2013 - Points2Shop
WK Dickson's Airport Group Continues Rapid Growth with Senior Project Manager
W.K. Dickson & Co., Inc. has announced another major addition to its airport consulting group. The firm welcomed Brigid Z. Williams, PE this week. She is located in the Raleigh regional office and serves as a senior project manager in the airport group. Her areas of expertise include runway,... - July 18, 2013 - WK Dickson & Co., Inc.
Online Therapy Institute's Magazine is Still Free - Alongside Pay-What-You-Want Subscription Options
Online Therapy Institute has offered a free trade magazine for the helping professions since 2010. Now they have opted to adopt the Pay-What-You-Want business model to support continued publication of the digital resource for therapists, coaches and other helping professionals. - July 17, 2013 - Online Therapy Institute
Money Journal Survey Shows Huge Majority Feel Ripped Off
A huge majority feel they have been ripped off by banks, according to a new survey just completed by - July 16, 2013 - Money Journal
Energy Africa Conference to be Held at Colorado School of Mines on November 7-8, 2013
Access to affordable, reliable and clean energy is essential to Africa’s economic growth and human development. Most African countries devote a large portion of their budgets to imported energy. This money could be used to develop local energy resources. This conference brings together business executives, thought leaders, public, private and research institutions to dialog and support the work needed to stimulate domestic energy markets. - July 12, 2013 - Energy Africa Conference
Professional Employer Organization CPEhr Releases New Client Testimonial Video
CPEhr, Los Angeles’ leading professional employer organization announces the release of new client testimonial video. - July 04, 2013 - CPE HR, Inc.
Poll Shows US Greed Survives
A new poll taken by Money Journal shows that greed survives in the U.S. five years after the financial crisis meltdown. - July 04, 2013 - Money Journal
Sawmills in Sweden and Finland Have Expanded Shipments of Lumber to Markets Outside Europe from 27% to 43% of Total Exports the Past Five Years
Many sawmills in Northern Europe have expanded their lumber sales outside the Europe market the past few years resulting in an increase in non-European exports from 27 percent of total exports in 2007 to 43 percent in 2012, reports the Wood Resource Quarterly. The biggest changes have been in shipments to Northern Africa, Middle East, Japan, China and the US. - June 22, 2013 - Wood Resources International LLC
Wyoming’s State-Level Economic Development Agency Chooses Wyoming Data Center to Host Website
The Wyoming Business Council, the state’s economic development agency, has successfully moved its data storage and web hosting from an out-of-state provider back to Wyoming. The Business Council chose Green House Data, a VMware® vCloud Powered partner, and cloud hosting leader, to provide... - June 19, 2013 - Green House Data
Despite a Bad Economy, Category Five Technologies of Livonia, Michigan Shows Steady Growth
While many companies are cutting back on costs, expenses, overhead, and jobs, Category Five Technologies is doing the exact opposite. With niche market eCommerce sites such as ProDryers, ProDrinkingFountains, and ProFloorMachines, the company is plowing forward at a fast, but controlled pace. - June 18, 2013 - ProDryers
Are Community Gardens Enough to Feed America?
How religious groups are making a huge impact on fighting hunger across the nation through an unexpected resource: small community gardens. - June 11, 2013 - Jewish Federation of Greater Hartford
Poll Shows Surge in Economic Optimism
A new poll by Money Journal finds a surge in economic optimism over consumers own financial situations. - June 08, 2013 - Money Journal
High-Tech Bride Named a Top Trusted Website in OTA’s 2013 Online Trust Honor Roll
High-Tech Bridge SA announced it has been named to the Online Trust Alliance (OTA) 2013 Online Trust Honor Roll for demonstrating exceptional data protection, privacy and security in an effort to better protect their customers and brand. For High-Tech Bridge this is a second consecutive nomination... - June 05, 2013 - High-Tech Bridge SA
Mortgage Service Provider Hires New Business Development Manager as Sales Increase
The StoneHill Group, a national provider of quality control, due diligence, mortgage compliance audits, MERS reviews (MERS®) and loan fulfillment including underwriting, closing and post-closing services, has hired Michael Atwell as a Business Development Manager amidst increasing demands for... - June 05, 2013 - The StoneHill Group
Lithuania Achieves Dramatic Application Turnaround Improvements Using Theory of Constraints
Nerius Jasinavičius, a high profile Lithuanian business consultant presents how the government of Lithuania has been transformed by Theory of Constraints. The initial pilot project reduced the processing time for the guarantee fund from 388 days to 63 days. Mr. Jasinavičius also announced a Pan European conference planned for late 2013 to disseminate this knowledge across the European Union. - June 05, 2013 - TOCICO
Dr. Abdul Kalam's Lead India 2020 Expands Globally, US Chapter Unveiled an Innovative Model to Engage 25 Million NRIs to Transform India as a Developed Nation by 2020
In a private ceremony in Rockville, Maryland, Lead India 2020 Chapter Executive Team along with a group of vibrant young students and supporters of Li2020 Foundation met with Bharat Ratna Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, the former president of India and Chief Mentor of Lead India 2020 and seek guidance on expanding the Lead India 2020 activities globally - May 31, 2013 - Lead India 2020 Foundation USA
TSBDC at ETSU Kingsport Affiliate and KOSBE to Host Live SBA Loan Event for Amounts Up to $25000
The Tennessee Small Business Development Center at ETSU Kingsport Affiliate Office and KOSBE is hosting a live loan application clinic highlighting SBA's Small Loan Advantage 2.0 and Patriot Express Loan Programs, the State of Tennessee’s ECD-BERO Rural Microloan and other innovative financing options available through Pathway Lending to start and grow small businesses. - May 30, 2013 - Kingsport Office of Small Business Development & Entrepreneurship - KOSBE
American West Homes #2 in New Home Sales in Las Vegas
American West Homes, a local, privately owned home builder in Las Vegas, NV is celebrating the success of being #2 in new home sales. - May 25, 2013 - American West Homes
ZyLAB Warns About the Dark Side of Big Data
ZyLAB, leading provider of e-Discovery and Information Management solutions, today published a white paper written by Prof. Johannes Scholtes, Chief Strategy Officer and founder of the organization. The paper warns IT decision makers and legal professionals about the dark side of Big Data, advising on the adoption of a program for archiving and retention to protect their organization and increase operational efficiency. - May 25, 2013 - ZyLAB
State, Local Government and Business Leaders Gather to Celebrate Marlborough Economic Development Corporation Success
MEDC Plans an Urban Walking Area and a Boost to Sports Tourism - May 25, 2013 - Marlborough Economic Development Corporation
ClearTrack Information Network Named a 2013 Top 100 Logistics IT Provider
ClearTrack Information Network, a leading provider of comprehensive, interactive supply chain software and services for the consumer retail industry, today announced that it has been named by Inbound Logistics magazine as a 2013 Top 100 Logistics Information (IT) Company. “ClearTrack was... - May 17, 2013 - ClearTrack Information Network
Alliance Bank & Trust Expands Lending Reach
Alliance Bank & Trust, a North Carolina community bank with branches in Gastonia, Shelby, and Kings Mountain, announced the hiring of Woody T. Washam, Jr. to their commercial lending team as Lake Norman Market President. Mr. Washam is a graduate of Catawba College where he received his... - May 17, 2013 - Alliance Bank & Trust
3D Printing Stock Trading Forum Launches @
3D Printing stock trading forum now online at - May 16, 2013 -
Y Line Product Design Responds to 3D Printed Guns
Project TRGR receives a Finalist Nomination in this year’s IDEA Awards! Y Line Product Design believes that Liberty is a two way street. If anyone can own and 3D print guns then everyone should be allowed to detect the presence of live ammunition on both private and public property. Y Line Product Design is an International IDEA Awards Finalist, and is continuing to develop project TRGR. TRGR is a big idea. It is an innovative response to gun violence. - May 15, 2013 - Y Line Product Design