Government News

Get political with news about politicians and government, including government contractors; conferences; government-funded research; local, state and federal initiatives; and products and services aimed at government officials and employees.

The Greatest Trump Raffle Ever - A Tommy Zegan Original

The Greatest Trump Raffle Ever - A Tommy Zegan Original

Everyone has a chance to make history by presenting the Trump and his magic wand sculpture to President Donald J. Trump. - May 05, 2020 - Tommy Zegan Originals

Everblock Installs 130+ Bed and Acute Care Facility in New Jersey for Coronavirus Relief and Recovery

Rapidly constructed 130+ bed temporary hospital and acute care facility for the influx of patients from COVID-19 at New Bridge Medical Center in Paramus, New Jersey, using EverBlock modular building blocks and EverPanel wall panel systems. - May 03, 2020 - EverBlock Systems, a Division of Versare Solutions

9/11 Promise Awards Scholarships to the Children of First Responders & Veterans

On Friday, May 1, 2020, the 9/11 Promise non-profit organization is awarding scholarships to the children of fallen and/or injured First Responders & Military Service members. - May 01, 2020 - 9/11 Promise, Inc.

Kidney Care Partners Opposes Discriminatory Policies Toward Nation’s Most Vulnerable Patients with Kidney Disease, Kidney Failure During Pandemic

Kidney Community Applauds HHS Office for Civil Rights for Enforcing Anti-Discrimination Regulations to Address Potential for Denial of Medical, Ventilator Care for Kidney Patients with COVID-19 - April 29, 2020 - Kidney Care Partners

Citing Threat to Seniors’ Nursing Home Care and Pandemic-Generated Economic Crisis, SCPC Letter to HHS Sec. Azar Seeks LTC Pharmacy Relief Funding

America’s Key Front-Line Nursing Home Pharmacies Eligible for, Warrant HHS-Administered Aid - April 29, 2020 - Senior Care Pharmacy Coalition

MAi Research Uncovers What Consumers Want to See Open, and What They Are Willing to Participate in as We Reopen America

MAi Research Uncovers What Consumers Want to See Open, and What They Are Willing to Participate in as We Reopen America

In MAi Research's most recent wave of COVID-19 research, we saw a significant decrease in agreement with government across all types of regulations currently in place. It appears that while most people still agree with these measures, attitudes are beginning to change. People want a well thought-out plan with clarity, but they will tread cautiously as we enter the next phase of the pandemic and our recovery. - April 24, 2020 - MAi Research

GRANTfinder Offers Free Support Tool for Councils to Help Their Local Businesses

As the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on businesses across the UK deepens, the ability to signpost available funding to organisations in need has never been more urgent. To meet this need GRANTfinder - the UK’s leading provider of funding information to the business, voluntary and public... - April 24, 2020 - IDOX

Front Line Nursing Home Pharmacies, Seniors Under Their Specialized Care Warrant CARES Act Emergency Funding

Economic Stress Taking Toll on Pharmacists Responsible for Life-Saving Medication Management - April 23, 2020 - Senior Care Pharmacy Coalition

Datum Software and Partners Complete DISA to AWS Cloud Migration

Datum Software and Partners Complete DISA to AWS Cloud Migration

Datum Software Inc. and it’s teammates NTT DATA (NDFS) and ARRAY Information Technology completed an on-premises Defense Information System Agency (DISA) to Amazon Web Service (AWS) GovCloud migration. This effort took over 120 server instances with 2TB+ of operational and 3TB of analytical data from a stack sever farm into Amazon Web Service (AWS) GovCloud. - April 23, 2020 - Datum Software

A New Book Explains How Individuals Can Capitalize on, and How the Nation Can Bounce Back from, the COVID-19-Induced Economic Crisis

Albert Einstein said, “In the midst of every crisis, lies great opportunity.” A serial entrepreneur and former principal of the world-renowned ad agency, The Martin Agency (GEICO; “Virginia is for Lovers”), has released a book that explains how to begin now to take advantage of opportunities that will be created. - April 23, 2020 - The Oaklea Press

Virun and East West Bank Partner-Up to Save Lives

Virun and East West Bank Partner-Up to Save Lives

VIRUN Nutra-biosciences was able to get fully funded with the help of East West Bank. VIRUN manufactures food products and dietary supplements and are considered part of the essential workforce. Virun makes immune boosting products such as liposomal Vitamin C and patented, clinically proven Glutathione Tripeptides bound to Lactoferrin that have shown success in trials toward innate immunity. - April 22, 2020 - VIRUN

KryptAll's Secure Calling Maintains Your Business

KryptAll's Secure Calling Maintains Your Business

Communication is the basis to conducting business. Business espionage targeting phone conversations and/or calling records along with email and computer hacking are now a reality. Encrypted calling and storage of data has become paramount in keeping your business secure today. There are solutions such as KryptAll that provides secure encrypted calling, without calling records, to any phone in the world. - April 21, 2020 - KryptAll

A.E.R. Consulting Services, LLC Named a 2020 Forbes Small Giants Finalist

A.E.R. Consulting Services, LLC Named a 2020 Forbes Small Giants Finalist

For the first time in Company History, Administrative/Process Management Company A.E.R. Consulting Services, LLC has been named a Forbes Small Giants finalist. - April 20, 2020 - A.E.R. Consulting Services, LLC

Responsible Policies for Animals Urges Top Officials: Tell Public COVID-19's Root Cause

Responsible Policies for Animals Urges Top Officials: Tell Public COVID-19's Root Cause

Responsible Policies for Animals urges five top officials to inform the public about the root cause of COVID-19: the meat delusion. - April 17, 2020 - Responsible Policies for Animals

The Maleficence Cure for America’s Medical Supply Chain Exposed by COVID-19

The Maleficence Cure for America’s Medical Supply Chain Exposed by COVID-19

Helping America's Healthcare System and the Trump Administration Save Billions - April 16, 2020 - Medical Supply Chain

Ghana Diaspora PAC Calls on U.S. Ghanaians to Participate in 2020 U.S. Census

For the first time, African immigrants and those of African heritage living in the United States will be allowed to identify their country of heritage or origin in the United States 2020 Census survey. The U.S. Census determines where $675 billion in federal funding used for critical services such... - April 15, 2020 - Ghana Diaspora Political Action Committee

MAi Research Finds Many Are Worried and Anxious But Hopeful as We Move Into a COVID-19 Easter Weekend

MAi Research Finds Many Are Worried and Anxious But Hopeful as We Move Into a COVID-19 Easter Weekend

Consumers’ Emotional Response to the Coronavirus Pandemic - April 11, 2020 - MAi Research

SnatchBot Helps Save Lives with a Coronavirus Chatbot

SnatchBot Helps Save Lives with a Coronavirus Chatbot

The team at SnatchBot, the chatbot building platform, have created a chatbot to help disseminate up-to-date information and advice about coronavirus. In the last week it has had a phenomenal response, mostly from users of Facebook Messenger ( The chatbot takes RSS... - April 07, 2020 - SnatchBot

KryptAll Does Not Have a Backdoor

KryptAll Does Not Have a Backdoor

World Governments are making a stand for backdoors to allow access to encryption and call it "legal access." This will allow governments to have full access to encrypted written and voice communications along with phone calling records via the backdoor, which are often used in business espionage for competitors to access proprietary information such as contacts and clients. If phone calls and records are accessible to governments then hackers, criminals and terrorists will also have access. - April 07, 2020 - KryptAll

Learning American History Becomes Easier with the "Hamilton Heritage Collection of Great Moments in History"

Learning American History Becomes Easier with the "Hamilton Heritage Collection of Great Moments in History"

President Thomas Jefferson comes back from 1801 in a dream video to tell a teacher in Florida that learning American History is easier when they download the "Hamilton Heritage Collection of Great Moments in History." - April 06, 2020 - Sounds of 76 Company Music, LLC

Kidney Community Applauds the Administration’s Recently Announced Regulatory Relief for Kidney Care Providers and Patients

Recommendations from Kidney Care Partners Adopted and Approved by Administration - April 03, 2020 - Kidney Care Partners

MITA Urges Temporary FDA Regulatory Changes to Quickly Get Mobile Imaging to Emergency COVID-19 Pandemic Hospitals

The Medical Imaging & Technology Alliance (MITA) today sent a letter to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) outlining key steps the agency can take to help the medical imaging industry swiftly and thoroughly aid the response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Addressed directly to the agency's Deputy... - April 01, 2020 - Medical Imaging and Technology Alliance

GEICO Military Supports Young Marines National Foundation Rose Campaign

GEICO Military Supports Young Marines National Foundation Rose Campaign

Since 2018, GEICO Military has been a leading corporate sponsor of the Young Marines National Foundation. Like Young Marines, GEICO Military cares deeply about building strong communities by supporting our heroes. In fact, last year, GEICO Military helped the Young Marines National Foundation... - March 29, 2020 - Young Marines National Foundation

Amid Escalating COVID-19 Pandemic, Nation’s Kidney Care Community Calls on Congress and the Administration to Help Protect Vulnerable Patients, Frontline Care Providers

Americans with Kidney Failure Among the Most At-Risk; Cannot Miss Dialysis Care - March 27, 2020 - Kidney Care Partners

CQRC Commends the Congress for Assisting with Rural Home Medical Equipment and Services in COVID-19 Emergency Response Bill

New policy changes will help prevent potential disruptions in supply and workforce, but more must be done to further ensure continued access to home respiratory care. - March 27, 2020 - CQRC

Global Excel Announces COVID-19 Version of StandbyMD

Global Excel Management Inc., an industry leader in Healthcare Risk Management Solutions, today announces that it has released a COVID-19 version of its StandbyMD directional care platform to help direct those with coronavirus concerns to the appropriate care and help alleviate the overburdened... - March 27, 2020 - Global Excel Management

Modular Manufacturing Experts, Best GEN Modular, Pivot to Manufacture Hospital Rooms

Modular Manufacturing Experts, Best GEN Modular, Pivot to Manufacture Hospital Rooms

A South Dakota company with 60+ years of modular manufacturing and commercial modular building experience pivots to build hospital rooms and critical care rooms quickly. This is an immediate solution to the increasing number of COVID19 hospitalization cases across the United States. - March 26, 2020 - Best GEN

United Federation of Special Police & Security Officers: COVID-19 Legislation Must Include All American Workers, Too Many Are Being Left Out

United Federation of Special Police & Security Officers: COVID-19 Legislation Must Include All American Workers, Too Many Are Being Left Out

Administration Officials and Legislators have promised no workers will lose a paycheck, yet millions are being left out of current legislation. - March 20, 2020 - United Federation of Special Police & Security Officers, Inc.

The Best Political Website 2020 Will be Named by Web Marketing Association in 24th Annual WebAward Competition

The Best Political Website 2020 Will be Named by Web Marketing Association in 24th Annual WebAward Competition

This presidential election year, the Web Marketing Association is looking for the best political websites of 2020 as part of their 24th annual international WebAward Competition for Web site development at The deadline for political web sites to enter is May 29, 2020. - March 18, 2020 - Web Marketing Association

The Global Economic Leadership Consortium Opens to the Public for Signatories.

The Global Economic Leadership Consortium Opens to the Public for Signatories.

COVIDxNOW invests to bring global emerging and corporate leaders together with “fast response solutions” to address social, health and economic impact of Covid19 outbreak. New offering creates 48-hour turnaround solutions focused on slowing negative economic impact, opening new... - March 18, 2020 - EBW Foundation

Home Health Sector Urges Flexible Use of Home Health Clinical Expertise and Regulatory Relief to Address COVID-19 Crisis

Home health leaders release guidance regarding needed waivers and regulatory relief to ensure home health’s nimble and flexible response. - March 17, 2020 - Partnership for Quality Home Healthcare

Civil Service Success Prepares Candidates for the NYC Sanitation Worker Exam Anticipated for Late 2020

Civil Service Success Prepares Candidates for the NYC Sanitation Worker Exam Anticipated for Late 2020

Landing a job in the NYC Sanitation Department gets even more difficult with 90,000 people appearing in each exam session. - March 17, 2020 - Civil Service Success

Pelton Graham LLC Calls on Governments to Act to Protect Working Class Americans Impacted by COVID-19 Pandemic

Pelton Graham LLC calls on federal, state and local governments to take significant action to protect the rights of all Americans adversely impacted by the spread of COVID-19. If significant steps are not taken immediately to support the millions of Americans impacted by the pandemic, our county risks a social and economic devastation of the type not seen since The Great Depression. - March 16, 2020 - Pelton Graham LLC

Home Ventilator, Oxygen, and Sleep Suppliers at the Forefront of the COVID-19 Response

CQRC submits letter to Medicare agency detailing how home respiratory suppliers are critical in the response with coronavirus, urges agency to immediately lift regulatory barriers for patient care - March 14, 2020 - CQRC

APTQI Urges Congress, CMS to Allow Reimbursement for Physical Therapy Telehealth Services Amidst COVID-19 Pandemic

In an effort to protect vulnerable patient populations from the transmission of the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), the Alliance for Physical Therapy Quality and Innovation (APTQI) today called on Congress and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to amend Place of Service Billing... - March 13, 2020 - Alliance for Physical Therapy Quality and Innovation

Weinstock Continues Campaigning Despite Coronavirus Challenges

Weinstock Continues Campaigning Despite Coronavirus Challenges

Weinstock campaigns hard in Queens and Long Island - despite the dangers of Coronavirus. - March 13, 2020 - Law Offices of Michael Weinstock LLC

On World Kidney Day, the Nation’s Kidney Community Acknowledges Historic Stakeholder Alignment on Key Policies to Improve Access, Choice and Innovation in Kidney Care

Kidney Care Partners (KCP) – the nation’s leading coalition of more than 30 organizations comprised of patient advocates, dialysis professionals, care providers, researchers and manufacturers – acknowledges the historic alignment to address the public health care challenge among... - March 12, 2020 - Kidney Care Partners

Veteran Cybercrime Fighters Launch New Automated Threat Detection and Response Service Based on Proven Defense Technology to Thwart Ransomware

Veteran Cybercrime Fighters Launch New Automated Threat Detection and Response Service Based on Proven Defense Technology to Thwart Ransomware

Veteran-owned and operated CBA Inc. dba Intuitus announced today that it is launching Intuitus Managed Detection and Response (MDR) based on proven technology from The Boeing Company used by the US defense sector to detect and prevent malware including ransomware. "For small-to-mid-sized businesses with limited budgets and a scarcity of talent, Intuitus is a great solution," says Dave Shaw, Intuitus CEO. - March 12, 2020 - Intuitus

New Complaint Filed in United States vs. Stanford Health Care (Stanford Hospitals) Alleged Billing Fraud Case

New Complaint Filed in United States vs. Stanford Health Care (Stanford Hospitals) Alleged Billing Fraud Case

A newly amended Complaint was just filed on March 2, 2020 in Los Angeles in the United States District Court, Central Division. The case is captioned, United States vs. Stanford and Stanford Health Care, Case No. CV 17-08726-DSF (AFMx). The Complaint alleges that Stanford Health Care’s billing schemes to defraud Medicare and commercial payors reach back to at least 2010, and are ongoing. - March 10, 2020 - GJLaw

Veterans Affairs OEHRM Executive Director Added to DSI’s Health IT Summit

Back for its 18th iteration, Defense Strategies Institute will host the DoD/VA & GOV Health IT Summit on May 6th & 7th, 2020. Sessions will focus on this year's theme of "Delivering Innovative, Secure Health IT for Military & Government." - March 08, 2020 - Defense Strategies Institute

Dubai Tourism Department Awards Dr. Mahaveer Mehta Medical Center with Al Safeer Congress Ambassador Award in Dubai Last Week

Dubai Tourism Department Awards Dr. Mahaveer Mehta Medical Center with Al Safeer Congress Ambassador Award in Dubai Last Week

Dubai Congress Ambassador Award Event, JAFZA, March 2, 2020, Dubai - March 07, 2020 - Dr. Mahaveer Mehta Medical Center

Hempton Farms to Host Free Hemp Town Hall in Leasburg, North Carolina

Hempton Farms to Host Free Hemp Town Hall in Leasburg, North Carolina

Those curious about hemp as a crop are invited to attend. - March 05, 2020 - Hempton Farms

Hempton Farms to Host Free Hemp Town Hall in Chatham, Virginia

Hempton Farms to Host Free Hemp Town Hall in Chatham, Virginia

Speakers and industry experts align to help farmers considering hemp as a crop. - March 05, 2020 - Hempton Farms

PreClear Protects U.S. Business and Consumers from Counterfeit Goods

PreClear technology tackles the problem of counterfeit goods and potentially harmful goods sent to the U.S. by preventing exports to the U.S. PreClear's patented technology is used to prevent exports from China to the U.S. - March 05, 2020 - PreClear

Oregon State Police Signs Ten-Year GIS Data Management Contract with GeoComm

GeoComm is pleased to announce their entrance into a ten-year GIS data development and management contract with the Oregon State Police (OSP) to complete a variety of GIS services in support of their Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) system, including ongoing GIS data management services in support of... - March 05, 2020 - GeoComm

FreeEliza: A Father's Rights Organization - Kansas Supreme Court Grants Petition for Review of Father's Case

FreeEliza: A Father's Rights Organization - Kansas Supreme Court Grants Petition for Review of Father's Case

In a case of contested adoption, a Kansas man's legal battle for the right to parent his daughter will go before the Kansas Supreme Court. - March 03, 2020 - FreeEliza Father's Rights Organization

More Research Funding for Adult Autism and Pressing Housing Issues Pushed by 87 Organizations Led by Autism Housing Network and First Place Global Leadership Institute

More Research Funding for Adult Autism and Pressing Housing Issues Pushed by 87 Organizations Led by Autism Housing Network and First Place Global Leadership Institute

With the exponential increase in the population of children with autism transitioning to adulthood annually and following the investment of billions of dollars in research, early diagnosis, interventions and education, a road map to understanding how best to impact life course outcomes is needed... - March 03, 2020 - Autism Housing Network

Strathmore's Who's Who Worldwide Publication Welcomes New Members

Strathmore's Who's Who Worldwide Publication Welcomes New Members

Strathmore’s Who’s Who Worldwide of Farmingdale, New York is proud to welcome their newest members who will be included in their next edition for their contributions and achievements in the many fields listed. About New Members Strathmore’s Who’s Who Worldwide is pleased to... - March 03, 2020 - Strathmore Worldwide

Charles I. Mitchell Recognized as a Professional of the Year for 2020 by Strathmore's Who's Who Worldwide Publication

Charles I. Mitchell Recognized as a Professional of the Year for 2020 by Strathmore's Who's Who Worldwide Publication

Charles I. Mitchell of Windsor Mill, Maryland has been recognized as a Professional of the Year for 2020 by Strathmore’s Who’s Who Worldwide for his outstanding contributions and achievements in the fields of public safety and corrections. About Charles I. Mitchell Charles Mitchell has... - February 27, 2020 - Strathmore Worldwide

Disability Application Help Launches a New Website to Offer a Free Social Security Disability Online Case Evaluation

Disability Application Help Launches a New Website to Offer a Free Social Security Disability Online Case Evaluation

Disability Application Help provides a free nationwide disability benefits evaluation service. A new website has been launched that makes it easier for people to request a free case evaluation. The free service allows disabled people to quickly find out if they may qualify for social security... - February 23, 2020 - Disability Application Help

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