Government News
Get political with news about politicians and government, including government contractors; conferences; government-funded research; local, state and federal initiatives; and products and services aimed at government officials and employees.
New Long-Term Care Insurance Charge Will Increase Dependence on Taxpayers Predicts AALTCI Director
A new law being passed in California will shift increased burden to future California taxpayers according to the American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance director. - August 30, 2019 - American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance
Rancher, Logger, Author and Naturalist William E. Simpson II Disagrees with DOI's Plan of Burning America; Says It Adds to Mismanagement of Wild Horses
Is burning and deforesting America’s public lands a genuine solution for wildfire? Or is it something along the lines we saw in Brazil, where forests were destroyed to create more livestock grazing? - August 28, 2019 - Wildhorse Ranch Productions
Washington, DC Press Event
Richard Lawless, the Author of "Capitol Hill's Criminal Underground," will be holding a press event to share alleged evidence of government sponsored securities fraud, mail fraud, wire fraud, extortion and racketeering. - August 26, 2019 - Richard Lawless, Author
Leveraging Big Data for Enhanced Data Driven Decisions at Defense Strategies Institute’s Big Data for Intelligence Symposium
Defense Strategies Institute is proud to announce the 7th annual Big Data for Intelligence Symposium, occurring on October 30-31, 2019 at the Mary M. Gates Learning Center in Alexandria, VA. This year’s summit is designed to bring together members of the Intelligence Community, US military... - August 23, 2019 - Defense Strategies Institute
Artist Michelle Larsen Creates Large 3D Painting of Donald Trump
The only three dimensional painting of Donald Trump created with paper, glue and oil paint and protrudes from the canvas 5". Michelle's award winning exclusive style attracts collectors from all over. - August 22, 2019 - The Parlor Fine Art Gallery
Desktop Alert Products Added to Defense Information Network (DoDIN) Approved Products List (APL)
The Department of Defense Information Network (DoDIN) Approved Products List (APL) approval of the Desktop Alert, Inc. Total Alert Rel. 5.x TN 1716702 Desktop Review (DTR) #2 as a Net-Centric Alerting System (NCAS) has been granted. - August 22, 2019 - Desktop Alert
ELD Mandate Ranks in the Top 10 Issues in the Trucking Industry
The "hard" deadline to comply with the ELD Mandate is December 17, 2019. On that day, operators of commercial motor vehicles covered by this law will be required to use electronic logging devices, or ELDs. Are they ready? BlueArrow Telematics CEO and Puryear Tank Lines CTO discuss the issue. - August 22, 2019 - BlueArrow Telematics
DataPoints & AFCPE® Form Partnership to Blend Financial Psychology Technology with the Leader in Financial Counseling, Coaching, & Education
The partnership will benefit AFCPE® members and DataPoints clients, with the ultimate goal of helping improve the financial lives of individuals. - August 22, 2019 - DataPoints
Sustainable Ocean Alliance Ocean Advocates and Entrepreneurs Set Sail to Witness an Iceless Alaska
Sustainable Ocean Alliance brings forward solutions that will address the ocean’s biggest challenges. - August 21, 2019 - Sustainable Ocean Alliance
JOA is Selected by the Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles to Provide Construction Contract Administration, Project Management & Cost Estimating Services
The Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles has pre-qualified JOA for a 5-year term. - August 20, 2019 - JOA
"What Might The Founders Think? State of the Union 2019" e-Book Release
The e-Book is a light-hearted, hypothetical approach on how some Founders might view President Trump's recent State of the Union address to Congress. - August 20, 2019 - Brian Fansler
Dr. Lois Jordan Honored as a Woman of the Month for June 2019 by P.O.W.E.R. (Professional Organization of Women of Excellence Recognized)
Dr. Lois Jordan of Hendersonville, Tennessee has been honored as a Woman of the Month for June 2019 by P.O.W.E.R. (Professional Organization of Woman of Excellence Recognized) for her outstanding contributions and achievements in the fields of education and politics. Each month they feature women... - August 20, 2019 - P.O.W.E.R. Professional Organization of Women of Excellence Recognized
JFC & Associates Announced as Winner of Best Overall Asset Performance Program at 2019 Maximoworld Awards
JFC & Associates has been named winner of Best Overall Asset Performance Program at the 2019 Maximoworld Awards for their program for the California Department of General Services. Maximoworld is the premier event and trade show for asset management professionals, and the Maximoworld Awards... - August 14, 2019 - JFC & Associates
Lewis Bentley Group: China Expected to Deliver More Stimulus
Lewis Bentley Group says PBoC may need to resort to more stimulus after China’s Q2 grows at weakest pace since 1992. - August 13, 2019 - Lewis Bentley Group
GeoComm Software on Display During Baltimore County, Maryland 9-1-1 Center Tours Taking Place at APCO 2019
GeoComm is excited to announce their public safety mapping software solutions are being utilized in Baltimore County, Maryland’s 9-1-1 Center. APCO 2019 Conference attendees can see this software on display and get an inside look at Baltimore County’s 9-1-1 Center by participating in... - August 11, 2019 - GeoComm
Federal Task Force on Long-Term Care Insurance Seeks Input Shares AALTCI
The American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance's director urges industry professionals to submit comments to the Federal Task Force on Long-Term Care Insurance. - August 11, 2019 - American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance
Study Reveals Solution for Range War Between Wild Horses and Cattle Ranchers
5-year study reveals new insights and cites a plan to end the land use war between livestock interests and wild horses while reducing wildfire and toxic smoke. - August 09, 2019 - Wildhorse Ranch Productions
Defense Strategies Institute’s 17th Annual DoD/VA & GOV Health IT Summit
Defense Strategies Institute is proud to announce the DoD/VA & GOV Health IT Summit occurring October 16th & 17th, at the Mary M. Gates Learning Center in Alexandria, Virginia. DSI designed this year’s summit to focus on the theme of “Delivering Modern, Secure Health IT for Military & Government.” - August 09, 2019 - Defense Strategies Institute
Defense Strategies Institute Presents: 4th Insider Threat Symposium
DSI is pleased to announce the 4th iteration of the Insider Threat Symposium. The event will take place at the Mary M. Gates Learning Center in Arlington, VA on October 23-24, 2019. - August 09, 2019 - Defense Strategies Institute
Award Winning, "This Boy's Vida: Made in America" to Screen as Official Selection of the HBO Latino Film Festival
The award winning series, "This Boy’s Vida: Made in America," from Writer/Creator, Joseph Castillo-Midyett, Co-Directed by the highly acclaimed, Adrienne Lovette, will screen part of its pilot episode as an official selection of the HBO Latino Film Festival Saturday, August 17th at 11am at the AMC Empire 25 (234 West 42nd St, Between 7th & 8th Ave.) - August 08, 2019 - House of Booked
Broadcasting For America Bringing Progressive Voices to Talk Radio
Crowd Funding Radio Air Time to Disrupt Conservative Talk Stations. - August 08, 2019 - KCAA Radio
DOT Designation to Help FL Port Move Cargo & Ease Truck Traffic
Marine Highway designation to help Port of Fernandina move cargo by barge and alleviate truck traffic on area roadways. - August 05, 2019 - Port of Fernandina
RELYANT Global Awarded $15M SATOC for USACE Kansas City District
RELYANT Global, LLC was recently awarded a SATOC for Historic Windows & Doors Repair and Replacement by the US Army Corps of Engineers, Kansas City District. - August 01, 2019 - RELYANT Global
Association of Claims Professionals Applauds Bipartisan Bill to Require Uniform Licensing for Independent Claims Adjusters
CLAIMS Act Aims to Eliminate Barriers to Claims Adjusting by requiring states to adopt uniform and reciprocal licensing laws. - July 30, 2019 - Association of Claims Professionals
Twentyfour-Seven Announces Release of Contact Points for Victims of Sex Trafficking
Twentyfour-Seven has developed a patent pending method to deliver life saving information and services to sex trafficking victims in transit. - July 29, 2019 - Twentyfour-Seven Inc.
Hosted Payroll Solutions by Payroll Business Solutions Has Qualified for G-Cloud 11, The Crown Commercial Service (CCS) Procurement Framework
Payroll Business Solutions announces its acceptance on the G-Cloud procurement framework and has now become a Crown Commercial Service (CCS) supplier for Hosted Payroll Solutions under the Cloud Software section. - July 27, 2019 - Payroll Business Solutions
Alliance Commends Site Neutral Provisions in Senate Drug Pricing Package
Site neutral policies in the Prescription Drug Pricing Reduction Act (PDPRA) of 2019 approved by the Senate Finance Committee will lower out-of-pocket costs for seniors. - July 26, 2019 - Alliance For Site Neutral Payment Reform
The Smoke-Free Alternatives Trade Association and Participants of The North American Vaping Alliance Meet to Create Industry Standards
The vapor industry's first convention where manufacturing executives met to discuss and develop standards that align North American proposals in a meaningful way for safer consumer products. - July 25, 2019 - SFATA
Saudi Arabia Reviews Economic Reforms at United Nations
During the High-Profile Political Forum on Sustainable Development Saudi Arabia Reviews Economic Reforms at United Nations - July 23, 2019 - National Competitiveness Center (NCC)
MITA Applauds Congressional Effort Urging Coverage for Dense Breast Tomosynthesis (DBT) Screening for TRICARE Beneficiaries
Bipartisan group of 51 lawmakers urges TRICARE to cover DBT screening to enable more effective, less costly cancer detection. - July 23, 2019 - Medical Imaging and Technology Alliance
Texas Legislature Calls for President to Provide Last World War II Medal of Honor Recipient with Full State Funeral Honors
This nationwide, bi-partisan initiative was led by the nonprofit State Funeral for World War II Veterans Chairman Lee William (Bill) McNutt and spearheaded by state Representative Rick Miller and state Senator Brian Birdwell. - July 22, 2019 - State Funeral for WWII Vets
Smart Business Broker Inc. Offers Indian EB-5 Visa Investors a Faster, Safer, and Cheaper Alternative to the EB-5 Visa Program
Indian investors need to wait over 9 years to get a temporary green card under the EB-5 visa category, and over 14 years to get a permanent green card under the EB5 visa category, and their money back. The Smart Business Broker team helps Indian investors to get their permanent green cards in about 4 years and their money back in about 5.5 years under the EB-1c visa category, if the investor has owned / operated their business outside the US for at least a year. - July 19, 2019 -
Cynergy Professional Systems Awarded $3 Billion Department of Homeland Security Tactical Communications Equipment and Services Contract
Cynergy Professional Systems, LLC. (Cynergy), which offers cutting-edge communication systems and federal information technology solutions, has been awarded as a prime contractor on the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Tactical Communications Equipment and Services II (TacCom II) contract... - July 17, 2019 - Cynergy Professional Systems
Leveraging Updated Cyberspace Policy and Strategy to Ensure National Security at Defense Strategies Institute’s Cyber Operations for National Defense Symposium
Defense Strategies Institute is proud to announce the 6th annual Cyber Operations for National Defense Symposium occurring on September 19-20, 2019 at the Mary M. Gates Learning Center in Alexandria, VA. This year’s summit is designed to bring together senior leaders in cyber security,... - July 17, 2019 - Defense Strategies Institute
Industry Leaders Highlight Educational Resources as Bid Window Opens for DME Competitive Bidding Program Round 2021
In recognition of the opening of the Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics and Supplies (DMEPOS) competitive bidding program bid window today, a group of leading industry trade organizations is showcasing new educational resources to help potential bidders navigate recent changes made... - July 16, 2019 - CQRC
Topsarge Business Solutions Wins $1.8M U.S. Army Contract
Topsarge Business Solutions was awarded a 3-year, $1.8-million cooperative agreement between TBS and the U.S. Army Research Institute for Developing Noncommissioned Officers for the Future Force. This new project delivers research support that is focused on developing innovative measures and methods to improve and enhance the Soldier lifecycle. This new project allows the Central Texas-based company and its employees and associates to continue to grow and professionally develop Army leaders. - July 16, 2019 - Topsarge Business Solutions LLC
Abass Amiretezam's Children Filed an Action Against Government of Iran and IRGC for Alleged 38 Years of Torture, in Federal Court Under FSIA
The family of Mr. Abbas Amirentezam, former Deputy Prime Minister of Iran in 1979, filed an action against the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corp (IRGC) for, allegedly, the almost 40 year unlawful incarceration and house arrest of their father who was subjected to... - July 15, 2019 - Herischi & Associates LLC
Procurated Announces First Hires
Peer review platform hires multi-sided marketplace executives in product, marketing and operations roles. - July 15, 2019 - Procurated
Kidney Care Partners Supports Trump Administration’s Executive Order on Kidney Care
Kidney Care Partners – the nation’s largest kidney coalition consisting of patient and patient advocacy groups, researchers and clinicians, providers and manufacturers – today praised the Trump Administration’s announcement to increase focus and investment on the kidney... - July 10, 2019 - Kidney Care Partners
Connecticut Governor Signs Important New ESOP Law for Architectural Firms
Connecticut Architectural Firms May Now be Owned Entirely by ESOPs. - July 10, 2019 - ESOP Plus: Schatz Brown Glassman LLP
JOA Pre-Qualified by the City of Los Angeles as a Real Estate and Economic Development Consultant
JOA is one of a select group of businesses to be approved by the City of Los Angeles for Master Planning, Site Planning and Project Management. - July 10, 2019 - JOA
Creating Trusted Geospatial Intelligence Partnerships in a Rapidly Evolving World at Defense Strategies Institute’s GEOINT & Open Source Analytics Summit
Defense Strategies Institute is proud to announce the 4th annual GEOINT & Open Source Analytics Summit, occurring on September 10-11, 2019 at the American Institute of Architects in Washington, DC. This year’s summit is designed to bring together members of the geospatial and satellite... - July 03, 2019 - Defense Strategies Institute
Defense Strategies Institute’s 3rd Annual Autonomous Capabilities for DoD Summit
Defense Strategies Institute is proud to announce the Autonomous Capabilities for DoD Summit occurring September 25th & 26th at the Mary M. Gates Learning Center in Alexandria, Virginia. DSI designed this year’s summit to focus on the theme of “Leveraging the Power of Autonomy for Operational Flexibility.” - June 28, 2019 - Defense Strategies Institute
MARC Applauds PAID Act’s Introduction in the Senate
Bipartisan, Commonsense Legislation Aims to Reform the Broken Medicare Secondary Payer Process. - June 27, 2019 - Medicare Advocacy Recovery Coalition
National LTC Pharmacy Advocacy Group Asks CMS to Release “Summary Data” on PBM Medicare Spread Pricing Activity
SCPC Thanks CMS for Curtailing PBM Medicaid Spread Pricing; Time for Similar Medicare Transparency. - June 27, 2019 - Senior Care Pharmacy Coalition
Door Opens for Rewilding America’s Wild Horses Via FY2020 Interior Appropriations Budget
Half a Decade of Research and Political Collaboration Yields New Vision on Wild Horse Management Via Rewilding - June 27, 2019 - Wildhorse Ranch Productions
Initiatives and Strategies for IC Information Sharing at Defense Strategies Institute’s Intelligence Exploitation Summit
Discussions at DSI’s 2019 Intelligence Exploitation Summit revolve around the technical challenges of the IC and the creation of interoperable and shared systems. - June 21, 2019 - Defense Strategies Institute
Defense Strategies Institute Presents: 8th Military Tactical Communications Summit
DSI is pleased to announce the complete agenda for the 8th iteration of the Military Tactical Communications Summit. The event will take place at the Mary M. Gates Learning Center in Arlington, VA on September 11-12, 2019. - June 21, 2019 - Defense Strategies Institute
DSI’s Advanced Materials Summit Highlighting Hypersonic Vehicle Performance
Defense Strategies Institute will convene a panel of experts from AFRL, NASA, & Academia to deliberate on leveraging advanced materials to help keep hypersonic vehicles from overheating. The discussion will focus on modern-day solutions for cooling hypersonic vehicles as they travel upwards of five times the speed of sound. - June 20, 2019 - Defense Strategies Institute
Ellis Marshall Global: Hong Kong’s Economy Loses Momentum
Ellis Marshall Global analysts comment as Hong Kong’s Trade Development Council downgrades forecasts. - June 19, 2019 - Ellis Marshall Global