Publishing News
All the news that’s fit to print about the publishing industry, covering market research, promotions, awards, new imprints, personnel, technology, editing software, marketing and e-publishing. Also find information on licensing, book deals, editors, publishers, partnerships and mergers and acquisitions.
Common Sense Skills for Classrooms: Killer Whales Published by Outskirts Press
Outskirts Press announces the latest highly anticipated education and classroom management book from Erie, KS authors, Traci Hinman and Stacy Turner. - March 21, 2012 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Nerd to Bully… and Back Again? Blog of a Bully Published by Outskirts Press
Outskirts Press announces the latest highly anticipated juvenile fiction and chapter book from Glendale, AZ, author Stephen Zanzucchi. - March 21, 2012 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Writing Contest on Suess's Pieces Tackles Topic of Censorship
The first annual Brave Little Blogger Contest is open until March 31,2012. Entry is free, and bloggers will write about a blog on the theme of censorship in 750 words or less. The contest is hosted by Indianapolis freelance writer Emily Suess with prizes sponsored by Small Business Bonfire and other donors. - March 17, 2012 - Emily Suess
Outskirts Press Announces Winner of Barnes & Noble NOOK in Facebook Contest
Results are in from leading self-publisher Outskirts Press’ Facebook contest and David Olson of Albuquerque, NM is the winner of a new Barnes & Noble NOOK in the random drawing from among all the publisher’s Facebook friends. - March 16, 2012 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
The Pink Light Models Featured in MAXIM® Magazine
The Pink Light Model & Talent Agency is excited to announce that three of their models will be featured in the April 2012 issue of MAXIM Magazine. - March 16, 2012 - The Pink Light
Pearson Jamaica: Wherever Learning Flourishes, so do People
In Jamaica’s 50th year of independence Pearson is also celebrating over 50 years of successful publishing for schools in Jamaica and the Caribbean, with brand new, updated editions of Caribbean favourites The Students Companion and New Junior English Revised. Additionally, with Early... - March 15, 2012 - Pearson Caribbean
Patricia A. Hawkenson Video Takes First Place in Outskirts Press “Love” Contest
Poet, artist and educator Patrica A. Hawkenson received her “valentine” of a free Apple iPad 2 from Outskirts Press when her delightful video was voted number one by the self-publisher’s fans in their Valentines Day “Show Me the Love” video contest. - March 15, 2012 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
WDM Group Appoints Nathan Weber as New CFO
WDM Group announces significant additions to its senior level staff on Monday, March 12, 2012. As the company closes the first quarter of 2012, WDM Group is pleased to announce Nathan P. Weber as Chief Financial Officer. Mr. Weber will oversee all aspects of corporate finance and accounting,... - March 13, 2012 - WDM Group
New Book on Horizon About Premarital Counseling for Gay Couples
A premarital guide of case studies illustrating real problems and creative solutions for the LGBT community published by ASD Publishing. - March 12, 2012 - ASD Publishing
I Am That Child Paints Real Faces of AIDS, Poverty, and Sexism as Encountered on Cameroon Mission
What do Mission and Outreach really look like? How tall are they? Male or female? And when does "putting faith into action" mean reaching out far beyond our wallet or comfortable lifestyle? In I Am That Child, Elizabeth Geitz helps answer these questions as she fleshes out the human faces of AIDS, poverty and sexism as experienced first-hand in an orphanage in Cameroon, West Africa. - March 11, 2012 - Elizabeth Geitz, Author
Global Warming or Global Mayhem? Operation Seeding Published by Outskirts Press.
Michael Andrisano’s new meteorological mystery makes murder the method of choice to protect the government’s secret dealings with HT Wetco a firm whose specialty is controlling the weather. Going undetected for sixty years until a greedy senator select discovers their secrets. While around it the forces of global greed and corruption continue to wrestle for control of the weather so they can also control the world. - March 10, 2012 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
New Book Takes "A Rational Look at God"
In his new book "Is Your God Real?" Florida author William Kringel takes an in-depth look at the nature of God. By sharing real experiences from his own life and from people he has observed, Kringel demonstrates that the real God is actually communicating with individuals daily. - March 09, 2012 - William Kringel
FYE Says WHOA is Me
Publishers Distribution Group announced today that WHOA What's Happening w/ Original Artists magazine will now be available in FYE, Coconuts, Suncoast Wherehouse, and Sam Goody. - March 09, 2012 - WHOA Media Group
Thieme E-Book Library Keeps on Growing
Thieme’s E-Book Library has recently expanded with the addition of titles in the areas of anatomy, complementary medicine, dermatology, neurology, and toxicology. Some of the most popular features of the site include offline viewing, as well as the ability to set up personalized... - March 08, 2012 - Thieme Publishers
ITdistri Launches the First IT Distribution Guide in Maghreb
Thanks to its 15 years of presence on the French market, ITdistri launches the first IT distribution guide in Maghreb. This guide aims to help local resellers in Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia to work more easily with all potential distributors… - March 08, 2012 - ITdistri
Outskirts Press Announces Free Enhanced Interior Formatting for Self-Publishing Authors in March
Outskirts Press knows that authors care not only about the quality of their writing, but also about the quality of their books, and their Enhanced Interior option lets writers personally fine tune the individual style of their book’s format. - March 07, 2012 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
ForeWord's Debut Fiction Award Program
ForeWord is pleased to introduce their debut fiction competition. As a book review journal, at times we feel overwhelmed by the sheer number of titles we receive for review - many more than we can possibly cover in the magazine. That said, the odds of receiving review attention are most discouraging for first-time fiction authors. For this reason, ForeWord has launched a quarterly debut fiction contest with the goal of highlighting the brightest POD/self-published works we see. - March 07, 2012 - ForeWord Reviews
Compassionate Healer… and Merciless Assassin: Jacob’s War Published by Outskirts Press
J. B. Kaufman’s carefully researched saga of Jacob Kane’s metamorphosis from child music prodigy to renowned neurosurgeon to Mossad assassin, is the tale of a compassionate man who will be forced to answer a possibly life-changing question regarding who he is, and who he wishes to be to himself – and to his people. - March 06, 2012 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Frank New Memoir Real Time with Miss Bipolar Bitch Published by Outskirts Press
Wonda Lee Davis was one of those who the world labeled a “bipolar b*tch,” but her brave self-help memoir shows how she was able to overcome hatred from others and from herself and keep bipolar disorder from standing in the way of living her life. - March 06, 2012 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Mount Prospect Business Achieves Highest Sales Honor from Inscape Publishing
Center for Internal Change, Inc. has been honored as an Inscape Publishing Diamond Award Winner, Inscape’s highest award level. In 2011, less than 1% of Inscape Distributors earned the honor of Diamond Award. - March 05, 2012 - Center for Internal Change, Inc.
New Jersey Center for Tourette Syndrome Blogs a Leading Internet Resource for Parents and Teens
Since being launched in November 2011, the TSParentsOnline and Teens4TS blogs have generated tens of thousands of hits from users in more than 40 states and 50 countries. - March 05, 2012 - New Jersey Center for Tourette Syndrome
Developmental Editor Advises on Finding Right Publishing House
Susan Mary Malone Weighs Big Versus Small Publishing Houses for New Authors - March 03, 2012 - Malone Editorial Services
Gridlock: Why We’re in It and How to Get Out
A new book that presents a clear explanation for why the government is becoming dysfunctional and highlights a way out of the morass. It doesn’t describe what government should or shouldn’t do – but how American governance should be modernized. Not a rehash of left or right views and ideas, it is instead a fresh examination of cause and effect that has resulted in a failing system. - March 02, 2012 - Signalman Publishing
Cabot Barden Holds Seminar for Book Writing and Publishing at Nichols Lawson Middle School in Sylacauga, Alabama for Aspiring Writers in the Sixth and Seventh Grades
There is an article in the Daily Home in Talladega County, Alabama about Cabot Barden giving pointers about writing and publishing books and songs in a seminar to sixth and seventh graders at a local middle school in Sylacauga, Alabama. Cabot Barden, author of "It's The Bass Player" held... - March 02, 2012 - Cabot Barden-Author
Bilingual Children's Books Free on Kindle - March Madness
A Creations by Crouch March Madness give-away. Download bilingual children's books free from Kindle. - March 01, 2012 - Creations By Crouch L.L.C.
Wasabi Media Group Announces the Launch of Giggle Chuckle Party
Amidst the barrage of information from the various presidential candidates, Wasabi Media Group offers an amusing and satirical option, the Giggle Chuckle Party. - March 01, 2012 - Wasabi Media Group
Come Celebrate the Launch of Green Washed in New York City on March 13, 2012
The path to environmental sustainability cannot be paved by shopping green. - February 28, 2012 - Kendra Pierre-Louis
Nature Publishing Group Contracts Molecular Connections for Semantic Tagging of Archives
Nature Publishing Group (NPG) - publisher of high impact scientific and medical information in print and online has chosen Molecular Connections(P)Ltd, ( a Bangalore based company to carry out ontology enhancements for its key subject terms and semantic tagging for its back files(Archives). - February 26, 2012 - Molecular Connections Pvt. Ltd.
Tenets Behind 12 Steps: Practice These Principles Published by Outskirts Press
Outskirts Press announces the latest highly anticipated self-help and twelve step programs book from West Palm Beach, FL author, Ray A. - February 26, 2012 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Love, Loss and the Fervor of Faith: He Answered Published by Outskirts Press
Author L. V. Robinson’s debut novel takes readers on a journey through love, loss and struggle in a story that will inspire readers to keep the faith, no matter what, and help them understand the signs that point to those who should be avoided. - February 26, 2012 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
U. S. German Prisoner of War Camp Focus of Kaiser Brightman 082314, Published by Outskirts Press
Three young heroes of Michael Springer’s new novel find themselves face-to-face with two hundred members of General Rommel’s Afrika Korps in a German prisoner of war camp on an island in the Minnesota River at New Bonn. - February 26, 2012 - Outskirts Press, Inc. Expands Its Range of Print Products by Certificates
Online shop offers design templates for awards, diplomas and certificates. - February 25, 2012 - Onlineprinters GmbH
3 Reasons Self-Publishing Authors Need Social Media
Outskirts Press introduces a new Author Platform Set-up through Social Media option to help all authors, self-publishing and otherwise, take advantage of the power of social media to establish their author platform. - February 24, 2012 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
An Exclusive Look at the InterContinental - San Francisco’s Premier Hotel for the Modern Business Traveler, Featured in February’s Issue of Business Review USA
Business Review USA, the top digital media source for American business news, explores the InterContinental San Francisco – an elegant luxury hotel that’s keeping an eye on innovation and a view of the San Francisco skyline. “Located in the City’s lively South of Market... - February 23, 2012 - WDM Group
Robert Powell, The Economist Analyst, Discusses Iran's War of Words: Threats on the Strait of Hormuz Featured in February’s Issue of Energy Digital
This month, Energy Digital discusses the current situation in the Straight of Hormuz in an interview with Senior Editor of The Economist Intelligence Unit and Middle East analyst for The Economist Robert Powell. With Iran's recent threats to block the Strait of Hormuz - the world's most important... - February 23, 2012 - WDM Group
Founder of Evential Cheryl Clarke Gives Your Pharma Launch the Creative Edge in February’s Edition of Healthcare Global
With increasing restrictions and levels of healthcare compliance which have to be met when marketing products to the pharmaceutical industry, organisations are left to come up with more inventive, creative and engaging events if they want to promote new innovations to the market. - February 23, 2012 - WDM Group
IBM and IBN Treating MRSA with Nanotechnology and Nanomedicine in February’s Edition of Healthcare Global
In April 2011, researchers from IBM and the Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology (IBN) announced that they had stumbled on “a nanomedicine breakthrough.” They discovered a new type of polymer which was able to detect and destroy bacteria that is resistant to antibiotics and... - February 23, 2012 - WDM Group
Capgemini Lists Its Top 10 Reasons to Outsource in 2012 in February’s Issue of Supply Chain Digital
Capgemini, one of the world’s leaders in all things outsourcing, contributed a feature article on The Top 10 Reasons to Outsource in 2012 in Supply Chain Digital’s February issue. From expanding global reach to service transparency, Capgemini’s feature focuses solely on the... - February 23, 2012 - WDM Group
Kiva Systems’ Robotic Warehousing Technology Featured in Supply Chain Digital Magazine
Kiva Systems, a global leader in warehousing technology, had its innovation featured in February’s issue of Supply Chain Digital. The article focuses on Kiva Systems’ CEO Mick Mountz’s idea, and how it came to fruition. Companies like Crate and Barrel and Toys R Us use Kiva... - February 23, 2012 - WDM Group
The Hydrogen House Weathers the Storm Amidst an Ailing Economy in February’s Energy Digital
This month, Energy Digital's former editor, John Shimkus, contributes an article on the world's first regulation approved Hydrogen House. Despite a failed economy and even a hurricane, the new technology pulls through, proving that hydrogen is the future of energy. In the past, generating hydrogen... - February 23, 2012 - WDM Group
Companies Selling Direct to Consumers Have Found It to be a Worthwhile Way to Grow Business
According to a report released by Direct Selling News, in 2010, direct selling companies worldwide generated more than US$125 billion in revenue across 150 countries, through more than 75 million men and women. While the biggest direct selling markets are the US and Japan, Australia has a firmly... - February 23, 2012 - WDM Group
Sydney-Based Buying Website Spreets Found the Balance Between Supporting ANZ Businesses While Offering Savings to Consumers
The number of websites with group buying deals has skyrocketed over the past few years – in Australia alone, there are upwards of 70 – but their deal offerings demonstrate a difference in buying cultures across borders. For Australian consumers, these deals offer the chance to... - February 23, 2012 - WDM Group
Outskirts Press Presents Fandemonium Volume 2 Published by Outskirts Press
Self-publisher Outskirts Press announces its own latest highly anticipated literary collection. - February 23, 2012 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
John Polson, Founder of the Tropfest Short Film Festival, Speaks in the February Issue of Business Review Australia
The latest issue of Business Review Australia is now available online for Australasian business executives. - February 22, 2012 - WDM Group
Poetry Book Chronicles Life of Author Diagnosed with Spinal Muscular Atrophy
Washington State Poet Travis Laurence Naught shares his views on life, love, and the world in this debut book. - February 22, 2012 - ASD Publishing
Marketing Guru Vanessa Clark and the Pros and Cons of Deal Websites in February’s Issue of African Business Review
In past issues, we have debated which smartphone is best, which credit card has the most benefits, even whether you prefer Macs or PCs. With this in mind, they thought it was time here at African Business Review that they took a look at some of the best e-readers on the market and gave you the... - February 22, 2012 - WDM Group
Top Ten Extreme Environment Projects, Los Angeles - NFL Stadium Proposals and State of the Building Industry Special Report in February’s Issue of Construction Digital
The February issue of Construction Digital is now available online for industry professionals. This month, they take a look at up-and-coming trends in green building, including innovations in lighting, automated systems, and building design – as well as a survey of the future of... - February 22, 2012 - WDM Group
Correlation with Stocks & Astrology, Best Bloggers in India, and 4G Deployment Featured in February’s Issue of Business Review India
On the cover of the latest issue of Business Review India is Mr. Rahul Bajaj, a dynamic personality who has ruled the auto industry here since decades. Mr. Bajaj is witty, outspoken, fierce and even at 73, he’s not stopping. Read more on him in the Business Leaders section in the latest issue... - February 22, 2012 - WDM Group
The Most Infamous Super Bowl Ads of All Time in February’s Edition of Business Review USA
Business Review USA, the top digital media source for American business news, takes a look at the best and worst Super Bowl commercials of all time in the February issue, available now at “Perhaps the most remarkable branding benefit of a Super Bowl... - February 22, 2012 - WDM Group
Tension in Iran as the Future of Oil is Put at Risk, While the New Year Brings in New Promise for the Fate of Alternative Fuels and Energy in February's Energy Digital
The latest issue of Energy Digital is free online for business Executives in the energy industry. - February 22, 2012 - WDM Group