Publishing News
All the news that’s fit to print about the publishing industry, covering market research, promotions, awards, new imprints, personnel, technology, editing software, marketing and e-publishing. Also find information on licensing, book deals, editors, publishers, partnerships and mergers and acquisitions.
Hunt for Elite Vampire Traitor: Shadows of the Past Published by Outskirts Press
Novelist E. A. Jensen’s heroine Kirsa Heinrich finds she must finally face her haunted past in order to discover the true identity of a traitor, disclose a long hidden secret about her family’s unusual history and solve the recent, cryptic murders. - May 31, 2012 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Academics Now Claim Columbus Was "Portuguese-Born" Polish Prince
First Christopher Columbus was an Italian wool-weaver. Then some claimed Christopher Columbus was a Jew. Now the Christopher Columbus controversy reached its tipping point with the publication of "Kolumb. Historia nieznana" in Poland. - May 30, 2012 - Association Cristovao Colon
New Report Calls for an End to Costly "Talent Wars"
Five-year investigation uncovers a more affordable route to high performance. - May 30, 2012 - Adaptation Ltd
L. Alan Russo Jr. Launches a Publishing Company Called Zombie Works Publications
Former New Blood Films and Dark Myth, CEO L. Alan Russo Jr. to launch new publishing venture. - May 27, 2012 - Zombie Works Publications
World’s Most Extensive Firearms Guide. Impressum Media Inc. , is a publishing company specialized in innovative next generation publishing projects.
Firearms Guide is an innovative series of computer searchable guns and ammo reference guides and schematics libraries on DVD for PC or Mac. The new, 3rd edition was just published and it brings some heavy guns on the market of outdoor publications. For the first time Firearms Guide is now available not only for Windows PC but also for Mac computers. - May 26, 2012 - Impressum Media
"Relic of the Damned," a Two Volume Horror Thriller Published by Barren Hill Publishing, Hits Amazon in Kindle Format for Free This Holiday Weekend – Sat. - Monday
T. A. Bradley, a U.S. Army Veteran, releases his two volume horror/thriller, "Relic of the Damned: The Coming and Carpe Noctem," eBook editions for free this weekend on Amazon. Both Vol. I and Vol. II will be available for free beginning Saturday 26th Thu Monday 28th. - May 25, 2012 - Barren Hill Publishing Taps Nicolas Pino as Editor in Chief, Adds Three to Management Team's rapid growth has resulted in the addition of an Editor In Chief and three new members to the Editorial/Management Team. - May 25, 2012 -
Omnicom Press Author Sides with Russian Editors on Curtailing Media Monopolization
Announcing the publication of a new report: As prominent Russian newspaper editors speak out on state monopolization of the media business, author William Dunkerley presents his timely analysis of the prospects for change. - May 24, 2012 - Omnicom Press
Guide Book for Reinsurance – Fellowship Exam of Insurance Institute of India
The 1sth Edition of guide book on Reinsurance for Fellowship Exam of Insurance Institute of India has been released. The book has been published from the house of The Insurance Times. Visit for details. - May 24, 2012 - The Insurance Times
Enslow Publishers, Inc. to Release New Fantasy Fiction Book
Enslow Publishers, Inc., publisher of children’s books since 1976, announces its fall release of The Brightworking: Book I, the first title in a new fantasy-fiction trilogy, The Brightstone Saga, for young adults. - May 23, 2012 - Enslow Publishers, Inc.
Murder and the Magic of the Mind: Mystery Time Published by Outskirts Press
In Janet Hannah’s third Alex Kertész mystery, her dashing scientist and charismatic sleuth returns with a beautiful German colleague to solve two mysteries: the murder of an American professor and the connection between an old watch and past time. - May 22, 2012 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Publishers to Address Survival and Innovation in the Digital Age at ON DEMAND
Speakers from Thomson Reuters and will discuss how they have adapted their multimedia offerings to suit changing consumer habits at ON DEMAND (June 13-14; Jacob Javits Convention Center, New York City). Conference sessions will address ways in which publishers can better utilize today’s exploding social, mobile, digital media and print platforms to deliver content and create marketing opportunities for advertisers. - May 21, 2012 - info360
"Bared to You," the Self-Published Erotic Fiction eBook Sensation by Sylvia Day, Now a Berkley Books Title
On May 24, 2012, Berkley Books will take over the publication of author Sylvia Day's New York Times and USA Today bestselling self-published novel "Bared to You," releasing a slightly revised eBook edition, complete with brand-new cover art. On June 12, 2012, Berkley will publish a trade paperback edition of the book. - May 21, 2012 - Sylvia Day
A New E-Book Publisher is Accepting Manuscripts for Crowd-Sourced Review
A new community based publisher is now accepting manuscripts from the general public for publishing. Each manuscript is not reviewed by one acquisition editor, but by a group of 30-40 normal book readers. - May 20, 2012 - Bookkus Publishing
Transaction Publishers Celebrates Its Golden Anniversary
Company Gives Away Books, NOOKs, and Gifts to Celebrate 50 Years in Publishing. - May 20, 2012 - Transaction Publishers
Guide Book for Risk Management – Fellowship Exam of Insurance Institute of India Launched
The 1st Edition of guide book on Risk Management for Fellowship Exam of Insurance Institute of India has been released. The book has been published from the house of The Insurance Times. Visit for details. - May 18, 2012 - The Insurance Times
Intratec Boosts Its Process Economics Publications with Aspentech Software
Intratec signed a 6 year lease term for a package of the most advanced software for process simulation and economic evaluation of chemical process technologies, licensed by Aspen Technology, Inc. - May 17, 2012 - Intratec Solutions
Haaretz Newspaper Launches Digital Subscriptions and New Website
Israel’s premier English-language news organization is country’s first to offer digital subscriptions; Expanded digital content delivers most comprehensive news, analysis and opinion on Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish world - on any platform. - May 16, 2012 - Haaretz
Christopher Columbus Book Becomes Overnight Sensation in Poland
"Kolumb. Historia nieznana" (Columbus. Unknown History) published by REBIS in Poland is Manuel Rosa’s fourth biography book on Christopher Columbus and it is taking Poland by storm, it is all the buzz on the Polish internet discussions. - May 15, 2012 - Association Cristovao Colon
Eternal Press Released Seven New Fiction Titles
Damnation Books, LLC and Eternal Press are based in Santa Rosa, California. Founded by William Gilchrist and Kim Richards Gilchrist, both companies are committed to using available technologies to bring affordable fiction to everyone. In May 2012 both companies released a total of eight new titles. - May 14, 2012 - Caliburn Press LLC
Animalogy Receives a Silver Independent Publishers Medal
Written by Marianne Berkes and illustrated by Cathy Morrison Animalogy: Animal Analogies has been awarded a silver Independent Publishers Medal. - May 11, 2012 - Arbordale Publishing
Cultural Exchange Books - New Independent Publisher in California Targeting Foreign Language Market
Cultural Exchange Books, a new independent publisher from Northern California will focus on publishing foreign language books to the US market. Targeting multicultural readers and the immigrant population, the company intents to publish literary works in their original languages as well as the... - May 10, 2012 - Cultural Exchange Books
Author Cabot Barden Initiates Young Writers Competition in His Home County
Cabot Barden, author of It's The Bass Player and Mixed Blessings, helps create the Young Writers Short Story Competition in the southern half of his home, Talladega county. Along with the help of the local school libraries, the Sylacauga City Chamber Of Commerce, the editor of the Local Issue, the... - May 07, 2012 - Cabot Barden-Author
Premier Press and Vince’s Die-Cutting Announce Partnership
Premier Press and Vince's Die-Cutting are excited to announce their new partnership. With a combined 72 years of service in Portland's Printing Industry, the union of the companies will allow increase in quality and efficiency. Original staff from Vince's will continue to serve trade business... - May 07, 2012 - Premier Press
Greatest Creation Becomes Worst Enemy: Omnipiece Published by Outskirts Press
Novelist Betty L. Sheldon presents an overview of truth in Biblical history through a fictional, space age world of dramatic interaction between cosmic beings and humanity -- paralleling the problem of sin through God’s eyes and his response to it. - May 06, 2012 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Unbound Medicine and Datapharm Launch Mobile Medicines Compendium UK - Comprehensive Database of Pharmaceutical Product Information Now Available for Mobile Download
Unbound Medicine, a leader in knowledge management solutions for health care, and Datapharm, an independent organization dedicated to improving public health and safety by providing up-to-date, accurate and comprehensive information about medicines, announce the release of Medicines Compendium UK for mobile devices. Medicines Compendium UK represents the first mobile application with the unabridged Summary of Product Characteristics (SPCs) for more than 5,000 unique pharmaceutical products. - May 03, 2012 - Unbound Medicine
Triple Treat of Free Options for Authors Self-Publishing with Outskirts Press in May
A very merry month of May is in store for any author who takes advantage of Outskirts Press Diamond or Pearl package this month as each includes nearly $300 of free marketing and distribution tools to kick start every writer’s new book sales. - May 03, 2012 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
4-year Old 2bProductive Blog in Top 75 List
Business productivity and leadership blog, To Be Productive (aka 2bProductive) celebrates 4 years and becoming one of the Top 75 Productivity Experts to Follow on Twitter. - May 03, 2012 - Shirley Fine Lee
"Osaka Heat" Wins Awards as eBook
Independent Publisher this week announced its annual eLit Awards, honoring Mary Claire Mahaney’s novel Osaka Heat with the Gold Medal in the Romance category and the Silver Medal in the Multicultural Fiction category. The eLit Awards are committed to illuminating and honoring the very best... - April 29, 2012 - Mary Claire Mahaney
Stuff Magazine Now Available in Chinese
Chinese version of Malaysia’s Top Gadget Lifestyle magazine hits the newsstands. - April 28, 2012 - Catcha Media Berhad
Jaipur Printers Launches "Eco-Drive," Making Printing Pollution Free
The oldest printing company kicks off extensive use of eco-friendly ink and; Special Discounts on printing services using eco-friendly ink and recycled paper; Eco-Drive to set a trend in the Industry. - April 27, 2012 - Jaipur Printers
Woodhollow Press Claims That Physicist Has Revealed the Natural Order of the Universe
Author and physicist D. B. Kelley has made a revolutionary scientific discovery that exposes, of all things, the natural order and therefore self-organization of our entire cosmos. - April 26, 2012 - Woodhollow Press
Enslow Publishers, Inc. Announces New Dark Graphic Novel Series
Enslow Publishers, Inc., publisher of children’s books since 1976, is pleased to announce its plans to publish their first graphic novel series, Dark Graphic Novels, as part of their Fall 2012 List. - April 26, 2012 - Enslow Publishers, Inc.
Outskirts Press Reveals Top 10 Best Selling Books in Self-Publishing for March 2012
Outskirts Press, the fastest-growing full-service self-publishing and book marketing company today announced its top ten titles for March. - April 26, 2012 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Where the War on Women is Coming From
The hundreds of pieces of legislation that have flooded state and federal governments, all seemingly shaming modern women, appear illogical during a crucial election year. Make sense of all the anti-pill and forced ultra-sound bills with a new book on the market. - April 23, 2012 - Blazing Sword Publishing, Ltd.
20th Century Scarlett O’Hara: When the Bough Breaks Published by Outskirts Press
Novelist Oscar Patton has cleverly blurred the line between fact and fiction in this tale of a single, strong willed woman in a small southern town seizing the reins of a vast empire while some men must stay at home, some go abroad during WWI. - April 22, 2012 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Poetry Collection Showcases Mature Craft: Compass Published by Outskirts Press
Connecticut poet, Erik Hansen’s new collection of poetry leads readers across time and through nature as his lean lines and vibrant images provide confident direction to the heart of the human condition from a compass that is both lyrical and true. - April 22, 2012 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
New No-Nonsense Guide Is a Small Business for You? Published by Outskirts Press
Alfred Babich walks readers through the detailed steps they need to take to intelligently and confidently finance, buy and run a small business by showing them how to evaluate both the business and their own abilities to run it successfully. - April 21, 2012 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Spirited New Fables The Unseen Paths of the Forest Published by Outskirts Press
Poet and author Simona Panaitescu’s newest collection of thirteen tales of love and friendship for children offers a graceful, natural world where an evanescent magic is created by the kind acts and careful love of one small creature for another. - April 21, 2012 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Patriot Fights Presidential Conspiracy in The Farm, Published by Outskirts Press
In author Charles C. Anderson’s newest thriller, Andy Carlson’s antebellum plantation becomes a key player in the action when the former SEAL resigns from the Navy after finding out that rogue CIA agents are buying up black market nuclear warheads. - April 21, 2012 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
A Father’s Love Never Fails: Murphy’s Town Published by Outskirts Press
Author Janie Doyle-Mansfield shows there’s nothing a father won’t do for his children. As a returning and wounded Veteran, he finds he must fight a war at home far more challenging than any battle he had to face in Afghanistan. - April 21, 2012 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Will the "Powers That be" Censor This New Book About a Modern-Day Psychic Who Prophesied & Facebooked Kate’s Top-Secret Royal Wedding Dress & Osama Bin Laden’s Death?
A Few Days Before They Happened, the Facebook Nostradamus Prophesied Kate Middleton's Closely Guarded Design of Wedding Dress at Her Royal Wedding and Osama Bin Laden's Shocking Gory Death. - April 20, 2012 - E.R. Escober
Outskirts Press to Boost Book Sales Through Amazon Listing Optimization
Outskirts Press announces the addition of Amazon Listing Optimization to help authors who are unfamiliar with writing for the Web make the most of their sales page. - April 18, 2012 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
World's First Global KA-Band Network Set to Revolutionize Digital Newsgathering
GMPCS signs Memorandum of Understanding to become Global Xpress™ reseller for broadcast media market. - April 17, 2012 - Network Innovations
The Road to Recovery: Surviving Mental Illness Published by Outskirts Press
Author Linda Naomi Katz provides not only valuable information to those suffering with psychological disorders, but she also offers help, hope and inspiration and the tips that are essential to making recovery possible and life worthwhile again. - April 13, 2012 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
An Iron Rod Removed a Chunk of His Brain But Not His Courageous Will to Live
Todd Colby Pliss brings the amazing tale of Phineas Gage to life with his new novel, The Only Living Man With A Hole in His Head, from SB Addison Books. In his new book, Todd Colby Pliss vividly recounts one of history's most unusual events with the captivating historical tale of railroad worker Phineas Gage. - April 12, 2012 - LifeRaft Productions
ASD Publishing Adds Books on Autism & Foster Care to Spring Releases
Author Gregory G. Allen releases adult novel and children's picture book in the same month. - April 11, 2012 - ASD Publishing
Top Reasons to Advertise Your Book in a National Magazine
Outskirts Press has announced the addition of low-cost, co-op advertising with Bookmarks Magazine to its full menu of author services. - April 11, 2012 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
New Publisher Targets Geek Audience
The new independent publisher Bitingduck Press brings the quirky lives of scientists to light through fiction with a nerd theme. The press will issue its first original novels by late 2012, and is currently accepting submissions in multiple genres. - April 11, 2012 - Bitingduck Press
Author Cabot Barden Publishes Next Book, Mixed Blessings
Author Cabot Barden just released his next book called Mixed Blessings through Trafford publishing co. The second book picks up where the first book left off with the story of Toby Martin, a 20 year old musician who tries to balance being a musician with family life during the 1970s. the book is... - April 10, 2012 - Cabot Barden-Author