United States News
New Release Compares Concerns of Today’s America to Europe’s Past Problems; Book by Dr. William Steiner, Published by Dog Ear Publishing
Words written more than a century ago still resonate today, as this collection of essays compares today’s America to 19th century Europe. The author bases his work on two books, The Conventional Lies of our Civilization by Max Nordau, which describes Europe’s elitist leadership, and The... - May 22, 2010 - Dog Ear Publishing
New Release by Jenifer Garlitz Tells Story of Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining’s Effects on Appalachian Mountains, Published by Dog Ear Publishing
This new book details how coal is removed from mountaintops, devastating families and communities in the Appalachian Mountains. Flooding, air and water pollution, health problems and global warming all follow use of coal to generate electricity. - May 22, 2010 - Dog Ear Publishing
New Book Guides Readers Along the Path to Enlightenment, Released by Dog Ear Publishing
This book, the second in a five-book treatise, devotes itself to offering flashes of illumination for the reader’s enlightenment, pointing those who seek it toward the truth regarding the nature of reality and the attainment of immortality. Each entry presents a different approach to... - May 22, 2010 - Dog Ear Publishing
Rocky Mountain Vacation Rentals Adds More Locations to Online Booking Feature
Vacation rental company announces the addition of online booking capabilities within Crested Butte, Jackson Hole, Park City, Lake Tahoe, and more ski resorts located in Colorado, Utah, and Canada. - May 22, 2010 - Rocky Mountain Vacation Rentals
Asia Transpacific Journeys Announces India Travel Photo Contest - Grand Prize an Apple iPad
Asia Transpacific Journeys Announces Share Your India Experience - India Travel Photo Contest.” Every entrant has the chance to win a new, 16 GB, Wi-Fi Apple iPad. - May 22, 2010 - Asia Transpacific Journeys
Nationwide Footprint for Metro Ethernet, Fast Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet Services Delivered via SolveForce
SolveForce offers nationwide Footprints for Metro Ethernet, Fast Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet Services, International Presence and real-time quotes from multiple Tier 1 providers. - May 21, 2010 - SolveForce.com, LLC
Ken Systems, Inc Wins Multiple 2010 Awards by DiversityBusiness.com
In recognition of the economic power of privately held businesses, DiversityBusiness.com, the nations’ leading business-to-business internet site, recently named Ken Systems, Inc. as one of the top businesses in the United States. Ken Systems, Inc. is happy to announce that it has been... - May 21, 2010 - Ken Systems, Inc
New Non-Profit Focuses on Native Species Habitat Restoration in Pescadero Waterways and Marsh
A group of concerned citizens announced formation of a new non-profit determined to reverse the startling population decline of native coastal and marine species. Starting with projects along the San Mateo Coast, the Coastal Alliance for Species Enhancement will work to restore threatened species and protect recreational use of delicate areas. - May 21, 2010 - Coastal Alliance for Species Enhancement
Hoopnotica Partners with HealthCorps & Joins Dr. Oz in the Fight to End Childhood Obesity
Hoopnotica® is pleased to announce its ongoing commitment to fitness and health education through a new partnership with HealthCorps®, a proactive health movement founded by Dr. Mehmet Oz, host of the nationally syndicated talk show, “The Dr. Oz Show." Based on the success of two pilot programs in Los Angeles, HealthCorps will launch Hoopnotica® fitness programs in additional schools during the fall 2010 semester. - May 21, 2010 - Hoopnotica
Travelhost, Inc. Announces 5-Year Agreement with Tel West Network Services
In furtherance of its commitment to growth and transformation into multi-platform publishing, TRAVELHOST entered into a long-term agreement with Tel West Network Services to insure the future quality, processing speed, and connectivity reliability of its its data systems infrastructure. - May 21, 2010 - Travelhost
Boise Inc. Implements Real-Time Costing System from Enterprise Performance Solutions
Enterprise Performance Solutions, Inc., a leading provider of innovative cost management solutions to the process manufacturing industry, today announced the successful implementation of its EPS Real-Time Costing system with paper products manufacturer, Boise Inc. The EPS Real-Time Costing system... - May 21, 2010 - Enterprise Performance Solutions, Inc.
Fitness Elements Express Whole Body Reboot System Offer Results Guarantee
Scottsdale, and Phoenix AZ President of Fitness Elements Express, Natalie Pyles announces the May 31st 2010 launch of Fitness Elements Express Whole Body Reboot System in Desert Ridge Park with a bold results guarantee: if the participant does not achieve his or her predertimed weight loss or health and fitness goals within 90 days a 100% refund will be issued. No questions asked. - May 21, 2010 - Fitness Elements & Associates
Over The Limit Promotes the Divas for a Cure - Limited Edition Untouchable Bobber
Custom Eyes Concepts, http://www.customeyesconcepts.com/, based in College Point, NY, has released the recently completed 3D Recreation of a classic custom ride, for a special cause. CEC3D was commissioned by Jason McCudden of South Side Kustoms, http://www.south-side-kustoms.com/, in Buffalo, NY... - May 21, 2010 - Over The Limit Marketing & Production
Marcia Pevsner Honored by NA'AMAT USA
Lincolnshire resident Marcia Pevsner was a 23-year-old mother with a young daughter when a dear friend who had recently joined NA'AMAT USA invited her to become a member. After more than 50 years as a leader in NA'AMAT USA at the local, area and national levels, Pevsner laughs when she thinks about her initial reaction to joining the organization, then called Pioneer Women. - May 21, 2010 - NA'AMAT USA, Greater Chicago Council
Emerald Coast RV Beach Resort in Panama City Beach Celebrates the RV Industry's100th Birthday
Emerald Coast RV Beach Resort is happy to join in with RV Resorts nationwide in celebrating the RV Industry's 100th birthday. The Resort will be drawing 100 names of guests from June 18 til July 16, 2010 and awarding the guests with a RV Industry Birthday Discount. Additionally, one name will be drawn and awarded a free 2 night stay at Emerald Coast RV Beach Resort. - May 21, 2010 - Emerald Coast RV Beach Resort
Freelance Camp Expands to San Francisco
Freelance Camp PRO San Francisco 2010 is a new twist on the established series of BarCamps for freelancers and independent contractors. FreelanceCamp Pro San Francisco: June 5 - a one day "unconference" for all professionals to network and develop profitable strategies to improve their business. First 75 attendees will receive free schwag from Speck Products, a company that produces iphone and laptop cases. - May 21, 2010 - Freelance Camp
USDLA Awards California Lutheran University with Outstanding Leadership by an Individual in the Field of Distance Learning 2010
California Lutheran University, a Learning House online education partner, was recently honored by the United States Distance Learning Association (USDLA) with the world's most prestigious distance learning award presented for excellence in distance learning. - May 21, 2010 - The Learning House, Inc.
CAREER Event Pros, LLC Aims to Boost Jobs in Georgia by Hosting Diversity Healthcare Job Fair & Medical Training Expo
CAREER Event Pros, LLC diversity council will host its annual Diversity Healthcare Job Fair & Medical Training Expo on Saturday June 19, 2010 at the Emory Conference Center from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm. The expo aims to provide employment opportunities, admissions requirements, testing preparedness, financial aid resources, and face to face interactions for the next generation of healthcare professionals. Event is free to healthcare professionals. - May 21, 2010 - CAREER Event Pros, LLC
PSA Announces the National CMPROficiency Conference Where CMPRO Users Will Learn PLM End-to-End
CMPROficiency is three days and will include CMPRO users from The Boeing Company, U.S. Navy, and Raytheon. - May 21, 2010 - Professional Systems Associates
Moving the Energy, a Workshop for Massage Therapists and Reflexologists with Author and Educator, Lilian Tibshraeny-Morten
Lilian Tibshraeny-Morten, author of "Moving The Energy-Reflexology and Meridian Therapy" will present the material in a workshop July 17-19, Houston TX. NCBTMB and Texas Board of Massage, 22 contact hours. Florida Board, 24 hours. IIR for Reflexology, 16 Continuing Ed. hours. ARCB, 21 hours. - May 21, 2010 - Pacific Reflexology
Custom Car Decals for Businesses
Unlike custom car wraps, sticviews custom car stickers and graphics can be removed residue-free without difficulty, and they don’t harm paint, windows, chrome or plastic car parts. These car decals even stand up to bad weather conditions both hot and cold, don’t overheat on the hood, and don’t fade for over 3 years in the direct sun. Car stickers are worry-free in car washes, whereas magnetic signs may be knocked or blown off. - May 21, 2010 - sticviews
Wildcat Mountain Begins Summer Operations for the Long Memorial Weekend - Experience the ZipRider, New Hampshire's Highest Scenic Gondola, & More at Legendary Mountain
Wildcat Mountain opens for summer & fall operations beginning Saturday, May 29th at 10a.m. offering two major state attractions including New Hampshire's ZipRider zip-line cable ride and the highest scenic gondola in the state, the Wildcat Express. Located 100% within the White Mountain National Forest, Wildcat Mountain provides both exhilarating and one-of-a-kind year-round opportunities to enjoy views and scenery. - May 21, 2010 - Wildcat Mountain
Autologica Launches Email Marketing Software for Auto Dealers
NL Manager, a new web-based on-demand tool, allows vehicle dealers to easily create and monitor email marketing campaigns at low cost. - May 21, 2010 - Autologica S.A.
The Actors Hall of Fame Foundation Announces "Q & Acting" a New Weekly TV Series
Actors Hall of Fame brings college students and famous actors together to talk about their latest roles in Movies, TV shows and Broadway Plays. - May 21, 2010 - The Actors Hall of Fame Foundation
Aneesoft Announces the Release of YouTube Converter
Get Aneesoft YouTube Converter to download and convert YouTube videos to any other common video formats. - May 21, 2010 - Aneesoft Corporation
MarketsandMarkets: Small Business Banking Trends in U.S.
Banks that have successfully targeted the small business segment earn better net interest margin (NIM) and return on assets (ROA) compared to banks who neglected the small business segment. The banks trying to gain a competitive edge and bigger share of the small business markets have to be cognizant of various behavioral, economic, regulatory and technological challenges. - May 21, 2010 - marketsandmarkets
IndustrialCOOP.com Introduces Its Latest Lines of Network Servers and Systems
The industrial directory and co-op search engine IndustrialCOOP.com creates new communications and networking equipment marketplace - May 21, 2010 - IndustrialLeaders.com
Newton Consulting Expands ERP Implementation Practice Area with Key Hire
Newton Consulting, LLC, a leading provider of IT and HR consulting services based in the Pittsburgh region, announces the hiring of David Andrews as vice president and director of Newton Consulting’s ERP practice. - May 21, 2010 - Newton Consulting, LLC
New Range of Outdoor Tiki Torches at BackyardBargain.com
Backyardbargain.com, the leading online home decor retailer has come up with its new range of mosaic outdoor garden tiki torches for the summer season. - May 21, 2010 - BackyardBargain
New 50 Hz Steam Cleaner Offers Vacuum and Continuous Refill
Daimer®'s 6.1 bar Mega 1050CV is designed for big jobs requiring extraction, HEPA filtration, non-stop cleaning and high temperatures. - May 21, 2010 - Daimer Industries, Inc.
Ipswitch Makes Mail Server Administration Easy with the Release of IMail Server v11.02
Ipswitch Messaging Division, a leading developer of messaging solutions, today announced the release of IMail Server v11.02. With 15 years of industry experience, Ipswitch continues to innovate and develop products that meet the needs of small and mid-sized businesses. With the release of IMail... - May 21, 2010 - Ipswitch Messaging Division
Professor Jean Lipman-Blumen Honored with the Lifetime Achievement Award by the International Leadership Association
Professor Lipman-Blumen is a co-founding director of the Institute for Advanced Studies in Leadership, and currently teaches leadership, achieving styles, crisis management, organizational behavior and gender roles at the Drucker School. Her research interests include connective leadership in a diverse environment, toxic leadership, leadership rhetoric and illusions, as well as practical theories of crisis management. - May 21, 2010 - Peter F. Drucker and Masatoshi Ito Graduate School of Management
Plus One’s Brian Baker Receives Business Journal’s ‘40 Under 40’ Leadership Award
Triangle Entrepreneur Recognized for Fast-Track Success in Business and Community Engagement - May 21, 2010 - Plus One Partners
International Business Brokers Association Conference Features Sessions on Recovery & Growth, June 17-19 in Orlando
The IBBA Conference for Professional Development will take place June 17-19 at the Loews Royal Pacific Resort in Orlando, Fla. More than 500 business brokers and intermediaries will convene for three days of education focused on new industry trends and developments. A variety of sessions geared... - May 21, 2010 - International Business Brokers Association
Enterprising Women Magazine Honors Alicia Cervera, Sr. with 2010 Latina Success Award
Monica Smiley, publisher and CEO of Enterprising Women magazine (www.enterprisingwomen.com), presented Alicia Cervera, Sr., founder of Cervera Real Estate in Miami, Fla., with the magazine’s 2010 Enterprising Women Latina Success Award during the 2010 Enterprising Women of the Year Awards... - May 21, 2010 - Enterprising Women
Technology Associates Implements Help Desk to Better Serve Customers
Eric Hobbs, president of Technology Associates (www.technologyassociates.net), a full-service technology solutions and support firm, has announced the implementation of a help desk team to provide further support to customers. When customers face problems or have questions, they may use this... - May 21, 2010 - Technology Associates
Suzanne Libfraind of Wardrobe Consulting Named Stylist for Rhiannon Giddens of Carolina Chocolate Drops
Suzanne Libfraind, president of Wardrobe Consulting (www.wardrobeconsulting.biz) and the Triangle’s savvy stylist, has been selected to style Rhiannon Giddens of the Carolina Chocolate Drops (www.carolinachocolatedrops.com), an all-black string band from Durham, N.C. The group plays at venues... - May 21, 2010 - Wardrobe Consulting
linkedFA Announces Alliance with NASDAQ.com
Social Networking Site for Financial Professionals enters into Linking Agreement with NASDAQ.com to Expand Resources for Financial Advisors - May 21, 2010 - linkedFA
Builder Magazine Ranks Bowen Family Homes a Top Home Builder
Metro-Atlanta Builder Ranks No. 81 on Builder 100 List - May 21, 2010 - Bowen Family Homes
Wanted by America, Tax Defense Network's "IRS (+) Hitman" Reality TV Show is Here
Produced right here in Jacksonville, Tax Defense Network is proud to screen the the IRS Hitman’s premier episode on June 6, at 4:30pm at the 5 Points Theater. - May 21, 2010 - Tax Defense Network
Innovative Virtual Home Tour Website Launches Upgraded Version
FloorPlanOnline®, an interactive floorplan website that offers buyers and real estate agents the ability to virtually tour properties online announces the launch of FPO 2.0. - May 21, 2010 - FloorPlanOnline
Highland Homes Climbs Builder 100 List
Central Florida builder jumps ahead 11 places from 2008 to 2009 - May 21, 2010 - Highland Homes
New Hampshire and Massachusetts Search Engine Optimization and Web Development Firm Expands Services in Massachusetts with the Addition of Key Sales Executive
Industrial Traffic, a leading provider of search engine optimization and website design in the northeast has recently announced the addition of key personnel in Massachusetts, allowing the Massachusetts SEO firm to provide web design and search engine optimization services to a broader base of customers. - May 21, 2010 - Industrial Traffic LLC
Record Prices Achieved at iGavel Auctions Asian Sale
The iGavel Auctions Sale of Asian, Ancient & Ethnographic Works of Art that closed on May 5th, 2010, had 329 sold lots resulting in a total of over $1,100,000. The highest lot sold had 37 bids, reaching $266,000, a record price for a China Trade portrait painting. - May 21, 2010 - iGavel, Inc.
Dolly Parton Reaches Out to Sevier County and the World
Sevier County super star Dolly Parton is reaching out to the world on behalf of Nashville flood victims. Gathering all her considerable resources in the effort, Dollywood, Dixie Stampede, and local media company S.D. Professionals, LLC have joined together to assist in raising the funds needed. - May 21, 2010 - SD Professionals LLC
Aras PLM Software Community Event Draws Global Companies and International Attendees
Worldwide Growth of Aras Community Demonstrates Rapidly Increasing Acceptance of Enterprise Open Source PLM. - May 21, 2010 - Aras Corporation
Deals4Downloads.com Successfully Reaches First Beta Milestone with 1,000 Listed Deals on Download Games
Deals4Downloads.com lists 1,000 deals for downloadable games and thereby showing both the growing importance of the digital distribution and the need for matchmaking platforms for gamers, developers and shops alike. - May 21, 2010 - Deals4Downloads.com
PlattForm Higher Education Collects Three Hermes Creative Awards
PlattForm Higher Education has announced that its creative teams won three awards in the 2010 Hermes Creative Awards competition. Hermes Creative Awards is an international competition for creative professionals involved in the concept, writing and design of traditional materials, programs and... - May 21, 2010 - PlattForm Higher Education
Replay Helps IT Solution Provider Reduce Clients’ Recovery Time from 2+ Days to Just Minutes
Replay 4, AppAssure's flagship backup and disaster recovery product, helped an IT Solution Provider reduce clients’ recovery time from several days to minutes. - May 21, 2010 - AppAssure Software, Inc.
Energy and Renewable Energy the Focus of German American Business Forum Dialogue Session
Energy policy, technologies, markets and the environment were the topics of a dialogue session held by the GermanAmericanBusinessForum (GABF) on May 5, 2010. Participants at the dialogue session, moderated by Robert Clark, Deputy Director (U.S.) of the GABF, discussed the following: - The... - May 21, 2010 - GermanAmericanBusinessForum in Washington, D.C.