United States News
Surge in New Business Openings in World Golf Village Underscores Improving Economic Outlook
Additional business openings in World Golf Village near Jacksonville and St. Augustine signal improving outlook. - May 18, 2010 - The Neighborhoods of World Golf Village
The Blue Wild 2010 Dive and Marine Art Expo The Blue Wild 2010 Dive and Marine Art Expo
Announcing the fourth annual Blue Wild Ocean Adventure Expo & Seminar. - May 18, 2010 - The Blue Wild
Thermostatz.com Offers New PECO Wave Wireless Thermostat
Thermostatz.com now offers the Wave Wireless thermostat system. The company offers live engineering support to help with you thermostat selection. For a limited time all orders over $100 qualify for free shipping. - May 18, 2010 - Thermostatz.com
Tribewanted in.... Sierra Leone
Tribewanted, the groundbreaking social experiment on a Fijian island that has injected more than $1m into the local economy by setting up an online tribal community of more than 10,000 people, launches its second project in Sierra Leone, West Africa. - May 18, 2010 - TribeWanted Sierra Leone
e5 Solutions’ Cash Management Toolset Achieves SAP Certification as “Powered by SAP NetWeaver®
Through certified solution, e5 Solutions adds even more value for its clients as a key provider for implementations of treasury and financial shared services. The e5 Cash Management Toolset 1.0 has achieved “Powered by SAP NetWeaver”status as an ABAP™ add-on for the SAP ERP 6.0... - May 18, 2010 - e5 Solutions Group
New Film Festival Coming to Denver
This is a release announcing a new film festival for Denver, showcasing Colorado talent and film makers this June. - May 18, 2010 - The Film Festival of Colorado
Strategic Partners Taulia and ReadSoft Jointly Demonstrate Dynamic Discounting at Sapphire 2010
SAP users can generate substantial savings with intelligent accounts payable scheduling. - May 18, 2010 - Taulia Inc.
CheatConfession.com – Anonymous Online Forum Where People Post About Cheating or Being Cheated on
Announcing the launch of CheatConfession.com, an online forum where people can anonymously post their stories of cheating, being cheated on, or thinking about cheating while others comment, and vote on posts. - May 17, 2010 - Cheat Confession LLC
Jury Verdict in PowerRPC and JRPC Copyright Infringement Lawsuit
A federal jury entered a verdict of copyright infringement against Chordiant Software, Inc. for infringing the copyrights of PowerRPC and JRPC technologies in the Chordiant Marketing Director product. - May 17, 2010 - Netbula, LLC
Pure One™ Omega-3 Registered with the Vegan Society
Pure One™ DHA supplement manufacturer today announced a license from the Vegan Society for trademark use in the United States, Canada, the European Union, and Australia. The Vegan logo adds to Pure One’s quality offering for vegetarian consumers and vegan retailers, in addition to the benefits of being sourced and Made in the USA and recognized good for pregnant-nursing mothers and infants. - May 17, 2010 - Source-Omega
Radon Mitigation Ann Arbor: Hotline for Michigan Remediation, Abatement, Testing, Reduction, Abatement & Removal Systems Offered by Air Quality Control Inc.
Recent studies have concluded that homes in Southeast Michigan have radon levels that are 15% higher than the National average. Air Quality Control, Ann Arbor Michigan's leading installer of radon reduction systems, recommends that all homes be tested for radon gas. For more information about... - May 17, 2010 - Ann Arbor Radon Mitigation - Michigan Radon Remediation
Solidus: A New Model for Understanding the Relationship Between Humans and God
Just published – An exciting, yet thought-provoking book called Solidus was released May 2010. This book demonstrates the significance of human thought and resulting behavior from a perspective that has not been modeled or discussed before. No matter what socio-ideological or political... - May 17, 2010 - Solidus Publications
"Rome Sweet Home" Apartments Can Now be Paid in US Dollars
Rome Sweet Home now offers the opportunity to let its customers pay with US Dollars. As the American currency gets stronger booking a holiday apartment in Rome will be more convenient. - May 17, 2010 - Rome Sweet Home
MyLLC.com® Founder Jennifer Reuting Announced as New Business Compliance Expert on PC Mall’s Small Business Network
MyLLC.com, Inc., announces the addition of Jennifer Reuting, founder of MyLLC.com, Inc. and author of Limited Liability for Dummies®, as the new business compliance expert for the PC Mall, Inc. (Nasdaq: MALL), a leading IT solutions provider Small Business Network. The Small Business Network... - May 17, 2010 - MyLLC.com
Government of Tunisia Hires Boutique Washington D.C. Firm for Global Promotional Campaign
Washington Media Group, Inc. will provide ongoing strategic communications guidance. - May 17, 2010 - Washington Media Group
Cooking Teens to Feature Hottest Farm-to-School Efforts
The online daily magazine Cooking Teens will send live dispatches from the Taking Root conference in Detroit to teen foodies and their families - May 17, 2010 - Cooking Teens
NYC Marketing, Inc Now Offers Budget Marketing in Hard Economic Times
NYC Marketing Inc., a national investor relations and marketing firm, is taking the first step in offering companies custom marketing packages to fit any budget. - May 17, 2010 - NYC Marketing, Inc.
The Roper Group Wins Pinnacle Award
The Roper Group was selected by The Greater Raleigh Chamber of Commerce as a 2010 Pinnacle Award winner. - May 17, 2010 - The Roper Group Inc dba Roper Bookkeeping
Blackbird User Console Extends Sage KnowledgeSync
Personalized "Alert Command Center" lets users respond to alerts - May 17, 2010 - Technology Advisors, Inc.
$900B in Retail Purchasing Power Seeking Greener Products
New research by Five Winds uncovered over 50 retailer programs, representing $900B in purchasing power, seeking greener consumer products from suppliers and including “green” as a selection criteria for stocking products on retail shelves. - May 17, 2010 - Five Winds International
Gal-Pal.com Launches Hanger Huggers Turning Drab Hangers Into Extraordinary Hangers
Ordinary clothing hangers get a Hollywood make-over. Gal Pal invents padded hanger cover - covers any standard hanger turning ordinary hangers into extraordinary hangers. - May 17, 2010 - Gal Pal
NP Nutra Launches Organic Pomegranate Juice Powder
New product launch of Organic Pomegrante Juice Powder by ingredients manufacturer NP Nutra increases the range of high antioxidant ingredients now available to manufacturers and paves the way for high potency certified organic natural health products. - May 17, 2010 - NP Nutra
International Stem Cell and Absorption Systems Confirm Results Showing Stem Cell Derived Corneal Tissue as an Alternative to Animals for Drug Testing
International Stem Cell Corporation announced the results of a second set of experiments confirming that its lab-grown corneal tissue closely mimics the drug absorption and drug metabolism characteristics found in normal corneal tissue. Other tests show that the stem cell derived corneal tissue refracts light, signifying the potential therapeutic value in treating corneal injury and disease. - May 17, 2010 - International Stem Cell Corporation
Learn to Sail and Help Fight Cancer with The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Newest Fundraising Program
If learning how to sail is something you have always wanted to do, but never thought possible, think again. The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s newest fundraising program, Sail For a Cure, will have you sailing the Bay while raising vital funds for blood cancer research and patient services. - May 17, 2010 - The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society - Greater San Francisco Bay Area Chapter
Convene Announces an Upcoming Group Meeting with Harris Wheeler in Birmingham, AL
Join Convene and Harris Wheeler on April 20, 2010. - May 17, 2010 - Convene
Candy Concepts Inc Featured in Web Wholesaler Magazine
Candy Concepts Inc is the subject of a spread in Web Wholesaler Magazine. - May 17, 2010 - Candy Concepts
Amazon, Google Books Join "The Monkey Boy" to Help Injured
Florida graphics company adds publishing to its lineup -- partners with Amazon and Google Books to benefit handicapped. - May 17, 2010 - The Artisan Group
New Book: Legends of Everyday Lunacy, A Collection of Short Fiction by Dan Meadows
It’s pretty dark out there. Legends of Everyday Lunacy brings together a collection of short stories especially for this dark time. "Life just sucks at the moment. We’re all broke, struggling to make ends meet. Our money is burning through us faster than we can earn it, eaten up by... - May 17, 2010 - Lunacy Press
South Nassau Communities Hospital Offers Scar-less Surgery to Fix Chronic Acid Reflux Disease
South Nassau Communities Hospital uses a “minutely invasive” surgical device to perform “transoral incisionless fundoplication” (TIF), which corrects the cause of chronic acid reflux disease (also known as gastroesophegeal reflux disease, or GERD). - May 17, 2010 - Mount Sinai South Nassau
MovieHatch.com Offers Fame on Massive Times Square Billboard. New Contest Puts Winner’s Face in Lights in Heart of Broadway.
Those who dream of being famous are now given a unique chance to see their face on a massive billboard in Times Square. Today, MovieHatch.com, the online entertainment venue where great film ideas and talent can be discovered and introduced to prominent players in Hollywood, announces the launch of... - May 17, 2010 - MovieHatch
CST Industries, Inc. Selects Sunset Transportation, Inc. as Third Party Logistics Provider to Increase Transportation Efficiency, Savings
CST Industries, Inc., a global leader in the design, manufacture, and installation of storage tanks and covers, has selected Sunset Transportation, Inc. to provide transportation management services and technology for its five divisions: Columbian TecTank, Engineered Storage Products, Conservatek... - May 17, 2010 - Sunset Transportation
OptaVista Launches New Time Management and Productivity Solution
New Tool Empowers Employees to Recapture Hours of Lost Productivity - May 17, 2010 - OptaVista
Reigning ACM Female Vocalist Miranda Lambert Donates Personal Sketch to Pennyroyal Silver, Proceeds to Benefit Lambert’s MuttNation Foundation
Country music sensation Miranda Lambert has contributed a design for Pennyroyal Silver’s Signature collection, profits for which will go to benefit Lambert’s own MuttNation Charity. The Grammy nominated singer/songwriter was inspired by her own rescued mutts Delilah, Delta and Cher. - May 17, 2010 - Pennyroyal Studio
ODALC's Inspire Oakland Design Contest Goes Public at Whole Foods Market
On Tuesday, April 6th, Oakland Digital Arts & Literacy Center (ODALC) was at Whole Foods Market Oakland, CA, to raise funds and promote the work of local graphic designers. - May 17, 2010 - Oakland Digital Arts & Literacy Center
AIR™ Sample Prep Kits for Illumina-Compatible Small RNA Sequencing Launched
Bioo Scientific launched the AIR™ Small RNA Sequencing Kit for sequencing small RNA using the Illumina platform. - May 17, 2010 - Bioo Scientific
Harvey Spencer Associates Invites Markus Ament to Present Dynamic Discounting at Document Capture 2010
Invitation further underlines the importance of the Dynamic Discounting for the future of the AP automation sector - May 17, 2010 - Taulia Inc.
Fulton Market Educational Films Joins Wisconsinmade.com
Wisconsinmade.com, an e-commerce gourmet food and gift store, will now carry documentary films produced by Fulton Market Educational Films. The first film to be offered in DVD format is "Being Bucky" about the University of Wisconsin's badger mascot. - May 17, 2010 - Wisconsinmade.com
Europe's Leading Dance Magazine Reviews Flamenco DVD by Music Film Factor LLC
Europe's leading dance magazine TANZ reviews Flamenco DVD "Petenera – a Flamenco Drama in Music and Dance" in its April print issue: - May 17, 2010 - Music Film Factor LLC
Premier Power Announces Initiation of Coverage by Harbinger Research
Premier Power, a leading solar installation company, announces that Harbinger Research has initiated research on the company. - May 17, 2010 - Premier Power Renewable Energy, Inc.
Host Christina Pratt Talks About "Working Effectively with Spirit" on May 18 "Why Shamanism Now?"
On her radio show "Why Shamanism Now? A Practical Path to Authenticity,” teacher, author, and founder of the Last Mask Center for Shamanic Healing Christina Pratt talks about how we can cultivate our skills to connect more effectively with spirit and answers listeners’ questions about this. - May 17, 2010 - Last Mask Center for Shamanic Healing
Strategy For Coaches Announces 2010 Webcast Schedule
Strategy For Coaches, LLC provides periodic fee-free webcasts on topics related to strategy and geared towards professional coaches. Strategy For Coaches, LLC has announced the webcast schedule for the remainder of 2010. - May 17, 2010 - Strategy For Coaches, LLC
Podcast Announces New College Counseling Service Available via the Internet from Top-Tier Tutoring
In his latest podcast, Mike Rivera of Top-Tier Tutoring describes the company’s new service: College Counseling to students all over the United States, via the internet. - May 17, 2010 - Top-Tier Tutoring, LLC
New Movement, Angry Landlord In DC, Investigates Possible Corruption in Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs (DCRA) in DC
The purpose is to connect with disgruntled property owners who may have been victimized by the Department of Consumer Affairs, judges and court-appointed mediators. - May 17, 2010 - Angry Landlord In DC
Accounting Software Expo - Compare the Leading Applications All in One Day
With so many ERP solutions on the market, how does the busy business owner, CEO, CFO or senior executive find the time to evaluate them all? The Accounting Software Expo in Atlanta, GA on May 25th is an excellent way to get introduced to the leading ERP solutions for midsize business. - May 17, 2010 - Open Surge Group LLC
Donna Marie Thompson-the Founder of Bouncing Back Now on Real Coaching Radio Network
Interview with Donna Marie Thompson-PhD. Certified Professional Coach, Master Practitioner of the Energy Leadership Index and Co-author of "Bouncing Back:Thriving in Changing Times" with Brian Tracy, David Ricklen, Wayne Dyer and John Assaraf on the Mind Body and Soul Show hosted by Coach Steve Toth the Founder of Real Coaching Radio Network. - May 17, 2010 - Real Coaching Radio Network
Colorists Take the Colure True Color Challenge
New "Shine Serum Plus" Added to Any Color Formula Yields Better Tone, Depth, Color Vibrancy - May 17, 2010 - Colure True Color Care
Way-Younge, LLC Presents New Style Indie Film Making: The Anatomy of Love
“The Anatomy of Love TM” Feature Film starts production in Atlanta, GA this spring. This film is intended for mainstream cinema release and subsequent release in the digital domain. - May 17, 2010 - Way-Younge, LLC.
Toner for Earth Provides Recycling Program for Cartridges
Toner for Earth, the maker of remanufactured eco-friendly toner and ink cartridges, is revving up its recycling program for used ink and toner cartridges. The company recognizes that along with the growing environmental concerns such as climate change, the need to recycle printer cartridges can... - May 17, 2010 - Toner for Earth
New Photo Book by Kathleen Menke/Crystal Images Features "Spirits of the North"
Award-winning Alaskan publisher and photographer Kathleen Menke/Crystal Images announces the release of her new photo book "Spirits of the North--Two-legged, Four-legged, Winged, Finned, Rooted and Flowing." This new book, her third, of Alaskan photographer Kathleen Menke will be... - May 17, 2010 - Crystal Images
WorkTech Offers “Quick Switch to QuickPick”
Trade in TRM Rules Manager, Receive QuickPick Software at No Cost. - May 17, 2010 - Work Technology Corporation