United States News
Owner of Tennessee Charter Bus Company Makes a ‘Wise’ Choice to Fund Educational Public Awareness Campaign Using a Portion of His Company’s Parts Purchases
Motorcoach operators and coach manufacturers collaborate to generate long-term, sustainable revenue for not-for-profit organization whose sole purpose is to promote public awareness about the availability, selection, usage and benefits of motorcoach transportation. - April 17, 2010 - Motorcoach Council, Inc.
Children’s Book Unites the Easter Bunny Tradition with the Gospel of Matthew - Book by Jean McCurdy Meade, Released by Dog Ear Publishing
In this new children’s release, Dog Ear Publishing author and Episcopal priest Jean McCurdy Meade unites the tradition of the Easter Bunny and Christ's resurrection by telling the story of a special rabbit named Rebekah, the first living creature to see Jesus when He arose from the dead. - April 17, 2010 - Dog Ear Publishing
PacificHost Adds New R1Soft Backup Service in Addition to PostgreSQL Support
PacificHost, a provider of linux based, shared and reseller hosting announced earlier today the release of a new backup service utilizing R1Soft. PacificHost also announced the availability of the PostgreSQL Database system, available in in all of its hosting services. - April 17, 2010 - PacificHost
Tylie Malibu Handbags Are Now Being Sold at The Guiltless Purse
Tylie Malibu handbags, designed in Los Angeles, are now being sold for sale prices at designer handbag discounter, The Guiltless Purse. - April 17, 2010 - The Guiltless Purse
Factory Direct Drapes™, a Custom Drapery and Curtain Manufacturer, Will be Planting Trees for Earth Day 2010 to Help Put an End to Global Warming
With the help of the Arbor Foundation, Factory Direct Drapes™ will support Green initiatives by planting a tree in American National Forests for every single order between April 16 th and Earth Day, April 22 nd. Since 1954, Factory Direct Drapes™ has been a leader in their industry,... - April 16, 2010 - Factory Direct Drapes
Linda M. O'Rourke a Local CPA Earns Exclusive “Accredited in Business Valuation” (ABV) Credential as Valuation Expert
Linda M. O’Rourke, a CPA valuation expert and principal of O’Rourke and Associates located in Clearwater, FL has recently been awarded the ABV Credential by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA). The ABV Credential, established in 1998 by the AICPA, is granted... - April 16, 2010 - O'Rourke and Associates
PARSA Community Foundation Announces Grants to 21 Nonprofits Benefiting Iranian Diaspora
A total of $200,000 is granted to 21 nonprofit organizations focused on Iranian Culture, Leadership Development and Civic Engagement. - April 16, 2010 - PARSA Community Foundation
mumms® Hospice Software Increases Staff Efficiency with Third Party Interface Capabilities
One of the many benefits of mumms® Software, the leading electronic health record (EHR) provider for hospice and palliative care, is its capability and corporate will to interface with any program that can import or export data. This means, if information that is already in the mumms®... - April 16, 2010 - mumms Software
Poker Icon Annie Duke to Make Atlantic City Teaching Debut May 1-3, 2010
The WSOP Academy Presents Professional Poker Player, Author, Poker Instructor & former Celebrity Apprentice Contestant, Annie Duke as she will host three-days of in-depth and hands on poker instruction. - April 16, 2010 - World Series of Poker Academy
Landmark Lung Cancer Research Study Approves Only Site in Colorado
Denver CyberKnife obtains IRB approval as the only site in Colorado to participate in a phase IIII lung cancer trial comparing radiosurgery to surgery. - April 16, 2010 - Denver CyberKnife
BareTrax Pro SEO Marketing Software Adds 50th Client
Since its inception in November, 2009, BareTrax Pro search engine positioning software has been adding clients every month. Stark Logic, creator of BareTrax, is proud to announce that it has added its 50th web site to the software for online tracking and search engine marketing. - April 16, 2010 - Stark Logic
ROAM Data Releases Customized Secure Mobile Business and Commerce App for Financial Success Systems to Help Their Members More Conveniently Sell Products on the Go
ROAM Data, Inc., the only mobile commerce service provider to deliver payment-related applications on hundreds of mobile phone models easily and securely, today announced that it has partnered with ACT Merchant Services, a national provider of credit and debit card processing services, and... - April 16, 2010 - ROAM Data, Inc
The Pajama Company Announces Mother's Day Special
Popular online sleepwear invites customers to honor Mom’s with luxury bundles. - April 16, 2010 - The Pajama Company
MW Builders of Texas Awarded Five Projects in Past 60 Days, Totaling $106 Million in Contracts
MW Builders of Texas, a general construction contractor, has been awarded more than $100 million in contracts over the past 60 days for a variety of projects around the country. The new projects include the Fort Leonard Wood AIT Complex ($49.6MM); Fort Riley UEPH Barracks ($18.3MM); Midland County Jail ($15.3MM); Texas State Veterans Home in Tyler ($13.9MM); and Air Traffic Control Tower in Abilene ($9.2MM) - April 16, 2010 - MW Builders of Texas
Integrated Solutions Group Completes 10,000 SF Build-Out for Commonwealth Group/Amtrak
Northeast office build-out company Integrated Solutions Group from Newton, MA completes a 10,000 SF build-out for Commonwealth Group/Amtrak by partnering with local affiliate, Creative Office Environments. - April 16, 2010 - Integrated Solutions Group
Planet Label Adds HP Indigo Label Stock
Planet Label has expanded their online offering again to include pressure sensitive sheet products for sheet fed HP Indigo digital presses. Manufactured by Wausau Coated and certified by HP, these products have been specifically engineered to produce premium print quality. These products are also... - April 16, 2010 - PlanetLabel.com
Brand4Market Recruits Facebook Fans for William Paterson University Summer Youth Programs 2010
Finding a summer camp for your teen is difficult, but Brand4Market helped William Paterson University Summer Youth Programs find fans and campers on Facebook (WPUCE). - April 16, 2010 - Brand4Market
Glitterize.com Recommends Shoppers Substitute Diamonds for Crystals in 2010
Glitterize™ announces the launch of the new retail website Glitterize.com, which offers a unique array of Do-It-Yourself crystal components with the same appearance as diamonds. - April 16, 2010 - Glitterize.com
Examine the Beauty of Form in Marcio Pilot’s Photographs Altered States of Reality at Agora Gallery
Agora Gallery Presents Marcio Pilot in Altered States of Reality - April 16, 2010 - Agora Gallery
Young Dementia Sufferer Writes About Living "Through the Eyes of the Fog"
“Through the Eyes of the Fog” is a snapshot essay of living with Alzheimer’s Disease/Frontal Lobe Dementia by one who knows - April 16, 2010 - thealzheimerspouse.com
New Sexy Lingerie Website Launches and Celebrates the Return of the Voluptuous Woman
You don't have to be runway model thin to be super sexy. My Luna Kiss has sexy lingerie for women of all sizes. Every woman deserves to look their most beautiful. - April 16, 2010 - My Luna Kiss
New Free Online Service from TireHunter Locates "Hard to Find" Tires
Tire Hunter offers a unique free service for tire wholesalers, tire retailers, and the general public. TireHunter will scour the earth looking for the perfect tires for you. - April 16, 2010 - TireHunter
Scooble.com Supports Fido & Friends Walk
Scooble.com has partnered with the 2010 fundraising walk for dog lovers and their friends, Fido & Friends Walk Saturday, April 17, 10:00 a.m. at Veterans Park in Redondo Beach presented by the Wellness Community. This year’s Fido & Friends Walk event hopes to raise funds for Cancer... - April 16, 2010 - Scooble.com
Introducing Family Labels New Website for Caricatures, Look-a-Like Images of Family and Pets for Personalized Address Labels, Bag Tags, and Moving Cards
Family Labels creates personalized family address labels, family stickers, moving cards, and luggage tags with fun images that depict your family and pets. - April 16, 2010 - Family Labels
New Website by What’s My Income Launches Today
What’s My Income introduces new website today. - April 16, 2010 - What's My Income
The Future of the Medical Aesthetic Devices Market to 2016 - The Market to Regain Positive Growth Now Available at ReportsandReports
GBI Research’s new report, “The Future of the Aesthetic Devices Market to 2016 - The Market to Regain Positive Growth” provides key data, information and analysis on the global aesthetic devices market, a key segment within the medical equipment industry. - April 16, 2010 - marketsandmarkets
Tom Donahue Free Thinker Radio Show Expands Replays & Networks
AVR 2 ..Truth Radio..Net Talk World Added New: MidMornings 10am-12 Noon AVR 2 & TSL AM Replay: 6-8am ET Mon. & Wed. AVR & TSL Overnights: 12-2am ET Net Talk World Tom Donahue Radio Show "Free Thinker" Live: weekdays 3-5pm ET American Voice Radio Network & Talk Stream... - April 16, 2010 - Free Thinker Radio
The Future of the Diabetes Care Devices Market to 2016 - the Key Demand Drivers Remain Intact Now Available at ReportsandReports
GBI Research’s new report, “The Future of the In-Vitro Diagnostics Market to 2016 - Increasing Diagnostic Procedures Drive Demand” provides key data, information and analysis on the global in-vitro diagnostics market, a key segment within the medical equipment industry. - April 16, 2010 - marketsandmarkets
Vitamin D May Protect from Cardiovascular Events
Researchers stress importance of large scale clinical trials to confirm the role of both vitamin D and calcium in the prevention of cardiovascular disease. - April 16, 2010 - Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Weight-Loss Diets Reverse Atherosclerosis
For obese people, three weight-loss diets reversed the progression of atherosclerosis. - April 16, 2010 - Brigham and Women’s Hospital
War-Related Stress Associated with Increased Risk of Asthma
Researchers at Brigham and Women’s Hospital found that trauma of war may increase the risk of developing asthma. - April 16, 2010 - Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Associations Between Diet and Kidney Function Decline Discovered
Study shows potential of diet as preventative measure in kidney function decline. - April 16, 2010 - Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Stress During Pregnancy May Increase Offspring’s Risk of Developing Asthma
A child's risk for asthma may be raised if the child's mother was under stress during pregnancy. - April 16, 2010 - Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Study Finds Link Between Diet and Risk of Endometriosis
Researchers at BWH have observed that women whose diets are rich in Omega-3 oils may be less likely to develop endometriosis, while those whose diets are heavily laden with trans fats might be more likely to develop the condition. - April 16, 2010 - Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Fishkill Karate - Just for Kicks Martial Arts Recognized for It's Kids Life Skills Program
Fishkill, Beacon, Cold Spring Karate School - Just for Kicks Martial Arts is Being Honored for It's Awesome Children's Life Skills Curriculum by the National Association for Professional Martial Artists. - April 16, 2010 - Just For Kicks Martial Arts - Fishkill Karate
CADENCE|FactorSoft Commercial Lending System Now Includes Proof for Email Notices with Registered Email by RPost
RPost & Bayside Business Solutions Create Software Integration for Factoring & A/R Finance Efficiencies - April 16, 2010 - RPost
The Future of the Neurology Devices Market to 2016 – Market Forecasts, Competitive Landscape and Pipeline Analysis Now Available at ReportsandReports
GBI Research’s report, “The Future of the Neurology Devices Market to 2016 - Market Forecasts, Competitive Landscape and Pipeline Analysis” provides key data, information and analysis on the global neurology devices market, a key segment within the medical device industry. - April 16, 2010 - marketsandmarkets
CCE Libraries to Generate 3D PDF files from Native CAD Data
Technology Independent of Adobe. - April 16, 2010 - CADCAM-E.COM, Inc.
New Parking Lot Good for Business and Environment
The Delray Beach Community Redevelopment Agency has built a new 14-space "green" parking lot in the Pineapple Grove Arts District. Consisting of pervious pavers, decorative LED lighting, and low-volume irrigation, the lot will provide more parking for nearby businesses while incorporating public art components. - April 16, 2010 - Delray Beach Community Redevelopment Agency
Kids ‘R’ Kids International Receives CITA Certification
Kids ‘R’ Kids Schools of Quality Learning in Cary, Morrisville and Research Triangle Park (www.kidsrkidscary.com) have announced that the Kids ‘R’ Kids International has received corporate accreditation from the Commission on International and Trans-Regional Accreditation... - April 16, 2010 - Kids R Kids
Exhibit Resources to Host Dress for Success Event
Lana Calloway, president of Exhibit Resources (www.exhibitresources.com), a full-service exhibit design agency, has announced that the company will host the Dress for Success event, “Success Suits Her”, on Friday, April 30 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Exhibit Resources showroom,... - April 16, 2010 - Exhibit Resources
BJAC Releases Podcast on Construction Administration Communication
Lou Jurkowski, chief executive officer of BJAC pa (www.bjac.com), an architectural firm offering professional services for specialized, complex institutional projects, has announced the release of a podcast on the importance of good communication within a team during the construction phase of a... - April 16, 2010 - BJAC
Greensboro Mayor Issues Pet Week Proclamation for North Carolina Veterinary Medical Association
The North Carolina Veterinary Medical Association (www.ncvma.org) has announced that Greensboro’s mayor, William H. Knight, has signed a proclamation declaring May 2 through 8 as Pet Week. National Pet Week is an annual week of awareness designed to promote responsible pet ownership,... - April 16, 2010 - NCVMA
Robert Kline Introduces His New Sea Maiden Blog
Renowned author and artist Robert Kline of St. Augustine, Florida introduces his new Sea Maiden blog. - April 16, 2010 - Robert Kline art
T3i Announces Availability of New Release of Security Awareness Training Solution
T3i is pleased to announce the new release of their Security Awareness Training solution that addresses user training requirements for PCI and HIPAA. - April 16, 2010 - T3i
New from IndustrialCOOP, All Kinds of Material Handling Systems and Equipment
The Web's original co-op industrial search engine IndustrialCOOP.com introduces its latest offerings for new and used material handling equipment. - April 16, 2010 - IndustrialLeaders.com
Women’s eNews Presents 2010 Black Maternal Health Media Conference
You have read the headlines. Now hear the leading expert on the groundbreaking research into the causes of the high maternal and infant mortality rates in the U.S. Women's eNews Black Maternal Health Project, Wednesday April 28th, is now inviting select members of the media to a briefing on the crucial steps needed to be taken to save the lives of our mother and infants. - April 16, 2010 - Women's eNews
Pat Mitchell is Master of Ceremonies at Women’s eNews 21 Leaders Gala
Women's eNews announced today that Pat Mitchell, president and CEO of The Paley Media Center and former president and CEO of PBS, will be the master of ceremonies for the Women's eNews 21 Leaders for the 21st Century gala, May 6 in New York City. Loreen Arbus, president of the Arbus Productions... - April 16, 2010 - Women's eNews
inBlurbs.com Releases an Internet Marketing Report - 12 Powerful Ways How To Get Massive Traffic To Your Web Presence
inBlurbs.com has released an Internet Marketing report to help businesses to gain more free targeted traffic and leads. The report describes online and social media marketing and lead generation strategies. - April 16, 2010 - inBlurbs.com
LAN Services Partners with California POS
LAN Services, the California based ecommerce solutions provider for Microsoft Dynamics platform, announced today that it has entered into a partnership with CA-POS, the Californian turnkey Point-of-Sale system provider in the west coast. - April 16, 2010 - LAN Services, LLC United States