United States News

Cabinet and Drawer Knobs Retailer Passes Web Portal Management Responsibilities to Savvy Internet Marketing Agency (Voasi Corp)

Cabinet and drawer knobs retailer passes web portal management responsibilities to savvy internet marketing agency. In a world where internet marketing makes all the difference, Knobs N Pulls turns to savvy internet marketing company to handle all of the new aspects of their web portal. - March 04, 2010 - Voasi Corp

John Wilkerson Authors Green Supply Chain Management Text

Green Book on sale at Amazon.com. - March 04, 2010 - Bellwether Services

New Online Directory for NJ Parents

TheKidPost.com is an online resource for New Jersey parents to find birthday party places, child care, museums, zoos, activities, and kid-friendly events. TheKidPost.com site will have a calendar of events, articles, and reviews for local businesses. - March 04, 2010 - The Kid Post

Howard Bright of Ion Exchange to Speak at Muscatine County Master Gardeners "Art of Gardening" on This Year’s Hot Topics

Muscatine County Master Gardeners are holding their annual Art of Gardening seminar. Howard will be speaking on Rain Gardens Bird & Butterfly Attractor Stations and Urban Gardening. - March 04, 2010 - Ion Exchange Inc.

Easter Portrait Mini Session with Live Bunny March 20, 2010 with Pronto Photography and Cavalheri Photography

$25.00 will be 100% donated to the Tigerlily Foundation (tigerlilyfoundation.org). Tigerlily is a nonprofit organization dedicated to educating, advocating, empowering and providing hands-on services and support to young women (15-40), before, during and after breast cancer. - March 04, 2010 - Pronto Photography

On Thursday, March 11, 2010 from 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM: Recruiting Roundtable Event - Joint Professional Organizations Participation

Thursday, March 11, 2010 from 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM: The National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) Charlotte Alumni will join in with the National Black MBA - Charlotte, Urban League Young Professionals, Black Data Processing Associates (BDPA), National Association of Black Accountants, National Association of African Americans in Human Resources (NAAAHR), will have a dynamic panel of distinguished professionals from the Carolinas Market. - March 04, 2010 - National Society of Black Engineers - Charlotte Alumni Extension (NSBE-CAE)

Martice Berry Announces New Executive Security Company

Elite Executive Protection and Ground Transportation is a multifaceted executive protection and ground transportation company that has the ability to mold itself to the needs of its clients. - March 04, 2010 - Elite Executive Protection & Transportation

MUMC’s StrokeOne Earns American Stroke Association Award

For the third year in a row Memorial University Medical Center (MUMC) in Savannah, Georgia has received the American Stroke Association’s Get With The GuidelinesSM Stroke (GWTG–Stroke) Silver Performance Achievement Award. - March 04, 2010 - Memorial Health

Marina Bosetti, Red Clay Artist, Opens Studio to Artists

Marina Bosetti of Bosetti Art Tile is inviting students into her downtown Raleigh, NC studio to learn the basics of working with red clay, while completing a hands-on project that's perfect for spring. - March 04, 2010 - Bosetti Art Tile

Workforce Press Book Review: Nathalie Gosset's New Book, Hidden Jobs! How to Find Them, is Now Available at Amazon in Kindle Format

This e-book is a fresh and practical perspective on finding the hidden jobs. 65 successfully trialed templates and scripts of what to say and when have been provided to help the reader start immediately. - March 04, 2010 - Workforce Press

Ventrac Announces the Release of New Website for Compact Tractors

Ventrac has launched a new website for a fresh look with additional video, photo galleries and customer testimonials. The new market section serves the golf course industry, municipalities, landscapers, schools, universities, hobby farmers and landowners. Advantages of Ventrac compact tractors and attachments are highlighted and explain key points of Ventrac. - March 04, 2010 - Ventrac

"Search Engine Visibility" Designed to Get Your Web Site Noticed; Tucker Hosting Now Offers Tool to Optimize Your Internet Presence

Search Engine Visibility walks users through a step-by-step process to make their Web site search engine friendly. This not only makes a search engine more likely to index the entire site, but to help get the Web site higher in search engine rankings. - March 04, 2010 - Tucker Hosting

Vale Professionals Announces "Just Say No to Upfront Fees" Campaign: Vale Offers a Safe, Secure Timeshare Transfer Method by Placing Funds Directly Into an Escrow Account

Vale offers relief to distressed timeshare owners with a secure method of transferring your timeshare by placing funds directly into escrow throughout the transfer process. Without escrow, owners are paying upfront for a service and are exposing themselves to unnecessary risks. - March 04, 2010 - Vale Professionals, LLC

PcPools Offers Above Ground Pools and Pool Supplies with PayPal

PcPools Making It Easier to Buy Online for Pool Supply Customers - March 04, 2010 - PcPools

First Annual Action Party Mardi Gras Party

The Action Party of Morton Grove promised a festive, fun, food-filled event for their first ever Annual Mardi Gras Party on February 16, 2010. And it was all that and more. Members and friends of the Action Party gathered at Classic Bowl, filled themselves with pizza and sweets while having a great... - March 04, 2010 - Action Party of Morton Grove

RegaloCard Adds Leading Toy Store Chain to Its Mobile Payments Network in Guatemala

Jugeton a Leading National Toy Store Chain in Guatemala Partners with RegaloCard Enabling Guatemalans to Avoid Costly Money Transfer Fees. - March 04, 2010 - RegaloCard

BarterQuest Forms Advisory Committee

Trading site forms Advisory Committee of industry experts - March 04, 2010 - JPM Global

RNR Custom Wheels and Tires Treads "Cultural Change Path"

Larry Sutton, owner and founder of RNR Custom Wheels and Tires is featured in the February issue of the Tampa Bay Business Journal, entitled “A Rent-To-Own Keeps It’s Growth Rolling.” The article follows Sutton’s career, from his first company, Champion Rent-to-Own, with... - March 04, 2010 - RNR Custom Wheels & Tires

SENIOR Magazine Makes Another Franchise Sale Through Franchise Gator

Franchise Gator today announced its client, SENIOR Magazine Inc., made another franchise sale as a direct result of their partnership with the internet-based pay-for-performance franchise marketing service. SENIOR Magazine CFO, Bob Cates, announced that the New Orleans/Baton Rouge and Lafayette... - March 04, 2010 - Franchise Gator

RNR Re-Designs Website to Include Social Networking: Reaches 1,200 in Less Than 30 Days

RNR Custom Wheels and Tires, one of the largest custom wheel and tire stores in the world, launched its newly re-designed website. The site provides improved functionality and benefits to visitors and members, which include a simplified main menu with links to the most useful pages, and easy access to core site functions, such as My Page. - March 04, 2010 - RNR Custom Wheels & Tires

Labeling Solutions Streamlines Process of Purchasing Thermal Printers and Thermal Labels with New User-Friendly Website

Labeling Solutions, a supplier of thermal printers, thermal labels, direct transfer labels as well as tagging and bar coding solutions recently went live with a new streamlined website to offer a more straightforward point of purchase for customers needing reliable label printers and more. - March 04, 2010 - Labeling Solutions

Advanced Test Equipment Rentals Offers the Bird SA-6000EX, 25-6000 MHz, Site Analyzer for Immediate Rental

Bird’s® Site Analyzer® is the user-friendly test solution for installing, maintaining, and troubleshooting antenna and cable systems. Field engineers and technicians rely on this rugged handheld tool to get the job done. Wireless equipment manufacturers, service providers,... - March 04, 2010 - Advanced Test Equipment Rentals

Premier Corporate Housing Launches Campaign in the Kingwood, Woodlands, and Atascocita Areas of Houston

Premier Corporate Housing has launched a renewed campaign in the Kingwood, Atascocita, and Woodlands areas adjacent to Houston. Energy related projects are bringing in numerous teams of engineers and project managers from across the globe, and many are choosing to settle temporarily in these outlying suburban areas. - March 04, 2010 - Premier Corporate Housing

Gates Corporation Inspires Next Generation of Innovators as Diamond Supplier of the FIRST® Robotics Competition

Gates Corporation has joined forces with FIRST® (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology), a not-for-profit organization founded by inventor Dean Kamen to inspire young people’s interest in science and technology. - March 04, 2010 - Gates Corporation

Touch to See the Doctor

The Virtual Specialist™ promises to make telemedicine ubiquitous. - March 04, 2010 - Interactive Multimedia Artists, Inc.

Dynamic Pressure Sensors Made Using Piezoresistive E-Fabrics

Eeonyx Corporation announces the development and availability of specialty engineered conductive fabrics with pressure sensing (piezoresistive) properties for commercial and industrial markets. Previous Eeonyx developments include engineered, electrically conductive fabrics (E-Fabrics), sold under... - March 04, 2010 - Eeonyx Corporation

MyrtleBeachHotels.com Brings Back the Fanny Pack for International Fanny Pack Day, March 14

How do you spot a tourist in Myrtle Beach? Why, the fanny pack of course. To celebrate this much-mocked tourist icon, MyrtleBeachHotels.com is hosting a day of fun on Facebook in honor of International Fanny Pack Day, March 14. Throughout the day, fans can participate in fanny pack fun by sharing... - March 04, 2010 - MyrtleBeachHotels.com

Breast Cancer Insight Announces the Completion of It's New Content Rich Information Website

www.breastcancerinsight.com has just announced that it’s beta test development has completed and the content rich, advertising-free web site has launched. This truly unique web site is written on a basic reading level so that people all over the world can understand important medical problems... - March 04, 2010 - Breast Cancer Insight

Sagemont, a Private School in Broward, Alumni Are Taking the World by Storm

Recent Sagemont Graduates are already leaving their mark on society in a range of areas including scholarship, journalism, the television industry and community service. - March 04, 2010 - The Sagemont Schools

Stanford University Medical Center Purchases Ecotones Duet Sleep Sound Machines

Stanford University Medical Center has purchased Ecotones Duet adaptive sound sleep machines after months of pilot testing. Hospitals have found noise can increase patient stress levels and impact their comfort and recovery. Adaptive Sound Technologies is working to deliver high quality audio sound masking machines to address such problems. - March 04, 2010 - Adaptive Sound Technologies

Group Announces Non-Partisan Campaign to Fix America by Circumventing Congress

FixitTogether.org is a non-partisan organization working to get a set of four constitutional amendments adopted through an Article V convention. Their four proposed amendments, all of which enjoy widespread support, are 1) a balanced budget amendment; 2) a congressional term limits amendment; 3) an amendment to reform the federal court system by imposing term limits on judges and letting Americans have an up-or-down vote on judges; and 4) an amendment to prohibit unfunded mandates on the states. - March 04, 2010 - FixitTogether.org, Inc.

Elaine Buxton Named Judge for Health Magazine’s America’s Healthiest Shopping

Confero, Inc. (www.conferoinc.com), a national customer experience measurement firm, has announced that Elaine Buxton, president, was named a Healthy Shopping Expert judge by Health magazine. Buxton, alongside fellow judges J. Nick Baird, MD, CEO of the Alliance to Make US Healthiest, and Marianne... - March 04, 2010 - Confero, Inc.

CARBONita Detail Announces New Eco-Friendly Automotive Detailing in Southern California

La Jolla-based automotive detailer takes a green approach to servicing vehicles using biodegradable product and only a pint of water - March 04, 2010 - CARBONita Detail

Strategy For Coaches Launches Strategy Blog

Strategy For Coaches has launched a blog for professional coaches that will contain short posts on a variety of topics related to strategy. - March 04, 2010 - Strategy For Coaches, LLC

Drucker School MBA Team Takes Fourth Place in Net Impact Renewable Energy Competition

The Leeds Net Impact Case Competition is the premier case format competition built around businesses facing sustainability challenges, while succeeding financially. - March 04, 2010 - Peter F. Drucker and Masatoshi Ito Graduate School of Management

New Look and Feel on the Web Site RRPproxy.net

With a new design, new structure and new content, the internationally operating domain registrar Key-Systems has updated the online presence of its reseller portal RRPproxy.net. The web site now showcases a fresh, modern layout as well as a clean arrangement. - March 04, 2010 - Key-Systems GmbH

Coordinated Properties' Pres. Fred Filsoof Emphasizes the Value of Home Improvements in Today's Market

"When you put your home on the market, you're entering it in a beauty contest," says Fred Filsoof, President of Atlanta based realty company Coordinated Properties. - March 04, 2010 - Fred F Filsoof

New Warehouse Equipment and Supplies Marketplace from IndustrialPR.net

New warehousing solutions for domestic and international manufacturers offered by IndustrialPR.net, a division of Industrial Leaders Group (ILG). - March 04, 2010 - IndustrialLeaders.com

RPost Launches Advanced Email Encryption Service

RPost announced today an email encryption service upgrade that addresses key findings from a poll of companies that are subject to heightened HIPAA data encryption rules. - March 04, 2010 - RPost

ICTS Provides Solutions for Rheumatology Study

Tom Sturgis, president of ICTS (Integrated Clinical Trial Services, LLC) (www.icts.us), has announced that the company has completed the development and implementation of a program designed to increase patient consent in a rheumatology study. The ongoing and parallel studies showed a low consent... - March 04, 2010 - Integrated Clinical Trial Services

Hygiene Station Wood Laminate Panels for Exam Rooms from Medicus Health

Medicus Health offers new Hygiene Station Panels for Exam Rooms to help staff comply with facility infection control procedures at the point of patient contact and add style to your patient rooms. Designer wood panels keep infection control supplies readily available and highly visible. - March 04, 2010 - Medicus Health

New 50 Hz Carpet Cleaner Includes Wide Cleaning Path That Saves Time

Daimer®'s walk-behind extractor machine has a 50.8 cm cleaning path for making fast work of large expanses of carpet. - March 04, 2010 - Daimer Industries, Inc.

National Tennis Foundation Hosts Event to Support Local Family Affected by the Devastation in Haiti

As Vicki Duval, a top-ranked junior tennis athlete training at the Racquet Club of the South, learned that her father was trapped beneath their earthquake ravaged home in Haiti, the weight of her concerns fell sharply on the shoulders of her tennis coach, Brian de Villiers. The sequence of events that followed represents how generosity and love can really make a difference. - March 04, 2010 - National Tennis Foundation

Tournament Golf Association and Myrtle Beach Golf Holiday Continue Partnership

“We are very proud of the partnership we have with Myrtle Beach Golf Holiday and the Golf.com World Amateur Handicap Championship and aligning ourselves with such high-class organizations," says Steven Moses, Chief Operating Officer for the TGAA Tour. - March 04, 2010 - Tournament Golf Association of America

Ecologic Industries, LLC Re-Launches Website to Better Meet Needs of Customers

The New Ecologic Website Features 3D Renderings, More Product Details & Photos, Highlights of Their Sustainability Initiatives and More. - March 04, 2010 - Ecologic Industries, LLC

Calloway’s and Cornelius Nursery Host the Edible Festival

Calloway’s Nursery and Cornelius Nursery will prepare Texans for healthy delights when the garden center hosts the first Edible Festival at all 19 locations in the Dallas, Fort Worth and Houston areas on Saturday, March 6. On Saturday at 10:15 a.m., all stores will host a free spring... - March 04, 2010 - Calloway's Nursery

FPPC's Chesapeake Bay Summit Registration Now Open

Farm Pilot Project Coordination, Inc., is a leader in agricultural conservation and technology research, conducting farm-scale projects that help develop scalable, economically viable solutions for renewable resources. The first of three 2010 conferences to share knowledge learned will be held in late March in Annapolis, MD. - March 04, 2010 - Farm Pilot Project Coordination, Inc.

Bitrix Unveils a Breakthrough CMS Security Technology for ASP.NET Platform

The new version of Bitrix® Site Manager ASP.NET now contains built-in proactive protection filter to shield websites against viruses and hacker attacks. - March 04, 2010 - Bitrix

Home-Tech Names Kimberly Riching Outside Service Agreement Sales Representative

Southwest Florida air-conditioning and appliance service and sales leader Home-Tech hired Kimberly Riching as the company’s first outside service agreement sales representative. In this role, she will be responsible for building relationships and promoting service agreement sales to... - March 04, 2010 - Home-Tech

Norman Reedus Stars in "The Beatnicks"

Cult hit "The Beatnicks" releasing on DVD - March 04, 2010 - Passion River Films

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