United Kingdom News

Powerchex Condemns the Practice of Illegal Data Sharing

Unauthorised personal data is sold over the internet to the highest bidder. - November 22, 2009 - Powerchex

Camping & Caravanning Website Launches New Business Advertising Section

Outdoor Tourism Site expands its services by adding a new Business Directory - November 21, 2009 - The Camping & Caravanning Directory

Xlibris Offers its New Premium UK Publishing Package at Introductory Price

In celebration of Xlibris’ entry into the UK publishing industry, authors who choose the Premium Package save £600 and receive free book returnability programme. - November 21, 2009 - Xlibris Publisher

Clifford Devlin is Second Demolition Firm to Sign-Up to Construction Sustainability Scheme

Clifford Devlin has become only the second demolition company to sign-up to the UK’s “Halving Waste to Landfill” scheme. The London-based contractor has joined the nationwide construction-industry initiative which is designed to collectively halve, by 2012, the amount of... - November 21, 2009 - Clifford Devlin Ltd

1st Galaxy Helps BBC Children in Need Go with a Bang

1st Galaxy, the fireworks specialist, has designed a spectacular fireworks and laser display for BBC Children in Need - November 21, 2009 - 1st Galaxy Fireworks

Techworld Recognises the Importance of Zeus Software

Zeus Traffic Manager Crowned Infrastructure Product of the Year. - November 21, 2009 - Zeus Technology

Randox Unveils Cardiac Care Technology at Major European Medical Event

RANDOX Laboratories (“Randox”), the Antrim-based independent global diagnostics company, will today unveil a revolutionary new cardiac machine at the world’s largest medical trade fair being held this week in Dusseldorf, Germany. - November 21, 2009 - Randox Laboratories

911uk Porsche Awards 2009 Launched at porscheawards.co.uk

911uk Porsche Awards 2009 Launched with the voting stage of the only Annual Porsche UK Industry awards. Voting across the Porsche 2009 911UK awards is across 13 specific categories, including Air-Cooled & Water-Cooled Car Sales & Service awards, Porsche Parts, Tuner and Motorsport awards. http://www.porscheawards.co.uk explains each category in more detail and the voting form procedure. Voting closes on the 22nd January 2010, the results will be announced by the end of January 2010. - November 21, 2009 - 911uk

IT Solutions Specialist Launches New Look Website

Gatenby Services Hits All the Right Buttons with Expert Website Re-launch - November 21, 2009 - Gatenby Services Ltd

Self-Catering Accommodation Website Goes Backwards for Children in Need 2009

TheHolidayCottages.co.uk team have a very special day planned for this years Children in Need. - November 21, 2009 - The Holiday Cottages

Bed & Breakfast Website Begins to See Signs of Recovery in the Economy

TheBandBDirectory.co.uk sees an increase in advertisers over the last quarter. - November 21, 2009 - The B & B Directory

Beat the VAT Increase with a New Car from UK Car Discount

By placing a deposit only before January 1st 2010, buyers can still take advantage of the 15% tax rate, even on a new car delivered in march 2010 with the new 10 plate. - November 21, 2009 - UK Car Discount

Around About Britain Begins to Expand After Its First Year of Successful Trading

AroundAboutBritain.co.uk has started to expand their workforce as their second year of trading commences on a positive note. The company is currently looking for new salespeople to come and work on their tourism website along with the rest of the team. The company has been slowly expanding since... - November 21, 2009 - Around About Ltd

We Accept Pets Starts Expanding as the Brand Begins to Grow

WeAcceptPets.co.uk is only two months old but already the company is finding that they need to expand their sales force in order to cope with demand. The website advertises properties that accept all types of pets ranging from horses to dogs to other small animals, and as it is aimed as a niche... - November 21, 2009 - We Accept Pets

Panasonic Launches 12 Series Plasma Range Incorporating Breakthrough NEO PDP Technology

Panasonic releases first models in its new 12-Series range aimed primarily at digital signage market - November 21, 2009 - Panasonic Professional Projectors and Displays Europe

Social and Economic Factors Signal a Shift in Training Needs for Finance Professionals, Says ACCA

Social and economic trends have influenced dramatically the training requirements of the global finance profession, according to a new report by ACCA (the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants). - November 21, 2009 - ACCA

Blyth + Blyth Expect Payback Within 10 Months for Workspace

Consulting Engineer goes live with Email Management and Email Vault - November 21, 2009 - Union Square Software

Howard Ward Associates Lay Foundations for Growth with Workspace

Howard Ward Associates to implement Workspace, including project accounting and finance integration - November 21, 2009 - Union Square Software

Two Brand New Luxury Villas in Mauritius

Villas De Maitre announces the addition to its Mauritius villa collection of two stunning luxury villas. Villas La Balinaise at Sankhara are two brand new contemporary luxury homes situated on the eastern shores of Mauritius on a secluded beach. These pool villas are unique and offer privacy and views of the Indian ocean. - November 21, 2009 - Villas De Maitre

Chris Lewis Fire & Security Launches New Website

South-East provider of bespoke and integrated fire, security, CCTV and access control systems announce the launch of their new website. - November 21, 2009 - Chris Lewis Fire & Security

Business Legend Dan Pena Releases 75th Newsletter

Pena talks about the current economic crisis, his activities the past year and future plans. - November 21, 2009 - Dan Pena Quantum Leap Advantage

Businesses in India Need to Prepare Urgently for the Introduction in 2011 of IFRS Says ACCA

Ambivalence and lack of focus are major hurdles to a smooth conversion says global accounting body. - November 20, 2009 - ACCA

EWAV Works Wins the Best Ethical Business PRECIOUS Awards 2009

Unique entrepreneurial awards ceremony for woman of colour recognises EWAV Works. - November 20, 2009 - EWAV Works

RoboCounsellor Uses Tabletop Psychodrama to Help Clients

RoboCounsellor now includes tabletop psychodrama in the counselling methods it delivers interactively free of charge to almost anyone. It does this by taking regular counselling actions and duplicating not the actions themselves but their essence. - November 20, 2009 - RoboCounsellor

Sovex Recruits New Sales Manager

Darren Birtwistle has been appointed Sales Manager of Sovex's service and maintenance division. He joins a growing company that is flourishing despite current economic conditions. - November 20, 2009 - Sovex

Further Expansion at Russell Bedford Texas and San Francisco Firm

Russell Bedford US member firm PMB Helin Donovan appoints two new partners and opens office in Dallas. - November 20, 2009 - Russell Bedford International

The Communication Revolution – Social Media & Recruitment

Social Media and Recruitment - Finding out more about the way your business uses Social Media when Recruiting. - November 20, 2009 - Creative Leadership

Carbon Accounting - Building the Case for a Green Work Place

An environmentally friendly office is not hard to achieve says ACCA (the Association for Chartered Certified Accountants) today as it offers ten practical tips for a sustainable workplace as part of its drive towards carbon accounting. - November 20, 2009 - ACCA

Kabiri Introduces New Designer Jewellery & Accessories Line: Made by Eugene

Jewellery store Kabiri’s latest exclusive offering is designer jewellery Made by Eugene. This whimsical leather accessory line offers something unexpected in today’s mass-market high street. - November 20, 2009 - Kabiri Jewellery

'A Night At The Musicals' Beats the X Factor in Lancashire Ratings Tussle

Ad-Options t/as BusinessGiftUK.com, supporters of 'A Night At The Musicals', are pleased to announce that the Saturday night concert in aid of Breast Cancer Care raised £2,600 - November 20, 2009 - Ad-Options Ltd t/as BusinessGiftUK.com

Ways Women Orgasm, the Female Sexuality Forum, Announces a New Blog Post: Sheltering Young Women from Eroticism

Young women are often not told about eroticism and sexual pleasure for fear that they will be exploited by men through sex. Since women's sexual arousal is more difficult to achieve during sex, women are less likely than men to find sexual promiscuity sexually rewarding. Ways Women Orgasm is a forum for female sexuality and provides an open discussion of women's orgasm techniques including clitoral stimulation and sexual fantasies. - November 20, 2009 - WaysWomenOrgasm.org

Dan Pena QLA Training Now Available for Download

Legendary business coach Dan Pena has trained and coached executives around the world. For the first time he has made his training materials available for instant download. - November 20, 2009 - Dan Pena Quantum Leap Advantage

Palantir Portfolio Optimisation Puts Value on Exploration Assets

An oil & gas industry first: exploration assets, not just reserves, included in valuations (includes portfolio optimisation) - November 20, 2009 - Palantir Solutions

Visionary iGaming Brings Live Dealer 2.0 to AmsterdamsCasino.com

Visionary iGaming to supply AmsterdamsCasino.com with live online casino games. - November 19, 2009 - Visionary iGaming

Global Regulatory Service Support Macmillan Cancer Charity

Global Regulatory Services is proud to announce that their nominated charity is Macmillan Cancer Support, Cambridge. - November 19, 2009 - Global Regulatory Services Ltd

Fairland Consulting Announce New ISO27001 Team

London Based Fairland Consulting – IT Professionals – (www.fairland.co.uk) are delighted to announce a new ISO27001 compliance team. Achieving ISO27001 is a must for most organisations who deal with public sector and corporate organisations. - November 19, 2009 - fairland consulting

3M Appoints MC Products as UK Distributor for Specialist Marine Flooring

MC Products has been appointed UK Distributor for 3M's customised entrance matting system. MC Products manufactures FloMAT non-slip waterproof flooring, and is the UK Distributor for Tek Dek, the market leading teak decking alternative. - November 19, 2009 - MC Products

PowerContinuity Power Protects MoneySupermarket.com’s UK Operations

Power Continuity Systems has successfully completed a bespoke power protection system for MoneySupermarket.com, the UK’s number 1 price comparison site. - November 19, 2009 - PowerContinuity Systems

ONELAN’S Annual Technology Event a Great Success

Following the success of last year’s event, ONELAN co-hosted a free one-day Technology Event for resellers with ONEMedia, Smart E, ONELAN Digital Signage and ONELAN IPTV on Wednesday November 4th 2009. - November 19, 2009 - ONELAN Digital Signage

The Changing Nature of Christmas Hampers

From its inception in 1984, Virginia Hayward Ltd has grown to be one of the leading suppliers of hampers and gifts within the UK. As much a part of Christmas as holly and ivy, Christmas hampers are a favourite gift for all the family, but have changed greatly since the first Virginia Hayward hamper was despatched 25 years ago. - November 19, 2009 - Virginia Hayward Ltd

FoxyTag Speed Cameras Now Offered by amAze GPS

Drivers using a speed camera alert system have less accidents. People using a GPS navigation system increase road safety as well. And now amAze GPS, the leading mobile navigation service, offers both functionalities. - November 19, 2009 - FoxyTag

One in Two Recruitment Consultants Not Covered for Professional Mistakes

54% of recruitment consultants putting businesses at risk by waiving professional indemnity insurance. - November 18, 2009 - Coverzones

Business Legend Dan Pena Embraces Social Media

Legendary business guru Dan Pena is now using Twitter and Facebook for communication. - November 18, 2009 - Dan Pena Quantum Leap Advantage

Perceptant’s Resellers Tap the $6.7 Billion Supply Chain Management Market

Perceptant announce SCMaaS (Supply Chain Management as a Service), a suite of on-demand, fully-serviced supply chain solutions designed for resellers to capitalise on the $6.7 billion supply chain market and generate seven figure reoccurring revenue streams. - November 18, 2009 - Perceptant Limited

Cheam High School is Wheelchair Friendly

A movemanSKG Prestige platform lift is enabling less mobile students at Cheam High School, Surrey, to access five new ICT classrooms. The lift means the school complies with the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA). - November 18, 2009 - movemanSKG

New Year Tax Rise Will Hit Wealthy UK Residents, Says ACCA

• New 50% rate for higher earners will have impact • Withdrawal of the personal allowance for those earning over £100,000 • VAT up to 17.5% - November 18, 2009 - ACCA

Nottingham Author Releases New Book "Pig Nonsense"

Mark Woods' newly released collection of nonsense poetry and comical verse, "Pig Nonsense." - November 18, 2009 - Mark Woods

UK-Based Publishing and Marketing Services Company Celebrates UN Milestone

A Leicester-based Publishing and Marketing Services company is celebrating ten years of working with the United Nations. Tudor Rose, based in Friar Lane, Leicester began working with the UN in 1999 and has collaborated with the global organisation to produce a series of books on key human... - November 18, 2009 - Tudor Rose

123Recipes.com Announces an All New More Social Look; It’s All About Recipes, Cooks and Healthy Eating

Leading Online Recipe Site Launches an All New Look Based on Current Needs of Home Cooks. - November 18, 2009 - 123Recipes.com

Wibbell Announces Go Ahead for British Vampire Movie DVD Release

New DVD label 'The Weird World of Wibbell' (the cult movie arm of UK indie distributor Wibbell Productions) today announced that the long awaited DVD release of it's British comedy-horror film 'The Vampires of Bloody Island' is expected before Christmas in the UK, USA, Canada and Ireland. The exact dates for each territory will be declared within the coming weeks. - November 17, 2009 - Wibbell Productions Ltd

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