Germany News

When Will Online Shopping Market in China Top 1 Trillion Dollars?

A new report by Hamburg-based secondary market research company, “China B2C E-Commerce Sales Forecasts: 2015 to 2018,” highlights the growth prospects of the world’s largest online shopping market. According to the research, the main question is not whether B2C E-Commerce in China will surpass the one trillion dollar mark, but when. - July 10, 2015 - GmbH & Co. KG

Company Profiles of Leading Online Payment Service Providers Published

Germany-based B2C E-Commerce and online payments market intelligence company has recently published “Company Profiles of 10 Leading Online Payment Service Providers 2015.” The publication covers major facts and important news about some leading online payment service providers and details their online payment methods coverage. - July 08, 2015 - GmbH & Co. KG

E-Commerce Payments is the Fastest Growing Business Segment of UK-Based Worldpay

Hamburg-based secondary research company reports that multichannel payments service provider Worldpay has seen its E-Commerce division grow in recent years, reaching a share of over 20% on its total revenues. A new publication by, “Worldpay Company Profile 2015: Online Payment Services” tells how Worldpay provides payment processing and related solutions to various online industries and supports local and international card schemes and alternative methods. - July 05, 2015 - GmbH & Co. KG

Jens Oliver Meiert Publishes New Book, “On Web Development”

German author, philosopher, adventurer, artist, and web developer Jens Oliver Meiert releases his new and fifth book, “On Web Development,” a collection of 134 articles. - July 04, 2015 - Meiert Research & Development

AVARI Launches Pioneering Predictive Content Marketing Solution

Predictive personalization company AVARI announces the launch of Next Best Content (TM). For the first time ever, brand publishers and content marketers can automatically inject individually relevant marketing materials into any email campaign on any marketing platform. It’s powered by AVARI’s advanced predictive analytics and machine learning technology to automatically determine what a person wants to read next in real time: articles, datasheets, decks, guides, infographics, webinars and more. - July 03, 2015 - AVARI

Strong Paper is a Strong Partner for E-Commerce

Ceresana analyzed the European market for corrugated board and cartonboard packaging. - July 02, 2015 - Ceresana

Strong Fibers: Ceresana Presents Market Study on Polyamides

Tear-resistant fibers, unbreakable components: Polyamides are among the most versatile plastics. Especially the types polyamide 6 and polyamide 66 are important. They vary in their chemical constitution. "In 2014, global revenues of 24.4 billion US$ were achieved with these two polyamide... - July 02, 2015 - Ceresana

Crisis Indicator in German Machinery Industry Above Pre-Crisis Level for the First Time – New Quest Report

The new Quest report specifies the crisis indicator, analyzes its course since the world economic crisis and applies it for six company size classes. Its results are different as obvious suggestions. - July 02, 2015 - Quest Trend Magazine

MeisterTask Unveils Kanban Lane Automation Feature in Latest Release

MeisterTask Unveils Kanban Lane Automation Feature in Latest Release

MeisterTask, the collaborative online task manager, just released the first version of its highly anticipated power feature "Section Actions" which lets users automate recurring steps in their workflow and thus work more consistently and efficiently. - June 30, 2015 - MeisterTask

Clean Growth: Ceresana Publishes Second Market Report on Surfactants

Surfactants facilitate the removal of dirt and enable to finely mix water and oil. These surface active chemical substances are used in every household but also serve for numerous industrial applications. "In 2014, a worldwide turnover of 33.2 billion US$ was achieved with surfactants,"... - June 30, 2015 - Ceresana

Online Payment Provider Netbanx Increased Transactions by Nearly One Third in 2014

Netbanx is the online payment processing division of Optimal Payments. In 2014, it expanded its US offering through two acquisitions and saw both the payment volume and value increase by almost one third. These and other findings are revealed in a new publication by, “Netbanx (An Optimal Payments Company) Company Profile 2015: Online Payment Services.” - June 27, 2015 - GmbH & Co. KG

Ingenious Technologies Takes the Offensive – with Unprecedented Service and Pricing Models

Ingenious Technologies, the leading independent technology provider for business analytics and marketing automation, will be presenting its new service and pricing models at the Performance Marketing Insights in Berlin. For all new clients, there will now be a Try&Buy option to have a quick start in building up and benefitting from their own analytics and marketing automation platform. - June 27, 2015 - Ingenious Technologies AG

Ingenious Technologies: Do It Like The Big Players – Take Online Marketing Into Your Own Hands

Always wanted to know how successful e-commerce players manage and optimize their online marketing? Visit the technology expert Ingenious Technologies at the Performance Marketing Insights (PMI) on 23rd and 24th June in Hotel Estrel, Berlin. Well-known international e-commerce players will be explaining how they have gained success through the use of efficient processes and technologies in numerous talks, panel discussions and also for the first time at the exhibition stand of Ingenious Tech. - June 26, 2015 - Ingenious Technologies AG

Italgrafica Expands Label Finishing with Two ROTOCONTROL Machines

The Italian converter has ordered an RSC-series slitter/rewinder and a custom-built C-series high-quality slitting machine. - June 26, 2015 - ROTOCONTROL

AmoyDx, Supplier of MoBiTec, Germany, Introduces System for Extraction of Circulating DNA from NSCLC (Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer) Patients

Circulating cell-free DNA is an important emerging biomarker in cancer diagnostics as well as a non-invasive diagnostic solution for a wide range of clinical disorders. The AmoyDx kit is specially designed for effective isolation and purification of DNA from peripheral blood (serum or plasma) and pleural effusion. The purified DNA is suitable for downstream applications such as real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR). - June 26, 2015 - MoBiTec GmbH

Walk the Talk About Quality Translations

STAR Servicios Lingüísticos is going one step further in its quest for continuous improvement. - June 25, 2015 - STAR Servicios Lingüísticos S.L.

Payment Service Provider Wirecard Varies Alternative Online Payment Offerings by Region and Country

A new publication by Hamburg-based research firm “Wirecard Company Profile 2015: Online Payment Services,” reveals the geographic coverage, payment methods offered, as well as recent important news and facts about this payment service provider. - June 25, 2015 - GmbH & Co. KG

CyberSource Provides Online Payment Services in Close to 200 Countries to Around 400,000 Organizations

A new publication by, “CyberSource (a Visa Company) Company Profile 2015: Online Payment Services,” reports that this online payment service provider operates in close to 200 countries and has recently launched an omni-channel payment solution featuring point-of-sale payments. - June 20, 2015 - GmbH & Co. KG

The Dramatic Internationalization of Automobile Production – New Quest Report

The new report in Quest Trend Magazine proves how leading the carmakers have been internationalizing their production since the year 2000 and which level is currently achieved. - June 17, 2015 - Quest Trend Magazine

SGS Announces Publication of EU’s Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF) 2014 Results

The Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF) preliminary annual report 2014 not only includes the market surveillance activities connected to food and feedstuff but for food contact materials (FCM) as well. The total notifications connected to FCM have decreased by 15% compared to the previous year. However, notifications for FCM still make it to the top 10 of all product category findings by EU Member State authorities in 2014. - June 17, 2015 - SGS

Around Half of Online Transactions Processed by Digital River World Payments Are Generated in the Americas

Secondary research company has published a new report in a series on online payment providers. The publication, "Digital River Company Profile 2015: Online Payment Services" details the services of the subsidiary of Digital River, Inc., as it covers various online market segments and offers pure gateway as well as fully managed online payment services, supporting international as well as local payment methods. - June 17, 2015 - GmbH & Co. KG

Online Payment Methods Offered by DataCash Worldwide Vary by Country

Hamburg-based E-Commerce and Online Payments intelligence company’s new publication, “DataCash (A MasterCard Company) Company Profile 2015: Online Payment Services” details that the international and local payment methods offered by DataCash vary by country as it operates around the world. - June 13, 2015 - GmbH & Co. KG

Chase Paymentech Serves More Than 300,000 Merchants with Online Payment Solutions

In a series of online payment company profiles, Germany-based research organization reveals that Chase Paymentech offers payment processing and related services, specializing in customer-not-present transactions. “Chase Paymentech Company Profile 2015: Online Payment Services” also reports on the number of merchants from various online industries served by the company. - June 07, 2015 - GmbH & Co. KG

GlobalCollect, an Ingenico Group Company, Expands Through Partnerships and Adding New Local Payment Methods

GlobalCollect, based in Netherlands, provides online payment services as a subsidiary of Ingenico Group. It has a global reach with international and online payment local methods, as revealed in a new publication by Hamburg-based B2C E-Commerce and online payments intelligence company “GlobalCollect (An Ingenico Group Company) Company Profile 2015: Online Payment Services.” - June 07, 2015 - GmbH & Co. KG

Oktoberfest 2016 Tour Dates Announced

Touring Company Thirsty Swagman today announced the Oktoberfest 2016 Tour dates for its hotel accommodation packages including beer tent reservations. - June 05, 2015 - Thirsty Swagman Pty Ltd

Now Available at MoBiTec: Ni-IDA Columns for Fast Purification of His-Tagged Proteins

MoBiTec Ni-IDA Columns containing a superior silica-based IDA resin provide a fast and convenient routine tool for purification of recombinant polyhistidine-tagged proteins by gravity flow. - June 05, 2015 - MoBiTec GmbH

Online Payment Services Provider Adyen Attracted Over $ 260 Million of Investment in Less Than One Year

Hamburg-based global E-Commerce market research company has released a new report in their series on online payment service providers. The report, titled “Adyen Company Profile 2015: Online Payment Services” presents details about the omni-channel payment solutions provider based in the Netherlands and its global reach with international and local online payment methods. - June 05, 2015 - GmbH & Co. KG

Secardeo certEP v4 for Certificate Autoenrollment by Non-Microsoft CAs

Secardeo releases version 4 of its Certificate Enrollment Proxy certEP. With certEP the manual or automatic enrollment of X.509 certificates in a Windows domain is possible by open source CAs, CA products or SaaS. The shifting and usage of an existing Microsoft CA in an isolated environment is now... - June 04, 2015 - Secardeo GmbH

ROTOCONTROL Partners with Longford International for End-to-End Booklet Solution

The ROTOCONTROL high-speed booklet machine is equipped with the Longford International OS700X triple motor surge feeder. - June 04, 2015 - ROTOCONTROL

A New Company Profile of Ingenico Payment Services Details Online Payment Solutions Offering, Coverage and Recent Growth

Hamburg-based secondary market research organization has launched a new unique series of profiles of payment companies with the focus on online payment services. The first report in the series “Ingenico Payment Services Company Profile 2015: Online Payment Services,” reveals the company’s online payment methods offering, its geographical coverage and details recent growth. - May 30, 2015 - GmbH & Co. KG

Map Companion, a New App for Occupational Health Professionals

Softnoise released Map Companion, a new tablet/phone app for visualization of any type of occupational health measurement in workspaces on a digital map. This tool helps occupational health professionals with their surveys of working environments. Map Companion replaces the traditional clipboard... - May 29, 2015 - Softnoise

Celebrating 10 Years of Operation, Germany-Based Launches New Website and Logo

Hamburg-based has announced the launch of its new website and logo as it marks its tenth successful year of providing global E-Commerce intelligence. - May 28, 2015 - GmbH & Co. KG

Weever Media Ltd. Again Recognized as Leading App Marketing Agency

Weever Media, a leader in app marketing and mobile performance marketing receives another recognition for its thought-leading and top-quality services. Now already ranking highly in 3 different and independent agency-rankings, Weever Media proves to be amongst the best international resources to market apps or to run mobile performance campaigns. - May 23, 2015 - Weever Media

Privatimus Appoints Peter Wolfsdorf as Head of Executive Protection Training

Wolfsdorf is one of the most respected and renowned instructors in the field of executive protection in Germany. - May 23, 2015 - Privatimus GmbH

Netherlands Cloud Height Measured by Sensors from Lufft

In the near future, the cloud height in the Netherlands will be measured by sensors from the German company Lufft from Fellbach (near Stuttgart). - May 23, 2015 - G. Lufft Mess- und Regeltechnik GmbH

Free Report of Offers Exclusive Overview of Global B2C E-Commerce & Online Payment Markets

Hamburg-based market intelligence company has announced a free report on global online payments and B2C E-Commerce trends. The report, titled “Global B2C E-Commerce and Online Payment Developments 2015” offers readers an opportunity to familiarize themselves with... - May 23, 2015 - GmbH & Co. KG

KORXX Cork Toys Launch Successful at Kickstarter

KORXX has successfully launched its crowdfunding campaign at Kickstarter. KORXX is the toy brand from the PLES GmbH for toys that are made out of natural cork. The funding will enable further development of the products and the company. - May 22, 2015 - PLES GmbH

SGS Releases White Paper on International Type Approval Solutions for Electrical and Electronic Products

SGS offers integrated one-stop International Type Approval (ITA) services for a wide range of electrical and electronic (E&E) products. - May 22, 2015 - SGS

SGS to Sponsor and Present at ITI & IPC Conferences 2015 across the USA

In June, SGS will sponsor and present at the ITI & IPC Conferences on Emerging & Critical Environmental Product Regulations. - May 20, 2015 - SGS

The Virtual Usability Fair by ubivent

The Bundesverband IT-Mittelstand e.V. (BITMi), the Federal Association of ICT-SMEs in Germany, has chosen the ubivent platform to conduct virtual events. - May 14, 2015 - ubivent GmbH

LDRA’s Patented Software Life Cycle Traceability Gives Customers Leading Edge in Critical Software Verification

LDRA TBmanager® provides bidirectional software process and artifact traceability, helping companies demonstrate standards compliance and certification readiness. - May 14, 2015 - LDRA Software Technology

Major European Incumbent Operator Chooses ECT Solution to Deploy WebRTC-Enhanced Voice and Video Toll Free Services Enabled by Dialogic PowerMedia Software

Solution combines national toll free 0800 numbers with WebRTC-based video and voice access and optional web-based call center agents to process WebRTC-generated incoming voice and video calls. - May 14, 2015 - European Computer Telecoms AG

Global Online Gambling Sees Steady Growth and New Regulations

The latest publication by Hamburg-based business intelligence company “Global Online Gambling and Betting Market 2015,” reports that online gambling is steadily increasing globally, with governments moving to regulate the practice. Among the findings of the report are that mobile devices are increasingly being used to access gambling sites and that the growth of online gambling has led to consolidation in the companies offering gambling. - May 10, 2015 - GmbH & Co. KG

Mobile Gaming Grows Rapidly Worldwide

Hamburg-based global E-Commerce intelligence company’s latest publication, “Global Mobile Gaming Market 2015,” reports the spread of mobile gaming worldwide. Mobile gaming is the fastest growing and most promising segment of the global gaming market. With smartphone and tablet penetration increasing and free-to-play games gaining momentum, mobile games are expected to see continued growth. - May 08, 2015 - GmbH & Co. KG

ip.labs Launches New iPad Version PhotoGenie Touch 2.4

All iPad Users are all excited. ip.labs has launched a new iPad version of the PhotoGenie: the PGT 2.4. Users will now be able to insert various amounts of photos from social networks such as Facebook, Flickr, Picasa and many more using the Cloud Access function! The Selfie-Maker is another... - May 07, 2015 - ip.labs GmbH

Ultrasonic Wind Sensors for the DWD's Maritime Monitoring Network Come from Lufft

In a call for bids for the renewal and extension of ultrasonic wind sensors in the maritime monitoring network of the German Weather Service, the ultrasonic wind sensor Ventus from the Fellbach-based manufacturer of environmental measuring equipment won the day against all competitive products. In... - May 06, 2015 - G. Lufft Mess- und Regeltechnik GmbH

Digital Games Conquering the Gaming Landscape on the Old Continent

Hamburg-based global E-Commerce intelligence company’s latest publication confirms the spread of digital games in Europe. The report, titled “Europe Online Gaming Market 2015” tells of major shifts occurring within the digital segment: mobile devices are closely competing with or overtaking computers as the major platforms for playing digital games, and in-game transactions are overtaking the pay-to-play revenue model. - May 06, 2015 - GmbH & Co. KG

Albis Technologies and ELCON Systemtechnik Debut as a Team at BREKO Breitbandmesse

One team, one portfolio, one booth – The Team Albis & ELCON Exhibits a New Joint Product Portfolio at the BREKO Breitbandmesse in Darmstadt Targeting German Network Carriers - April 29, 2015 - ELCON Systemtechnik GmbH

Asia-Pacific Leads the Way in Global Mobile Gaming Boom

Hamburg-based global E-Commerce intelligence company’s new publication, “Asia-Pacific Online Gaming Market 2015” reports that Asia-Pacific was the biggest mobile games market worldwide in 2014. The countries of the region also ranked high in the share of Internet users playing online games on computers. The region promises further growth in online and mobile games revenues, and is also home to some prominent games developers with global impact. - April 29, 2015 - GmbH & Co. KG

MoBiTec and GORYO Chemical Ink Distribution Agreement to Sell High-End Calcium Indicators and Cancer-Selective Fluorescent Imaging Probes

MoBiTec GmbH, Germany, focused on selling products for life science and fluorescence applications, has entered into a distribution agreement with GORYO, Japan. Together with GORYO, MoBiTec will continue to expand its portfolio of premier brands. - April 29, 2015 - MoBiTec GmbH

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