California: San Jose News

Nexcom Incorporates Intel® Core™ i7 Mobile Processor and Intel® AMT6.0 Into Industrial Fan-less PC

Nexcom Incorporates Intel® Core™ i7 Mobile Processor and Intel® AMT6.0 Into Industrial Fan-less PC

NEXOCM NISE 3500 fanless PC, powered by Intel® 32nm dual-core Core™ i7 processor, speeds up multitasks and delivers notable computing performance. Benefiting from on Intel® AMT 6.0, the NISE 3500 fanless PC enables remote networking manageability for fast monitoring, troubleshooting and communication. Additionally, NISE 3500 is equipped with rich I/O interfaces, including two Intel® GbE Ethernet ports, 4 COM ports, 6x USB, 6x USB, 8x GPIO, 2x SATAII and 2x eSATA, expansion with one PCI. - August 06, 2010 - NEXCOM

Copyright Infringement Judgment Upholds Jury Verdict in Software IP Case

Copyright Infringement Judgment Upholds Jury Verdict in Software IP Case

U.S. District Court in Northern District Court California denies Defendant's post-trial motions and enters judgment in favor of copyright owners after a jury trial in a landmark software copyright infringement lawsuit involving the infringement of PowerRPC and JRPC copyrights. - August 05, 2010 - Netbula, LLC

inXitu, Inc. Introduces Forensic Analyzer

inXitu, Inc. Introduces Forensic Analyzer

inXitu now offers a field portable XRD analyzer for rapid detection of explosive materials, accelerants and fusing materials. - August 04, 2010 - inXitu

'The Other Side of The Game' by Tadaram Maradas of Maradas, Inc.

'The Other Side of The Game' by Tadaram Maradas of Maradas, Inc.

Tadaram Maradas, whose real name is David Williams, is a writer and author from, “The San Francisco Bay Area.” He is an Alum from “Excelsior College” in Upstate, New York, and is currently enrolled as MSM Graduate Student in “The University of Maryland Graduate School System” at Adelphi, Maryland. He recently capped a satisfying twenty-three-year career in “The United States Army” where he served in four Contingency Operations, which included both Combative and Non-Combative Operations. - August 01, 2010 - Maradas, Inc

Corporate Fitness Challenge Arrives in Silicon Valley

With obesity statics rising Warrior Fitness Training and Warrior Mind Coaching have teamed up to launch Warrior Fitness Challenge to attack this epidemic head-on. Warrior Fitness Challenge is a 6 week comprehensive health and fitness challenge for corporations, business, communities and groups of... - July 29, 2010 - Warrior Mind Coach

Freemake Video Downloader: Freeware to Download from YouTube, Facebook and 20 More Sites

Freemake Video Downloader: Freeware to Download from YouTube, Facebook and 20 More Sites

Freemake Video Downloader is another freeware released by Freemake. This free video downloader allows to obtain videos from YouTube, Facebook, Dailymotion, Megavideo, Metacafe, Vimeo, Photobucket, Break, etc., and convert them to MP3 or AVI. - July 27, 2010 - Freemake

GaiaRecycle™ Launches New Website to Highlight the Need for Organic Waste Recycling

GaiaRecycle™ Launches New Website to Highlight the Need for Organic Waste Recycling

New Website Highlights Solutions for the "Road to Zero Waste." - July 27, 2010 - GaiaRecycle, LLC

Freemake Video Converter: All-in-One Free Video Converter

Freemake Video Converter: All-in-One Free Video Converter

Freemake Video Converter is new freeware released by Freemake. The free video converter allows one to convert videos to many formats and devices, burn DVD, edit, and upload to YouTube. This freeware was developed to rival the popular paid multimedia programs and deliver the same and even better quality and functionality. - July 21, 2010 - Freemake

Ad-Juster, Inc. Joins IAB, Adds New Agency and Publisher Clients

Ad-Juster, Inc. Joins IAB, Adds New Agency and Publisher Clients

Ad-Juster, Inc. has recently joined the IAB as an Associate Member, and has added significant new Agency and Publisher clients to its client lineup. Ad-Juster is designed to automatically support the IAB’s Impression Exchange Standard (IES) in addition to Non-IES ad units and ad delivery... - July 20, 2010 - Ad-Juster, Inc.

Emtrace Releases Moxier Wallet 1.5.1 with New GUI, iOS 4 Integration, and In-App Browser

Emtrace Releases Moxier Wallet 1.5.1 with New GUI, iOS 4 Integration, and In-App Browser

Refresh of Popular Password Manager Saves Time and Increases Security. - July 14, 2010 - Emtrace Technologies

Novel 3d Chip Interconnect Technology - Terapede® Technology

Terapede LLC advances 3D chip technology by a quantum leap. Terapede® connectors on wafers provide for ultra-high-density and bandwidth. - July 06, 2010 - Terapede, LLC

Need Help Choosing a Wine? There's an App for That.

Need Help Choosing a Wine? There's an App for That.

Free iPhone App for Wine Shoppers Adds New Features to Break Down the Wall of Wine, Provides Seasonal Recommendations. - June 30, 2010 - Hello Vino, Inc.

TheBugTrack Now Available on Google Apps Marketplace

TheBugTrack Now Available on Google Apps Marketplace

TheBugTrack is an easy-to-use, feature-rich online issue and bug tracking service and team collaboration tool designed specifically for Google Apps users. No setup required. - June 16, 2010 - Wukong Design

Eden Rock Communications Announces Public Launch of Eden-NET Will Occur on October 6 at CTIA International

Eden Rock Communications, LLC (“Eden Rock”), a leading innovator of 4G wireless Self Organizing Network (SON) solutions, announced today that its flagship product, Eden-NET, will be publicly launched at the CTIA International conference in San Francisco on October 6, 2010. Eden Rock has... - June 14, 2010 - Eden Rock Communications, LLC

IP Video Systems’ Latest Ultra HD Encoder/Decoder– the V2D XP 100 –a Small Form Factor Model Enables Remote Collaboration and Video Conferencing Over IP Networks

IP Video Systems’ Latest Ultra HD Encoder/Decoder– the V2D XP 100 –a Small Form Factor Model Enables Remote Collaboration and Video Conferencing Over IP Networks

IP Video Systems Inc, the leader in real-time Ultra HD video and desktop graphics streaming and collaboration, announced the debut of its latest product– the V2D XP 100 –a single channel, small form factor hardware encoder/decoder designed for video/desktop graphics streaming and remote... - June 07, 2010 - IP Video Systems, Inc. is Media Sponsor for Com.GEO, a Cloud Computing Conference for ERP Software and Mobile Apps for Geospatial Computing

ERP Software and Community Site, is media sponsor for Computing for Geospatial Conference in Washington, DC. - June 04, 2010 - Enterprise Resource Planning

San Francisco DUI Attorney, Kimberly Lutes-Koths Saves CA Driver’s License for Bay Area Client Accused of Drunk Driving: Toothache Leads to DUI Arrest

San Francisco DUI Attorney, Kimberly Lutes-Koths Saves CA Driver’s License for Bay Area Client Accused of Drunk Driving: Toothache Leads to DUI Arrest

Kimberly Lutes-Koths, an attorney at the San Francisco Bay Area Criminal Defense firm, Summit Defense, successfully argued at a San Francisco DUI DMV Administrative Hearing yesterday resulting in her client’s driver’s privilege being restored. - May 31, 2010 - Summit Defense Attorneys is Media Sponsor for Three Premier Cloud Computing Conferences; the Cloud Computing World Forum, the Cloud Expo and the Virtualization Conference and Expo

ERP Software and Community Site, is media sponsor for three highly anticipated cloud computing events. - May 29, 2010 - Enterprise Resource Planning

Todd Babic Promoted to President of SMC Networks, a Leading Provider of Customer Premise Equipment to Service Providers

Todd Babic Promoted to President of SMC Networks, a Leading Provider of Customer Premise Equipment to Service Providers

SMC Networks, a leading provider of Customer Premise Equipment to Service Providers, is proud to announce the promotion of Todd Babic to the position of President of SMC Networks, effective immediately. Babic has served SMC since 2002, and spent the last 2 years as the Vice President of Sales,... - May 27, 2010 - SMC Networks

New Non-Profit Focuses on Native Species Habitat Restoration in Pescadero Waterways and Marsh

New Non-Profit Focuses on Native Species Habitat Restoration in Pescadero Waterways and Marsh

A group of concerned citizens announced formation of a new non-profit determined to reverse the startling population decline of native coastal and marine species. Starting with projects along the San Mateo Coast, the Coastal Alliance for Species Enhancement will work to restore threatened species and protect recreational use of delicate areas. - May 21, 2010 - Coastal Alliance for Species Enhancement

Jury Verdict in PowerRPC and JRPC Copyright Infringement Lawsuit

Jury Verdict in PowerRPC and JRPC Copyright Infringement Lawsuit

A federal jury entered a verdict of copyright infringement against Chordiant Software, Inc. for infringing the copyrights of PowerRPC and JRPC technologies in the Chordiant Marketing Director product. - May 17, 2010 - Netbula, LLC

Aliph Launches "Jawbone Stimulus Funny Video Contest" with $10,000 Grand Prize

Aliph Launches "Jawbone Stimulus Funny Video Contest" with $10,000 Grand Prize

Aliph™ – maker of the market-leading Jawbone® Bluetooth® headset and inventor of NoiseAssassin®, the world’s first and only military-grade noise-eliminating technology – today launched its first user-generated video campaign, the “Jawbone Stimulus Funny... - April 21, 2010 - Aliph (maker of the Jawbone)

Factory Direct Drapes™, a Custom Drapery and Curtain Manufacturer, Will be Planting Trees for Earth Day 2010 to Help Put an End to Global Warming

Factory Direct Drapes™, a Custom Drapery and Curtain Manufacturer, Will be Planting Trees for Earth Day 2010 to Help Put an End to Global Warming

With the help of the Arbor Foundation, Factory Direct Drapes™ will support Green initiatives by planting a tree in American National Forests for every single order between April 16 th and Earth Day, April 22 nd. Since 1954, Factory Direct Drapes™ has been a leader in their industry,... - April 16, 2010 - Factory Direct Drapes

PARSA Community Foundation Announces Grants to 21 Nonprofits Benefiting Iranian Diaspora

A total of $200,000 is granted to 21 nonprofit organizations focused on Iranian Culture, Leadership Development and Civic Engagement. - April 16, 2010 - PARSA Community Foundation

House Call Dentist Offers Solution for Overscheduled Silicon Valley Families

House Call Dentist Offers Solution for Overscheduled Silicon Valley Families

Home Care Dentist offers a novel service for Bay Area residents seeking the convenience of seeing healthcare professionals in the comfort of home. - April 15, 2010 - Home Care Dentist

Work at Home Serves Up 100,000th Work from Home Job to Become the World’s Largest Work at Home Job Search Engine

Work at Home Serves Up 100,000th Work from Home Job to Become the World’s Largest Work at Home Job Search Engine

Work At Home became the largest work from home job search engine today when they officially served up their 100,000th work at home job. With over 1,000 new freelance jobs added every day from around the web, Work At Home aims to lower unemployment by connecting those in need of work with those in need of talent. - April 12, 2010 - Work At Home Jobs

San Francisco Bay Area Dentist Makes House Calls ‘Cool’ Again

San Francisco Bay Area Dentist Makes House Calls ‘Cool’ Again

Home Care Dentist gets to the ‘route’ of the problem for patients with chronic frailty, mobility issues, phobia or other concerns with high-tech house call visits. - April 09, 2010 - Home Care Dentist

First Pakistani Woman CEO Aims to Start a Peaceful Revolution with Her Films

First Pakistani Woman CEO Aims to Start a Peaceful Revolution with Her Films

Saman Hasnain Heads Up Fast Growing International Film Company with the Release of 10 Films in 2010. - April 06, 2010 - WIN Program

TEDxSF Speaker Lineup and Theme Announced: Courage and Resilience San Francisco Event to be Held April 27th

TEDxSF, the Bay Area’s local, independent organization, announced TEDxSF: Courage and Resilience, an evening of fresh talks exploring the human spirit. Speakers include Captain Paul Watson, of the Sea Shepherd and Whale Wars fame, David Shenk, author of The Genius In All of Us, and Dr. John Gray, the best selling relationship author of Venus on Fire, Mars on Ice. - March 31, 2010 - TEDxSF

Access Physical Therapy Announces an Evening Workshop - Ask the Earth? What Does It Require of You? April 14th, 6:30pm, Corte Madera Inn Best Western, Corte Madera, CA

Access Physical Therapy Announces an Evening Workshop - Ask the Earth? What Does It Require of You? April 14th, 6:30pm, Corte Madera Inn Best Western, Corte Madera, CA

An evening workshop that will explore how to increase a person’s awareness of the consciousness of everything and offer the possibility of contributing to the Earth in a very different way. Gary Douglas, Founder of Access Consciousness and Dr Dain Heer will give tools and questions that can be used immediately to change anything that is not working for the planet and anyone on the planet. - March 30, 2010 - Access Physical Therapy

Kuk Sool Won of Menlo Park, California - Martial Artists Raise Over $7000 for Lucille Packard Children’s Hospital

Kuk Sool Won of Menlo Park, California - Martial Artists Raise Over $7000 for Lucille Packard Children’s Hospital - Kuk Sool Won Martial Arts and Character Development Center – Martial Arts Kids raise money for other kids at second annual Kick-A-Thon. - March 30, 2010 - Kuk Sool Won of Menlo Park

inXitu, Inc. Relocates to Larger Facilities

inXitu, Inc. Relocates to Larger Facilities

As a result of its recent growth, this award winning manufacturer of field portable analytical instruments has moved to a new larger manufacturing facility. - March 26, 2010 - inXitu

REACT Systems Releases REACT Desktop Notification for Apple OSX Computers

REACT Systems Releases REACT Desktop Notification for Apple OSX Computers

Apple OSX platform supported to broaden communication in emergencies and critical events. - March 24, 2010 - REACT Systems, Inc.

Chucho and Palomita Clothing is Up for Grabs at Wal-Mart

Chucho and Palomita Clothing is Up for Grabs at Wal-Mart

New Young Men’s and Juniors Latino Clothing Lines Launch and Ready for Success. - March 24, 2010 - Palomita Clothing

Axacore's XDOC Offers Document Management Solutions for the Collections Industry

Axacore's XDOC Offers Document Management Solutions for the Collections Industry

Axacore’s document imaging product, XDOC, has automatic barcode reading and other collections industry necessities - March 24, 2010 - Axacore Inc.

Taulia Joins Forces with OB10 to Create a Global P2P Solution

Customers can realize immediate financial benefits with dynamic discounting. - March 17, 2010 - Taulia Inc.

ReadSoft and Taulia Partner to Market Leading Dynamic Discounting Solution

Clients benefit from reduced annual spend through a dramatic increase in early payment discounts. - March 16, 2010 - Taulia Inc.

Susie Butler Celebrates the Songs of Sarah Vaughan in a Show on March 28, 2010

Susie Butler Celebrates the Songs of Sarah Vaughan in a Show on March 28, 2010

Celebrity Impersonator Susie Butler Celebrate the life of Sarah Vaughan on her 86th Birthday, Sunday, March 28th, 2010 at the Jazz Heritage Center 1320 Fillmore Street, San Francisco, CA 94115 with a screening of the video The Divine One: The Life of Sarah Vaughan and a performance of her greatest hits. - March 10, 2010 - Susie Butler

Making Workers’ Comp Work Conference to be Catalyst for Fixing Broken California System

Five years post-S.B. 899, this conference on March 11-12 at the San Francisco Marriott Marquis will bring disparate players together to start fixing a broken workers’ comp system in California. The Making Workers’ Comp Work Conference is Free for employers, HR managers and claims professionals. Lawyers and doctors may attend for a fee of $495. - March 04, 2010 - Making Workers’ Comp Work Conference

Emtrace Launches Personal Information Management Software for Windows PCs™, iPhones™, and iPod Touches™

Emtrace Launches Personal Information Management Software for Windows PCs™, iPhones™, and iPod Touches™

Featuring user-friendly software, powerful encryption technology, and automatic multi-platform synchronization capabilities—Moxier Wallet delivers a practical solution to overcome consumers’ ever-expanding personal data needs. - February 26, 2010 - Emtrace Technologies

Dentist House Calls Stage a Welcome Return in the Bay Area

Dentist House Calls Stage a Welcome Return in the Bay Area

Home Care Dentist offers Bay Area seniors and professionals the convenience of seeing the dentist in the comfort of home. Their portable dental equipment transforms into a full-service dental office, complete with x-rays, in a matter of minutes. - February 25, 2010 - Home Care Dentist

Artificial Intelligence Socially Interacts with and Learns from People on Facebook

Artificial Intelligence Socially Interacts with and Learns from People on Facebook

Zabaware unleashes artificial intelligence technology known as Ultra Hal as a Facebook app. Ultra Hal is a conversational system capable of understanding the English language. It evolves and learns through social interaction with Facebook users. - February 19, 2010 - Zabaware, Inc.

The Book "Artificial Intelligence Around Us," Written by President of Consulting Company "Clever Ace "

The Book "Artificial Intelligence Around Us," Written by President of Consulting Company "Clever Ace "

Artificial Intelligence is already here, according to Artificial Intelligence Around Us (ISBN 978-1-58909-666-4), an intriguing and insightful new book just released by Bookstand Publishing. "Artificial intelligence is already upon us," says author and researcher Dr. Yuri Iserlis. - February 18, 2010 - Clever Ace

MemoThis™ Announces Its Internet Launch: Beta v2.0

MemoThis™ Announces Its Internet Launch: Beta v2.0

The web's first memo communication service is set to dramatically improve online productivity, organize web content, reduce email, and amplify the voice of the consumer, anywhere...anytime. With its patented On-Location™ distribution service, MemoThis lets people post digital "sticky... - February 16, 2010 - MemoThis

Green Finance Training Helps Real Estate Professionals Win More Green

Galley Eco Capital announced the launch of the Competitive Edge series of green finance classes, the first ever green finance education series created especially for real estate professionals. The San Francisco classes will address the critical shortage of professionals with skills to help real estate investors to build and invest in higher value green properties. - February 16, 2010 - Galley Eco Capital

Brightidea Releases Idea Management Apps for iPhone and Android Platforms

Brightidea Releases Idea Management Apps for iPhone and Android Platforms

First ever mobile apps support corporate innovation on the go. - February 16, 2010 - Brightidea Inc.

inXitu’s Cost Effective XRD/XRF Now Available for Aluminum Smelting "Bath Ratio" Analysis

inXitu’s Cost Effective XRD/XRF Now Available for Aluminum Smelting "Bath Ratio" Analysis

Following the introduction of BTX in mid 2009, inXitu now offers a tailored version, creating the world’s most cost effective XRD/XRF analysis tool for the smelting industry. - February 11, 2010 - inXitu

Wireless Video Connectivity at a Crossroads; Competing Solutions Begin to Emerge and Contest

A new West Technology Research Solutions report forecasts the growth and development of the wireless video connectivity technology market, identifying key IP players and alliance activities. The report includes a five-year forecast of dominant technologies. - February 11, 2010 - WTRS - West Technology Research Solutions LLC

27 Percent Students Rate Their Teachers as Hot., the Leading Social Reviews & Ratings Site Reveals Analysis and Kicks Off Valentine’s Day Contest.

27 Percent Students Rate Their Teachers as Hot., the Leading Social Reviews & Ratings Site Reveals Analysis and Kicks Off Valentine’s Day Contest.

Telonu, (as in Tell-on-you) the leader in social reviews and ratings where users Rave, Rant, Rate™ their schools, workplaces, teachers etc. released analysis of data collected in 2009 that found that 27% of the users rated their teachers as Hot at 4.3 on a 5 point scale. Additionally, 53%... - February 10, 2010 - Telonu Inc.

WIN Pakistan is Out to Change the Perception of Pakistan

WIN Pakistan is Out to Change the Perception of Pakistan

WIN Pakistan Offers Positive Message of Hope and Encouragement, Dispels Misperceptions About Pakistani Culture - February 09, 2010 - WIN Program

Press Releases 1,251 - 1,300 of 1,644