Florida: Naples News
Former DEA Official Joins Global HR Research to Lead Investigative Division
Global HR Research, LLC., a nationwide provider of employment background screening and investigative services based in Southwest, Florida announced today that former DEA agent in charge Richard Crawford has joined the company as Vice President. Crawford brings more than 25 years of federal... - October 21, 2006 - Global HR Research
JMAR Marketing Intl. Launches New Website Featuring Unique Artist Designed Dog, Cat, Pet and People Gifts
JMAR Marketing International, a premier internet marketing company based in Naples, Florida, announces the launching of their newest E-Store; Pets and People Gifts, http://www.petsandpeoplegifts.com, just in time for the Christmas Holiday Season. - October 17, 2006 - JMAR Marketing International
Europe-American Aviation Announces Success with the Worldwide First Diamond Brilliance Flight Center
Europe-American Aviation reports success with new aircraft fleet. - August 09, 2006 - Europe-American Aviation
Alexander Aviation Coordinates Insurance Solution for Diamond Aircraft's First "Brilliance" Center
Alexander Aviation has successfully brokered an outstanding insurance solution for Europe-American Aviation, Diamond Aircraft Company's first "Diamond Brilliance" flight training center. - July 15, 2006 - Alexander Aviation Associates, Inc.
NiteLites Outdoor Lighting Franchise of Naples Brightens Up the Fall Naples Home and Garden Show November 18th & 19th 2005
NiteLites Outdoor Lighting Franchise of Naples will be on hand to brighten up the 2nd Annual Fall Naples Home and Garden Show. The event runs from November18th through November 19th at The Naples Elks Lodge in Naples, FL http://www.expotradeshows.net/home-and-garden/naples-fall-05.php - November 15, 2005 - NiteLites Outdoor Lighting