YouTube Lists 'Body Oar' Prototype Video #1 in Over 40 Health/Fitness Categories
Lower Body Oars, (LOBOS) a bionic cardio fitness exercise device that power runs only body core muscles, by bypassing the legs, can massively strengthen almost any human body and heart, even those too Old, Obese, or Disabled to walk stand or swim, and YouTube noticed.

Columbus, OH, February 06, 2009 --( About six weeks ago Steven Craig, the founder of High Efficiency Fitness (HE Fitness), posted several 3 minute video clips of his company's prototype footage of their first consumer product, Lower Body Oars, at
Within a week YouTube listed these videos #1 in over 40 precise health and fitness categories like: 'Future Fitness' 'No Impact Exercise' 'No Pain Fitness' 'Exercises for Disabled' 'Elderly Empowerment' 'Obese Fitness' 'Disabled fitness and many others.
Part of Google, is an extremely popular search engine and digital warehouse of video clips and TV shows, that anyone with internet access can watch (and or post) for free. Viewers simply type in a few words that best describes what they want to see, and an instant later the closest matches appear in a list of thumbnail (little picture) links. Click and they play on your computer monitor. For some people is like having a million TV channels, without a cable bill.
Lower Body Oars (acronym LOBOS) are meant for use in swimming pools with at least 3.5 feet of depth, as well as some hot tubs. They are firmly attached to the hips and legs while the body is either free floating (in a life jacket), sitting on a submerged seat, or while suspended in a body harness.
LOBOS convert almost anyone's legs, even weak, old, disabled, or partially missing ones, into incredibly strong boat-like oars, which are then rowed by the core mobility muscles forcing their natural core running motion.
Instead of funneling all of the core muscle running/peddling effort through the knees, as all of today's other stout cardio/mobility devices and methods still do, LOBOS receive up to all the running effort and running motion range the body core muscles can produce, just before they would otherwise jam far less force into the knees. Then the LOBOS carry this energy around the knees to water resistance paddles below the feet.
These paddles then return the external resistance directly back to the core running muscles (butt, lower abs & back, hips and thighs), also without loading the knees and feet. Basically LOBOS allow anybody's core running muscles to work much harder then our knees and feet have ever allowed. Yet healthy legs are not needed so LOBOS offer the severely disabled, to enormous pro athletes, to average people the first joint preserving way to power run their lower body core and cardio stamina.
"LOBOS will allow hard running athletes to fight more external running resistance with their core running muscles in a few minutes, then those muscles ever fight running a marathon. This is because running ankles direct the external resistance coming up from the feet into the skeleton, where our vertebrae and joints end up fighting it, as LOBOS pit the resistance directly and only against the core running muscles", according to Mr. Craig.
"No ones core running muscles and motions, have ever been exercised close to their full potential because we still only use exercise devices and methods that drive all of the involved forces through far weaker leg joints. This is much like a chain with different size links, it too cannot lift one ounce more then what its weakest link can handle."
"Weight lifters who do massive squat lifts may want to ague, but they are still lifting only as much as their knee joints allow them too, not the maximum that their core muscles could load. Artificially strengthen their knees and their core muscles could instantly lift far greater loads, thus exercising their core muscles much deeper. This is what I mean by saying humans still have a vast amount of untapped core strength potential."
"This effect can be magnified for millions of stationary disabled bodies because LOBOS can also almost instantly overpower the core muscle atrophy that plagues them, in nearly painless and weightless comfort. By having a way to keep disabled bodies and heart strong, they will be far more resistant to countless other health problems, thus saving taxpayers and health insurers billions of dollars, year after year."
Even with what may be thousands of other health, fitness and exercise videos already posted at YouTube, and even before the Body Oar video clips were played 100 times, they were already listed #1 at YouTube in over 40 (non-sponsored) important keyword categories.
When Mr. Craig was asked why he thinks had rated these video clips #1 in so many categories, he responded: "First, Youtube is part of Google, which I believe is the smartest company on earth. They know what people are looking for, they know what they need, and they know how to deliver. They are not stuck in any old closed minded information box, and they don't assume that they already know everything, so they keep their eyes open for the next great thing. More people likely ask Google for answers then the next ten smartest companies combined."
"Secondly, until Lower Body Oars were invented, if you had a weak or useless leg, or suffered from back pain, or had literally thousands of other restrictive disabilities you had no way to build up and then maintain a very strong heart and body core."
" must have realized what LOBOS do before anyone ever told them, as they were never promoted before these videos were posted. This proves that their methods of information organizing are beyond just intuitive, they are intelligent."
Consumer versions of Lower Body Oars (LOBOS) began selling January 14, through
Body Oars™ and LOBOS™ are trademarks of High Efficiency Fitness Company, and utility patents are pending.
Within a week YouTube listed these videos #1 in over 40 precise health and fitness categories like: 'Future Fitness' 'No Impact Exercise' 'No Pain Fitness' 'Exercises for Disabled' 'Elderly Empowerment' 'Obese Fitness' 'Disabled fitness and many others.
Part of Google, is an extremely popular search engine and digital warehouse of video clips and TV shows, that anyone with internet access can watch (and or post) for free. Viewers simply type in a few words that best describes what they want to see, and an instant later the closest matches appear in a list of thumbnail (little picture) links. Click and they play on your computer monitor. For some people is like having a million TV channels, without a cable bill.
Lower Body Oars (acronym LOBOS) are meant for use in swimming pools with at least 3.5 feet of depth, as well as some hot tubs. They are firmly attached to the hips and legs while the body is either free floating (in a life jacket), sitting on a submerged seat, or while suspended in a body harness.
LOBOS convert almost anyone's legs, even weak, old, disabled, or partially missing ones, into incredibly strong boat-like oars, which are then rowed by the core mobility muscles forcing their natural core running motion.
Instead of funneling all of the core muscle running/peddling effort through the knees, as all of today's other stout cardio/mobility devices and methods still do, LOBOS receive up to all the running effort and running motion range the body core muscles can produce, just before they would otherwise jam far less force into the knees. Then the LOBOS carry this energy around the knees to water resistance paddles below the feet.
These paddles then return the external resistance directly back to the core running muscles (butt, lower abs & back, hips and thighs), also without loading the knees and feet. Basically LOBOS allow anybody's core running muscles to work much harder then our knees and feet have ever allowed. Yet healthy legs are not needed so LOBOS offer the severely disabled, to enormous pro athletes, to average people the first joint preserving way to power run their lower body core and cardio stamina.
"LOBOS will allow hard running athletes to fight more external running resistance with their core running muscles in a few minutes, then those muscles ever fight running a marathon. This is because running ankles direct the external resistance coming up from the feet into the skeleton, where our vertebrae and joints end up fighting it, as LOBOS pit the resistance directly and only against the core running muscles", according to Mr. Craig.
"No ones core running muscles and motions, have ever been exercised close to their full potential because we still only use exercise devices and methods that drive all of the involved forces through far weaker leg joints. This is much like a chain with different size links, it too cannot lift one ounce more then what its weakest link can handle."
"Weight lifters who do massive squat lifts may want to ague, but they are still lifting only as much as their knee joints allow them too, not the maximum that their core muscles could load. Artificially strengthen their knees and their core muscles could instantly lift far greater loads, thus exercising their core muscles much deeper. This is what I mean by saying humans still have a vast amount of untapped core strength potential."
"This effect can be magnified for millions of stationary disabled bodies because LOBOS can also almost instantly overpower the core muscle atrophy that plagues them, in nearly painless and weightless comfort. By having a way to keep disabled bodies and heart strong, they will be far more resistant to countless other health problems, thus saving taxpayers and health insurers billions of dollars, year after year."
Even with what may be thousands of other health, fitness and exercise videos already posted at YouTube, and even before the Body Oar video clips were played 100 times, they were already listed #1 at YouTube in over 40 (non-sponsored) important keyword categories.
When Mr. Craig was asked why he thinks had rated these video clips #1 in so many categories, he responded: "First, Youtube is part of Google, which I believe is the smartest company on earth. They know what people are looking for, they know what they need, and they know how to deliver. They are not stuck in any old closed minded information box, and they don't assume that they already know everything, so they keep their eyes open for the next great thing. More people likely ask Google for answers then the next ten smartest companies combined."
"Secondly, until Lower Body Oars were invented, if you had a weak or useless leg, or suffered from back pain, or had literally thousands of other restrictive disabilities you had no way to build up and then maintain a very strong heart and body core."
" must have realized what LOBOS do before anyone ever told them, as they were never promoted before these videos were posted. This proves that their methods of information organizing are beyond just intuitive, they are intelligent."
Consumer versions of Lower Body Oars (LOBOS) began selling January 14, through
Body Oars™ and LOBOS™ are trademarks of High Efficiency Fitness Company, and utility patents are pending.
High Efficiency Fitness Company
Steven Craig
614 946 3376
Steven Craig
614 946 3376
