"Mark’s Daily Apple" Blog on Health and Fitness Now Ranked #11 on Internet; Rapid Rise Among 120,000 Blogs

After only two years of existence, Mark’s Daily Apple is ranked 11th among the world’s most popular English speaking “blogs” on the internet and in the top 25 of the 120,000 blogs on the internet devoted to health and fitness. The blog is the creation of Mark D. Sisson, a nationally respected authority on health, fitness and nutrition. Sisson attributes the success of the blog to the uniqueness and originality of the content.

Los Angeles, CA, April 15, 2009 --(PR.com)-- By various estimates there are approximately 120,000 “blogs” on the internet devoted to health and fitness. In March, 2009, a major, respected health- based internet service posted their current rankings of the most popular blogs and “knocking on the door” of the top 10 health blogs is “Mark’s Daily Apple (www.marksdailyapple.com), a blog authored by Mark D. Sisson, a nationally respected authority on health, fitness and nutrition, which was created in 2006.

According to eDrugSearch.com’s list of “World’s Top Blogs on Health and Medicine” (updated on March 13), MarksDailyApple.com was rated 11th out of the world’s 1,043 top English language health blogs, actually in a statistical tie for 10th with two other blogs. Other ranking services have Sisson’s blog ranked in the top 25 of all health related blogs on the internet.

Commenting on the new ranking, Sisson remarked: “We are delighted that in the brief period of just over two years, our blog has captured the interest and attention of people all over the world who care about their health and fitness. We feel its success is due to the uniqueness and originality of the content and the fact that most of this information will not be found on any other health and fitness blog or website.”

Sisson reported that the blog is infused with new content daily, including a new and topical article on a critical subject. Currently he said the blog has an archive of over 1,300 original articles covering all aspects of health. Subjects relate to nutrition, fitness and exercise training programs, diet and weight loss/control, aging, medical conditions, stress, drugs and supplements and chemicals in food and agriculture.

In addition to articles, Mark’s Daily Apple offers recipes, reviews and critiques, health tips and analyses and input on controversial issues. Noting that visitors to the blog span all ages, races and socio-economic groups, he emphasized that he tries to make it relevant to those people who are out of shape and eat poorly as well as those who are trim, fit and health conscious. He also seeks to be responsive to the input from viewers of the blog as to the type of content they prefer. The popularity of his blog is reflected in much of the input he receives from the public.

“These days,” a reader Calvin wrote, “rather than explaining my secret to looking so fit and healthy, I just point to Marksdailyapple.com and let people know that everything they need to know is in the blog. After they have reviewed it, then I will be glad to answer their questions or engage in an intelligent conversation.”

Ray Sawhill of New York, NY emphasizes that while the blog is full of good advice, insight and tips, it is down-to-earth, fun, friendly and up-to-date with sophisticated knowledge. He remarked: “What I love best about Mark’s point of view on eating, fitness and health is that it isn’t just sensible and effective – it is that too – it’s that his observations and advice are embedded in a larger vision.”

Jill in Alberta, Canada wrote: “I appreciate you and your generosity in sharing such valuable wisdom. I have learned so much from you and will speak the truth even though it isn’t always well received. You make me laugh, think, re-evaluate, work, play and commit to my goals.”

Koko Tchorbadjian of Toronto, Ontario, Canada wrote: “Mark is one of the few people who really understands fitness and wellness on a genetic/logical level, or an Epigenetic level. The myth of being a hostage to your entire genetic code is incomplete at best.”

Sisson is an author of five books on health and fitness, a noted lecturer as is a manufacturer of a series of nutritional supplements. He has dedicated his personal and professional life to seeking answers and solutions to better health, wellness, nutrition, anti-aging, safe weight-loss and supplementation. A former national class marathoner and triathlete, he was also Secretary General of the International Triathlon Union and its anti-doping liaison to the IOC Medical Commission.

Marks Daily Apple
Bob Fisher