12 Week Body Transformation Fat Loss Challenge with Guaranteed Results

Local Fitness Company is Offering A Sure Fire Way to Lose Fat – Guaranteed.

Boston, MA, May 16, 2009 --(PR.com)-- AIR Personal Fitness, Boston’s premier personal fitness company, announces an exclusive 12 Week Body Transformation Fat Loss Challenge with Guaranteed Results.

Jaylin Allen, Holistic NASM Certified Personal Trainer, has designed this program for those serious about weight loss. This exclusive challenge will yield high rewards and deliver visible results in only 12 weeks. To achieve the best results, a 100% commitment is required.

Allen has over a decade of experience in the health and fitness arena. She opened AIR Personal Fitness in the hopes of eliminating the myths about exercise by introducing a systematic and scientific approach to weight-loss using what she refers to as "The Fundamentals of Fat Loss.” Allen teaches these fundamentals in her 12 Week Body Transformation Fat Loss Program. By integrating this system, which includes supportive eating and sensible supplementation AIR Personal Fitness offers a money back guarantee.

Allen is incorporating this 12 week contest with her popular boot camps on the esplanade. She is proud to be a fitness professional that offers a structured program with guaranteed results or your money back. “AIR Personal Fitness is not like ordinary gyms that offer a gimmicky promotion to get you signed up, and then forget about you. I want to help you understand what works for Your body. No gimmicks, no lies, just results." says Allen.

AIR Personal Fitness wants to help you get started on the right track by offering a Two (2) Week Free Trial. Once you sign up you are eligible to participate in the 12 week contest and earn great prizes including a month of free boot camp training.

Contest begins on Monday, May 18th at 6:30am on the esplanade near the hatch shell across from the Arlington Street foot bridge. To receive your Two (2) Week Free Trial, register by calling Jaylin at 617.869.8786 or email info@airpersonalfitness.com. More Information is available at www.airpersonalfitess.com/bootcamp

AIR Personal Fitness is the premier personal training company in Back Bay. Jaylin Allen is the local Fitness Expert to Boston residents, Holistic NASM Certified Personal Trainer and Fitness Boot Camp Instructor. To book her to speak at your local Boston company, club, or organization, please contact her by email at Jaylin@airpersonalfitness.com or by phone at 617.869.8786. Powerful Training. Profound Results.

Jaylin Allen, Owner AIR Personal Fitness
Direct Phone: 617.869.8786
Email: Jaylin@airpersonalfitness.com
Website: www.airpersonalfitness.com

AIR Personal Fitness
Jaylin Allen