Body Slamming Pro-wrestler Saves Life of Regular Guy

“Diamond” Dallas Page uses YRG - an exercise regimen he invented to prevent heart attack. “Dallas, my doctor told me I am going to die, can you help me.” That was the phone call “Diamond” Dallas Page received from Lee Marshall just over a year ago. As a direct result of the YRG exercise therapy program, a year later, Marshall is still around, but considerably thinner and with a significantly lower blood pressure offering the prospect for a long life.

Los Angeles, CA, August 19, 2006 --( “Dallas, my doctor told me I am going to die, can you help me.” That was the phone call “Diamond” Dallas Page received from Lee Marshall just over a year ago. Lee is currently a working radio DJ and is also the voice of Tony the Tiger. Once a powerful 500 pound bench-presser he was nearly crippled and 70 pounds over weight with ballooning blood pressure. He was a coffin candidate with a rain check for a stroke. Dallas knew what it meant to have major physical setbacks as he had a career crushing injury himself. Today he has fully recovered…a direct result of the YRG exercise therapy program he developed for himself. A year later, Marshall is still around, but considerably thinner and with a significantly lower blood pressure offering the prospect for a long life. His doctor, Sherry Yudell, M.D. jokingly said; “you made a liar out of me.”

“Diamond” Dallas Page has changed the way a lot of people think with (YRG) Yoga for Regular Guys. This workout is an innovative hybrid of traditional yoga, calisthenics, isometrics, isokinetincs and breathing methods. Rather than work body parts separately, YRG engages the entire body and mind simultaneously, providing a dynamically effective workout in a third-less time. YRG is so powerful it can push heart rates up 20 to 40 beats per minute in just seconds and break you into a sweat while standing still. Think of it as an entire gymnasium the size of a towel.

The YRG program is so effective that cardio-vascular specialists have begun “prescribing” the program because their patients, even the sedentary ones, respond so quickly. YRG reduces stress, increases blood flow and accelerates weight loss by burning excess body fat. Unlike other fitness programs, YRG uses a heart rate monitor to personalize the amount of effort required to achieve measurable results. The monitor defines the exact fat burning cardio-zone required to produce results while limiting the potential for over-exertion.

Known in the main event wrestling ring as “DDP,” “Diamond” Dallas Page, a three-time Wrestling World Champion, along with co-author Dr. Craig Aaron, prove that his new brand of yoga, YRG -- Yoga for Regular Guys not only saves lives, it extends them.

Dallas met Dr. Aaron while Page was rehabbing a potentially career-ending back injury. Aaron, known in professional sports as the “Yoga-Doc,” is a chiropractor and trainer for numerous members of the NFL, MLB, TNA Wrestling, and World Wrestling Entertainment. Together the two developed YRG -- Yoga for Regular Guys. Aaron is currently working with Eric Ciano, the Director of Player Development for the Georgia Tech Strength and Conditioning Department has been using YRG. This season the team experienced fewer injuries than in any previous season.

In between matches, yes Dallas still wrestles, he travels extensively promoting YRG. On a recent visit to our troops in Iraq, Page was challenged to a match by a young soldier just out of basic. Dallas, now 50, took on the 18 year old, but changed the challenge to a push-up contest. To everyone’s amazement, Dallas easily won. In a similar contest with a 70 year old student of YRG, Dallas nearly lost, but that’s another story.

YRG is available now on DVD exclusively on “Diamond” Dallas Page’s website, offering a variety of different programs. Visit his website for more information on “Diamond” Dallas Page and YRG:

R World
Alan Ludloff